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Braving the Beasts

Page 3

by Aleera Anaya Ceres

  And then the world exploded into a blinding white light.

  Pain reared down my backside. The pressure of its enormous claws against me sent me hurtling through the air. My body crashed into the solidity of a tree trunk, knocking the air straight from my lungs. Spots danced across my vision, dizzying me. I gasped, tried to clear my head. But there was nothing except the white hot pain on my back and the blankness in my eyes.

  "Close your eyes!" A voice, desperate and familiar sounded in my ear. For some reason, I obeyed. The voice chuckled nervously. "That's it, little red. I've got you." And I felt strong hands lift me up. I nearly screamed at the pain. He cursed. "The thing clawed you. It's okay, stay awake little red. I'm getting you out of here."

  Lex. Was that his voice I was hearing? Everything was so foggy, the pain nearly unbearable. Had he come back? Was I dead? I couldn't concentrate past the warmth down my spine. His body against mine only made the pain worse.

  "Don't sleep, red." Lex was breathing heavily in my ear. He was out of breath. Why? Why was the world spinning so fast? I tried grasping at the words he was saying to me, but they slipped through the cracks.

  And then I succumbed to the darkness.

  Chapter Four

  I awoke naked and in pain.

  I winced then cursed, my eyes watering with the effort it took just to sit up. As I did, it felt as though the entire skin down my back was splitting open. I remembered everything. Remembered my failure so vividly, the urge to shoot an arrow into my own skull as punishment for it was strong.

  "Damn it," I muttered. As I eased into a sitting position, animal skin blanket that weighed me down sliding to my waist, my head spun unpleasantly. I took a hand to my temple to steady the whirlwind taking place there.

  My hair was in a cascade of fire down my back, brushing against my wound. The creature had taken a swipe at me just before everything exploded into white light. How bad was it? Did it need stitches? I craned my neck to look behind me. I was greeted with red. Muttering, I pulled my hair away, adjusting it over my shoulder with frustration and looked to my back again.

  All I saw is black gunk.

  "I wouldn't move too much if I was you."

  The voice was dark, low and unfamiliar. More importantly, it sent a strange sensation down the length of my entire spine and down to my toes.

  I turned quickly in the darkness, rapidly taking in my surroundings as I did so. I was inside of a leather tent of some sort. And when my eyes found him, my heart began an erratic rhythm.

  He was the most beautiful man I'd ever seen.

  His skin was deep brown and velvety, smooth all over save for the darker five o clock shadow along his jaw. His head was entirely shaved of hair. He looked older than me by a good ten years or so. But he was so attractive. His black eyes took me in, stopping to linger on my chest before flickering quickly to my eyes.

  Realizing my own nudity, I covered my arms against my breasts, flushing. "Who are you?" I demanded. My voice, at least, was steady.

  "Forgive me." Even his voice was liquid velvet. Smooth and deep. "My name is Kael Lycan. Yours?"

  My palms felt sweaty, my body nervous. "Uhm," I stuttered. "I'm Keanna Ferguson." I shook my head back and forth, clearing the grogginess. What was wrong with me?

  "You have nasty gashes on your back. I dressed your wounds with a homemade dressing. It stinks like the very devil but you'll be healed in a few days."

  "Thanks, I guess?" I looked around again. The tent was rather large, with flaps that I assumed was the entryway. The floor was carpeted in animal skins and there was a suitcase opened to reveal a small apothecary. In the corner of the tent, the sword I'd thought lost, bow and quiver full of arrows sat in a pile. The sight of them brought me comfort.

  My dress, however, was nowhere to be seen.

  "Where's Lex?" I asked, remembering his voice in my ear, holding me close as he took me away.

  Kael was sitting across from me in a meditative position. He was wearing plain cotton clothes, a white shirt and simple brown, harem looking pants.

  As if I'd summoned him, the tent flaps opened and Lex stepped loudly through. He was holding two canteens filled with water and at the sight of me, his face broke out into a smile.

  "Little red! Finally awake, I see!" He bounded into the space and plopped onto the floor next to me. Juggling the canteens, he leaned forward, nearly pressing his face into mine. "You look like shit. I guess that's to be expected when you try to take on a hybrid beast alone."

  I leaned away from him and frowned at his assessment of me. "Personal space, nomad."

  He snorted and leaned back, handing me a canteen of water. I reached out to grab it then remembered I was naked and covered myself again.

  Lex's eyes flared with humor. "Just take the water. There's not much to look at anyway."

  I tightened my hands into fists and the action sent pain spiraling down my back. Surely if I reached out and punched him, my flesh would split open further. Maybe it'd be worth it.

  I contemplated the wisdom of that decision when Kael was suddenly taking the canteens from Lex, setting them down and then ushering him out of the tent. To my surprise, Lex complied without argument. Before he left, Kael turned to me, his dark eyes boring into mine. "There is a clean shirt and pants there," he gestured with his head. "We will give you some space to change. Mind your wound." And then he was gone.

  Taking my time, I went to where he'd gestured, picking up a piece of cloth and let it unfold. It was the same type of shirt that Kael had been wearing, white and made of loose cotton. I'd bet anything it was his. Wearing it felt strangely intimate and made me want to discard it but I couldn't exactly walk around naked. So, carefully, I pulled it over my head, wincing. The shirt was incredibly baggy and long. The pants were his as well, I noted as I pulled them over my hips. Luckily they had a string that I tied tightly before rolling the waist of them over a few times. When I finished, I tucked the shirt tightly into the pants and rolled the sleeves up. My boots, at least, were still intact. It all looked a little ridiculous together but it really didn't matter.

  After that, I went for my weapons, adjusting them carefully to my back, even if it hurt. I felt safer with the protection of my bow and arrow and my sword tied to my hip.

  Picking up a canteen, I went to the entrance, parting the flaps and walking out. The sky was a blue, pink and orange cloudless expanse. Sunrise already. My parents were probably worried.

  Kael and Lex were sitting around a small campfire. Kael stood when I approached while Lex's eyes roamed over me. I shot him the finger. He laughed.

  "How are you feeling?" Kael asked, concern over his features.

  "Fine." I took a swig of water, feeling suddenly very parched.

  "You sure about that, little red?" Lex poked a long stick through the fire. "You were pretty bloody when I found you."

  I narrowed my eyes at him. "And how exactly did you find me, nomad? I thought you had left."

  He shrugged nonchalantly. "I couldn't leave you to die."

  The words burned my cheeks with shame. "I had it under control-"

  "Right," he snorted. "If I hadn't thrown that light bomb, distracting the thing, you'd probably be dead."

  My blood boiled. "I suppose you want a thank you."

  He stretched his long legs out before him. "That'd be nice. But for now I'll settle for your name."

  I don't know what I'd expected from him. It wasn't that. I wanted to snap at him, to yell and curse. But he had saved my life when I'd so utterly failed. "Keanna," I whispered. "My name is Keanna."

  He smiled. "I like 'little red' better."

  Flushing ferociously, I helped myself to a seat, across from Lex and next to a now sitting Kael; he seemed to be the safer of the two. Even if his nearness filled me with unexpected warmth that had nothing to do with the campfire.

  "Keanna," Kael b
egan softly, placing a hand on my knee. My skin fervored at the touch. "May I ask why you wanted to confront that creature?"

  My hand went to the hilt of my sword, tightening in a rage. I'd failed. I'd set out to prove myself capable of destroying the beast, to win my freedom and I'd failed. I would be forced to marry Akir and leave all I knew behind.

  "How do you two know each other?" I opted for a change in subject instead of answering. "I thought nomads didn't have friends." I gave a pointed look in Lex's direction.

  Lex stretched his legs out in front of him leisurely, a slow smile splayed on his face. "I never claimed to be a nomad, little red."

  "Really? You smell and look as bad as one."

  Beside me, Kael chuckled, the sound low and tantalizing. "I tell him that, but he does not listen. And we happened upon each other by chance a year ago and have been together ever since."

  I narrowed my eyes at him. "Really," I began suspiciously. "By chance?"

  Lex nodded. "My leg broke trying to escape a hunter's trap. He found me and healed it and I found it...beneficial to keep him around."

  I raised my eyebrows. "Wow," I breathed. "You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you? Are you always walking into traps?"

  Lex smiled widely as if he considered my words a compliment. "Only sometimes."

  "And are you…" I gave a pause, looking between them. Why the hell was I being so awkward around these guys? It didn't make sense. Frustration began to swell in me so I blurted, "Are you guys gay or something?"

  At this, Lex snorted and began laughing hysterically. I turned to Kael. At least he was trying to hide laughter behind a dimpled half smile. "We are not," Kael said reassuringly. His hand went to my knee. I felt his warmth through the material. "At least, I'm not."

  "Don't look at me, either. Not that there's anything wrong with that… It's just that Kael isn't really my type." He leaned forward, pressing his forearms into his thighs, expression mocking. "I much prefer angry redheads."

  The bastard was making fun of me. I settled with a snort and said nothing else. Kael's hand was still on my knee. I couldn't seem to push him away. Not when his touch felt comforting as I watched the pink hues bleed blue until the expanse above my head was a nice, crisp morning.

  I had to go back. I had to make up some excuse regarding my absence. Then, I would once again try and fight desperately for my freedom.

  I stood abruptly, jerking my knee away from Kael. My back throbbed at the sudden movement. I sucked in a breath and ignored it. "Thank you for your hospitality, but I really must get back."

  Kael and Lex stood. "We'll go with you." Lex offered.

  "Yeah, I don't think so." I didn't think my people would accept a couple of nomads into the village. Nomads were known for their thievery. Besides, I didn't want to have to explain to my parents who they were and how I knew them. Or what they'd both done for me.

  "Only for protective services, Keanna." Kael placed a gentle hand on my uninjured shoulder. When I tensed, he took it off immediately. "The beast might come back for you."

  "Or you might get caught in a trap." Lex added.

  I rolled my eyes at the both of them then pointed at Lex. "Onlyyou would get caught in a trap."

  He smiled challengingly. "We're coming with you, little red. Whether you want us to or not."

  They trailed behind me like dogs, each one carrying a backpack full of things. They both grated on my nerves; Lex with his whistling and Kael in his companionable silence. I wanted them gone. But at the same time, and for reasons I couldn't fathom, I wanted them to stay.

  I tried to keep myself busy by thinking about what I was going to say to my parents regarding where I'd been and who these strangers were. I wouldn't tell them the truth. How could I confess I'd gone against their wishes and nearly died in the process? They'd lock me up until my wedding day, for sure.

  When we arrived to the wooden walls surrounding the village, my heart sped up. There was a flurry of activity along the upper walls, more so than normal. The best marksmen were keeping an eye out on all things, as was their job.

  Before reaching the entry, I halted in my tracks, stopping Kael and Lex with me. I turned to them. "I wanted to thank you both." I said sincerely. "Thank you, Lex, for saving me. And thank you Kael for healing me."

  My chest suddenly felt tight at this, at this goodbye. Why did it feel like my heart was going to crack only to never repair?

  Kael smiled and took me by surprise by taking my hand and bringing it to his lips, pressing his mouth to my knuckles. Warmth soared through me. "It was my absolute pleasure," he purred in his deep voice.

  I jerked my hand away quickly. Then Lex was before me, pulling me into the circle of his arms and pressing a smacking kiss against my face. "I'm glad I went back for you, red." He murmured against my cheek before pulling away, leaving me dazed and...confused.

  "Princess Keanna! Is that you?"

  I stilled and turned to look up at the archer who'd spoken only to realize that they all had their arrows aimed for Kael and Lex.

  "It's me," I waved at them. They didn't put their weapons down.

  "Are these men harassing you, princess?"

  I snorted, gesturing to my weapons. "Do you really think they'd be alive if they were?"

  The guards chuckled and then gave a shout and the door opened. They ushered me in, but before I had to step back into reality, I turned to the men who had saved my life.

  "Come in and rest before you leave?" I'd wanted to get rid of them. But my mother's infuriating lessons on ethics and good manners seemed to take hold.

  And I couldn't say goodbye to them quite yet.

  They shared a look before nodding, if a little reluctantly. They were looking at me with wider eyes, probably surprised at the revelation of who I truly was. I hoped they wouldn't treat me differently because of it.

  As soon as we were through the threshold and it closed behind us, I was suddenly assaulted by a strong pair of arms and being pulled against a firm chest. A chest I recognized.

  "Thank the gods," River breathed a sigh of relief above my head then pulled away, hands tightening at my shoulders to look down at me with brown eyes. "Where have you been, Keanna? Everyone's been sick with worry."

  My wound throbbed from his sudden attack but I pushed the pain down. I had to act like everything was normal. "I just went out for a break. Gods' sake, River," I glared up at him. He was nearly a head taller than me, nothing compared to Kael's marvelous height or Lex's thin form.

  I remembered when he was younger, lanky and idiotic. But when puberty hit, he'd changed into a very gorgeous man and now all the ladies in our village swooned over him. He never seemed to pay them any mind, though. He was always so focused on his duties as my guard, on competing with me.

  "You need to speak with your father at once." His fingers tightened on my shoulder and pain seared down my back. I bit the inside of my mouth to keep from crying out but my head spun. I felt like I was going to faint.

  "River, is it?" Lex's voice interrupted.

  Rivers's head shot up and he glared at the men flanking me, noticing them for the first time. A look that wasn't quite rage but something else that I couldn't decipher passed over his eyes. "And you are?" He asked in a tight voice.

  "Please, kindly unhand the lady." Kael was beside me, gently prying River's hand from my shoulder. I nearly wept with relief.

  River blanched. "Keanna, who are these people?" He demanded.

  I didn't feel up for introduction. Not with the fiery pain emanating from my wound. "My father was looking for me, you say?"

  River tore his gaze from them to look me in the eye, his face etched into grave lines. He nodded once and turned to lead the way.

  They were in the dining room, standing around the massive table. My father and brothers. My mother was nowhere in sight.

  Lex, Kael and River brought
up the rear, the two nomads taking in the room around them. River said nothing.

  At the sight of me, my father stopped mid-sentence and his scarred face broke into a look of relief. Then he was rushing towards me and pulling me into his arms, into a crushing embrace.

  I gasped, seeing stars dance behind my eyelids. Pain. Blinding pain. And then he let me go and looked down at me. The relief had melted into anger. My brothers surrounded him and were all looking at me with identical expressions. Worry, relief and rage.

  "Where have you been, Keanna?" He demanded.

  "What's the big deal?" I pushed his arms away from me with irritation. "You act like I've never left the village before. I needed air. That's all."

  My father's blue eye roamed over me, the pink and white flesh of his scar twisted. "There is a beast out there, Keanna. And you left without your guard! We thought you'd been attacked."

  My wound throbbed at his words but I couldn't let him know that Ihad been attacked. He'd have a heart attack if he knew. "I'm fine," I said with irritation.

  He breathed a sigh of relief. "Keanna, you have to think about your actions and make wiser decisions."

  "Ugh," I made a face. "You sound like mom now."

  "Speaking of mom, where is she?" One of my brothers asked. They were dressed alike in black pants and loose white shirts so I had no way of knowing who was who.

  I looked between them. "She's not with you?"

  Their faces fell. "When you left she went after you, Keanna. She went alone. We thought she'd found you, that you'd be together."

  "I-" I'd gone deep into the creature's lair. It had attacked me. Had my mother followed? "I didn't see her," my mind reeled, thoughts spinning uncontrollably, the terrible possibilities of all that could have happened to her crashing down on me. Maybe she was alright. But if she'd followed me...if the creature had found her…

  "Your mother is missing." My father said gravely. Then he turned to my brothers. "Sound the alarm. We send a search party out at once."

  Chapter Five


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