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Page 25

by Laura Catherine

  "That's a nice gesture and all, but they'd rather flee than fight. You should be fleeing too. I won't see you get hurt."

  "You don't have a choice in the matter," I said, pushing him away. "This is my home too, and I won't let you or anyone else get hurt."

  "Kyra, look out!" Will stepped in front of me as glass shards shot across the room like arrows. The shards hit Will, barely scratching his skin, but cutting his suit to ribbons. Suddenly, a Blooder flew into the air and went slamming into a wall.

  "Was that you?" Will asked.

  "I don't think so," I replied, looking at my hands.

  "That was me."

  I turned around to see Seth standing behind us. His lip was bleeding and his hair was an even bigger mess than usual, but he looked like he was enjoying himself. Standing behind him was Nate, a cut over his brow and a flame in his hand.

  "What are you doing here?" I asked.

  "Looking for you," Nate replied.

  "All of you need to get out of here. Especially you, Prince Nathaniel," Will said. Nate nodded, but I couldn't let him agree with Will.

  "No," I said, staring at Seth and Nate. "We need to help them. You both have strong abilities; you can help. It's what Queen Celeste is fighting for, Djinn and Guardjinn working together. It's the only way we have any hope of winning this battle."

  Nate nodded at me. "You're right, Kyra. I can't let the Guardjinn fight for me if I'm not willing to fight for them."

  "Seth?" I asked.

  "Sure." He shrugged.

  "I can't let you do this," Will said.

  "You don't really have a choice," Seth replied.

  Will turned to Nate. "Prince Nathaniel, please."

  "We're doing this together," he said.

  Will straightened up and gave a swift nod. "As you wish."

  The four us, Nate, Will, Seth and I, ran out, working together to take down Blooder after Blooder. Will shouted commands at us as we fought in total sync.

  "Nate, behind you," I shouted.

  Nate blasted a fireball at a Blooder while Will tackled him to the ground. Seth was throwing Blooders around left, right and centre like it was a game. He was unbelievable powerful. I was throwing punches and kicks where I could.

  Other Djinn saw what we were doing and some even joined us. Not a lot, though. Will ordered Guardjinn to fight alongside any Djinn who stood and fought, to lead them in battle.

  As we ran off to take on the next Blooder something grabbed my leg, pulling me to the floor. I hit the ground hard, cracking my head on the stone floor. I felt blood trickling down my face. I looked up to see it was the tattooed man. He was badly injured, with spikes of ice sticking out of his chest.

  "You …" he gurgled, blood spilling from his lips.

  "Me?" I said.

  Our eyes locked and his grip tightened. I screamed, trying to pull free.


  Will and Pyke's voices carried over the crowd as I saw them appear at my side. Pyke created an ice spike in his hand and stabbed the Blooder in the wrist. The Blooder roared in pain and released my leg. Will helped me wriggle free.

  He held me close, looking me over with the concern and kindness he used to.

  "Are you alright?" he asked, brushing back my hair.

  "I'm fine," I whispered, snuggling into his shredded shirt.

  Pyke stood in front of us, and his face said it all. He had been the one to save me, he had risked his life and yet I was in Will's arms. As much as I wanted to feel something for Pyke, I couldn't, and I think in that moment he knew it too.

  Two blood-covered hands grasped Pyke's head and snapped his neck; the golden light faded from his eyes.

  "PYKE!" I screamed, lunging from Will's arms.

  The Blooder tossed Pyke's body aside like a used tissue.

  "No!" Will yelled, and launched himself at the Blooder. They locked hands with a battle of strength.

  I crawled along the floor, through broken glass, blood and food, until I reached Pyke's side. "No, no, no, no," I said, through tears.

  I shook him, praying he would wake up like he was only dazed, but I'd heard the snap. I'd seen his life fade.

  "Pyke!" I cried, holding him close to my chest. He still had the same look on his face; the realisation that I wasn't ever going to feel the same way.

  Something inside me snapped in that moment. The same feeling I'd gotten when Will told me he didn't feel anything for me. A red-hot anger toward the Blooders filled my veins. They'd killed him. They'd killed so many.

  I had to stop them.

  I rose to my feet, letting Pyke slip from my arms. Power coursed through me like nothing I had ever felt before.

  Will and the giant Blooder were still throwing punches, but they seemed evenly matched. I stepped toward them with only one goal in mind.

  "Kyra, what are you doing?" Will asked, but it sounded like he was so far away.

  The Blooder shoved Will away while he was distracted and set his sights on me, but I wasn't afraid. He reached out to capture me and I raised my hand. The Blooder froze in place, unable to move. I concentrated on the ice spikes still lodged in his body and, with my mind, moved them further in like corkscrews. He roared, his muscles tensing under his skin, but no limb movement occurred. Blood poured from the wounds and ran down.

  "Kyra …" Will said, in disbelief.

  I flicked my wrist, and the Blooder flew across the ballroom and out through what remained of the windows. The Blooder was so big he took several other Blooders with him.

  I turned my gaze on three Blooders who were preoccupied drinking the blood of a fallen Djinn woman. They disgusted me. Their heads rose, sensing my presence. Sickly smiles plastered their faces sensing new prey—but I wasn't prey.

  They stood, each pulling a ball of light from thin air. They'd stolen the dead woman's ability. They threw the balls and I spun and ducked to dodge.

  They were my prey.

  I levitated the glass shards from the floor. They hovered all around me in suspended animation. The Blooders paled, knowing what was coming. I sent the glass shooting out like daggers and watched as the three Blooders were cut to ribbons.

  I turned my gaze to the next Blooder when a hand touched my wrist. It was Will.

  "Kyra, stop," he said, pulling me back.

  "Let go," I said, my voice not my own.

  "This isn't you. You don't kill people."

  "They killed Pyke," I said. How did he not understand? He was killing Blooders only moments before. They had to die.

  "I know they did," he said, his face worn almost like he was scared.

  Will was never scared.

  "But you need to stop," he said. "You're not in control right now. It's dangerous to—"

  "To who? The Blooders?" I said, shouting. "They should be scared."

  "To you, Kyra. It's dangerous to you."

  His grip on my wrist tightened, and I felt my mind focus. I'd killed Blooders. I'd tortured them before they died and, worst of all, I'd enjoyed killing them.

  That wasn't me. I had fought against Will for killing them.

  They killed Pyke.

  So I killed them? An eye for an eye? No, that wasn't me.

  "Will …" I said, struggling to regain control.

  "You're upset and your emotions are running your ability. You need to take control again. Calm down."

  He placed his hands on either side of my head, forcing me to focus on his face. Will. My Will, with blazing golden eyes that saw everything; blonde hair that shone, despite being drenched in sweat and blood.

  "Only you control your ability," he said.

  "I'm in control," I said, feeling the burning anger dull.

  "They're retreating!" Nate said as he ran over. "They're fleeing the compound. The Guardjinn are chasing them out."

  I was relieved the fight was over; but what had it cost us?

  What had it cost me?

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  The next hour was a blur of checking bodies and separ
ating the wounded from the dead. If they were one of ours, they were taken immediately to a Djinn with healing abilities, but if they were a Blooder, they were taken away by Guardjinn.

  Everyone helped out; the Guardjinn and Djinn set aside whatever differences they had to make sure the compound was secure. Queen Celeste was running damage control in the ballroom. Her hair was a mess, and her liquid silver dress ripped like someone had clawed it to shreds, but now was not a time to be judged on looks. She took control of the situation with her usual grace, and no one questioned her orders.

  I was avoiding Will. I couldn't face him right now. I was too ashamed. I don't think anyone else had noticed what I had done, they were all too busy fighting at the time.

  I found Millie huddled under the buffet table with two children under her arms. I pulled her out, and the children went to find their parents.

  "I saw you all fighting," she said. "I wanted to help, but I had to look after those kids. They couldn't defend themselves."

  "I know," I replied, hugging her tight. I'd never seen Millie a mess like this before, and yet somehow, she pulled it off. "You did the right thing."

  "I was so scared, Kyra." She started sobbing in my arms until her father came to take her away. I didn't see Millie's mum but I assumed, as she was a healer, she'd be helping with the wounded.

  I saw Ivan barking orders at people from the doorway.

  "Get those people to a healer. Hurry up!" he shouted at the Guardjinn carrying a woman covered in burns. Heat rose in my cheeks as I looked him over. Ivan was clearly one of the first people to flee for their own lives. He had barely a mark on him and his clothes were still intact. It made me sick to think he had just left me and Isabelle to fend for ourselves.

  "Have you seen Millie?" Seth asked, appearing at my side.

  "She's fine. She's with her father," I replied still glaring at Ivan.

  "I'm sorry about Pyke," he said, grasping my shoulder. I fought the urge to shudder at his name. Will had covered Pyke's body with a tablecloth, but the blood still soaked through. I hadn't looked at him since then. I made a mental note not to even look in that direction. I couldn't risk losing control again.

  Seth stared at me, and I wondered if he'd seen. Seth was a watcher; he saw things others didn't.

  "Have you seen Mia?" I asked Seth, keeping my thoughts at bay.

  I hadn't seen Mia at all, during the fight or after. I may have hated her, but I certainly didn't want her to die. I didn't even know if she knew Pyke was dead. I felt like I should tell her.

  "I saw her run off with the other Guardjinn chasing the Blooders from the compound," Seth said. "I'm going to check on my parents. Will you be alright?"

  "Yeah, fine."

  Seth hesitated but moved on, leaving me alone. My eyes followed him across the room, only to dart away as he passed by Pyke. I couldn't cry anymore; my tears seemed all dried up after I'd sobbed uncontrollably in Will's arms. I wonder what he'd thought I was upset about. He had seen me and Pyke together. He knew how Pyke felt about me, I'm sure. Did he think I was mourning my new boyfriend or just a friend?

  I shook my head. If only I'd been in Pyke's arms instead of Will's, but then Will would be dead and I didn't want that, either. I had betrayed Pyke, and I wasn't sure I could ever live with myself.

  I hadn't seen Isabelle since I'd left her, and panic flooded my chest. I checked behind the trees where I'd seen her earlier but she wasn't there anymore. I asked others if any of them had seen her, but they seemed preoccupied with finding their own loved ones. I almost wanted to ask Ivan if he'd seen her, but I doubt he knew or cared.

  I circled the room watching every face that passed by until I spotted her in the corner, by the stage.

  "Isabelle," I called, running over to her. My chest loosened with relief.

  "Kyra, my baby, my darling." She still seemed a little hysterical. She stroked my hair and muttered to herself.

  "Are you alright?" I said, giving her a once over. She looked unharmed, just messy, like most people.

  "I was so worried. So worried," she rambled.

  "I think you should see a healer," I said, looking around for someone to help. My head was aching from slamming it on the ground earlier, and my vision kept phasing in and out of focus. I needed a healer too.

  "Can I get some help, please?" I called.

  Councilwoman Violet heard my calls and came to my aid. She wore a torn black dress and her long grey hair was a mess of leaves and twigs.

  "Is Isabelle hurt?" she asked.

  "I don't know," I replied. "I think she's in shock."

  Violet looked Isabelle over. There were no obvious signs of damage—physical damage, anyway.

  "I'll look after her," Violet said. She looped an arm around Isabelle's waist and carried her away. She was surprisingly strong, for such a skinny old woman.

  I gazed around the room to see where I was most needed. I was feeling sort of useless, though I think a lot of people were feeling that way. Luckily Celeste was on the ball, giving people orders instead of letting them stand around. There was plenty to be done.

  "Frank, I need you to fix that wall before it collapses on someone," I heard her say to a Guardjinn. "And David, gather a group of Guardjinn to scout the perimeter. I want to know exactly how those Blooders got in."

  Celeste would know what I could do to help. I rose from the stage corner, and instantly, nausea pulsed through my body. My vision flickered in and out of focus and I clutched my head to make it stop. I stumbled on something, I'm not sure what—maybe my own feet.


  I felt my legs turn to jelly and I reached out to steady myself. Instead, I was falling to the floor, only to be caught by warm arms. I looked up and saw Will's golden eyes staring down at me. Nate was standing behind him, looking equally concerned.

  "I think it's her head wound," I heard Will say. Was he covering for me? My head wound was minor. I knew this feeling, it was from using my ability.

  "She needs a healer," Nate replied.

  "I'm fine," I said, but they didn't seem to hear me. Maybe it was all in my head.

  "I'll take her," Will said, lifting me up.

  "I can do it," Nate said, moving forward.

  "I've got her," Will insisted. "Our people need you here."

  Nate looked taken aback for a moment, but he agreed with a stern nod.

  "Look after her," he said.

  I closed my eyes for only a moment, but the next time they opened I wasn't in the ballroom anymore. I was lying on Queen Celeste's fainting couch in her small study. Will sat next to me, stroking my forehead, probably checking my wound.

  "What happened?" I said, trying to sit up.

  "Take it easy. You used a lot of power," Will said, trying to keep me down. I was lying in his lap and, though I found it completely comfortable, I needed to regain control of myself.

  I pushed his hand away and pulled myself up into a sitting position. Things were still a little out of focus, and my head throbbed with pain, but I didn't think I'd throw up anymore.

  "I don't …" I tried to focus myself and recall everything. Things were fuzzy. "I was talking to Nate. He was going tell me something … then … Blooders attacked."

  I lurched forward, like the memory was physically pushing me. Will wrapped his hands around my waist to steady me, his eyes looking me over, heavy with worry.

  "They did, but we fought them off," Will assured me, but I knew it hadn't been that easy.

  "Why did they attack us?"

  Will looked grim, and I wondered just how bad the damage had really been.

  "They took Djinn," he said, "a lot of Djinn actually."

  "How many?" I asked, dreading the answer.

  "I'm not sure on exact numbers, but at least twenty. Even more are dead."

  My body shook and Will held me tighter as if trying to stop me from falling to pieces.

  "Why?" I said. "Why would they …"

  "They must have wanted more abilities, so they came
to restock."

  The thought made me want to throw up. Blooders attacked our home, just so they could steal us away and drain our blood.

  A part of me knew that wasn't all, though. Isabelle had said they were here for me, and the Blooder who'd attacked me seemed to recognise who I was. There was something else going on here, and I was at the centre of it. The thought only made me feel worse. If that was true, then the attack, the Djinn who were taken, and all the people who had died—they were all my fault.

  "I have to find Isabelle," I said, trying to stand. She had answers, and I needed them more than anything

  "You're not going anywhere." Will pushed me back down. "You need to rest. Your parents are fine."

  "You don't understand," I tried to explain. "I have to find out the truth. Pyke died trying to save me."

  The memory of Pyke's snapped neck filled my mind, replaying over and over, like a broken record.

  "Oh god!"

  Celeste's desk and everything on it flew across the room and slammed into the wall opposite us. Pencils and letter openers stuck into the wall like deadly weapons. I was doing it; I'd lost control of my ability again. Pyke's face was all I could see.

  Will embraced me in a hug.

  "It's okay," he said. "Just calm down."

  But I couldn't. I couldn't stop it. Plants and furniture slammed against walls and the wallpaper began to tear like someone was stripping it. Will grabbed my face and turned it toward his.

  "Look at me," he said.

  I didn't want to. He was so beautiful and I was the scum of the earth.

  "Kyra. You need to calm down. Just breathe." He placed my hand on his chest. "Match your breathing to mine."

  I felt his chest rising and falling rhythmically under my hand, and I focused on copying it. It was hard at first; my breathing was too quick and short, but the more I focused, the easier it was, and soon we were breathing in perfect sync.

  "That's better," Will said.

  "I can't do this," I said. "I can't do any of it." I pulled away from Will and sank into the chair.

  "Kyra I know it's been hard. You just need to rest."

  I shook my head. "You're wrong. I want to go back to my old life. I want my dad and our crappy Ute. I want to move from town to town, so I don't have to care about anyone. I want you to stop hating me."


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