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Page 13

by Laura Catherine

  "I wasn't," I admitted. "I may have gone off at Ivan over dinner."

  Will sat next to me on the bed and I could feel the heat from his body causing my skin to tingle.

  "He wouldn't have liked that," Will said, half smiling. I think Will disliked Ivan almost as much as I did, but there wasn't much he could do about it.

  "No, he didn't, but Isabelle actually stepped up, which surprised me."

  "I know you don't like how the Guardjinn are treated, but—"

  I shook my head. "Don't worry about. I admit I don't like it, but I promised Isabelle to keep my opinions to myself until I was more … adjusted."

  Will raised his eyebrows at me and smiled.

  "What?" I said. "I can behave."

  "Listen, I know—"

  I put my finger to Will's lips. I didn't even realise I'd done it at first. His skin was soft against mine, his even breathing passing over my finger with nothing between us.

  "I know you want to say something to comfort me, but really, I'm going to be okay."

  I felt myself leaning closer to him, like Will had a gravity of his own that pulled me in. My finger dropped from his lips and fell into his hand. He didn't pull away and I didn't move either.

  "I'm going to learn everything I can and then, once I'm a functioning member of Djinn society, I will scream my opinions from the rooftops."

  "I have no doubt you'll make your opinions known," he said.

  I wasn't sure if Will liked that I was opinionated or not. He had this way of hiding his thoughts and feelings that I was yet to master.

  "I can't help who I am," I replied.

  Will was barely an inch from my face, his eyes glancing from my lips to my eyes, as if asking to kiss me. I gave a slight nod; or, at least, I think I did. Our closeness made my head feel fuzzy and my cheeks blazed warm. Our lips were seconds from touching. I could feel his breath on my face, warm and inviting.

  "I should go," Will said, pulling away quickly. In a second he was metres away from me, across the room with his hands folded across his chest. He was breathing hard, and so was I.

  "I'll see you tomorrow for your lesson," he said, looking away.

  "Will," I said, rising from the bed, but he was out the door in a flash, closing it behind him.

  Left alone in the room, I felt stupid for letting myself get that close. What was I thinking? I barely knew him, not to mention my parents would never approve, as he was Guardjinn and I was Djinn. I shook my head, letting my hair fall in front of my face.

  "I can't fall for Will," I told myself. "He's off limits, and the only reason I like him is because he's been all kind and caring when I was a wreck. I lost my life and Malcolm, and I'm just filling the void."

  I sat back on the bed and touched my lips, as images of Will kissing me floated through my mind.

  "No, stop thinking about that."

  I lay back with a thump, clenching my hands at my sides. "Stop thinking about that, and focus on your new life."

  Chapter Eighteen

  The rest of the week passed without drama. As promised, I kept my mouth shut about things I didn't agree with.

  I learned a lot during that first week. Will had me learning about Djinn history and royal bloodlines. It was a little awkward, spending so much time together after our almost kiss, but Will simply acted like it had never happened, which was fine by me.

  I asked if I could just read about the history in a book, but he told me all the history books were written in Arabic, which I couldn't read. It was the native language of the Djinn, from thousands of years ago. So I was stuck, spending day after day convincing myself I didn't have feelings for him.

  "I liked the pink dress from before better," Isabelle said, as I spun around in a circle for her.

  It was the end of the week, and that meant I was off to meet the royal family at the palace. I was in my room trying on dresses as Isabelle sat on my bed and judged. Will stood out of my view, leaning against the door, reading me family trees of the royal bloodlines.

  "The third king was assassinated, which led to King Caster's reign," he said, but I wasn't really paying attention.

  "Can't I just wear jeans and a nice top?" I asked Isabelle. I was sporting a blue frilly dress that made me feel more like a cake than a person.

  "I let you get away with that stuff every other day," Isabelle said twirling her finger to get me to spin again. "But today you're meeting the queen, so you're going to look pretty. Now, try on the pink one again."

  "What is the name of our current queen?" Will added from around the corner.

  "I already told you, I hate pink," I said, picking up the bottom of the dress so I could actually walk. "And our current queen is Celeste Von Carlisle," I added to Will.

  Isabelle waved me off. "Fine," she said. "What about the gold one, to match your eyes?"

  I pulled the dress up over my head, with some difficulty, and threw it on the floor.

  "Not on the floor," Isabelle sighed.

  She had been trying to make me more ladylike over the past week, but it wasn't sticking. She'd taught me how to talk to royalty, walk with my shoulders back, and even attempted to apply make-up, which I fought her on every day.

  Isabelle raced to pick up the blue frilly dress and smooth it out, like I didn't have a million of them in the wardrobe.

  "Sorry," I said, but not really meaning it.

  She hung the dress back up and pulled out a gold one from the back. It was a little short, when compared to the long ones I'd tried on earlier, and I preferred it to the long ones I kept tripping on. It was tight as I pulled it over my shoulders, but it showed off curves I didn't know I had. It shimmered like starlight and had a cute gold ribbon around the waist with tiny spaghetti straps.

  "Oh, perfect!" Isabelle gasped, hands clapped over her mouth.

  "You think?" I asked, looking down at the dress.

  "Will, come over here. We need a man's opinion." Isabelle beckoned him forward, but her eyes remained fixed on me.

  Will had spent a lot of time at the house because of my tutoring, and Isabelle had taken a shine to him—at least, whenever Ivan wasn't around. Will was always the perfect gentleman around Isabelle, making polite conversation.

  He walked around the wardrobe and his eyes lit up when they spotted me.

  "Well, what do you think?" Isabelle asked, presenting me.

  "You look beautiful," Will replied, his eyes unmoving.

  "See," Isabelle said, "the perfect outfit." She went about tugging at different spots of the dress to make sure it sat perfectly on me.

  "I have the perfect shoes to go with this in my room," she announced, and hurried out the door in a flash.

  I was alone with Will, standing in the most beautiful dress I'd ever seen and he couldn't take his eyes off me.

  Someone pinch me.

  His golden eyes studied the dress, studied me and I felt embarrassed, wanting to cover myself, as if I was naked.

  "So … back to the lesson," I proposed.

  "Of course." Will blinked several times, and turned back to the history book. "What is the name of our late king?"

  I didn't know what to do with my hands, since there were no pockets in this dress. I fumbled them awkwardly over one another. "Our late king, and Queen Celeste's husband, was King Julian Von Carlisle. Their son, and heir to the throne, is Nathaniel Von Carlisle."

  "Correct," Will replied, studying the history book with sudden veracity, like it was the most interesting thing ever. Royal history had been top priority over the past few days, to help make me more presentable to the queen.

  There was a pause between us. Neither of us really knew what to say.

  Will snapped the heavy book shut with a bang. "That's all I can teach you for now." He avoided my gaze, his back to me, but his head tilted like it wanted to face me.

  We both got that way sometimes, like if we were alone too long, I might start thinking things that would lead to doing things. I shook off the thought.

bsp; "Here!" Isabelle announced, as she walked into the room, a pair of gold heels held triumphantly in her hands. I jumped at her sudden appearance, worried she'd somehow heard my thoughts. She handed the shoes to me, glancing between me and Will.

  "Am I interrupting something?" she said.

  "No!" I blurted out, much too quick and violent.

  "We were just finishing our lesson," Will replied, way more calm and cool than me. "Miss Greenwood is more than ready to meet the queen today."

  "Thank you for all your help, Will." Isabelle touched his arm gently.

  She didn't seem to have as much of a problem with the Guardjinn as Ivan did. I really appreciated that about her, not being close-minded, like the others.

  "I have training now. If you'll excuse me," he said.

  "Of course. Go, go," she said, ushering him out the door.

  "Thank you." Will bowed. "Miss Greenwood. Mrs Greenwood."

  I watched him leave, my eyes following him every second until he was gone from sight.

  "Well," Isabelle interrupted. "Try them on."

  It took me a moment to realise she was talking about the shoes, and I pushed all thoughts of Will from my mind and put on a smile.

  "I won't be able to walk in these," I told her, inspecting them. They were stunning, all shiny and delicate. Gold straps coiled up my ankle and around my foot like they were an extension of my body … a really high extension that could make me fall over.

  "They're perfect. They were my mother's, your grandmother's."

  It was strange to think I'd had a grandmother. Isabelle told me she'd died before she was married to Ivan. It was an arranged marriage, which didn't surprise me. However, Isabelle did seem to try hard to convince me that she loved Ivan, though I found it hard to even like him.

  Over the past week, I think he'd spoken a whole of ten words to me since our fight. I didn't understand how he could have put sixteen years of effort into finding me, and now simply act like I didn't exist. It didn't make sense.

  "Okay, I'll wear them," I agreed, "but can we walk slow, so I don't fall flat on my face?"

  "Deal. I'll even hold your arm to steady you," she said with a grin.

  * * *

  We drove to the palace gates, even though we lived literally a few minutes' walk away. Ivan said it wasn't proper for us to walk anywhere. I didn't understand how someone could be too good for walking. Ivan drove, with Isabelle in the passenger seat, and me in the back.

  Isabelle wore a long, black dress that made her appear sophisticated and elegant. Her hair was twirled in a bun, and large earrings dangled from her lobes. Ivan wore a suit, though that was what he seemed to wear all the time, so it really wasn't that impressive.

  It took about a minute to drive to the gates where the palace was separated from the regular Djinn. There were Guardjinn at the gate, checking that we had an appointment. Will had told me what an honour it was to be a Guardjinn for the royal family. I think he was a little envious, but it was hard to tell with him.

  We were let through the gates and drove up the drive. It was lined with a beautiful garden. Hedges were trimmed all at the same height and shape, and flowers bloomed in colourful brilliance.

  Then I saw the palace, in all its splendour. I hadn't really taken it in when Will had showed me it from a distance during our first lesson.

  It was an amazing two-storey building, five times the size of the house down the road that I was currently staying in. It was made of white marble, ivy creeping up the walls and pillars. The windows were large, some done in stained glass. It was nothing short of spectacular.

  The driveway circled around a marble fountain, the shape of a man and a woman in the centre. Will told me the statues were replicas of the first royals to rule this compound, hundreds of years ago when it was founded. They literally built the area themselves. He could control earth, and she was psychic. Water flowed from their mouths and hands as they welcomed me to the palace.

  I felt a flare of anger, watching the fountain. The royal family lived in such luxury, while the Guardjinn were at the furthest end of the compound, in houses that were probably only as big as the palace's bathrooms.

  Ivan pulled the car up just outside the palace steps. I looked away from the fountain and bit down on my anger. Ivan stepped out of the car and offered his hand to Isabelle.

  "Thank you, dear," she said, sliding out with a gracefulness I would never master.

  A suited Guardjinn opened my door and helped me out. I gave him a nod of thanks, but didn't talk to him. Isabelle had giving me pointers on how to act at the palace. I'd thought they were rude, but I'd promised her I'd be on my best behaviour. I hated myself for acting this way.

  I joined Ivan and Isabelle as we walked up the palace's front steps. Ivan led, while Isabelle looped her arm in mine and helped me walk up the stairs. I was grateful, as I could feel how unsteady I was. High heels had never been a necessity for me before. They weren't good for fighting and, really, they just got in the way.

  Two Guardjinn opened the massive stone doors, stretched as high as the ground floor. That was proof enough how strong Djinn were; those doors must have weighed tons.

  We stepped inside the palace foyer and the door closed behind us. The place looked like a swankier version of our house. There were paintings and vases, cabinets and a grand staircase: everything the same, but on a larger scale. I could see Ivan had tried hard to copy the design.

  "Greetings, Ivan and Isabelle Greenwood." The voice belonged to a very tall and very skinny woman walking down the staircase in front of us. Her hair was pulled back in an elegant bun, dotted with what I think were diamonds. She wore a silver silk dress, which only made her look more slimline, with her lanky body. Her eyes were huge, gold shimmer above them, painted on like a mask. She was almost alien-like, except her face gave a warm smile that calmed her angular features.

  "Your grace." Ivan bowed, and Isabelle followed.

  I knew I was supposed to do the same, but I was taken by surprise. I had pictured Queen Celeste in my head as this old lady with wrinkles and a cold stare—but she was beautiful.

  "You are very kind." Queen Celeste laughed with melody, as she glided to the bottom of the stairs to meet us.

  "I … umm … I mean, I didn't," I stammered, and leaned into a low bow just to shut myself up.

  "I'm so sorry about her," Ivan said, giving me a quick glare.

  "It's quite alright, Ivan. Kyra can't expect to know everything in one week. Am I right?"

  She smiled at me, which made me relax a little. Queen Celeste was definitely not what I was expecting. I actually liked her.

  "What a nice compliment," Queen Celeste said.

  "What?" I turned my head, and realised she'd spoken to me. "I didn't say that out loud, did I?"

  "No, dear." Isabelle moved to my side and slipped her arm into mine. "Her grace has the ability to read minds."

  "For real?" I asked, completely forgetting my manners. Will hadn't really covered abilities in our study sessions. It was more who gave birth to whom, and how they died.

  "Kyra," Ivan's voice was like a whip, and I flinched.

  "Sorry." I grabbed the edges of my dress and curtsied the way Isabelle had shown me. "It is a pleasure to meet you, your grace."

  "The honour is all mine," Celeste replied. "How are you finding your first week back? Are you adjusting?"

  I tried to hide my thoughts, but the more I tried not to think about everything that had happened over the last week—kidnapping, finding out the truth, arguing with Ivan, almost kissing Will—oh, god! Don't think about that.

  "Relax, please," Celeste soothed. "You're going to give yourself a stroke."

  I took a deep breath. "Sorry," I said again. I didn't think this was going well at all.

  "You're doing fine," Celeste said. "It's my fault for prying. It was very rude of me. You can easily learn to block your thoughts from me. I'm sure your parents will teach you, or perhaps Will. He is your tutor, is he not?"

  "He's doing a great job of teaching Kyra everything she needs to know," Isabelle said.

  "He is one of the best," Celeste agreed. She turned to me. "I won't enter your mind again without consent. I hope you can forgive me."

  "Oh, of course, your grace."

  "Perhaps you'll develop powers over the mind. It is always exciting figuring out what ability you have. I remember when I was your age—"

  "I'm sure the Greenwoods don't want to hear about that, mother," another voice called.

  It belonged to a boy, about my age, with short brown hair and a face as warm as Celeste's, but more chiselled. He wore a black suit and looked rather dashing, like he was born into it.

  "I think you're right, Nathaniel," Celeste agreed. "Come here and meet Kyra."

  Prince Nathaniel, I realised. He was stunning. Not as striking as Will, but still good looking. He glided down the stairs with the same elegance his mother had.

  "Hello, Kyra," he said, kissing my hand. "A pleasure to meet you at last."

  "And you," I added, eyes darting to all the people watching us, heat rushing to my cheeks.

  "I can't tell you how glad we are to have you back after sixteen years," Celeste said. "Nathaniel, would you be so kind as to show Kyra around the palace. I have some business to discuss with her parents, and I'm sure Kyra would just love to get the tour."

  Everyone looked at me to confirm. "Oh yeah, sounds great."

  I couldn't help but feel I was being set up, watched like an animal at the zoo.

  "Miss Greenwood." Nathaniel extended his arm out to me, and I hooked mine in his.

  "We'll see you later," Isabelle said with a wave. "You two have fun."

  Don't look so worried, said a voice in my head that was clearly Celeste's. Everything will become clear, and your secrets are safe with me.

  Apparently, hearing people's thoughts wasn't the only thing Queen Celeste could do. I was really going to have to learn to block her out. I turned away from the adults and was led out of the foyer by Prince Nathaniel.


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