Eton 80
Eure, Lord 352
Exeter 284
The Faerie Queene 1, 2, 30, 34, 78, 148, 150–2, 322–3, 328–9, 353
fairy queen 166–7
Farnese, Alexander 209
Farnworth 94
Faust, Dr Georg 87
Felton, John 106–7
Fenton, Sir Geoffrey 259–60
Fenton, Viscount 129, 159
Fernández-Armesto, Felipe 245
Ficino, Marsilius 323
Field, John 144
Field, Nathan 268
Field of the Cloth of Gold 45
fines 195, 196, 203
Fineux, Thomas 272
Finisterre 248
Finsbury 297
fire-ships 250, 254
Fisher, John 252
Fitzgibbon, Maurice 169
Fitzjames Fitzgerald, Gerald 169
Fitzmaurice Fitzgerald, James 98, 169
Fitzwilliam, William 300–1, 342, 343
Fleet Street 30
Fleetwood, William 262
Fleming, Abraham 144
Fleming, Lord 97
Fleming, Thomas 249
Fletcher, Rev. Francis 177, 181
Fletcher, Giles 239
Fletcher, Dr Richard, Dean of Peterborough 239–40
Flushing 109, 154, 209, 211, 315–16
food 69, 159–60
prices 262, 296, 359
Forman, Simon 308, 309
Forster, Anthony 49
Fortune Theatre 268, 318
Forty English Martyrs 201
Fotheringay Castle 233, 234, 237, 238
Foxe, John 111, 141–2, 144, 194, 221
France 18, 24, 25, 28, 36, 40, 71, 95, 98, 107–8, 109, 110, 116, 208, 262
Fraser, Lady Antonia 132
Frizier, Ingram 313–15
Frobisher, Humphrey 249
Frobisher, Sir Martin 159, 224, 249, 252, 253, 333
Froude, James Anthony 1, 3, 140, 170, 239, 242, 244, 251, 258, 332
Fuller, Thomas 225
Furnese, Alexander, Duke of Parma 185
Gaelic culture in Ireland 8–9, 11
Galicia 248
Gardner, Helen 62
Gargrave, Sir Thomas 112–13
Garter King of Arms 29
Garvey, William 15
Gascoigne, George 153–7, 160–2, 165, 186
Gascoigne, John 154
Gaunt, John of 122
Gawdy (judge) 235
geographers 221, 227, 337
geometry 317–18
Gérard, Balthasar 207
Gerard, John 118
Germany 60, 61, 62, 63, 65, 83, 139, 185, 266
Ghiraldi, Luigi Lilio 220
Ghislieri, Michele see Pius V
Giambelli, Federigo 250, 254
Gibbons, Orlando 196
Gibson, Thomas 199
Gilbert, Adrian 219
Gilbert, Sir Humphrey 109, 154, 219, 225, 226
Gillingham 173
Girouard, Mark 133–4
the Globe Theatre 268, 317–18, 358, 369
Goethe 83
gold 174–5, 334–5, 336
the Golden Hind (Drake) 176, 178–83
the Golden Hind (Fleming) 249
Golding, Arthur 116
Goldingham, Harry 161
Goodman, Bishop 345
Goodman, Christopher 200
Goodman, G. 25
Gorges, Sir Thomas 231, 232
Gorhambury 117
Govian 239
Grafton 157
Grafton, Richard 32
grain prices 298
grammar schools 1, 10, 76, 292, 336 see also education
Grantham 76
Gravelines 213, 254, 258
Gray’s Inn 45, 153, 297
Great North Road 93
Greene, Robert 270, 271, 274, 277
Greenham, Richard 198
Gregorian calendar 221
Gregory XIII, Pope 112, 186, 220
Grenville, Sir Richard 177, 228, 249, 331–2
Greville, Sir Fulke 359
Grey, Lady Catherine (Seymour) 52–6, 95
Grey, Lady Jane 43, 52, 77, 119
Grey, Reginald 154
Grey de Wilton, Lord 216, 360
Grindal, Edmund 77, 198
Grindal, William 48, 80, 141
Grosart, Rev. A.B. 79
Gruithuissens, Mademoiselle 213
Guiana 293, 331, 333–4, 366
Gunpowder Plot 129, 325, 359
Haarlem 155, 185
Habergham family 76
Habsburgs 40, 185, 187, 244
Hacket, William 286
Hakewill, William 148
Hakluyt, Richard 1, 18, 20, 221–4, 226–7, 228, 284, 336–9
Halifax 261
Hamlet 366–72
Hamlett, Katherine 275, 371
Hampshire 199
Hampshire, Lord Lieutenant of 361
Hampton Court 306
Hardwick Hall 132–4
Hardwick, Elizabeth (Bess) 127–34
see also St Loe, Elizabeth
Hardwick, James 432
Harefield 329
Harington, Sir John 2, 184, 327, 362
Harlestone, Margaret 69
Harlington 196
Harrington, Sir Henry 12, 202
Harrington, William 61
Harriot, Thomas 226, 227, 228, 325, 336
Harrison, John 180
Harrison, William 143
Harrogate 158
Hart, John 138
Hart, Mary 138–9
harvests 295, 298
Harvey, Gabriel 149, 216, 282, 312
Haselbury 135
Hatfield House, Hertfordshire 26, 27, 28
Hathaway, Anne 125
Hatton, Sir Christopher 42, 163, 175, 176, 236, 243, 300, 348
Haverfordwest 300
Havering 256
Hawkins, Sir John 3, 15–24, 98, 173, 175, 249, 251, 252, 253, 254, 294
Hawkins, Richard 249
Hawkins, William 15, 19, 159, 174
Hawkins, William (son of the above) 19
Haydock family 76
Haywood, Dr John 357
Hazlitt, W. 271
Heath, Nicholas, Archbishop of York 33, 65
Hengrave Hall 135
Henriksson, Helena 232
Henry, Prince of Wales 331
Henry III of France 187
Henry IV of France 350 see also Navarre, Prince Henri
Henry IV 145–7
Henry V 30, 269
Henry VI 277–8
Henry VII 27, 44, 125, 222
Henry VIII 75
Henry VIII 9, 45, 89, 305, 311
Church of England, 63, 75, 142, 199, 292
dissolution of the monasteries 45, 292
and Ireland 7, 8,
issue 20, 25–7, 291, 299
will 25, 95
Henry the Navigator 17
Henslowe, Philip 268, 269, 270, 318
heralds 137–9
Herbert, George 45
Herbert, Henry 52
Herefordshire 313
hermetics 319–25
Herries, Lord 97
Hertford, Earl of 52–6
Hertfordshire 117
Hext, Edward 295
Heywood, John 202
Heywood, Thomas 202
Higham Ferrers 163
Highgate 78
Hilles, Richard 77
Hilliard, Nicholas 35
The History of the World 325, 326
Hodgkins, Bishop 66
Hofman, François 116
Holdenby 164
Holenlohe, Count 212
Holinshed, Raphael 142, 148
Holland 206, 212, 343
Holmes, George 70
Holyrood 234
Home (park) 163
homes, great houses 133–4
homosexuality 309
The Honest Whore 307
Hooker, Richard 223, 283�
��7, 292
Hoover, John 143
Horham Hall 135
Horse Guards Parade 293
Howard, Admiral Charles, Earl of Nottingham 249–54, 300, 364
Howard, Lord Henry 352
Howard, Philip 204
Howard, Sir Thomas 98–9, 331, 359
Howard of Effingham, William Howard 15, 42, 162
Hughes, Ted 299
Huguenots 109, 110, 116, 186
humanism 1, 337
Hunsdon, Baron/Lord 101–2, 138, 231, 300, 306, 308
hunting 156–7, 160, 231
Huntingdon 312
Huntingdon, Earl of 51–2, 113, 138
Hurault, André, Sieur de Maisse 344–5
Huyton 94
illegitimacy rate 124–5
immigration 201
India 218
industrial revolution 295
Inglis, Esther 122
Ingolstadt 87
Ingram, Davy 219
Inner Temple 163, 197
Inns of Court 107, 197, 292 see also Gray’s Inn; Inner Temple: Lincoln’s Inn; Middle Temple
the Inquisition 21, 23, 24, 319, 324
Ireland 2–3, 7–14, 17, 18, 36, 98, 125, 140, 147–8, 169–72, 175, 201, 225, 259–60, 294, 296, 298, 299–300, 328, 329, 342–4, 352–5, 364
Ironside, Ralph 326
island-race concept 142, 218, 245
Islington 262
Italy 81, 86
James IV of Scotland 57
James V of Scotland 40, 57
James VI and I 95, 196, 208, 229, 234, 241, 298, 311, 325, 336, 353, 357, 370
James, M.R. 90
James, William 284
Jamestown 228
Java 182
Jenkins, Elizabeth 188, 365
Jesuits 23, 61, 100, 107, 141, 197, 203, 204, 235, 283, 287, 333 see also Campion, Edmund; Parsons, Robert
Jesus of Lübeck 16, 20–2, 24, 173, 252
Jewel, John 68, 284
jewels 35, 97, 137, 183
Jews 3, 105
Johnson, F.R. 91
Johnston, Robert 27
Jonson, Ben 2, 45, 78, 123, 125, 127, 136, 216, 216, 268, 275, 303, 369
Journal of the Plague Year 297
judges 28, 78, 197
the Judith 21, 23
Julian calendar 89, 220–1
Julius Caesar 372
justices of the peace 41, 136, 197, 263, 295, 298
Kasten, David Scott 146
Keeling, Captain William 369
Keeper of the Parks 163
Kelley, Edward 89
Kenilworth 57, 157–8, 159–61, 164
Kennedy, Elizabeth 239
Kent 135, 154, 173, 198, 296, 297
Kent, Earls of 129, 154, 156, 238, 239, 240
Kesten, Hermann 84
Keymis, Lawrence 334
Kierkegaard, S. 367
Kilcolman 216, 328
Kildare 353
King Lear 323
Kingsley, Charles 60
Kingston, Earl of 129
Kirby Hall 164
Kitchin, Anthony 65
Knights of the Garter 101, 129, 292, 348, 361
Knollys, Lady Catherine 138
Knollys, Sir Francis 97, 133, 231
Knollys, Lettice 164 see also Essex, Countess of
Knox, John 37–40, 46
Kopernik, Mikolaj see Copernicus
Kyd, Thomas 78, 274, 275
Kyrkener, Erasmus 139
Lambarde, William 358
Lambeth Palace 69
Lancashire 76, 94, 261
Lane, Ralph 228, 228
Langley, Francis 268, 306
Langton, Robert, Archdeacon of Dorset 76
Lanier, Emilia 308
Lanthorn and Candlelight 307
Laud, Archbishop 71
Launceston 200
Lawes, William 196
Le Testu, Guillaume 175
Lee, Sir Anthony 291
Lee, Sir Henry, Queen’s Champion 36, 165, 166, 291–3, 299
Leeds 202, 261
Legge, Elizabeth 123
Leicester, Earl of 57, 204
the Armada 255, 256, 257, 348
and the Countess of Essex 164–5, 187, 189–90
Kenilworth 157–63
Low Countries 209, 212, 213, 348
and Philip Sidney 114, 170, 212, 213, 348
and Queen of Scots 57, 113
and Raleigh 225–6
and Walsingham 176, 186, 209
see also Dudley, Robert
Leiden 155
Leinster 353
Leitrim 301
Leix 13
Leland, John 261
Lennox, Countess of (Lady Margaret Douglas) 57, 58, 138
Lennox, 4th Earl of (Matthew Stuart) 57, 96
Lennox, 5th Earl of (Charles Stuart) 129
Lepanto 246, 247, 252
Lewis, C.S. 141, 143, 284, 330, 371
Liddesdale 102
life expectancy 296
Lilius, Aloysius 220
Lincoln, Earl of 359
Lincoln’s Inn 106, 197
Lincolnshire 137
Lismore 225
literature 1, 214–15
Liverpool 261
Livingstone, Lady Agnes 131
Lloyd, Meredith 88
Lochleven Castle 96, 97, 234
Locke, John 244
Lodge, Thomas 78, 266, 368
Loftus, Adam 172
Lollards 145
London 30–2, 116, 193, 250, 261–4, 285, 296–8, 308, 359
Corporation of 30
London, Bishop of 77, 106, 113, 141, 194, 280
Long Metlow 71
Longleat House 133, 135
Lord Chamberlain’s Company 318, 358, 369
Lord Chancellor 42, 163, 197, 235
Lord Deputies of Ireland 9, 10, 11, 13, 115, 170, 300, 301, 342, 343
Lord Keeper of the Great Seal 42
Lord Mayor of London 29, 80, 137, 153, 262, 296, 369
Lorraine, Mary of 131
Louis XIV 240
Louth 76, 353
Lovell 22
Love’s Labour’s Lost 325
Low, William 21
Low Countries 109, 185, 186, 200, 206–9, 212, 262
Lowestoft 297
Lucas, Seymour 249
Lumley, Lord 92, 234, 352
Lutheranism 60–1, 63, 66, 198, 367
Luxembourg 206
Lyford 204
Lyly, John 266–8, 270
Maastricht 207
MacBeth 57, 299
Macclesfield 76
Machyn, Henry 80, 153
MacShane family 343
the Madre de Dios 333–4
Magellan, Ferdinand 178
mages 84–5
magicians 87
Maitland, Secretary 98
Malby, Sir Thomas 169
Malthus, Rev. Thomas 295–6
Manchester 89, 94, 94, 261
Manchester Grammar School 79
Manners, Grace 129
Manon, Matthew 144
Manteo 227, 228
manuscripts 90
Mappa Mundi 222–3
maps 18, 222–3
Mar, Earl of 109
the Marigold 178, 179
Marley, Christopher 270 see also Marlowe, Christopher
Marlowe, Christopher 2, 3, 87, 136, 266, 270–6, 292, 312, 314, 315, 321–2, 325, 357
Marprelate, Martin 280–3
marriage 39, 40, 53, 123–4, 126, 231–2, 239
Martin, John 24
Martyr, Peter 337
Mary I 8, 25, 26, 28, 36, 37, 38, 47, 63, 88, 169, 307, 311
Mary II 39
Mary of Guise, Regent of Scotland 38, 54, 57
Mary, Queen of Scots 25, 27, 37–8, 40, 55, 57, 71, 72, 95–7, 108, 109, 113, 208
imprisonment and death 100–1, 130–2, 230–43
Master, Douglas 334
Master of the Horse 43
Mattingley, Garrett 249
Maurice, Prince 212
Maurissière, French Ambassador 188
May, Henry, Mayor of York 201
Mayne, Cuthbert 200
Measure for Measure 304–5
medicine 87
Medina Sidonia, Duke of (Alonso Pérez de Guzmán) 247, 248, 252, 254, 255
Mellowes, William 107
Melville, Andrew 239
Melville, Sir James 58
Mendoza, Don Bernadino de, Spanish Ambassador 182–3, 234, 236, 255
mercenaries 301, 343 see also Redshanks
merchant class 136–7
Merchant of Venice 323
Merchant Taylors’ Company 76–7, 140, 141
Merchant Taylors’ School 75, 76–7, 78, 79, 149, 196, 274
Meres, Francis 312
Mexico 23
Meyrick, Sir Gelli 357
Middelburg 155
Middle Ages 1, 85, 91, 127, 136–7, 156, 220, 261, 267, 320
Middle Temple 84, 222, 357
Middlesex 196
A Midsummer Night’s Dream 160–2, 304
Mileham 136
military service 296–7, 298
Mills, Francis 196
Milton, John 81, 196–7
the Minion 21, 22, 23
A Mirror for Magistrates 307
missionary priests 200
Mocenigo, Giovanni 324
monasteries, dissolution of 7, 26, 75, 90, 93, 128, 292
Montague, Lord 234
Montacute House 135
Montaigne 326, 372
Mooney, John see Cornelius, John
Moorfields 297
Mor, Antonis 291
More, Sir Thomas 26, 64, 75, 202, 294
Morebath 71
Morgan, Hugh 45
Moray, Earl of 207
Morpeth 76
Morton, Sir John 131
Moryson, Fynes 11, 13
Moryson, Sir George 11
Motley, J.L. 185
Mounteagle, Lord 358, 359
Mountjoy, Lord (Sir Charles Blount) 11, 13, 350, 352, 353, 357, 360, 364
Mowbray, Barbara 239, 240
Mulcaster, Richard, MP 30–2, 71, 75–9, 122, 136, 149, 274, 338
Munster 11, 98, 169, 171, 225, 353
Münster, Sebastian 223
Murray, Earl of 97
Mush, John 201
music 2, 265
Nag’s Head Fable 66–7
Nashe, Thomas 1, 215, 216, 266, 274, 282, 294–5, 296, 299, 305
national debt 28
Native Americans 219, 222, 226–8, 336, 339
Natrige, Dente 313
Navarre, Prince Henri of 110, 208, 349, 350
Neale, J.E. 362
the Netherlands 109, 154–5, 176, 183–9, 206–9, 212, 246, 253, 296, 298, 339, 348 see also Holland;
Low Countries
New Year 221
Newcastle, Duke of 129
Newcastle-upon-Tyne 75, 93
Newfoundland 219, 225
Newgate Prison 138
Newman, John Henry 201
Newman, Mary 174
Niccholes, Alexander 123
Nicholas, Josias 198, 282
Nicholl, Charles 312–13, 316
Nombre de Dios 174
Nowell, Dean 77
Norfolk 136, 311
Norfolk, Duke of 57, 98–9, 100, 101, 129, 129, 188, 265
Norreys, Sir John 170, 353
The Elizabethans Page 56