No Geek Rapture for Me_I'm Old School
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Michael Busby. Solving the 1897 Airship Mystery.
©2004 (Pelican Publishing, Gretna, LA)
Clark, Jerome. Sky Serpents! The Flying Snakes that Terrorised America! Illustrations, Alex Tomlinson. ©2009 (Fortean Times: London, England, #248, pp. 30–36)
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Hiltner, Nita. Pterosaurs in America and Around the World. June 2014
Iowa’s Airship. April 1897 (The Daily Herald: Delphos, OH)
Kilen, Mike. Van Meter remembers 1903 visit from winged monster. July 2015 — reprint of story originally published May 2013 (Des Moines Register: Des Moines, IA)
Manger, Warren. UFOs: Red Baron shot down ‘flying saucer’ over the trenches...and other paranormal phenomena from WWI. February 2015 — reprint of story originally published May 2013 (MIRROR.CO.UK, the online edition of The Daily Mirror: Belfast, United Kingdom)
Bibliography: Enoch, Giants, Nephilim, Supernatural
Fickess, Michael. Enoch’s Blessing: A Modern English Paraphrase of Enoch’s Ancient Writings. ©2015 (MorningStar Publications, a division of MorningStar Fellowship Church: Fort Mill, SC)
Heiser, Dr. Michael S. The Unseen Realm: Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible. ©2015 (Lexham Press: Bellingham, WA)
Marzulli, LA. The Nephilim Trilogy. [3 volumes: Nephilim / The Unholy Deception / The Revealing] ©2013 (Spiral of Life: Malibu, CA)
Nee, Watchman. The Latent Power of the Soul. From Chinese, ©1972 (Christian Fellowship Publishers: New York, NY) [Chinese version ©1939]
Quote from the book: “The work of the devil nowadays is to stir up man’s soul and to release this latent power in it as a deception [counterfeit] for spiritual power. ... Satan attempts to ... release the power dormant in man’s soul in order to gain control over man. Many do not understand this strategy, being deceived into accepting it as of God.” (Kindle location #173)
Putnam, Cris. Supernatural Worldview: Examining Paranormal, Psi, and the Apocalyptic. ©2014 (Defense Publishing, Crane, MO)
Quayle, Stephen and Duncan Long. The Return of the Nephilim. ©2006, 2008 (End Time Thunder Publishers: Bozeman, MT)
[Translation by] Sayers, Dorothy L. Dante: The Divine Comedy. [3 volumes. Cantica 1: Hell / Cantica 2: Purgatory / Cantica >3: Paradise] ©1949, 1962 reprint edition by Dorothy L. Sayers (Penguin Books Ltd: London, England)
Schnieders, Dr. Paul C. [editor] The Books of Enoch: Complete Edition. ©2012 (International Alliance Pro-Publishing, LLC: Las Vegas, NV)
Winter, Jay. The Complete Book of Enoch: Standard Edition Version. ©2015 (Winter Publications: [location not provided])
Blog: Jason Colavito reposting Perfect Giant Skeleton Found. September 1, 1891 (Hawkeye, Burlington, IA) and Double-Toothed Giant. April 27, 1900 (Journal Tribune: Williamsburg, IA)
Blog: Fritz Zimmerman reposting Giant Nephilim Skeleton Found in Iowa Burial Mound: Megalithic stone chambers in Iowa hold the remains of a ancient giant race. September 25, 1897 (Boston Evening Transcript: Boston, MA)
[Translation by] Charles, R.H. The Book of Enoch. 1917
Harris, Kristan. A Giant Mystery: 18 Strange Giant Skeletons Found in Wisconsin: Sons of God; Men of Renown. January 2013 (South Milwaukee Now: Milwaukee, WI)
Milwaukee Public Museum. Exhibit, Princess Burial. [no date provided] (Milwaukee, WI)
Bibliography: Transhumanism
Skywatch TV, featuring Dr. Thomas R. Horn. Inhuman: The Next and Final Phase of Man is Here, [DVD set] ©2015 (Skywatch TV: Crane, MO)
2045 Initiative. Main goals: ...a new strategy for the development of humanity which meets global civilization challenges; the creation of optimal conditions promoting the spiritual enlightenment of humanity; and the realization of a new futuristic reality based on 5 principles: high spirituality, high culture, high ethics, high science and high technologies.
Anissimov, Michael, Lifeboat Foundation Scientific Advisory Board member. “Special Report: Top Ten Transhumanist Technologies.”
Anthony, Sebastian. “What is transhumanism, or, what does it mean to be human?” (April 1, 2013)
Baig, Edward C. for USA TODAY. “Robots will outnumber humans in 30 years, Softbank says.” (Feb. 27, 2017)
Bartlett, Jamie. “Meet the Transhumanist Party: ‘Want to live forever? Vote for me’: Jamie Bartlett meets Zoltan Istvan, the man behind a political movement in America that wants to make us all more than human.” (Dec. 23, 2013)
BetterHumans: a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt Florida non-profit, the world’s first specifically-transhumanist bio-medical research organization. Mission: ...evolution operates too slowly.... Betterhumans will strive to radically extend healthy life spans, end human diseases, improve human cognition and wellbeing, and allow us to upgrade those biological features that are important to us.
Bostrom, Nick. “Transhumanist Values” in Ethical Issues for the 21st Century, edited by Frederick Adams (Philosophical Documentation Center Press, 2003); reprinted in Review of Contemporary Philosophy, Vol. 4, (May 2005).
Chen, Angela. “ ‘They want to be literally machines’: Writer Mark O’Connell on the rise of transhumanists: Biohackers, cryonics, brainuploading and more.” (Feb. 25, 2017)
Eugenios, Jillian. “Ray Kurzweil: Humans hybrids by 2030.” (June 2015)
Gent, Edd. “Gene Editing Might Change What Being Human Actually Means.” (April 18, 2017)
h+ Magazine. Humanity+ is an organization dedicated to developing knowledge about the science, technology, and social changes of the 21st century. We aim to deeply influence a new generation of thinkers who dare to envision humanity’s next steps.
Haridy, Rich. “Welcome to the era of transhumanism.” (Feb. 15, 2017)
Hendren, Natalie. “Transhumanism: Our Future or Our Mistake?” [no date given]
The Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies Ideas about how technological progress can increase freedom, happiness, and human flourishing in democratic societies. Technological progress can be a catalyst for positive human development so long as we ensure that technologies are safe and equitably distributed.
Istvan, Zoltan. “A New Generation of Transhumanists Is Emerging.” (2014)
Istvan, Zoltan. Candidate for governor of California. “Zoltan Istvan is founder of the Transhumanist Party, a legally recognized and PR-minded political effort that calls attention to what tomorrow’s mainstreaming of today’s rapidly developing technology could mean for human life.” – United Nations. (©2014–2017)
Learning Mind. “Humans Will Have Cloud-Connected Hybrid Brains by 2030, Ray Kurzweil.” (June 2015)
O’Gieblyn, Meghan. “God in the machine: my strange journey into transhumanism. After losing her faith, a former evangelical Christian felt adrift in the world. She then found solace in a radical technological philosophy — but its promises of immortality and spiritual transcendence soon seemed unsettlingly familiar.” (April 18, 2017)
Pigliucci, Massimo. “The problems with transhumanism: Transhumanism is another form of techno-optimism.” (July 7, 2009)
Roberts, Russ, host: podcast. “Richard Jones on Transhumanism: EconTalk Episode” (April 2016)
Saletan, William. “Among the Transhumanists: Cyborgs, self-mutilators, the future of our race.” (June 2006)
Treder, Mike. “Defending Transhumanism.” (Oct. 4, 2010)
Young, Cathy. “Transhumanism: Yearning to transcend biology - Editorials & Commentary - International Herald Tribune.” (July 10, 2006)
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Video/YouTube (note: videos may not be available at a later date.)
The coming transhuman era: Jason Sosa at TEDxGrandRapids. Posted by: TEDx Talks, published on June 24, 2014. – YouTube comment on the video: “What puny minds. Nobody is going to force you to augment yourself. Go ahead. Live your normal human life. Live to 85, and die. Nobody cares. The rest of us will be advancing our species into godhood.”
Elon Musk its very troubling ‘’We are building SKYNET”!!! Posted by: CONSCIOUS COLLECTIVE, published on Nov. 11, 2016
Epic Debate between Christianity and Transhumanism, host David Knight. [Guest: Zoltan Istvan] Posted by: The Alex Jones Channel, published on Oct. 26, 2015.
Ethics of transhumanism - Tom Horn. Posted by: Abigail - Grace, published on Jan. 4, 2017.
Hugo de Garis: The Artilect War. Posted by: Eay5paev, published on Nov. 1, 2013.
James Hughes - History, Politics, Utopia & Transhumanism. Posted by: Adam Ford, published on Jan. 23, 2013.
Ray Kurzweil - Physical Immortality. Posted by: Aging Reversed, published on Jan. 3, 2017.
Professor Doctor Hugo De Garis on Who Should Rule? Humans or Machines? Posted by: Ivar Moesman, published on Dec. 9, 2015.
Transhumanism & Man Merging With Machine: Progress In 2016. Posted by: IJ, published on Jan. 31, 2016.
Transhumanism Discussion, Prophecy Forum, Dublin, Ohio. Posted by: Cris Putnam, published on Oct. 7, 2015.
Transhumanism: Could we live forever? BBC News. Posted by: BBC News, published on Sept. 14, 2015.
Transhumanism is here - 2015. Posted by: StrangerThanFiction, published on Oct. 8, 2015.
Transhumanism Artificial Intelligence and Nanotechnology - Building Gods - Documentary. Posted by: Documentary Channel, Nov. 9, 2014. Speaker, Kevin Warwick (Professor - Cybernetics, Reading University) [Transcript @43:30]:
“Let’s assume that there are people who are against intelligent machines being given more decisions, of which there [really] are some [people like that]. And there are certainly humans who are against having implants, that are against becoming a cyborg and having extra abilities.
“It’s difficult to see much of a positive future existence for them. Clearly, the world is going to be dominated by either intelligent machines or cyborgs. Or a combination. That’s where the future’s going.
“So the future for the ordinary, everyday human — I guess there’ll be a subspecies. Just like we have cows now, so we’ll have humans in the future. There’ll be other creatures, other species, cyborgs, intelligent machines that are the dominant life forms on Earth. As a cyborg, if [an unenhanced] human came to see me [a cyborg with technological enhancements], making silly noises a bit like a cow does now. If a cow came to me and said, “Moo moo moo,” I’m not going to say, “Hey! That’s a great idea. I’m going to do what you tell me.”
So it will be with [an unenhanced human]. They’ll come in and start making silly noises that we call speech and human languages and so on. Trivial noises. I’m not going to do those silly things. Why should I? This creature is absolutely stupid in comparison to me.”
When Cyborgs & Christians Compromise? - #Transhumanism #DaysOfNoah. Posted by: FaceLikeTheSun [Gonz Shimura], published on Dec. 20, 2016. In a recent article, Transhumanists celebrate the exoskeleton helping a paraplegic walk. Micah Redding suggests Christians need to embrace human enhancement technology.
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