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Page 19

by Laura Catherine

  "Are you alright?" he asked, checking my face.

  "Get out of my house!" Ivan screamed. Electric currents exploded from the power sockets, scaring Keisuke into the wardrobe.

  "What's going on?" Isabelle appeared in the doorway, taking in the scene, and her face darkened. She raised her hands in the air. A sudden whirlwind exploded into life, blowing Ivan against one wall and Will against the other. I took shelter by the bed, holding on to one of the bedposts. Isabelle's face was bluer than I'd seen anyone who'd used their powers turn before.

  Anything not held down was now flying around the room in a tornado. Once everyone had been subdued Isabelle let the whirlwind die down, her face turning back to normal.

  "Will!" she said. "Leave, now."

  He glanced to me and did as he was told, fleeing from the house as fast as possible. Isabelle ran to my side and helped me up.

  "Leave her," Ivan snarled.

  "She's hurt, Ivan," Isabelle said.

  "Of course I'm hurt," I growled. "He hit me and tried to kill Will."

  "Don't you dare say that name in my presence," Ivan said, staggering to his feet. His normally greased down hair had fallen in front of his face, his eyes wild with rage.

  "Ivan! You hit her," Isabelle said, pulling me closer.

  "I found the dog on top of her," Ivan shouted. "Half-naked. My daughter and that dog in bed together."

  I tried to cover my face, embarrassed. Why was this happening?

  "What if people found out?" Ivan continued. "What would they think of me?"

  "You?" I shouted, wriggling out of Isabelle's grasp. "It's not all about you. I like Will and I don't care if he's a Guardjinn. None of that matters to me."

  I kept my distance for fear Ivan might send a lightning bolt through my stomach and kill me.

  "Of course it matters," he said, "and you are never to see him again. I forbid it!"

  "You can't!"

  "Watch me," he sneered and stormed out of the room.

  I wanted to say something, anything, to change what had happened, but everything had fallen apart. I broke down and let my body fall, only to be caught by Isabelle. She didn't say a thing, didn't judge me or make me feel bad. In that moment, she was a true mother. She let me weep in her arms as she stroked my hair.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  I awoke in a huddle of pillows and tissues. My eyes were puffy and my nose red.

  I was a wreck. Worse than a wreck. I'd let Will know my true feelings and it had backfired in my face. I had him; he kissed me back. We were more than kissing, and then the rest was a blur of screaming and tears.

  I dragged myself out of bed and got into the shower. I didn't even have the strength to stand when I turned the water on. I just sat on the bottom and cried some more. I wasn't sure if I was even crying anymore, or just heaving my shoulders up and down in whining sobs.

  How could everything turn so horribly wrong? I had been happy with Will, actually happy, but now every time I thought of our short-lived romance, it was plagued with images of Ivan destroying everything.

  A knock at the door forced me to get out of the shower. I climbed out, struggling to stand, and braced myself against the sink.

  "Oh, stop whining," Mia said, throwing a towel at me.

  "What are you doing here?" I clutched the towel to cover myself.

  Mia stood before me not even trying to hide the smirk on her face. She wore her usual black and purple goth outfit, deciding to sport black jeans instead of a skirt today.

  "You just let yourself into someone else's room?" I said, still trying to cover every inch of my naked body with the towel.

  "Just speeding things up," she replied, checking her reflection in the mirror.

  "What are you talking about? Why are you here?"

  This had to be a nightmare. There was no logical reason why Mia would be in my house, let alone in my room.

  Mia's smirk faded. "I'm your new tutor." She folded her arms and glared at me.


  It didn't surprised me that Will would no longer be my tutor, but I hadn't expected Ivan to replace him with Mia. My stomach did backflips.

  "Trust me," she said, "it isn't my idea of a good time either."

  She rolled her eyes and went into my bedroom. I followed, towel wrapped securely in place, and went to my wardrobe to get dressed.

  "So, Ivan hired you then," I said, pulling on a shirt.

  "Looks like," she replied, looking through my room with a turned-up nose. "Too bad for you, getting caught with a Guardjinn."

  I snapped the coat hanger in my hand and stormed out of the wardrobe in a rage. Mia had chosen the wrong day to pick on me.

  "Shut up Mia. I know you're jealous Will picked me over you," I said. "You follow him around like a lovesick puppy."

  Mia's eyes glowed blue and I realised she was about to start screeching at me. I cupped my hands over my ears.

  "Ah, Kyra, I see you've met your new tutor," Ivan said from the doorway. He didn't look at me, but at least he wasn't shouting. I could still feel the slap on my face.

  Mia's face returned to normal and she put on her best fake smile. "Thank you for the opportunity, Mr Greenwood," she said.

  I glared at her, hating her with every inch of my being. I wished my ability was making people explode with my mind.

  Ivan didn't respond to Mia, which probably bugged her as much as it did me.

  "I want you down for breakfast now," he said, without making any eye contact, and then he disappeared downstairs.

  Mia and I stood in silence, making sure Ivan really was gone. Mia spun back around and shot daggers at me.

  "Will may have slummed it for a bit with you, but soon he'll see you for what you really are," she hissed.

  "He had years to want you Mia. Move on," I snapped back.

  "No," she said, poking me hard in the shoulder. "You move on. Your dad isn't going to let Will within one hundred metres of you."

  Her face was centimetres from mine. I could see every fine line of black make-up on her skin. She pulled away and composed herself.

  "I'll see you for your tutoring session soon," she said and left the room.

  I wanted to respond, to yell she was wrong—but Mia was right. I was never going to see Will again, if Ivan had anything to do with it. I fell to my knees and cried.

  * * *

  I really didn't want to go to training, but I didn't want to spend all day in bed crying, either. I skipped breakfast with Ivan; instead, I pulled on my training gear and sneaked out of the house before anyone could stop me. I wanted to pretend like yesterday hadn't happened. I was going to get through the day and act normal until I could figure things out.

  Millie and Seth were already practicing when I arrived. It was only when I saw them that I realised just how late I was.

  "Well, there you are," Millie said, landing gracefully on the ground like a fairy princess. "You're late. I'm guessing last night went well." She gave me a cheeky grin.

  I forced a smile, thinking about my promise to act normal, but the mention of last night caused me to erupt into a sobbing fit right in front of them.

  "Oh my god, Kyra!" Millie gasped, running over and giving me a big hug. "What happened?"

  I spent the next ten minutes trying to explain the events of last night in a series of snotty sobs and loud shuddering heaves.

  "I'm never going to see him again," I wailed.

  Seth put his hands over his ears to block out my sounds while Millie held me closer.

  "I'm so sorry," she said. "This is all my fault for telling you to go and share your feelings."

  Seth handed me some tissues from his pocket, the first kind gesture I'd seen from him.

  "Thank you." I blinked and turned to Millie. "It's not your fault, Millie. I'm the one who decided to do it. I'm the one who let it get that far." I hung my head. "I was stupid to think we could be together."

  "At least you know he likes you," Seth said suddenly.

  Millie and
I stared at him, amazed he had something to say.

  "I mean, the laws are old and Nate is trying to get rid of them anyway. Maybe if you just waited a few years, then—"

  "Then Mia will have sunk her claws into him and I'll be yesterday's news," I moaned.

  I'd stopped crying. I wasn't sure if it was because I was out of tears once more, or if I had finally toughened up a little. I'd never acted this way over a guy before but, then again, Will wasn't just some guy. He was the guy. The guy who'd held my hand and led me into a new world; a new life. The guy who cared for me, and was there for me in my hour of need.

  "Maybe just let things simmer down," Millie suggested. "Everyone is just really angry and hurt at the moment. Give them time, and they might come around."

  I glanced at Millie. "You've never met Ivan, haven't you?"

  "He's that bad?"


  Millie stroked my hair the way Isabelle did, and that comforted me a little. To be honest, now that I'd broken down in front of my friends, I could see how foolish I was being. I was letting myself get all worked up over a guy.

  He's not just any guy, I reminded myself again. I hated myself for being the girl who cried over a boy, but what I felt for Will was real. He was the first guy I'd ever had proper feelings for, and he actually felt the same way. Was I just going to give up and let Mia have him?

  But what about Ivan, and all the rules of the Djinn? I would be defying not only my parents but my culture.

  How much did I care about Djinn culture anyway?

  Although Will cared about it, and so did Isabelle. It was hard to defy the rules if it meant going against what they believed.

  "Sorry I'm late," Nate said, walking in to the training room. He slowed his pace as soon as he saw Millie hugging me, and my blotchy face.

  "What's going on?" he asked.

  "Kyra's had a bad day," Millie said quickly.

  "Are you alright?" he asked, moving closer.

  "I'll be fine," I lied, waving it off. "Where have you been?"

  Nate didn't seemed convinced but he wasn't one to pry, so his worried face turned around into a brimming smile. "I have something for each of you," he said.

  He handed each of us a small piece of white paper decorated with gold trimming.

  "Dear Guest," Millie read aloud. "You are invited to Queen Celeste Von Carlisle's Royal Ball on Friday 18th June, where a special announcement will be made. We hope you can find the time to join us in the celebrations. Formal attire must be worn. Sincerely, Queen Celeste Von Carlisle."

  I read along with Millie, and my eyes stopped on the elegant signature by Celeste: it was all hooks and loops. It was beautiful.

  "A ball!" Millie exclaimed, jumping to her feet. "This is amazing. I can't wait!"

  "Yeah, it should be pretty good," I agreed, half-heartedly.

  "Good? Good! It will be the best night of your life. Royal balls are to die for. The gorgeous dresses, men in suits, dancing." Millie twirled around on the spot.

  "So, what's the big announcement?" Seth asked.

  "I can't say," Nate said, looking down. It wasn't like him at all.

  "Come on," Millie urged, taking his hands in hers. "Spill."

  He pulled away with a smile. "You'll have to wait until the ball."

  Millie made a pouting face at him that made him smile even more.

  She leaned in close to my ear. "You know, this will be the perfect way to get over Will," she whispered. "Or, you know, make him jealous. Either way, you are going to look hot."

  I wasn't even really planning on going, but I figured my parents would make me, probably so they could announce me properly to the community. I didn't even want to think about a ball right now. I had other things to deal with.

  "I think it's a bit late to do any more practice," Seth said.

  "You're right," Nate said. "We'll have an early weekend."

  "I have to get home!" Millie squealed.

  "Why?" I asked, slightly concerned.

  "Why?" She looked at me like I was a crazy person. "To pick out an outfit, of course."

  "The ball is still a week away," I said, double-checking the date.

  "A week? That's nothing. I have to go." Millie was out the door faster than I could reply.

  I didn't understand how she could be so eager. I hated wearing formal clothes and I just knew Isabelle would use this as excuse to dress me up like a doll. I sighed at the thought, dreading the whole experience.

  I walked with Nate and Seth to the palace front doors. Seth was back to his usual quiet self and I didn't feel much like talking either, so Nate rambled away to fill the silence.

  "The ball should be really good, Kyra," he said. "You'll love it. The ballroom always looks stunning. It will be quite the occasion."

  I nodded, not really paying attention. "Mm-hm."

  Nate was acting strange, almost nervous about something. I guessed it was just the ball. It would be a lot of work organising the whole thing, not to mention he would be king, eventually. He would have to put his best foot forward so his people both liked and respected him.

  As we arrived at the door it was suddenly pushed from the other side. Will appeared in the foyer and my heart hammered in my chest. What was he doing here? Was he looking for me?

  I stepped forward to say something, but Nate got in first.

  "Hello, Will," he greeted.

  "Sorry for the interruption, Prince Nathaniel." Will bowed his head.

  "No problem," Nate said. "My mother is waiting for you down the hall."

  Will nodded, glancing at me like I was a stranger. "Mr Hallow," he said, bowing to Seth. "Miss Greenwood."

  "Will …" I began, but he turned away and walked through the foyer without looking back.

  I watched him leave and whirled around to Nate. "What's he seeing the queen about?" I asked, worried Ivan had a punishment arranged for Will.

  "He's applying for the Palace Guard," Nate replied. "Mother asked him in for an interview, but he's already got the job. He's a great Guardjinn."

  I let out an uneasy breath. Of course; he would need work, after being fired by Ivan. Ivan would have made it hard for Will to find work elsewhere in the Djinn community. Celeste was his best chance for a good and fair job. She cared about the Guardjinn.

  But why would he ignore me like that? I knew things were strained, but I needed to talk to him. I had to find out why.

  "I'll catch up with you guys later," I called, and ran down the corridor after Will.

  I dashed off before they could even respond. I turned into the corridor, trying to work out which way Will went. I heard his footsteps ahead of me and to the right, so I ran after him. I spotted him halfway down the second corridor.

  "Will!" I called.

  He turned and sighed. "You shouldn't be here, Kyra."

  I slowed my jog to a walk. "What do you mean?"

  "I shouldn't be seen with you."

  I glanced from side to side to make sure we were alone. "Will, it's okay," I said. "I know last night was intense, but we're alone here; we can talk."

  "No we can't." He was short with me, abrupt.

  "Will … I don't understand."

  "What don't you get? You and I can't be together."

  It was like being slapped all over again.

  "If it's because of Ivan—"

  "It's because it was a mistake. I led you on and that was wrong."

  "Led me on?" I said, confused.

  "Yes. I'm sorry I made you think I had feelings for you, but I don't."

  Now he was being cruel.

  "Will. Stop pretending what we have isn't real. I know you have feelings for me."

  I moved forward to kiss him, but he backed away.

  "What are you doing?" he said. "I told you. There is nothing going on between us, and I don't want to see you again. So go away!"

  His voice and eyes were pushing me. They were so full of anger that it hurt to look at him.

  "Will …" I begged, near te
ars again.

  "Leave, Kyra!" he yelled.

  I flinched and clenched my fists. "No!" I shouted. "You don't get to say those awful things to me. I know you don't mean them." I was poking him in the chest with my finger. "I know you feel something for me."

  Will rubbed his brow. "Kyra. I don't have feelings for you. This is what I do, okay? I used you because I thought you would sleep with me, and that's it."

  Anger exploded from my mind like a shock wave.

  Only, it literally was a shock wave.

  Will went flying down the corridor, like someone with super-strength had punched him in the stomach. He slammed into a painting on the back wall, falling to the ground in a heap.

  "What?" I blinked a few times rapidly, as the anger faded and confusion took its place. "What the hell did I just do?"

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  I was dumbstruck, staring down the hall at Will, who was still trying to get up after he had somehow been thrown across the room. All my anger toward him had faded and a dizzy, sick feeling replaced it.

  "What's going on here?" Queen Celeste and two Guardjinn came running around the corner behind me.

  "Kyra?" she asked, glancing between me and Will.

  "I don't know … I think it was me, but I didn't mean …" I rambled, trying to explain and focus as the room shifted sporadically.

  Celeste glided until she was level with me. I looked to her for answers, for an explanation, anything. She grabbed my arm to steady me. I was swaying all over the place, or maybe it was the room swaying.

  "William?" she called down the hall.

  Will moaned as he got to his feet. "I'm fine." He bent over, catching his breath. It must have been a hard blow if it had knocked the wind out of Will. He stepped on the fallen painting, cracking the frame under his feet.

  "What's going on?" I asked.

  Celeste looked down at me with a wide smile. "You, my dear, have just developed your ability," she said. "Congratulations."

  I looked to Will. "So I did just do that. I … what did I do?"

  "Telekinesis. Strong telekinesis, I might add. Duke, can you help William up and make sure he is alright?"


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