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The Jaguar Tycoon: Tales of the Were (Howls Romance)

Page 6

by Bianca D'Arc

  “You must think I’m a really cheap date,” she went on, oblivious to his inner consternation. “Come to think of it, this isn’t even a date. It’s a business meeting. I don’t usually seal business deals by inviting the client to sleep over.”

  “That’s probably a good policy,” he quipped, feeling once more the triumph of knowing his mate was selective. He would have to put some effort into winning her, which pleased his inner cat. “But just in case you’re still worried about me prowling around under your window all night, in this particular case, I need to be seen leaving here and going about my business elsewhere. I’m a little too high profile, and after the elevator incident, it’s possible you’re being watched. If they see me arrive but not leave, that increases their interest in you, which is something I want to control while we can.”

  She looked as if she was considering his words. She was appropriately serious, but not afraid. That was good. He didn’t want her to be afraid of the challenges of a life with him.

  “I understand. And I’m impressed at the thought you’ve put into this. Thank you for being concerned for my safety. I’m not really used to such treatment from my clients.”

  “Querida…” He reached out to take her hand in his. He would be patient, but he also needed to make her aware of his interest in no uncertain terms. “I hope to be much more than a mere client to you.”

  He brought her hand to his lips and placed a nibbling kiss on the back, moving up to her delicate wrist. She was fine boned, but fierce. His mate was a woman he would enjoy spending years getting to know. Starting right here and right now.

  She didn’t move back when he moved closer. Her breath caught when he lifted his head and zeroed in on her lips. When his mouth touched hers, she melted into him, as if she’d been waiting all night for this. For him.

  Oh, yes. This was the magic of a mate. The perfect alignment of souls. The desire that would never end and always be fulfilled.

  Mark kissed like a dream. A fantasy come to life. A warm breath of spring on a long winter’s night. Welcome. Refreshing. Utterly enchanting.

  But there was a dark side to him, as well. A secret purring beneath his skin. She remembered the feel of the big cat’s fur under her fingers and was seduced all over again by the magic of him. Was it her imagination or was something sparking between them?

  Mark broke the kiss and moved back to look in her eyes. She didn’t want him to go.

  “What was that?” he asked, as if he, too, had felt the sparks.

  She just shook her head and moved closer. This time, she took his lips, reclaiming what she wanted, taking as well as giving. She would show him that she wasn’t just a female to be led around and cajoled into whatever he wanted. She was a strong woman with a mind of her own. Best he knew that at the outset.

  She wasn’t sure about the truth of it, but Mark had a reputation in the tabloids for being a bit of a chauvinist. She’d nip that right in the bud…if it was true. From everything that she had seen so far, she didn’t think there was much truth to that story. Sure, he surrounded himself with big burly security guards, but she’d seen a female face or two at his side, as well.

  The press probably mistook the knockout babes who traveled with him as part of his supposed harem, but she’d seen the way he looked at them. As equals. Not as objects. They were part of his Clan, she’d bet. Female shapeshifters with unbelievable power. Strong women whom he respected. It was clear in the way he dealt with them.

  Shelly had watched from afar as he’d been about to take the stage at the dinner. Others might have mistaken the woman at his side for his date, but Shelly knew differently. She’d pegged the tall, dark woman as a colleague, not a bed partner. Shelly was seldom wrong about these sorts of things. She’d always had a special sort of radar when it came to judging relationships between people.

  She could almost see the bonds that wove between intimate couples. There was a special glow about them that she immediately recognized on some basic level. She’d always known who was spoken for and who was free. Shelly had managed to avoid some messy situations with married men that way in the past, and she trusted her own powers of observation.

  Still… It wouldn’t hurt anything to double check. She broke the kiss and leaned far enough back to meet his gaze.

  “You’re not involved with anyone, right?” It was a question, but the way she spoke the words made it more like a statement.

  His grin lit his eyes from within. An unearthly light full of magic and wonder. She could get lost in his eyes if she wasn’t very careful.

  “Querida, I would not be here with you if I was pledged in any way to another. You’ll learn that I am not that kind of man. The newspapers portray me as some sort of playboy, but the truth is a lot more sedate, I assure you.”

  She believed him. She might be proven a fool at a later date—though, she thought not—but for now, she trusted her instincts.

  “The women in your entourage,” she went on, wanting everything out in the open before they went any further. “They’re like you. Part of your Clan. Not a harem of girlfriends, like the gossip columns claim.”

  His eyes narrowed, searching her gaze. “You realized that for yourself, didn’t you?”

  Shelly shrugged. “I’ve always been good at reading people and situations.”


  “You see the truth,” he stated it as a fact. A fact that seemed to impress him greatly. He paused, studying her expression for a moment before he went on. “All the people around me are my family. My Clan. I do not have a girlfriend among them. It’s been…a while…since my last relationship. I got a little tired of the vapid human women who were all too easy to catch and only interested in what my money could buy them. My beast prefers a more delicate hunt, and as I get older, both parts of my soul would prefer to find a single, true, mate. Someone to share the rest of our life with. Someone my Clan could accept as Alpha female. Someone who could accept them. Love them the way I do. My Clan needs strong leadership. I’ve managed on my own for a long time, but they need a steadier influence. A mated pair would help the Clan get to the next level. A stability in which to forge families and raise the next generations.”

  Whoa. She liked that he was being honest with her, but what he was talking about was a little too intense, so soon into their acquaintance.

  She put both palms on his chest and pushed back, just the slightest bit. She liked that he immediately moved back, giving her more space, responsive to her desires.

  “I can’t speak to all that right now, but I’m glad you’re being honest with me. I’ll return the favor.” He hadn’t asked, and she was almost positive his security team had run a detailed background check on her already, but it was only fair to tell him where she stood. It would also give her a chance to catch her breath, both physically and mentally. “I’m single. I haven’t been in a relationship in a very long time. I’ve been disappointed by men a few times in my life, and that has left me somewhat gun shy. So, if you want to start something here…well…you’re going to have to bear with me.” She looked down at her hands, still resting on his muscular chest, feeling a bit shy now that the bare truth was out there.

  One of his hands came up to stroke her cheek. “I can be patient,” he whispered, then chuckled. “Not easily, but for you, I can try.”

  She grinned, looking up to meet his gaze once more. “Well, at least you’re honest.”

  “Honesty,” he repeated, pausing slightly. “That is vital between us. It’s what I want, always. A firm foundation on which to build.”

  “You might regret that. I’ve been told that, sometimes, I’m a little too honest for my own good.”

  And she had. Her big mouth had gotten her into trouble more than once.

  “Never worry about that with me. I read something once that stuck with me. The naked truth is always better than the best-dressed lie,” he quoted.

  “Who said that?” It sounded familiar, but she wasn’t sure where she’d h
eard that before.

  “Ann Landers,” he told her, grinning widely. She had to laugh. Big, strong, burly man read advice columns? “My cousin, Nicole, texts me these things, and some of them are actually pretty good.”

  “Nicole sounds like quite a character,” Shelly allowed.

  She liked the warmth in his voice when he talked about his relative. She could tell he truly loved this cousin of his, which was somehow reassuring. The heartless playboy the press had painted was nothing of the sort, she was happy to learn.

  “She is. But you’ll get to meet her tomorrow if you come to the island.”

  Was he concerned she would back out now, after having given her word? He’d soon learn she was made of sterner stuff than that. Her word was her bond.

  “What time do you expect we’ll get started in the morning?” she asked, moving away.

  The intimate interlude was at an end, and rightly so. She didn’t want to end up in bed with this guy on their second encounter. She might be able to stretch and call this a date because he’d brought a meal, but their first encounter had been anything but pleasant in the beginning.

  Still. She wasn’t the type of woman who fell into bed with a man on their first date. Or pseudo-date. Or whatever this was. Best he realize that now. Though she was having a hard time controlling her impulse to tackle him down to the sofa and have her wicked way with him.

  Acting on every impulse was a good way to get into trouble. She knew that from harsh experience.

  He allowed her the space she needed and seemed to accept that she was hitting the brakes for now. A true gentleman. Nice.

  “Is eight too early?” he asked.

  “I wouldn’t mind an even earlier start if it means more daylight to scout the building site,” she offered.

  When he grinned, she knew she’d said the right thing. “How about I send a car for you at six? We can be in the air as soon as you make it to the airport, and hopefully, nobody will discover we’re going someplace together. I assume you like your low profile?”

  “I enjoy the notoriety my last name garners in some quarters, but you’re right. I prefer to stay off the society pages and out of the gossip columns.” She reached for her glass, taking a sip as she put even more space between them.

  “That may not always be possible when you’re with me, but I promise to do everything in my power to keep things quiet as much as I can. In fact, I prefer that myself, believe it or not.” He gave her a rueful grin.

  “You may prefer it, but the papers seem to follow you wherever you go. Must be hard to live your life in the spotlight like that,” she commiserated.

  He shrugged. “You get used to it. Up to a point. I let them see as much as will benefit my Clan and keep the rest as quiet as we can. Some of my reputation and supposed exploits is a carefully constructed smokescreen designed to keep the secrets of my Clan. Sort of hiding in plain sight.”

  She nodded slowly. “I see. That makes a devilishly clever sort of sense.”

  They talked for an hour or so more until, finally, Nick knocked on the front door with a reminder that Mark probably ought to be seen leaving during daylight hours. Mark shut the door in Nick’s face and tugged Shelly into his arms for a long, lingering kiss goodbye.

  Her head was still spinning as she watched his car disappear down her long driveway. A slinky shape was outlined briefly in the red glare of the brake lights, and Shelly could swear a feline head turned to stare at her, nodding once before loping off into the trees.

  She realized she was clutching one hand to her heart, holding her breath. He’d really left some jaguars on her property to guard her. Sweet stars above! What would the neighbors do if anybody caught a glimpse of the prowlers in the woods—either in human or cat form? She could just see it now—local police with German shepherds and searchlights streaming through the woods looking for intruders. She hoped like hell that the jaguars knew what they were doing.

  Then again, they were part of Mark’s Clan, and Mark Pepard had a reputation throughout the world for hiring and working with only the best of the best. She knew now that those closest to him were like him. Shapeshifters. Members of his Clan. By all accounts, these shifters were very accomplished people.

  That thought firmly in mind, Shelly turned and locked the door. She had a few hours of daylight left and she knew just how she would spend them. Pencil in hand, drawing up lists the old fashioned way. And packing. She was already thinking of what she would need.

  But first, she cleaned up what little remained of their lunch. Mark and Nick had taken out the items they’d brought with them, but she’d made coffee using her cups and spoons. She set the dishwasher to run and headed up to her studio to gather a few things she’d need for the trip.

  Dawn would come early, and it was time to get ready for what could very well be the biggest adventure of her life.


  As Mark sat in the back of the black town car, allowing himself to be driven away from Shelly’s house by one of his people, he read the encrypted report the wolves had sent through on his phone. Shelly had been hassled by someone on her way out of the hotel. He knew that already from the quick debrief. But the wolves had done a deeper investigation.

  His eyebrows rose when he reached the part where Cassius had positively identified a Venifucus tattoo on the man’s inner wrist. This was not good news.

  Mark had known he was a big target for anyone aligned with evil, but to have someone with the might of the secretive Venifucus behind him on his trail was troubling, indeed. Mark had no doubt now that the man who had shot at him had merely been a stooge for this other character. For the Venifucus would know all about shifter weaknesses and try to exploit them. Hence the silver hollow point bullet filled with pure silver dust.

  A bullet designed to take down shifters. A bullet designed to maim and kill with as much agony as possible. For evil fed off such things.

  If the Venifucus was gunning for him, Mark and his people would have to be extra cautious. Mark forwarded the report to Nick, adding a few comments of his own. He was especially glad now that Shelly had agreed to accompany him to the island tomorrow. She would be out of harm’s way once they arrived. Nothing and no one came to the island without the entire Clan knowing about it. She would be safe there.


  The next morning, Shelly was ready and waiting at six a.m. when the car pulled up. The chauffeur was tall, dark and handsome. Had to be a shifter, Shelly thought as he introduced himself as Mario and showed her an employee I.D. card that said he worked for Pepard Industries as a security consultant.

  He was driving a long black limousine with darkened windows. As he took her bags to put in the trunk, Shelly’s cell phone rang. She answered, surprised to find it was Mark on the other end.

  “Did Mario get there all right?” he asked after a quick greeting.

  “He’s putting my bags in the trunk right now,” she told Mark.

  “Good. Can you put him on the line for a moment? I just want to make sure.”

  Shelly walked over to the car and held out her cell phone. Mark wanted to make sure…of what, exactly? That Mario was who he claimed to be? That didn’t sound too safe. If he was an imposter, Shelly would be in a very vulnerable position. Still, she trusted Mark to know what he was doing. Perhaps he would be able to do this in a way that wouldn’t put her in any increased danger?

  “He wants to talk to you,” Shelly said as the driver turned to her. Suddenly, she saw faces in the trees.

  Oh, they weren’t obvious, but she somehow knew there were shifters watching her every move from just within the trees that bordered her small yard. They were Mark’s people. If this driver was a threat, they’d help her. Once again, she trusted her instincts that said the watchers were on her side.

  “Alpha?” the man who’d introduced himself as Mario spoke into the phone. Shelly relaxed marginally. He’d called Mark by the shifter title. The Jaguar Clan Alpha. Would a bad guy know to do that? Probably not. She hope

  After a few words, Mario handed the phone back to her with a sheepish grin. “It’s okay. He was just checking,” Mario told her, rather vaguely, then went about closing up the trunk and headed around to the passenger compartment to open her door while she got back on the line with Mark.

  “Um… Okay?” she asked him, not sure how to phrase her concern in a way that wouldn’t sound like it. It was too early to be playing word games.

  “Yeah, Mario’s good. He’ll get you to the helo pad. You can get in the car. And don’t be concerned if you see a few other cars following or ahead of you. The security team is going to leave a small presence at your house, to make sure nobody tampers with it while you’re gone, but the rest are going to be escorting you to the plane. A blond guy named Heinrich will be your chopper pilot. He’ll be in one of the security cars.”

  “I’m taking a helicopter to the airport?” That was news to her. And kind of exciting. She’d never been in a helicopter before.

  “It’s the quickest way. Is that all right?” he asked, almost as if he was unsure of his strategy.

  “Yeah, it’s fine.” She tried to sound as if she flew in helicopters all the time but probably wasn’t very convincing.

  A wry chuckle sounded at the other end of the line as she got into the limo. “Next time, I’ll be sure to run my plans past you before I spring them on you. Sorry for the surprise. I’m not used to consulting anyone else, but I’ll get better. Promise.”

  Why he’d want to get used to consulting her on his plans was something she didn’t quite want to contemplate at the moment. He sounded so serious about her, but she was still getting used to the idea. It would take time for her to catch up to him.

  That was new. Always before, in the few disappointing relationships she’d had to date, it had been her unrealistic expectations that had gotten her into trouble. Or—maybe her expectations hadn’t been all that unrealistic. Maybe the men she’d been expecting things from just hadn’t been quality candidates for the position of husband and life mate.


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