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Spellsinger 04 - The Moment Of The Magician

Page 32

by Foster, Alan Dean;

Every eye turned to him. He was glad it was dark

  so they couldn't see how nervous he was- A song—

  what would be the right song?

  johnny Cash's "Fol&om Prison Blues" created no

  openings -in the stone walls, nor did any song of

  prisons or chain gangs. He started to sweat despite

  the coolness. Mudge sat down, looking resigned.

  He'd been through this before. Opiode looked disap-

  pointed and the rest of the party confused. It hurt

  Jon-Tom's recall, though his playing was as smooth

  as ever.

  "Wot's wrong?" Quorly leaned over Mudge and

  snuggled close. "Nothin's 'appenin'."

  Mudge ran fingers lightly over her fur. tt Tis just

  the way it works sometimes. 'E's a spellsinger for

  sure, but 'e's still new to 'is profession and don't quite

  *ave the *ang o' it quite. Sometimes the magic works

  and sometimes it don't. And sometimes you just 'ave

  to be patient."

  "I'll try," she murmured worriedly, "but Opiode

  said we didn't have a lot of time."

  Jon-Tom sang until he began to grow hoarse, and

  still the singing produced no results. Only a few idle

  gneechees, who didn't hang around long enough for

  him to finish a single tune.

  More to cheer himself than out of any hope of

  doing anything, he launched into a spirited ren-



  dition of Def Lepard's "Rock of Ages." StBl no magical

  escape hatches appeared, no stairways or corridors.

  He got something else, though. ^

  The otters stirred. Awed whispers rose from die

  Quorum members. Opiode's eyes narrowed, and he

  stroked his chin as he tried to analyze the meaning

  of this bizarre conjuration. Powerful sorcery it was,

  but of what kind, and what could it portend?

  Only Mudge knew the origin of the shifting, glow-

  ing shapes that had appeared and now danced glee-

  fully around the spellsinger's feet. He knew because

  he'd encountered them once before.

  "Wot did you call 'em, mate?" he asked softly,

  staring along with the others.

  The duar continued to produce thunderous, ring-

  ing chords. "Geolks," Jon-Tom shouted at him, "but

  what are we going to do with them?"


  The exquisite phosphorescent worm-forms continued

  to multiply, until they occupied much of the floor

  and most of the walls. They twisted and flowed

  through the stone in a peculiar cadence all their

  own, sometimes in time to the rhythm of the duar,

  sometimes in time to one utterly alien. The chamber

  was alive with living rainbows.

  Jon-Tom concluded a brazen chorus, kept playing

  as he spoke. "Hello! Do you remember me?"

  "It is good to see you again, music-maker.'* The

  speaker might have been the same one who'd con-

  versed with Jon-Tom back among the karst pinnacles

  in the Wrounipai, or it might have been another.

  There was no way of knowing for certain- Color was

  no clue. "Singing still, we see."

  "Yes, but not freely. We're trapped in this place."

  He tried to alter the melody subtly, to substitute his

  words for Lepard's lyrics. "Trapped in this awful

  dark place."

  "Awful? What is the difference between one vacu-

  um and another?" the worm asked him.

  "Freedom of movement. Something you take for

  granted. Can you help us out of here? I'll play

  whatever you like for as long as you want if you'll just




  help us get out of here. There's an opening higher

  up. Can you make something we can climb?"

  "What is 'climb'?" inquired a coolly curious geolk.

  The other prisoners looked on in mesmerized silence.

  "What is 'out'? We like your emptiness but your

  movements concern us not."

  There had to be something they could do, he

  thought desperately. What could the geolks do? They

  could move freely through solid rock, come and go

  as they pleased and...

  They could make earthquakes.

  "Find a crack in this wall... in the rock that sur-

  rounds us. Link together as I saw you do before. Feel

  the music."

  "Nothing to do with us," the geolks insisted distantly.

  "To tremor we have to work together, and right now

  we do not feel like working together."

  "Don't feel like working together?" a new voice

  said. Jon-Tom continued to sing while trying simul-

  taneously to quiet Falameezar, but the dragon's politi-

  cal consciousness was up and he refused to be shushed.

  If anything, he looked inspired.

  "Leave this to me, comrade. This is a matter of


  "But you don't understand, Falameezar," Jon-Tom

  said desperately. "These aren't your usual folks. They


  "Workers of the world, arise!" Falameezar bellowed.

  "Join together in solidarity and nothing can stop


  "Nothing can stop us now," a bright blue geolk

  replied. "And we are not workers."

  Falameezar would have none of it, continued to

  lambast the glowing shapes with the profoundest

  barrage of Marxist rhetoric Jon-Tom had ever heard.

  It made absolutely no sense to him, but it seemed to

  hypnotize the geolks.

  Alan Dean Foster


  "Make Vladimir Ilyich proud of you," Falameezar

  rumbled. "Show the world what true collective action

  can do!"

  Whether it was Jon-Tom's music or the dragon's

  rhetoric or a combination of both, the geolks started

  to line up on the far wall, twisting and curling

  against one another.

  "Get back, everybody," Mudge warned the onlookers.

  "And don't be surprised no matter wot 'appens. Be

  ready" He grinned at his friend the spellsinger. "Bugger

  me for a blue-eyed bandicoot if I don't think we're

  gettin' out o* 'ere!"

  Still the geolks continued to gather, until the oppo-

  site wall of the well chamber was alive with blinding

  light- Jon-Tom had to close his eyes to shut out the

  intense glow.

  Falameezar roared something about the worker's

  imperative at the same time that Jon-Tom and his

  duar thundered out the opening words of Quiet

  Riot's "Cum On Feel the Noize." The earth trembled

  as the huge rope of geolks convulsed. The concus-

  sion knocked Jon-Tom off his feet, and even Falameezar

  was tossed sideways.

  His head rattling, he tried to keep playing, tried to

  do it as fluidly as Jimi or Robin Trower or Eddie van

  Halen would have. Finally he had to stop because the

  dust in his nostrils was choking him.

  He opened his eyes to a different kind of light,

  The geolks were gone, and so was much of the far

  wall. Light washed over the bottom of the well be-

  cause the right side of the roof had collapsed. In

  place of wall and roof was a pile of rubble that

  reached all the way
to the main floor above.

  Falameezar shoved his way clear of the talus. "Free!

  Free from the imperialist neo-colonialist yoke!" He

  started pawing up the steep slope. "Where is he, lead

  me to him!"


  "Easy, easy, comrade!" Jon-Tom struggled to catch

  up to the angry dragon- "If he sees you, he'll only

  put you to sleep again."

  "No, he will not," said Falameezar decisively. "The

  people are awake to reality now, and not4ing can put

  them to sleep again." Flame and smoke billowed

  from his jaws. ^'I'll reduce the fascist dictator to a

  cinder." He started climbing again.

  "Don't underestimate him!" Jon-Tom shouted

  up at the dragon, but to no avail. Falameezar

  wasn't dumb, but he was more than a litde impulsive,

  especially when the revolutionary fever was on


  Shouts sounded from the floor above, and they

  found themselves looking up at Markus's guards.

  Their expressions were more than a little fearful as

  they stared down into the gaping hole that had

  materialized practically under their feet. If that

  wasn't enough to send them running, the sight of

  Falameezar climbing rapidly toward them finished

  the job. The floor cleared with gratifying swift-


  "He'll keep the sohders busy," Jon-Tom muttered,

  "but I'll have to handle Markus. Somehow."

  "You can do it. mate. You're the only one who

  can," Mudge said.

  Jon-Tom looked grim. "Maybe I can convince the

  geolks to concentrate in his spine. Hell, we'll get him!

  I just managed a Marxist earthquake, didn't I?" He

  looked past the otter, waved to the others. "All right,

  let's go!"

  Yelling and barking enthusiastically, the otters

  followed him up the slope. Opiode and the Quorum

  members trailed at a discreet distance. They were

  administrators, not fighters.

  Falameezar was searching the intact part of the big

  room, hunting for fascists. Occasionally a guard or

  Alan Dean Foster


  two would peer through a doorway, Only to be sent

  fleeing by a ferocious blast of flame. Falameezer

  launched into a spirited rendition of the "Internation-

  ale." He was out of tune and had the words aU wrong,

  but Jon-Tom wasn't about to correct him. The scaly

  Marxist was having too good a time incinerating

  capitalist dupes.

  "We've got to Find Markus as fast as possible,

  before he can get his wits together. Fatameezar will

  keep his guards occupied." He looked at Trendavi,

  the deposed premier. "Can you show us the way to

  his tower?"

  The aged pangolin nodded. "Without fail, my

  friends." He led them through a still-standing door.

  Occasionally they encountered some of Markus's

  guards, but while the otters were usually outanned

  and outweighed, they were never intimidated. Guards

  broke and ran without Fighting. No doubt word of

  the escape was already racing through the Quorumate,

  and no solider wanted to risk the chance of encounter-

  ing a bunch of hyperkinetic fanatics who might be

  backed up by a Fire-breathing, if somewhat verbose,


  "This way," Trendavi told them, turning to his left.

  Then they were outside, on the parapet Jon-Tom

  had been marched across not so long ago, racing

  toward Markus's sanctuary.

  "He has outsmarted himself," Opiode commented

  as they slowed. The members of the Quorum were

  near collapse from the run, but not. the salamander.

  His eyes glittered. "None can approach from three

  sides, but by the same token there is only this way


  "I'm going in," Jon-Tom told them. "The rest of

  you stay behind me"

  "I was about to suggest that meself," said Mudge.

  They rushed forward. There was no sign of the


  two armed lions who had flanked the entrance when

  Jon-Tom had been brought here before.

  Actually, now that the final confrontation was at

  hand, Jon-Tom wasn't quite sure how to proceed. He

  didn't tell his companions that.

  Attack. Always keep the opposition off balance.

  That was how he'd been taught and that was what he

  intended to do- The advice had come, not from a

  class on warfare, but on courtroom procedure. Jon-

  Tom didn't see why it wouldn't apply as well on the

  battleField as in the courtroom.

  Each inner door opened at their touch, until they

  confronted a door-sized slab that did not. Instead of

  moving aside, it leaned forward and growled. Black

  leather armor gleamed in the torchlight. Prugg ges-

  tured threateningly with his enormous club.

  "You stop," the bodyguard growled menacingly.

  Frangel tried to dart past the bear. The club

  descended with frightening speed and dented the

  rock where the otter had been a split-second earlier.

  Only Frangel's exceptional quickness saved him. Any-

  one slower than an otter would have been smashed

  to pulp.

  That was the signal for the rest of the band to

  charge- Dodging Prugg's lethal swings, they darted

  all around him, poking and prodding with their

  spears and swords while yelling encouragement to

  each other-

  "Get 'im!... take 'is bloomin* 'ead off!... kill 'imi... get

  the ugly bastard down!"

  "Knock 'im over, tear 'is throat out!" a solitary

  voice yelled from behind Jon-Tom. The spellsinger

  turned, tapped Mudge on the shoulder.

  •/ "Kill? Tear his throat out?" he said dangerous-


  Mudge put his paws behind his back and tried to

  Aim Dean FoBter


  smile. "1 was just sort o' coverin' our rear, mate.

  Don't want to be taken from behind, we don't"

  "Guarding our rear, my ass!"

  *'0i, that's wot 1 said, weren't it?"

  There were times when Jon-Tom could tolerate his

  friend's shameless displays ot cowardice. This wasn't

  one of them. Not with petite warriors like Sasswise

  and Splitch fighting to make a path for him.

  Actually, he went a little crazy.

  "You rotten, smelly, no-good...!" Reaching down,

  he grabbed Mudge by the tail and the ruff of his

  neck. The otter's feet bicycled through the air as he

  fought to free himself.

  "Hey, take it easy, mate!"

  "Get in there and fight alongside your cousins,

  damn you!"

  Jon-Tom threw the Otter forward, harder than he

  intended. He was too mad to judge his strength. To

  his horror, Mudge performed a single somersault

  and landed neatly on top of Prugg's head. The

  otter's impact shoved the bear's helmet down over

  his eyes, temporarily blinding him. Seeing this, Quorly

  lowered her head and charged underneath a deadly

  but badly aimed swing to hit the bodyguard head-

  first between pillarlik
e tegs. Prugg let out a low

  grunt, bent over, and tried to find Mudge, who was

  frantically retreating down the bear's back. The club

  fell to the floor.

  Memaw, Knorckle, and Wupp immediately dropped

  their own weapons in favor of the club. Turning the

  business end toward their opponent, they rushed

  forward at full speed, short legs churning, and made

  loud contact with the leather helmet Mudge had so

  recently abandoned. The impact sent them tum-


  Prugg let out a strange low sigh and sort of keeled


  over, like a falling redwood. He hit the floor with a

  muffled brrouummmf, out cold.

  Jon-Tom and the others raced past while the club-

  wielders tried to collect themselves.

  The last door beckoned. Were they in time? Hadf

  they moved fast enough? Or was Markus the Ineluc-

  table waiting just inside, prepared to strike all of

  them dead with whatever new evil he had drawn into

  this world?

  Jon-Tom pushed on the latch. Somewhat to his

  surprise, the door was not locked. The otters crowd-

  ed in around him.

  At the far end of the Room, Markus the Ineluctable,

  nee Markle Kratzmeier, sat waiting on his throne.

  He looked different somehow. He'd straightened his

  bow tie and his white shirt gleamed. He did not seem

  particularly upset by the intrusion.

  "Heard what was going on, kid. Didn't think you'd

  get this far. Congratulations." He tried to see past

  Jon-Tom, out into the hall, searching for his bodyguard.

  "Sleeping," Jon-Tom told him wolfishly. "My friends

  here took care of that."

  "Let me at the bald bastard!" yelled Drortch. Jon-

  Tom had to put out an arm to restrain her.

  "This looks easy. 1 don't think it's going to be"

  "No, it ain't, kid." said Markus quietly as he rose.

  Standing there on the dais, silhouetted by torchlight,

  he did not look anything like the cheap stage magi-

  cian from Perth Amboy that he'd once been. There

  was a dark radiance about his person, a palpable

  aura of evil. It poured down from the throne to

  cascade over the onlookers clustered in the doorway,

  and several of the otters reflexively shrank back.

  Markus stepped off the dais. He was wearing white

  gloves now, Jon-Tom noticed, and his shoes had been

  polished to a blinding sheen. Still brown, though.

  Aim Dean Foster


  The speUunger held his ground as the magician

  raised his plastic wand.

  "Oops." Mudge did his own disappearing act,


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