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The Echelon

Page 13

by Jillian Dodd

  When we finally reach the top, he opens the door and carries me inside.

  “Consider that one very long walk across the threshold,” he says.

  After a very heated and passionate kiss, he sets me on my feet and waves his hand out at the room. “The renovation in your honor is complete.”

  I take in my surroundings. The turret is no longer cold and sparse, having been turned into a sumptuous suite. There is a king-size bed with what is probably a custom-padded headboard, curved to fit perfectly on the stone wall. The bed is tall and plush, stairs rising up to it so that, while lying in bed, you have a panoramic view. Off to one side is a seating area with a deep green velvet couch and coordinating chairs. On the other is a table with two chairs, brought up here from Lorenzo’s study. On it sits the chess board he gave me for my birthday, both queens standing in their respective assigned locations, but neither of which is ensconced by my engagement ring.

  “It’s incredible,” I say to Lorenzo. “I can’t imagine how beautiful waking up to this view would be.”

  “I hope to enjoy that view with you for a very long time,” he says, dropping down to one knee and holding out the Arcadian engagement ring.

  “Get up,” I tell him.

  “But I was going to propose,” he argues as he stands.

  I wrap my arms around his neck. “Lorenzo, you already proposed. And it was the most magnificent proposal in the history of proposals. You will write about it yourself in the journal that goes with this ring, so future generations will know of our love.”

  He grins at me. “I already have written about the woman who not only captured my heart, but also saved my country. You, my love, will be forever remembered in Montrovia.”

  “And I only want to be remembered here,” I say, patting his chest above his heart.

  Then we kiss.

  It’s an everlasting, epic kiss.

  One I know that I will write about someday.


  On the fifth day, we wake up to the beautiful view of the sun rising over the sea. Lorenzo pulls me closer to him as he eyes our clothing, littered on the floor around the table.

  “Probably best not to tell our future son about strip chess when you give him that board on his sixteenth birthday,” he teases before pulling me back under the covers with him.


  On the eighth day, rumors spread of a celebration happening soon in Montrovia, spurred by the landing of a cargo jet bearing roses from around the world.

  Word from the palace is mum, but it’s clear that their country will be having a parade, at the very least, as the path to the castle is currently being decorated with thousands of red roses—the queen’s favorite color.

  And all Montrovians agree. They certainly have good reason to celebrate.


  On the ninth day, after the entire treasure is safely back in Montrovia, Ares Von Allister, Malcolm Prescott, and Aleksandr Nikolaevich meet in private with Lorenzo and tell him of their plan to fly to Italy today.

  The men have a fairly heated discussion over how to handle the situation. Most want the ultimate revenge, but Lorenzo has a different idea.

  Something he knows Huntley would fully approve of.

  He gathers the necessary objects, gives them to Ares, and then offers up some additional assistance.

  The group travels to Florence via private jet and then is shuttled to the Basilica di San Lorenzo.

  As they are approaching the door to the secret room with the round table and ten chairs, ready to interrupt The Echelon’s meeting, they hear a gun fire.

  Ares Von Allister is the first to run into the room, followed by Malcolm and Aleksandr.

  “You’re alive?” Maximillian says, looking at Ares like he’s seeing a ghost.

  Ares uses the element of surprise to disarm the man.

  “Why did you shoot Sergey?” Ares asks, waving the gun in the man’s face.

  “Because he wanted to quit,” Maximillian says, pushing his shoulders back and standing up tall. “You know as well as I do, that is not allowed in this group. I still don’t understand why Hillford allowed you to give back your ring.”

  “Because he trusted me,” Ares states in a tone that implies he didn’t trust Max.

  “Well, you were the only exception in the group’s history. And, clearly, that was a mistake,” the man says calmly. “I was sure when you passed suddenly that Hillford had finally caught up to you.”

  “No such luck,” Ares says as he hands the gun to William Gallagher, who, along with Henri Durand and Gabriel Lavon, has moved into the background. You don’t have to see their weapons to know they are armed and dangerous.

  “Why don’t you all take a seat?” Malcolm orders as Aleksandr bends down next to Sergey to check for a pulse.

  Aleksandr stands up and shakes his head. “Dead.”

  “When I was invited to join The Echelon,” Ares says to the three remaining Echelon members, “I was honored to be part of a historic group of leaders whose intentions were to guide the world toward goodness and peace. But you took my plan and twisted both it and Lorenzo the Magnificent’s intentions for your own benefit in an attempt to control the world.”

  “Not to mention, conspired to kill a whole lot of innocent people,” Malcolm adds.

  “It is a well-known rule of this group that you are never allowed to do anything to hurt another member’s family—the consequences being death,” Ares says. “What I would like instead is for you to surrender your rings.”

  Ares moves around the table to the three seated men.

  “Why should we do that?” Rutherford Elingston asks. “We swore to be members for life.”

  “Just like Sergey,” he says, glancing in the direction of the man’s body.

  “You are a pacifist, Ares. A dreamer,” Maximillian Olivier says. “Brilliant, is what Hillford called you. But he felt your plan lacked execution.”

  “Execution is an interesting word choice, don’t you think, Ares?” Aleksandr says with a chuckle.

  “You’re not going to kill us,” Rutherford Elingston scoffs, rolling his eyes. “We’re too important and much too powerful.”

  “And don’t forget who controls The Echelon treasure,” Zayn Kipling adds with a cocky smirk.

  “Funny you should mention the treasure,” Ares replies. “We should probably discuss that. In case you were wondering, it was my daughter, Huntley, who recently accessed the vault at the Sphere.”

  “That’s not possible!” Maximillian exclaims. “We have had your ring since you gave it back six years ago!”

  “She didn’t use mine, Max,” Ares says. “She used Dupree’s ring. After she took it off his dead body. I bet you’d like to know why she was involved. And I’m going to tell you. The CIA agent Hillford ordered the hit on six years ago after your failed coup attempt with Alessandro Vallenta was her mother and the love of my life. When you kill people, their children will seek revenge.”

  “So, she saw the treasure,” Rutherford says with a chuckle. “Big deal. What’s she going to do, steal it from us?”

  “Yes,” Ares answers. “In fact, she already has. You should also be aware that it was Huntley who tracked down Sophie Andersen, stopped the administration of the vaccines, and found the antidote to save those who had attended the opening ceremonies. I know you think your precious treasure is still safe in the desert, but it is not because you don’t own it. You never have. The entire treasure is back in Montrovia, where it belongs.”

  “Which will make Montrovia ripe for takeover,” Rutherford argues. “That’s why Hillford moved it to begin with. To help protect Montrovia.”

  Ares snarls at him. “No. Hillford stole it from the Vallenta family, plain and simple. Regardless of his power and influence, Hillford was nothing more than a common thief.”

  “Regardless,” Maximillian says, mimicking Ares, “we have measures in place that warn us if the treasure
is disturbed. You’re bluffing.”

  “Who do you think built in those measures?” Ares asks with a laugh. “Me. And I know how to override them. It seems the current king of Montrovia, who should have been a part of this group since his ancestor started it, feels that such a great treasure shouldn’t be kept hidden. He’s giving it to the people. His people. And the people around the world.”

  “He’s an idiot then,” Zayn Kipling states.

  “King Lorenzo Vallenta, that so-called idiot, happens to have sent us with a parting gift for each of you,” Malcolm says as he and Aleksandr set an exquisite leather-tooled case in front of each man. “But you must take off your rings first.”

  Each man complies, setting down his ring on the table in front of them.

  Maximillian picks up the case and studies it. “I’ve seen these in the treasure vault. If I’m remembering my history correctly, they each held a fine writing tool, gifts for members of The Echelon.”

  “I stand by my idiot comment earlier.” Zayn laughs haughtily. “Surely, Lorenzo the Not So Magnificent doesn’t think he can take control of the group, offer us a present, and make us go quietly into the night.”

  “Maybe you should take a look at what’s inside, Zayn,” Ares says to him, a grin on his face. “It’s not the option I would have chosen personally, but it does have a poetic justice to it.”

  Zayn flips open the lid, finding not the expected pen, but rather a syringe nestled in the gold velvet interior. The smile falls from his face in realization.

  But Maximillian Olivier doesn’t seem to get it. “What is this?”

  “The vaccine. You could say that it’s a pacifist’s way of getting revenge,” Ares states. “For you will do the honors upon yourself.”

  “Let’s start with you, Zayn,” Malcolm says, “and work our way around the table.”

  Of course, Zayn Kipling refuses to give himself the shot. He shakes his head, pushes the box away, and crosses his arms in front of his chest.

  “I guess I should mention that there is another option for cowards like you, Zayn,” Ares says. “If any of you prefer not to cause your own death by injecting yourself with the vaccine you tried to give the world, you can walk out the door right now. Just know that, when you do, it’s out of our hands, for you will be met by a team of Italian Special Forces who will detain you before extraditing you directly to Montrovia. Once in Montrovia, you will be publicly charged, put into prison, and tried for crimes against the state. If you are found guilty of such charges—and make no mistake about it, you will be—the penalty is death. Also know that, if this is your choice, Montrovia—with the help of, well, the rest of the world—will be freezing all of your assets, shutting down your respective companies, and seizing your properties in order to provide restitution to the country of Montrovia and the families of those who died at your hands. Up to you to decide how you would like to proceed.”

  With a collective sigh, the men go around the table, one by one, giving themselves the vaccine that would have wiped out the majority of the world’s population.

  “And that’s it,” Ares says to them. “You’re now free to leave of your own accord. Go home, get your affairs in order, and spend your precious remaining days with your loved ones.”

  The men all stand up, looking around, forlorn, at the stone room with its circular table and ten chairs, wondering how their brilliant plan went astray.

  The answer is simple: Huntley Von Allister.

  The three former Echelon members leave the room, escorted by three very dangerous-looking men who allow them to bypass the Italian Special Forces, who were indeed present, and get into their respective cars.

  “That was easier than I’d thought it would be,” Ares states, flopping into one of the chairs.

  Malcolm sits down next to him. “I will admit, I was sort of hoping they would put up a fight.”

  “They were cowards at heart,” Aleksandr says. “It’s easy to hide behind power. A whole other thing when you have to face it.”

  “And you think we’re powerful?” Malcolm teases.

  “Heck yeah,” Aleksandr replies with a grin, rubbing his hands together like a nefarious character. “The three of us together are unstoppable. Now, we control the world.”

  Malcolm and Ares break out into laughter.

  “We did good, didn’t we?” Ares asks. He gets up, finds a bottle of rare scotch and some glasses on a tray behind him, and pours them each a glass.

  “To us,” Ares says after he’s distributed them.

  “And to the future of The Echelon,” Malcolm adds.

  After they have enjoyed a toast and a moment of reflection over their journey, they do the final task Lorenzo asked of them.

  Ares takes a phone out of his jacket pocket and sends out an important text.

  To all Society members: The vaccines you received were nothing more than a saline solution filled with vitamins. If you are sick, you will get better in a few days. If you had taken the vaccine that was sent to the militaries across the world, you and hundreds of millions would be dead, reducing our world population by over 90%. Fortunately for humankind, the king of Montrovia and his secret services uncovered this plot to destroy our world as we know it. You can leave your vaults. We suggest, instead of hoarding your gold, money, and supplies for doomsday, that you share it with those in need. That will be the focus of our group, going forward.


  On the tenth day after Huntley’s mission ended, in a secret room in an old part of a church in the Montrovian countryside, King Lorenzo Giovanni Baptiste Vallenta V stands in front of a worn wooden table encircled by ten chairs. On the table in front of each chair, but his own, is a box bearing a centuries-old emerald ring. And behind each chair are his nine chosen ones, blindfolded and standing still. Those that he hopes will agree tonight to join his inner circle.

  “Throughout history, the country of Montrovia has flourished due to the group I’m about to ask you to join. A group with one goal and one goal only—to use our power and influence to gently guide the world toward peace, prosperity, and stability while holding the welfare of Montrovia dear to its heart. This group was started by Lorenzo the Magnificent, the first king of Montrovia, and membership was passed down from one generation to the next. Some of this group’s former members forgot that with great power comes responsibility. Our goal is not to obtain power. We simply want to work together to create a better world for all.

  “Your name will not be spoken aloud, so when I tap you on the shoulder, if you do not agree to keep this group a secret or cannot uphold its expectations, you are free to leave with the promise to never speak of this group again. If you agree, please remove your blindfold and take the seat in front of you.”

  He moves to his left, tapping a man’s shoulder. Malcolm Prescott smiles, removes his blindfold, and sits down.

  Lorenzo moves to the next man and taps his shoulder. Aleksandr Nikolaevich removes his blindfold and takes a seat.

  Lorenzo taps the next man’s shoulder. Ares Von Allister removes his blindfold and sits down with a grin. Lorenzo smiles, too, knowing that having these three men at his side would have made his father incredibly happy.

  And so, Lorenzo continues around the table until all nine have agreed.

  Lorenzo takes his seat among his carefully chosen few—those who will not only help him keep Montrovia safe, but will also control the treasure and its care.

  These are the men and women who will advise him during his life and rule.

  Lorenzo pondered for days over what to do.

  Should he disband The Echelon that his ancestor and namesake had started? Or should he continue it with a renewed effort and goal?

  In the end, he couldn’t allow something with good intentions to be put to rest because of a few power-hungry men. And it is with a mind toward this that Lorenzo then chose.

  He looks at those now gathered around the table. To his left is Malcolm Prescott, whose ring will ev
entually be given to his son, Peter. Next is Aleksandr Nikolaevich, whose ring will someday pass to his son, Viktor. There is Ares Von Allister, whose ring will go on to his son, Aristotle. The retired Judge Spear is next. He’s a brilliant and fair man who raised the current president. Lorenzo loves the idea of his ring being handed down from the judge to his son, Ryan Spear, and then later to Daniel.

  Crown Prince Kresten of Denmark has always been a close friend and confidant, and Lorenzo takes comfort in knowing the Danish royal line, which has actually been in existence longer than Montrovia’s, will be a part of this group for years to come.

  Sitting next to him is the Duke of Burmingshire, Welford Windsor. He comes from a noble family whose ring was stolen when Hillford came to power. He’s the father of Wesley and Isla and a man of much social and political influence.

  There are three others here who would have never been allowed entrance to the group in the past simply because they are women, but Lorenzo felt that women needed to play a role in the group, going forward, as their temperance and love knows no bounds.

  Lorenzo’s eyes move to Natasha Elingston, Rutherford’s daughter, who is the sole heir to her father’s vast fortune after he passed suddenly just four days ago. Natasha didn’t attend her father’s funeral yesterday, as they’d had a falling-out years ago, her father wanting her to take over the family business when all she wanted to do was work as a philanthropist, traveling the world and helping those in need.

  Next is Gabriel Lavon’s sister, Leah, who is married to the Italian rapper, Alfredo “Freddo” Ricci, and is well known throughout the world on social media as a design entrepreneur as well as for her work in supporting international charities.

  His eyes come full circle around the table and land on the love of his life, Huntley Von Allister. Her Echelon ring—for which he traded pieces of the treasure to a British museum—will someday pass to their second-born child so that he or she will never feel like just a spare, therefore securing two seats at the table for the Montrovian royal family from this day forward. He doesn’t want The Echelon to ever pit heirs to the throne against each other again.


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