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Club de Fleurs 4: Rachel [Club de Fleurs 4] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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by Rose Nickol

  “Thank you, Master. That was what I needed, what I’ve been missing. It may sound silly, but a good punishment helps clear my mind and relieve the tension. I feel so much better. Thank you.” It was hard to explain, but it felt as if a great weight had been lifted from her and the fog was gone. Her head was clear, and the world seemed brighter. Everything was going to be okay.

  “You’re welcome, lamb. I’m glad you feel better. Are you up for doing something for your Master, now?” He asked her, grinning.

  “Anything, Master,” she answered.

  “Be careful how you answer. I may take you up on that one day. Now on your knees.”

  She slid off his lap and knelt in front of him. “May I use my hands, Master?” she asked contritely, wanting to be able to touch him.

  “Yes, lamb, you may touch me.” Craig scooted a little closer to the edge of the bed and spread his legs so she could kneel between them. She opened his pants and he fisted his hands in her hair, guiding her to his raging hard-on.

  Opening her mouth, Rachel ran her tongue over the head of him, licking the droplet waiting for her there. Wrapping both hands around the base of him, she opened wide and slowly took him into her mouth. Swallowing, she fed more and more of him into her until she could take no more.

  Moving slowly, she gradually pulled back until she had just the head in her mouth. She ran her tongue over and over it until, using his hands in her hair, he pushed back in to the back of her throat.

  Fighting to keep from gagging, Rachel swallowed and took a deep breath through her nose. He continued using his hands, controlling her movements, and she soon became aware the he was controlling all her movements.

  She relaxed and let him take over. Continuing to swallow and breathe through her nose, she closed her eyes and reveled in his dominance.

  Craig was watching Rachel intently and knew the moment she gave in. He saw her body relax in a pose of total submission. She was his. Forever.

  He knew he was in love. He had loved her from the moment he rescued her. There was no way she was getting away from him. His cock grew and his chest swelled with pride. This was his woman. He was going to have the dream. They hadn’t talked about children, but they would. Hell, yeah, he wanted the whole package. As soon as they caught the man that was stalking her, he would ask her to marry him.

  Whispering “I love you,” he came in her mouth.

  Rachel swallowed and swallowed, not wanting to miss a drop. “I must be hearing things,” she thought. She could swear Craig said, “I love you.” Maybe he was just caught up in the moment.

  Chapter Twelve

  Using her tongue, Rachel laved every inch of him and gently released him from her mouth. Leaning back on her heels, she looked up into his eyes. There she saw the truth. Her ears were not deceiving her. He did say it. She could see it. Her mind filled with wonder.

  Did he want the same things she did? Was she ready for this? Would he want children? Would he want marriage? Where would they go from here? Everything had changed in the last few minutes.

  Craig saw the gamut of emotions run over Rachel’s face. He removed his hands from her hair, and slipping them under her arms, pulled her up into his lap.

  “Are you okay, lamb?” He hoped he hadn’t scared her.

  “Master…did you say…?” she asked hesitantly.

  Holding her tightly to him, he buried his face in her hair and answered, “Yes, lamb, I love you.”

  “You do?” She knew it was true, but couldn’t keep the wonder out of her voice.

  “Yes, lamb, I do. I. Love. You. And have for a long time,” he told her, cupping her face in his hands and with the last word taking her lips.

  The kiss took her breath away, and everything was a blur. Nothing existed except the two of them.

  Pulling back, he put a finger to her lips. “Lamb, I don’t want you to say it until you are ready. I know how you feel for me, and when you are ready, you will say it.”

  He took her lips again and rolled them into the bed. Pulling her close to him, he slipped one leg over both of hers and covered them with a light blanket. “Sleep now, love. We’ll talk more later.” Now that he had said it once, he would never tire of telling her and calling her that.

  They rested for a short time then got up for dinner. Rachel checked her phone. Still nothing from Tina. She left another message at her office and on her personal cell. There was nothing else she could do. If she knew where the woman lived, she would have gone to the house, but she didn’t.

  Craig and Rachel ate dinner, then he told her what he and Evan had found out from the surveillance footage. Rachel was pissed, but not sure at whom. Restless, she suggested they take a drive. “Drive by Tina’s office, just in case she might be working for some reason,” she instructed.

  “Love, I think that if she was at the office, she would have called.” Craig tried to reason with her.

  “I know, but it’s something to do, and I’ll feel better if I know that her office is okay.”

  Craig drove to Tina’s office. When they got there, there was a note on the door. Closed until further notice. For emergencies, call…and a phone number was given.

  Taking her cell phone, Rachel quickly dialed the number. She got an answering service. “Dr. Springs is out of town on a personal emergency. Dr. Music is taking calls from her patients. I can have him call you if you want me to,” the service told her. “Or her secretary should be in the office tomorrow. You could call her and see if she has more information she can give you,” the woman told her.

  “Thank you, I will check back tomorrow.” Rachel ended the call. Telling Craig what she had discovered, she asked him to take her home. Part of her felt relieved and part of her was still worried. There was nothing more she could do tonight.

  They went back to the suite and cuddled on the couch, watching movies until bedtime. There was no word from Evan, and the evening was quiet. Rachel fell asleep in Craig’s arms, and he carried her to bed.

  Waking in the middle of the night, Rachel sat straight up in bed. She knew where she had seen Mike Hawkins. She thumped Craig on the shoulder until he was awake also.

  “What’s up, love? Did you have another nightmare?” She hadn’t had one for several months, but with everything that was going on, it could have triggered them again.

  “No, I know where I saw him. I have to talk to Tina.” He could hear the panic in her voice.

  “Rachel, calm down. We can’t reach Tina until tomorrow at the earliest. Where did you see the man?”

  “That’s it, don’t you see? She can’t know. It would be a conflict if she did. I know she doesn’t know. I have to tell her.” Rachel was bouncing on the bed, frantic.

  “Rachel, I don’t understand. What do you have to tell Tina?” He tried to use a soothing tone, hoping to help her calm down.

  “He was at Tina’s office. I only saw him a couple of times, but I think he was a patient. She wouldn’t see him if she knew. Wouldn’t that be considered a conflict of interest? What could he be doing there? I hope he isn’t trying to get to me through her.”

  “Yes, love, I think it would be considered a conflict. You’re right, she must not know. That doesn’t mean she’s in danger. As soon as her office opens, we will call and see what we can find out. I’ll text Evan and see if he can find her home address, then you and I will go and check out her house.”

  Knowing she wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep, Craig rose, and taking her hand, led her out to the couch. He sat and pulled her into the vee of his legs and turned the television on. Wrapping his arms around her, he held her, rubbing his hands over her body, trying to calm her.

  Rachel leaned back against him, trying to relax, but her mind was going a hundred miles a minute. They had to find Tina. What was Mike Hawkins doing at Tina’s office? Was it all a coincidence? How could it be? She knew the man had seen her there. If she recognized him, he had to have seen her. What was his reasoning for being there? On and on she went, the thoughts r
unning rampant in her head.

  Minutes passed like hours. Why did it have to be the middle of the night and why was no one calling them back? Looking at Craig, she asked, “Did you text or call Evan?”

  “Honey, it’s the middle of the night. I sent him a text. He’ll start working on finding Tina as soon as he gets the message.”

  “Oh, I…okay,” she answered disappointedly. She knew that they couldn’t wake everybody up, but she hated waiting. “Do you think he’ll check his messages if he gets up with the baby?” Sadie had just had the baby, and she knew they would be up during the night with the child.

  “I don’t know what his routine is. He may not check messages until morning. I know he’ll get on it as fast as he can. We need to give people time. We’ll go to Tina’s office as soon as it opens, then you can talk to Margaret as soon as she gets there.” Margaret was Tina’s secretary and had been with her for years. If anyone knew what was going on, Margaret would.

  “Thank you, that will help. I’ll go get dressed so I’m ready,” Rachel said, jumping up, glad for something to do.

  Even though they had hours before Margaret would be at the office, Craig let her go and went to get dressed himself. Might as well. They were not getting any more sleep tonight.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The time seemed to drag. To help it pass faster, Craig took Rachel for breakfast. They still arrived at Tina’s office before Margaret and had to sit and wait for several long minutes.

  When the woman pulled up, Rachel jumped out of the truck and ran to her. Craig followed a little slower and got there in time to hear Rachel ask, “Do you know where Tina is?”

  “Hi, Miss Greene, she’s out of town.”

  “Where? For how long? How can I reach her?” Rachel demanded.

  “I can’t really say. Dr. Music is handling all her emergencies, do you want his number?” Margaret asked, thinking that Rachel needed help.

  Craig slipped an arm around Rachel and said, “Let’s go in, and you can explain everything to Margaret, love. She needs more information to be able to help us.” He guided the two women to the door.

  When they got into Tina’s office, Rachel was frantic. Craig sat her down and explained the situation to Margaret. Margaret quickly understood the severity of the situation. She explained that Tina had had a family emergency and had gone back to her hometown. She would be out of touch for several days, and there was no cell service in the small town. She further explained that Tina should call in for messages in a few days, and she would convey all the information to her then. She promised to give her Rachel’s numbers and encourage her to call.

  Rachel felt much better, but still wanted to check out Tina’s house and make sure there was no foul play. Craig convinced Margaret to give them Tina’s home address, and they went there next.

  From the outside, everything looked normal, and peeking in the windows, all looked good. While they were looking around the house, a patrol car drove by and then came back and talked to them. Craig explained the situation. The officer promised to have patrols watch the house and sent them on their way.

  When they got back to the club, Craig called Evan to let him know they had Tina’s address and what they had found out. Evan had identified the cleaner that had been in Craig’s room, but the woman seemed to have disappeared. No one could reach her, and there was no answer at her door.

  He did discover that she had recently acquired a new boyfriend and wondered if that had anything to do with the situation. He promised to let Craig know when he found more out.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Rachel was exhausted from stress and not sleeping, so while Craig was on the phone, she went to the bedroom to lie down. Stripping off her clothes, she sat on the side of the bed and thought about all they had discovered. She still felt something was wrong, but didn’t know what. While she was sitting there thinking, Craig came in and sat beside her. He told her what Evan had discovered and what the plan was.

  What he didn’t tell her was that Evan was going to try and find Tina’s hometown and check out the story they were given. Not that he didn’t believe Margaret, but something didn’t feel right.

  Wrapping her in his arms, he pressed his lips to hers, slowly deepening the kiss until they were both out of breath and panting. He lay back on the bed and pulled her on top of him, enjoying the feeling of her body on his.

  “You have too many clothes on,” she said against the skin at the neck of his shirt and started undoing buttons.

  “I agree with you, but I don’t want to move, and I don’t want you to move, you feel so good, love,” he told her as he pulled her up for another kiss and ran his hands down her back to her ass.

  Parting her cheeks, he ran his fingers down her slit, rimming the small puckered hole there. “I want to take you here, are you ready?” he asked her as he pressed one thumb to the small pucker.

  “Aaahhh!” She let out a little scream, not quite ready for his intrusion. “Please.” She pleaded, not sure if she wanted him to stop or continue.

  “Please what, lamb? What does my love want?” Since he had told her he loved her, he couldn’t stop saying the word. What a sap he was becoming.

  “I need. Please, Master,” she pleaded again. His thumb in her ass felt decadent, and she wondered how his cock would feel in there. He was so big, she was sure it would feel like a telephone pole was being stuck up there, but she knew she had to try, even if she ended up using her safe word. His fingers and the toys he had used had given her the most intense feelings, she needed more.

  “Are you ready, love? I want to take you here, please say you’re ready.” Using his other hand, he now had both thumbs inside her and was rhythmically squeezing both globes of her ass.

  Raising up and looking into his eyes, Rachel smiled and answered him. “Please, Master, I want to try.” Then she leaned down and brushed his mouth with hers.

  He reached up, and fisting one hand in her hair, pressed her to him, deepening the kiss. Slowly rolling them over, he moved her to the middle of the bed and crawled over her. Kissing her again, he rose off her and said, “I have to get rid of these clothes and I need a couple things before. Do you need to use the bathroom?”

  “No, Master, I’m good.” She smiled at him again.

  He slowly moved off of her and quickly went to the toy closet. He came back to the bed and laid down the items he had retrieved. Quickly stripping, he crawled back into the bed with her. Straddling a leg on either side of her, he leaned over her with an arm on either side of her, effectively caging her with his body. “Now, little sub, you. Are. Mine.” He almost growled at her. Leaning down, he took her mouth in a bruising kiss that seemed to last forever. When he finally let her up for air, she was breathless and trembling. “And that is just the beginning, little lamb. Hold on, this is going to be a rough ride and take a while.” He told her in an almost threatening tone.

  Her eyes grew wide, and then she smiled. She knew he would never hurt her, and maybe a wild, rough ride was what she needed. She reached up and locked her fingers behind his neck, pulling him back down to her. Just before his lips met hers, she said, “Bring it on, Master. I’m ready for whatever you can dish out.” Then she pressed her mouth to his, willing him to take over.

  He didn’t disappoint her and took her in one of the hottest kisses she had ever felt. Her whole body was melting like snow in a heat wave before he was done, and this was just a kiss. What else did he have planned for her?

  Listening to the words that came from her mouth had him so hot, he hoped he could last long enough to make this all he planned for it to be. Deciding he needed to take the edge off for both of them before he continued, he took her mouth again and fit himself to her pussy.

  “You think you can take all I can dish out? Ready yourself, this is just a preliminary.” Pressing firmly, he slammed into her with a hard thrust, burying himself to the balls.

  “Oh my God, yes,” she screamed and clawed at his back. “Don’t stop

  He slammed in and out of her, and though it seemed impossible, he went deeper with each thrust. He reached down and grabbed her ass with both hands, holding her still as he thrust faster and harder.

  She tried to move to meet his thrusts, but with him holding her, all she could do was lie and take what he was giving her. And boy, was he giving it to her. It had never been like this with anybody in her life. Even before with Craig, she had never experienced the sensations and sense of attachment she felt now. He was part of her, and she would be incomplete without him. If something were to happen to him, her life would end.

  Letting go of her ass, he reached around and pressed his thumb to her clit, rotating it and applying the pressure he knew she needed to get relief.

  “Aaahh, oh God, I…I’m…I’m going to come,” she screamed.

  Moving his thumb, he panted. “Not yet, you aren’t.” He slammed even harder and faster.

  “Oh, God, please, please, please,” she chanted, arching her body to meet his every thrust.

  He reached around, and parting her ass cheeks, stuck one finger up her ass and pulling it back out, added another finger. Moving his fingers with the same rhythm he was moving his cock, he told her, “Now, Come!” and slammed his mouth to hers.

  She screamed into his mouth, and her world burst into fireworks and lightning. Her body stiffened in an arch reaching for more. He continued his thrusts with his cock and fingers for a few more minutes before he came with an explosion.

  He collapsed on top of her, and knowing he should move off of her, he lay there for a few minutes, catching his breath and enjoying the feeling of her beneath him.

  Rachel tried to catch her breath. With Craig on top of her, it was difficult, but the feeling was good. She liked having his weight on her but needed to take a few deep breaths.

  Craig saw her struggling to breathe and rolled off of her, pulling her on top of him. “Are you okay, love?” he asked as he rubbed her back.


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