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Unexpected Consequences

Page 27

by Mia Catherine

  “I’m fine, Faith. I’m just concerned about Nick,” she replied with a sniffle.

  “They’ll take care of him, Kelsey.”

  “What about you, ma’am?” one of the medics asked. “Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Kelsey,” Nick mumbled from behind his mask. “You need to be checked.”

  She returned to his side as the team prepared to transport him to the emergency room. “I’ll come with you and I’ll let them check me out at the hospital, okay?”

  He nodded in satisfaction before they lifted the gurney into the awaiting ambulance. After giving one more hug to both Ronald and Faith, Kelsey climbed in behind Nick, holding tightly to his hand as he silently rested.

  Timothy, Ronald and Faith all watched as one ambulance drove away and quietly waited until a second was loaded with the black body bag containing the remains of Anthony Portella.

  A loud roar and a dozen screams pierced the night air as the house finally surrendered to the blaze, collapsing in a groaning pile of destruction. The fire crews evacuated the area, concentrating on extinguishing the flames now that the gas company had switched off the fuel supply. The three stood by and watched the remains of Nick’s house burn away.

  “So what happened?” Ronald asked.

  “Well, you know I got a text from Nick that said nine-one-one,” Tim answered.

  “Yeah, that’s what you told us when you called,” Faith said.

  Ronald and Faith listened intently as Tim gave them his version of everything that’d happened from the frantic phone call from Kelsey to the moment Anthony had been killed.

  “Wait a minute, Kelsey shot him?” Ronald asked in disbelief.

  “Kelsey shot him?” Faith repeated.

  “Yes, she shot him in the shoulder, causing him to drop his weapon. I fired a second later, hitting him in the chest and killing him.”

  “Kelsey shot him,” Ronald repeated. “My kid sister who used to lecture us on the dangers of guns?”

  “Kelsey shot him,” Faith repeated with a broad smile. “You go, girl.”

  “Who was this Anthony guy, anyway?” Ronald asked, ignoring his sister-in-law’s obvious pride.

  “He was Gianelli’s right-hand man, and your all-around son of a bitch. He was a punk since birth, but over time became more and more dangerous. He has a history of drug dealing, coercion and battery, among many other entries on his rap sheet. He was brought up on a variety of charges over the years, but always seemed to get out of it one way or another. He was a thug, and fitted perfectly with Gianelli. In fact, rumour had it he was Vincent Gianelli’s illegitimate son,” Tim said, reciting the history of the deceased off the top of his head. He’d certainly studied it often enough.

  “But you don’t think he is?” Faith asked.

  “Nah,” Tim said as he shook his head. “As much of a scumbag as Anthony was, Gianelli would have been proud to announce him as his son. He wouldn’t have kept it a secret if it had been true.”

  “So I guess it’s all over for you, then, isn’t it, Tim?” Ronald asked with a pat on Tim’s back.

  “Yeah, I guess it is.” He smiled in relief and held his hand out to Ronald. “Thanks for your help, man. We couldn’t have done this without you.”

  “No problem. It’s been a pleasure to take down a bastard like Gianelli. Thanks for helping take care of my sister.”

  “Um, aren’t we forgetting something here?” Faith chimed in. “Bart is still sitting in solitary confinement because that bitch of a DA won’t let him go! What are we going to do about that?”

  “Oh, yeah, the missing evidence,” Ronald said. “She’s gonna be a tough one to get past, even after we explain everything to her.”

  “I wouldn’t worry,” Tim said. “I’m sure she’ll release your husband.”

  “You think so, huh? Have you met her? Shakespeare’s Shrew has nothing on her,” Faith said in disgust.

  Tim laughed at the description. “Come on, let’s go make sure everyone is okay at the hospital and I’ll help you make sure the bitch, I mean the DA, understands.”

  Chapter Forty-One

  The sun was just starting to peek over the horizon when Nick was finally situated in his room in University Hospital. His night had been spent undergoing a battery of tests with a very worried Kelsey waiting close by. He was exhausted, so it wasn’t surprising that he fell asleep before the nurses even left his room.

  Kelsey had allowed the attending physician to check her over once they’d arrived. He’d recommended that she go home and rest, but she wasn’t going anywhere without Nick. Many of the hospital staff knew her, and were familiar with her stubborn nature, so no one had tried to fight her. She’d made it clear she wasn’t about to leave.

  The view from Nick’s window was breathtaking as she watched the sky fill with different shades of pinks and oranges. It was going to be a beautiful day, and quite a contrast to the previous night. The events played repeatedly in her head—from his heartfelt confessions, to their incredible passion, and finally to the moment when the madman had been gunned down. She thanked God things had played out as they had, because she couldn’t bear to consider the alternative.

  Kelsey sat in the chair beside Nick’s bed, studying his beauty while he slept peacefully. Sterile gauze covered most of the left side of his face, protecting the cuts and scrapes, along with his injured eye. All of his wounds were expected to heal completely, though he would have to wear the bandages for at least a week. A long tube snaked from one ear to the other, its pillars nestled against his nose to provide him with a steady stream of oxygen. The attached IV dripped fluids into his arm, along with the antibiotics required to fight off infection in his weakened lungs.

  His head wounds weren’t as bad as she’d initially feared, and the concussion he’d incurred was very mild. His lungs had fared a bit worse owing to smoke inhalation. The doctor had assured them, however, that with careful monitoring and the proper medication, he would make a full recovery.

  They didn’t have all the test results yet, but the doctor they’d spoken with was confident Nick would be able to leave the hospital in just a few hours. He was fine, so why couldn’t Kelsey shake the lingering fear?

  Because I almost lost him.

  After their unexpected first meeting, which had progressed to an unconventional relationship, Kelsey had learnt he wasn’t who she’d thought he was and had washed her hands of him—or so she had told herself. She wondered how she could have ever doubted him, but just as fast as she’d got him back, she’d almost lost him again. She couldn’t stop the sights and sounds of the previous night from replaying in her mind.

  “I was so scared,” she whispered, almost unaware she was speaking out loud. “When I woke up on the ground with the house in flames, and I knew you were still inside…” She grabbed Nick’s hand and took a deep breath. “I really thought I’d lost you. I don’t know what I would’ve done if…” She was unable to speak the words.

  “When I was waiting for Tim to bring you out of the house, all I could think of was how I should have told you. I had my chance. More than once, I had my chance, but I didn’t say it. Why didn’t I say it? I’ve never felt this way before, Nick. I was scared of all the feelings coming at me at once. You don’t know how much I wish I could go back, but I can’t. So I’ll just tell you now.” She leaned in closer, whispering into his ear, “I love you. I love you so much, more than I thought possible.”

  Kelsey sat back and wiped the tears from her cheeks with the back of her hand. “I think I fell in love with you the first time I saw you in that dingy bar room. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted, and you make me the woman I’ve always wanted to be. Now, I can’t imagine my life without you.”

  She lifted his hand to her lips and kissed it gently as the tears continued to fall. It was such a relief to finally tell him, she wasn’t sure why she’d fought it. Not wanting to let go, she held his hand against her cheek as she dropped her head to hi
s chest.

  “I love you, too, baby,” Nick whispered hoarsely.

  She looked up, startled by his unexpected voice. He hadn’t moved, but now stared intently at her with a subtle smile on his face. “How much did you hear?”

  “I heard everything I ever needed to hear.” He smiled wider. “I feel the same way about you. I would have done anything to stop that bastard from getting to you…”

  “Shh…” She pressed her fingers gently against his lips. “He’s gone. We’re not going to talk about him ever again.”

  “I’m just glad you’re okay.”

  “Thanks to you. You saved my life.”

  “I guess we’re even then, baby. You saved mine, too.”

  “How are you feeling?”

  He cleared his throat once again with a wince. “Thirsty,” he whispered. She retrieved the cup of water sitting beside the bed.

  “Here,” she said while holding the straw to his lips, “drink this.”

  He drank heartily before relaxing with a slight smile. “Thank you, baby. Much better.”

  “Your throat is probably gonna be sore for a while. We have to make sure you drink enough.”

  “Has the doctor come in yet?”

  “Not yet. I think they’re waiting for all the test results.”

  “What about you? Did you let them check you?” he asked sleepily.

  Kelsey smiled at his concern. “Yeah. They checked me out, too. I’m fine.”

  “Good. What time is it?”

  “It’s almost nine. You slept the morning away.”

  He grabbed her hand and brought it to his lips for a quick kiss. “I’m glad you’re here, Bright Eyes.”

  “There’s nowhere else I’d be.” When he cleared his throat again, she lifted the straw to his lips and offered him another drink. He was probably capable of doing it himself, but she was enjoying taking care of him.

  After she had set the cup back on the table, she saw him studying her. “You look tired. Did you sleep at all?” he asked.

  Kelsey knew she looked a mess. She still wore the same clothes as the night before—jeans marred with grass stains and reeking of smoke and Tim’s button-down shirt that was four sizes too big. Her hair was slightly damp after her attempt to tame it with a few handfuls of water, and the bags under her eyes probably darkened with every passing moment. “I did a little. I guess the adrenaline hasn’t quite worn off.”

  “Problem is, when it does wear off, you can fall where you stand.”

  “I’m okay. I’ll be better once you’re out of here.” She saw the space on the bed and sat down facing him with her leg curled beneath her.

  “Well, that makes two of us. I’ve never been a fan of hospitals.” He gave her a sexy grin. “But I do have to say, I’ve become a huge fan of nurses.”

  “Oh, really?” She raised her eyebrow.

  “One nurse, actually.”

  “Good save,” she said with a laugh.

  Nick chuckled, causing another round of coughing. She offered him more water just as the door opened and a stern-looking man entered. The three remained silent for several minutes before the strange man finally spoke up. “Agent Jensen, I see you are doing well.”

  “What do you want, Gunderson?” Nick said coldly.

  “I’ve come to see if you’re okay.”

  “So you’ve seen me. You can go now.”

  The man looked at Kelsey with a smile as he held out his hand. “Samuel Gunderson, Assistant Director, FBI.”

  “Don’t you touch her,” Nick growled and pulled her hand to his chest.

  “Look, Nick, I know you’re pretty upset right now…”

  With his anger outwardly rising, Nick struggled to sit up in the bed. “Upset? You think I’m upset? I’m way past upset, you son of a bitch. What the hell kind of organisation are you running, huh? How many leaks do you have, or do you even know? Hardly a safe house when you have agents revealing the location to random gangsters, is it? Not only was Kelsey almost killed, but she was forced to shoot someone to defend herself! Yeah, I’d say I passed upset a long time ago.”

  “I’m sorry about that, Nick. The mole has been found, and we have…”

  “Taken care of it? Oh, good. I feel so much better now,” Nick said sarcastically, his one exposed eye flaming with rage. “You guys are pathetic, you know that? The good old Federal Bureau of Investigation. Pffftttt…”

  “I can understand your anger, but we took Gianelli down and the only ones injured, well seriously injured, were the bad guys. I’d say that was a pretty successful mission.”

  “That depends on your definition of injured, doesn’t it? You got what you wanted and to hell with anyone who happened to get hurt along the way,” Nick said through gritted teeth.

  Kelsey sat quietly as the conversation became more and more tense. She kept her hand on Nick’s chest and his grip around her palm tightened. She occasionally patted her fingers against the fabric of his hospital gown, her only way of showing support.

  “Well, I just wanted to make sure you were all right.” Gunderson was doing a good job of ignoring not only Nick’s outburst, but his apparent hatred as well. “Don’t worry about work, Nick. You’ll have as much time off as you need to recover.”

  “You’re damned right I will. I quit,” Nick growled.

  “Nick,” Kelsey whispered, “do you really want to do that?” She was concerned not only that he may be making a huge decision without thinking, but that he was also on medication. Was he aware of what he was saying?

  “Now, Nick, don’t do anything rash because you happen to be angry. We can talk about this during your debriefing,” Gunderson said.

  “I don’t need to talk about anything, and you can kiss my ass if you think I’m spending one more minute with you. You can get all the information you need from Fota. If the prosecutor needs my testimony, I’ll be there. As for the rest, fuck off!” He was obviously thinking clearly, perhaps more clearly than she’d seen before.

  Gunderson looked at Nick with a blank expression and gave Kelsey a polite nod before leaving the room without another word.

  “Are you okay?” Kelsey noted Nick’s elevated blood pressure and his increased breathing and heart rate.

  Nick took a deep breath and turned her way. “I’m fine, baby.”

  “Do you really think you should quit? I mean, that’s a pretty big decision.”

  “When I think of what could have happened to you because they can’t get their shit together… I don’t want to deal with that anymore. We took down Gianelli. That was the important thing.”

  “What are you going to do now?”

  “Well, what do we have here?” the boisterous voice called as he entered the room.


  “Hey, Nurse Braden,” the friendly doctor said as he stepped up to the bed. “I hope you two don’t mind, but I’m going to check out our favourite spy this morning. The hospital is a bit short-staffed and asked me to cover for a few hours.”

  “Fine by me, Doc, as long as you tell me I can get out of here,” Nick said as he squirmed in the bed.

  Mike read over Nick’s chart before answering. “Looks like we have a couple more tests we’re waiting on first, Agent Jensen. But if those come back okay, I may be able to spring you. On one condition, of course.”

  “What’s that?”

  “You’ll need someone to care for you at home for a couple days.”

  Nick turned from Mike to Kelsey and flashed her his sexy smile. “I’ll work on that.”

  “Okay, okay, enough with the googly eyes.” Mike set the chart on the table beside the bed. “Let’s take a look at you to make sure I can free you, and I don’t need any more cavities, so don’t try any sweet talk, either.”

  Kelsey stepped back enough to allow Mike to do his exam, but no farther. Home. Since Nick’s house had been destroyed, she began to wonder what exactly that meant to him. Apparently, they had a lot to talk about.

  “Well, Agent Jensen
…” Mike playfully began.


  “Well, Nick,” Mike corrected, “you seem to be doing well. I just want to wait on the results of your blood work and take another look at your MRI, and if those look good, you’re free to go.”

  “Music to my ears, Doc.”

  “Any questions?”

  “Is it okay for me to take a shower?”

  “I don’t see why not. I’m sure Kelsey can help you remove everything.”

  “Mike!” Kelsey’s eyes widened and she could feel the heat rush to her face at her old friend’s innuendo.

  “Kelsey Braden! I was talking about the oxygen tube and his IV. Where is your mind?” Mike put up his hand to stop her from responding. “Never mind, I don’t want to know.”

  Nick laughed, which naturally set off his coughing again. Kelsey helped him with his water and he was able to regain control.

  “Just keep it clean, kids,” Mike called over his shoulder while walking out of the door.

  * * * *

  Tim nervously bounced his leg as he waited for the doctor to come back into the room. He was fine, but as ridiculous as it was, the medical exam was necessary to make sure he didn’t have any serious injuries as a result from the previous night’s events. He had a long day ahead of him, answering questions and filing reports. The last thing he wanted to do was spend all morning in a hospital. At least he could visit Nick before heading to the office.

  “Hello, Agent Fota,” Gunderson said as he walked into the room.

  Expecting a doctor, Tim was surprised to see his supervisor walk through the door. “Gunderson. I wasn’t expecting to see you here.”

  “I was checking on Jensen and found out you were here as well. Are you okay?”

  “Seems so. I’m just waiting on the doc to come back to release me.”

  “Good. I’ll expect you in the office later, then?”

  “I’ll be there,” Tim said, looking at his boss suspiciously.

  “Something wrong?” his superior asked.

  “What aren’t you telling me? You’re never this nice.”


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