Arden, Edward 164–5
Ariosto 2, 150, 183–4, 327
Aristotle 84
the Ark Royal 252, 253
the Armada 15, 24, 198, 208, 218, 244–60
casualties 259
Armagh, Archbishop of 8
Arundel, Archbishop 145
Arundel, Earl of 42, 204, 241
Arundel, Sir John 196
Arundel Castle 241
Arundell family 326
Arwystili 158
Ascham, Roger 48, 80
Aschman, Margaret How 122
Ashmole, Elias 91
Aske, Sir Robert 93
astrology 87, 89, 308, 318
astronomy 83, 85
atheism 272, 274, 312, 315, 322–6, 359
Aubrey, John 87, 120, 135, 291
Axel 213
Aylmer, John 280
the Azores 331, 333
Babington, Anthony 231
Babington Plot 232, 234, 235, 236, 314, 358
Bacon, Anthony 360
Bacon, Francis 336, 360
Bacon, Nicholas 26, 42, 64, 117, 153, 356–7
Bagenal, Sir Henry 343, 344, 352
Bagenal, Mabel 343
Baines, Richard 272, 315
Baker, Matthew 251
Bale, John 145–6
Bankside 318, 358
baptism 193–4
Baratina 182
Barking 219
Barlow, Robert 127–8
Barlow, William 66
Barlowe, Arthur 227
Barnfield, Richard 310–11
Bartholomew Fair 262
Bassano, Battista 308
Battle of Bosworth 45
Battle of Yellow Ford 344, 352–3
Beale, Robert 237
bear-baiting 160
Beard, Thomas 312
Beaton, John 131
Bedford, Earl of 154, 156, 173, 189, 204, 358, 360
Bedfordshire 153, 237
beggars 262
Belgium 185, 206
Belloc, Hilaire 72
the Benedict 176
Bennett, William 204
Benson, A.C. 184
Benson, Monsignor Hugh 202
Berkeley, Lord 263
Berkshire 199, 204
Berwick, Governor of 101
betrothals 124
Bevin, Elway 196
the Bible 31, 38, 66, 142, 222, 223, 267, 367
authorized versions 8, 64, 78, 230, 287
translations 8, 368
Bingham, George 259
Bingham, Sir Richard 259, 301
Binkes, George 297
Bird, Thomas 297
Birley, Julian 196
Birmingham 76, 202
Bishopsgate 129, 308
Black Death 41, 295
Blackfriars Theatre 369
Bletsoe, St John 234
Blount, Sir Charles, Lord Mountjoy 11, 13, 350, 352, 353, 357, 360, 364
Blount, Sir Christopher 360, 362
Boas, F.S. 272
Bodley, Thomas 347
Boleyn, Anne 8, 25–6, 27, 101
Boleyn, Mary 101
Bonner, Edmund, Bishop of London 64–5, 88, 141
books 90–1, 118
Borburata 15, 22
Bossy, John 319
Boste, John 76
Bothwell, Earl of 96
Bowes, Sir George 92, 99
bowls 137
Box 135
Boyes, Edward 154
Bradshaw, James 297
Brahe, Tycho 85
Brasenose 311
Brazil 16, 19
Brecknockshire 88
Brecon, Archdeacon of 148
Breda 212
Breton, Elizabeth Bacon 153
Breton, Nicholas 154, 199
Bridewell Prison 307
Bright, Timothy 111
Bristol 76, 261
Brodie, J.B. 75
Bromley, Sir Thomas 42
Brook, York Herald 139
Brooke, William, Lord Cobham 147
Broone, Justice 125
brothels 305–7
Browne, George 7
Browning, Robert 320–1
Bruges 254
Bruno, Giordano 150, 318–19, 321, 324, 325, 326
Brussels 315
Buckhurst, Lord 300
Buckingham, Duke of 257
Buckinghamshire 153, 284
Buckland Abbey 183
Buckley (Cambridge Don) 48
Bull, Eleanor 313–14
Bull, Richard 313
Burbage, James 160, 268, 270, 317
Burbage, Richard 369
Burghley, Baron/Lord 89, 112, 113, 116, 138, 265, 295, 299, 300, 315, 345–7, 348, 356
the Armada 250, 251, 256, 257
Chancellor of Cambridge 137
Drake’s expedition 176, 177
Mary, Queen of Scots 233, 235, 242
Queen’s marriage 186, 189
Queen’s visit to Theobalds 157
religion 120–1, 197
see also Cecil, William
Burgoyne (doctor) 239
Burnley 76
Burton, John 24
Burton, Robert 86
Burton Agnes 133
Buttevant Abbey 216
Buxton 131, 158
Buxton Hall 129
Byard, Libeus 75
Bynneman, Henry 116
Byrd, William 2, 135, 195–6, 203, 211
Cabot, John 222, 224
the Cacafuego 179
Cadiz 349, 350
Calais 253–4
Calderon, Pedro Coco 259
the calendar 89, 220–1
Calvinism 26, 60, 61, 63, 66, 77, 116, 186, 198, 206, 208
Cambrensis, Giraldus 12, 148
Cambridge 43, 66, 73, 77, 120–1, 176, 216, 271, 272, 297, 312, 314, 346, 348
Chancellor 137
Magdalene College 21
Pembroke College 79, 149
St John’s College 80, 270
Trinity College 88
Cambridgeshire 198
Camden, William 223, 232, 346, 373
Camillo, Giulio 317
Campion, Edmund 107, 114–15, 145, 200, 204–5, 264
and Ireland 11–12, 125
Campion, Thomas 2
Canary Islands 16, 17, 19, 20
Canterbury 285
Canterbury, Archbishop of 33, 37, 65, 66, 77, 156, 202, 280, 282, 318–19, 365
Cape Verde Islands 210
capital punishment 3
Cardano, Girolamo 86
Carew, Elizabeth 122
Carew, Richard 223, 326
Carey, Henry 101 see also Hunsdon, Baron/Lord
Carey, Kate 364
Carey, Philadelphia 365
Carey, Sir Robert 93, 364, 365
Caribbean 16, 18, 19, 98
Carleton, Kenneth 67
Carlisle 97, 101
Carlisle, Bishop of 33
Carlos, Prince of Asturias 106
Carlson, Leland H. 282
Carmarthenshire 351
Carrickmacross 354
Cartagena 175, 210
Cashel, Archbishop of 169
Casimir, John 185
Catesby, Robert 359
Catholic recusants 107, 114, 143, 196–9, 201, 264, 285, 366
Catholicism 25, 32, 38, 44, 55, 60, 63, 68, 69, 71–3, 76, 198–201, 226, 244, 333, 359, 366
Cavendish, Charles 131
Cavendish, Thomas 228
Cavendish, Sir William 128
Caversham House 133
Cecil, Anne 54, 119–20
Cecil, Elizabeth 120
Cecil, Frances 351
Cecil, Mildred 122
Cecil, Richard 45
Cecil, Robert 54, 299, 314, 316, 331, 339, 345–6, 350–1, 355, 357, 360, 361, 365
Cecil, Thomas (later Lord Burghley) 54, 211, 359
Cecil, William 80, 86, 102, 136, 200, 231
and Digges 86
and Dudley 50–1, 57–8
br /> and Earl of Hertford 53–5
early career 42–5, 47, 48, 75
and Leicester 98
and Mary, Queen of Scots 92, 95, 97, 232
and the Queen’s marriage 107–8
and religion 66, 67, 71, 90
Theobalds and Cecil House 117–19
see also Burghley, Lord
Cecil, William (grandson) 351
Cecil House, the Strand 118
ceremony, royal 25–36 see also pageantry
Chantries Act 76
Chapel Royal 65, 71, 195, 196, 267, 268, 313
Chapman, George 2, 45, 333
Chapman, Richard 251
Charities Act 75
charity 262, 263
Charles I 144
Charles V, Emperor 206, 224
Charles IX, King of France 108, 109, 112, 236
Charterhouse 26, 76
Chartley Manor 230, 231, 234, 351
Charybdis 255
Chatham yard 173
Chatsworth 129, 132
Chaucer 141, 149, 151
Cheke, John 43, 45, 48, 77, 80, 321, 346
Cheke, Mary 54
Cheshire 261
Chester 300
Chew Magna 129
Cheyney, Edward 114
Chideock 326
child actors 267, 268–9
childbirth, death in 188
Childergate 128
chimneys 135
choirboys 269–70
The Choise of Valentines 305–6
Cholmeley, Richard 315
Chomley, Sir Roger 78
Christ’s Teares over Ierusalem 296
church bells 94, 236, 243, 251
Cimarrones 174–5, 179
circumnavigation of the globe 176–83, 219
civil war, possibility of 96, 100, 279, 281, 287
Clanricard, Earl of 362
clans 8, 12
class 128, 262, 266
Clavius 220
Cleaver, Robert 124, 126
Clerkenwell 297
Clifford, Lady Anne 263
Clinton, Lord 42, 101
Clitherow, Henry 201
Clitherow, John 201
Clitherow, Margaret 200–1
Clontibret 344
coal industry 93, 132, 137
coats of arms 15, 17, 357
Cobham, Frances 129
Cobham, Henry 321
Cobham, Lord 351, 359
Coke, Sir Edward 136, 311–12, 360
Cole, Humphrey 180
Colet, John 75, 76, 267
Coligny, Admiral 54, 110, 116, 207
College of Arms 15, 137
Collins, William 23
colonialism 1, 140
colonies 7, 18, 170–1, 218
colours of dress 35
Columbus, Christopher 17
compasses 180
Compton, Lord 359
Connaught 301, 353
Cooke, Mildred 300
Cooke, Robert, Clarenceux King of Arms 137, 139
Cooper, Thomas, Bishop of Winchester 281
Copernicus 83–5, 318, 324
Corbet, Richard 166
Cork 225, 353
Cornelius, John 326
Cornelius the Irishman 24
Cornish, William 270
Cornwall 23, 248
coronation 31–3, 88
corporal punishment 79–80
Corunna 248
Cosin, John, Bishop of Durham 71
Cotton, Sir Robert 20
Coughlan, Patricia 11
Council of the North 93, 101, 112
Council of Trent 105, 112
Counter-Reformation 26, 64, 105, 107, 111, 112, 142, 169, 186, 207, 283, 286, 292, 319, 321, 343
County Durham 95
County Fermanagh 343
County Louth 344
County Monaghan 344
Court of High Commission 326
Coventry 101, 298
Coverdale, Miles 66, 77, 78
Crab Island 181
Crane, Elizabeth 281
Cranmer, Thomas 30, 37, 64, 73, 203, 366, 367
Cranwell, Robert 70
Cratfield 71
Creighton, Mandell 43, 74, 140
crime 264
Cripplegate 29
Cromwell, Lord 358–9
Cromwell, Oliver 299, 312
Cromwell, Thomas 93
Crowly, Aleister 89
Crowndale 173
Croydon 263
Cuffley 128
‘cult of Elizabeth’ 298
Cumberland 97
Cumberland, Earls of 234, 331, 359
Cumnor Place 49
Curle, Gilbert 239
currency 28
the Curtain 268
Cyfeiliog 158
d’Alençon, François, Duc 108–9, 112, 144, 158, 183, 185, 186
d’Angoulême, Duc 110
d’Anjou, François, Duc 185, 186, 188, 190
d’Anjou, Henri, Duc 108, 110
D’Esneval, French Ambassador 234
d’Orléans, Marie-Louise, Duchesse de Montpensier 39
Dacre, Leonard 101–2
dame schools 122
Dante 84, 368
Danvers, Sir Charles 360
Darlington 95
Darnley, Lord 57–8, 95–6
Daunce, William 70
Davies, John 84
Davies, John (the pirate) 90
Davison, William 186, 237
Dawkins, William 139
de Bazan, Don Alvaro 246
de Beauvais, François, Sieur de Briquemault 111
de Belièvre 236
de Bonilla, Fernandez 23
de Bry, Theodore 214
de Coligny, Admiral Gaspard 109
de Contreras, Moya 23
de Feria, Count, Spanish Ambassador 28, 43, 48, 49, 52
de Figuerosa, Gomez Suarez see de Feria, Count
de Freitas, Lançarote 16
de Guise, Ducs 110
de Halut, Rémy 246
de La Force, Seigneur 110
de la Mothe Fénèlon, Bertrand 130
de la Ramée, Pierre 111
de la Warr, Lord 340
de Leiva, Alonso 252, 260
de Maisse, Sieur, André Hurault 344–5
de’ Medici, Catherine 55, 108, 109, 112, 189
de Motteville, Françoise Bertaut 39
de Pisan, Christine 39
de Quadra, Bishop, Spanish Ambassador 50–2
de Simier, Jean 187, 189–90
de Spes, Spanish Ambassador 99
de Urquiza, Juanos 15
de Valdés, Don Pedro 249, 252, 253
de Vere, Edward see Oxford, Earl of
de Witt, John 317
death in childbirth 188, 189
DeBry, Theodore 228
Dee, George 24
Dee, Dr John 29, 85–91, 141, 224, 273, 292,
‘British Empire’ 34, 219
and Giordano Bruno 318, 319, 321, 325
Warden Manchester College 94, 261
Defoe, Daniel 297
Dekker, Thomas 307
Delft 155, 207
Denbigh 158
Deptford 313–14
Derby, Countess of 329
Derby, Earl of 42, 128
Derbyshire 129, 132
Derrick, Robert 139
Desmond family 9, 12
Desmond, Earl of, Gerald Fitzjames Fitzgerald 169
Dethick, Sir William, Garter King of Arms 138–9
Devereux, Dorothy 351
Devereux, Lettice 164 see also Essex, Countess of
Devereux, Penelope 230, 347, 362 see also Rich, Penelope
Devereux, Robert (2nd Earl of Essex) 257, 347 see also Essex, 2nd Earl of
Devereux, Robert (3rd Earl of Essex) 349
Devereux, Walter (1st Earl of Essex) 162, 164, 171, 347 see also Essex, 1st Earl of
Devon 136, 298
Devonshire, Earl of 129
Dickens, Charles 173
> Digges, Thomas 85–6
Ditchley Park 291–2
Dobson, J.F. 84
Doesburg 213
dogs 297
Don Antonio 349
Don Carlos 106
the Don de Dieu 21
Don John of Austria 169, 185, 186, 246
Donne, Henry 202
Donne, John 2, 61, 202, 340
Dorset, Marquesses of 128
Doughty, John 182
Doughty, Thomas 175, 177, 181
Douglas, Lady Margaret 57 see also Lennox, Countess of
Dover, Mayor of 204
Dowdall, George 8
Dowland, John 2, 167
Dowton, Thomas 269
Drake, Edmund 173
Drake, Francis 15, 19, 23, 24, 142, 159, 209–11, 228, 294, 298, 349
the Armada 248–55
circumnavigation 173–84, 219, 292–3, 338
and Ireland 170
and the Queen 35, 182–3
Drake’s Dial 180
drama 87
Drayton Beauchamp 284
dress 35, 137
of the clergy 67–8, 74
drink 159
Dry Drayton 198
Dublin 114
Dublin, Archbishop of 7
Dudley, Ambrose 46–7
Dudley, Amy 49–50
Dudley, Guildford 46–7
Dudley, Henry 46–7
Dudley, Jane 48
Dudley, John, Duke of Northumberland 4, 37, 46, 88, 119
Dudley, Mary see Sidney, Mary
Dudley, Robert 29, 42–3, 46–51, 55, 56–7, 88, 89, 97, 98, 256, 356 see also Leicester, Earl of
Dudley, Sir Robert (b.1574) 162
Duffy, Eamon 73
Dulwich 263
Duncan-Jones, Katherine 211
Dundalk 344
Durham 99, 100, 132
Durham, Bishops of 71, 92, 132, 226
Durham House 226
Durrest Fair 262
Dutch Anabaptists 193–4
East India Company 180, 218, 339
Edinburgh 234
Eddystone Rock 252
education 1, 9, 37, 75–82
of girls 122
Edward VI 26, 30, 36, 43, 48, 64, 76, 305
Egerton, Sir Thomas 42
the Elizabeth 176, 178, 179
Elizabeth I
addressing the army 257–8
appearance 27
birth 25–6
cult of virginity 303
death 347, 364–5, 373
funeral 196, 373
illegitimacy 26
illnesses 46, 51
intelligence and education 27, 28, 48, 80
and marriage 28, 40–1, 45–6, 48, 50–1, 96, 107–9, 112, 121, 144, 183, 186–9, 265
Elizabethan Settlement 65, 72, 74, 94, 113, 127, 144, 193, 198, 203
Eltham 163, 313
Ely, Bishops of 71, 164
Elyot, Thomas 123
embroideries 130–1, 134
English language 81–2, 368
Enniskillen 343
Enríquez, Martin 23, 173
espousals 124
Esquival, Ensign 248
Essex, Countess of, Lettice Devereux 164, 187, 209, 212, 347, 348, 350, 362
Essex, 1st Earl of, Walter Devereux 162, 164, 170–2, 175, 314, 342, 348, 349
Essex, 2nd Earl of, Robert Devereux 230, 293, 294, 299, 328, 330, 344, 347, 348, 350–4, 356–62
Essex 135, 136, 297
Essex Rebellion 357–60
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