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Carpathian Vampire, When You've Never Known Love

Page 41

by Lumi Laura

CHAPTER 28 Millennium Road

  On her way up the mountain, Alex stayed off the trail amongst trees and bushes. This was the height of the summer tourist season. Sinaia and its environs were crawling with European men, women and children, all hikers with their daypacks and walking sticks. All to be avoided. She felt like a hunted animal, every few steps looking back over her shoulder, wishing it were the middle of the night to cover her entry into the cavern.

  When Alex tapped out the code on the rock wall, she had none of the apprehension or anticipation of her first visit and was in fact eager to get inside. She waited impatiently but nothing happened. She heard no grinding of rock against rock; the stone surfaces didn't part. She heard voices coming up the mountain behind her, so she stepped away from the entrance and quickly moved on up the mountain. Hidden within a dark crevasse, she found another shallow cave and entered.

  From her hiding place, she peeked out and immediately went into a rage. It was Stefan, the bounty hunter, and a policeman who carried the shotgun with which they'd subdued her a few nights before. When she saw Father Zosimos trailing along behind, she choked up. She remembered seeing him with her grandmother, how congenial they'd seemed with each other. And now this. She had been abandoned by her parents, double-crossed repeatedly by Father Zosimos, violated by the police. She felt betrayed by humanity.

  She crept deeper into the little cavern and found a small opening at the base of the stone wall. Somehow this must lead to the main cavern, she thought. She squeezed through. In complete blackness, she sensed a larger chamber and felt her way along another stone wall, all the while measuring her steps to ensure she didn't fall into a precipice. The draft was cool but fresh. She heard the trickle of water.

  Then from behind her, she heard stone grate against stone, and she felt a gush of cold air. Someone had entered the chamber. She suppressed a surge of fear and stood still, then felt the icy hand of a vampire clasp her arm. She was forced through an opening and heard the rocks scrape closed.

  "I'm Marie Eidyn," she said.

  "We know who you are," said a familiar female voice. "You've been here before." It was Cosmina, the large, rough vampire who had taken her to see Alu.

  "I remember you too. How did you know I was here?"

  "We have a security force," said Cosmina, her voice strong with disapproval. "We have procedures too, and you've violated them both times. I hope you didn't bring that nasty cross with you."

  "I'm better prepared this time."

  "We're better prepared for your return, too." Cosmina's voice had become kind, gentle, excited, much different than Alex had remembered. "At least partially prepared."

  She led Alex along a winding, descending tunnel, faintly lit from some source in front of them. Gradually, the corridor opened into a chamber Alex recognized as Alu's Throne Room with its massive stone formations. Cosmina took her through the passageway behind the great chair from which, when Alex was here before, Alu had appeared and disappeared. Though dimly lit, Alex saw that this larger chamber was elaborately furnished, great curtains in reds and golds covering the walls and possibly hiding other entryways and exits. Sofas and easy chairs sat in organized groupings.

  Alex realized Cosmina had left her. She was alone. But then she noticed a part of the dark wall move. Alu Kard unfolded like a giant erector set from his perch where he slept hanging upside down like a colossal bat.

  Seeing him this way was so strange that Alex wondered if she'd made the right choice by returning. Are all these vampires that much like another animal species? She spoke as he approached her. "I've come, as you said I would," she admitted.

  "I'm sorry that your first visit within my private chamber found me sleeping. Cosmina should have been more discrete. I frequently hang from my roost. Promotes blood flow to the brain during sleep and improves memory in one my age. Vampirism does have subtle aging effects, even if they're dramatically reduced from that peculiar to humans. A disturbing sight, I'd imagine."

  Alex hadn't thought, but of course Alu would be asleep in daytime. She didn't want to insult him since she needed his protection. "Curious," she said.

  "That's diplomatic of you. But welcome again to my palace in the Carpathians," he said. "Palace is a bit of an overstatement. I've dwelled within these rock walls for centuries." He seemed formal and aristocratic. Even though he was more congenial than before, she still sensed his tremendous age. His voice seemed to have somewhat of an echo, and it didn't appear to be just because of the cavernous stone walls. She wondered what he would have been like three millennia ago as a young man.

  "And walked the streets at night."

  "I do work the nocturnal shift," he confirmed with a faint smile.

  She heard a commotion in another chamber behind a partition, scuffling. "Just let me see her," said the distressed voice of a woman, and it sounded as if she might be crying. "I just want a quick look."

  "One moment please," said Alu. He disappeared behind the curtain, and Alex heard muffled voices receding in the distance, and then Alu returned. "Sorry about that," he said. "Not every vampire is a congenial member of our society. Some we have to exercise a little more control over than we would wish."

  Then as if to reassure Alex that everything was okay, he went behind another curtain, and when he returned, he had six people with him, four men and two women. One man and the two women were human.

  "These are my companions," Alu said.

  "Three are human?"

  "You do have amazing powers of perception. We tolerate some of the more enlightened civilians. We value contact with the others, even if they, for the most part, don't approve of us. Some of my closest servants are human."

  They were handsome men and women. Young, healthy. Each of the vampires in turn took her hand and bowed. They seemed quite ancient. The last shook his head and said, "You're sure of her vampirism? I wouldn't have guessed it, and her warmth is puzzling."

  "I can vouch for it," said Alu. "That's one of the many reasons we're so fortunate to have her join us."

  "The humans, they are your blood source?" Alex said, realizing the obvious.

  Alu seemed hurt. "Yes. That also. But first and foremost, they're my companions."

  "I'll look forward to getting to know each of you," she said to them.

  Alex knew she had to get the pregnancy thing over with quickly, but she didn't want to tell him in front of the others. Turning back to Alu, she said, "I need to speak to you alone. I hate to be rude, but it is a private matter."

  "Certainly," he said, surprised and a little confused. "Ladies. Gentlemen." He motioned for them to exit and turned back to Alex. "I know you must have reservations about becoming a part of such an ancient order, but let me assure you..."

  Alex cut him off. "Not at all. I'm here for protection and can tell that your security concerns are everything I hoped. But I have a condition that you should know about."

  "Of course. Take a seat." He motioned to a sofa and chairs.

  Once comfortable, Alex said rather dramatically, "I'm five months pregnant."

  Alu's immediate response was one of concern and confusion. His eyes immediately went to her midriff. "You're sure? We've not encountered this," he said. He seemed shaken.

  "I wear clothing to hide it, but I am showing. I can feel the baby move."

  "We'll, that is certainly... surprising. Never in all my years..." Alex thought she could see his mind working a mile a minute to recalculate the situation. "You'll require special care," he said. "Are you in need of any immediate medical attention?"

  "No," said Alex. "I seem to be remarkably healthy."

  "Pregnant. This changes everything," said Alu, a look of disillusionment settling upon him again. "We should have someone with you at all times to ensure if anything should go wrong, that we can provide medical help immediately."

  She could feel him trying to close in upon her. This sounded controlling. "I would prefer my solitude, if it's all the same to you."

  Then he seeme
d to regain his footing. He had gone from confusion to understanding in a heartbeat. "Of course." He seemed overly pleased, and as he moved his chair closer, she backed away along the sofa. The look on his face was one of such surprise that she was afraid of him.

  "Forgive me," he said. "I've startled you. It's just that — a pregnant vampire! I had imagined you becoming my close companion, but with this set of personal circumstances, perhaps it would be best if we let you find your own place among the Colony. Your future station and relationship to me will be determined in time."

  Alex wondered what sort of lewd activity he'd been contemplating. This could have been really scary, she thought, something on the order of the Sinaia detention center.

  "I'm different," she confessed. "Not affected by sunlight, at least not drastically, and my body is still warm. Only two degrees below human. Yet I am a vampire. I must have blood every couple of weeks. Plus, I seem to have a difficult-to-make-dead thing going for me. I've been staked and shot with a couple of different weapons, but I don't die, not even when shot through the heart with a wood slug."

  "Remarkable. Vampires are so naturally immune to disease, and non-fatal injuries heal so rapidly that healthcare has not been our focus." He thought for a moment. "However, I... we do have a research group, medical professionals. I'll summon our most enlightened, and we'll set up a monitoring protocol. Not only ensure your health but also monitor the baby's physical progress. Perhaps we'll be able to assist you and add to our database."

  Alu stopped cold, looked about as if wishing to address a subject but didn't know quite how to approach her.

  Alex suddenly realized what it was. "The father," she said. "Yes, well, I would have thought you'd know. All indications are that it's the rapist. The man I killed in the park."

  A dark cloud seemed to come over him, and she realized that he hadn't known that she was the perpetrator. She wondered why Cosmina hadn't told him. He tried to disguise his disappointment, but it was projected like a dark beacon.

  "That's the reason the police are after me and Father Zosimos has rejected me. I'm a murderer."

  "In their eyes," Alu said quickly. He'd partially recovered. "Of course. I knew you'd had a violent encounter. I didn't know the full story. I saw you in its aftermath and went to you. I hope this hasn't tainted your affection for your offspring. It could be an incentive for the vampire community."

  "Not in the least. I love my child. That's the reason I'm here. Her protection."

  He'd flinched when she said "love." Again, he quickly recovered. "Of course. We'll do everything we can to make this a trouble-free experience."

  He smiled broadly, raised his hands in the air and then dropped them. "You've really made an impression. I'm so glad you came to us."

  Alu seemed too pleased. She hadn't thought that he might develop plans for a child born into the vampire community. She had a inkling that her child might still be at risk, a different type of risk than that from the human community.

  "I'm tired. Rest, that's what I need," Alex said.

  "Of course, and I'm delaying you. Cosmina will find a place for you to bed down. I'm afraid your sudden appearance has caught me... us off guard. And now this delightful pregnancy. We'll get a temporary place for you tonight and find permanent quarters tomorrow." He took a deep breath. "Well! Welcome to our home and our society. I hope you'll be as happy staying with us as we are to have you."

  Alex was speechless and a little scared. He was so artificial in his complimentary assessment. But perhaps she should get to know him better before passing judgment.

  He raised his voice. "Cosmina?" When she appeared, he said, "Provide for Miss Eidyn. She needs a place to sleep. Stay close to her this first night, if you don't mind, and insure she's taken care of. She's quite the surprise. She's pregnant."

  Alex wished he'd been more discrete concerning her condition. Now, it was already out there.

  "What?" said Cosmina. "That's not even possible." She took a chair along side Alu.

  "My initial reaction also," said Alu. "Yet, we can't argue with reality. Perhaps that's the reason for her elevated body temperature."

  "The child will be stillborn," said Cosmina.

  "The child is alive and well," said Alex. "I can feel it move. I became pregnant before I became a vampire. "

  "Why did you come to us with a problem like this?" Cosmina seemed belligerent toward the whole idea. "We have no special facilities."

  "Because it isn't a problem," answered Alex, with a nasty tone. "The father was a serial rapist. All the authorities know me to be a vampire, and neither the child nor I are safe among humans. I've come for refuge. I believed we would be welcome, perhaps even safe here, among those like me."

  "She'll be a curiosity," Cosmina said. "They'll come from all over the globe." She folded her arms against her chest and stiffened. She look toward Alu and something in the way of communication passed between them.

  Alu relaxed, even smiled. "So it is that the evil race of vampires becomes the last refuge for the innocents of the world. You must excuse Cosmina. She's overly pessimistic when it comes to human institutions. I'm pleased you've come to us in your hour of need. It's an unexpected vote of confidence."

  Cosmina unfolded her arms and raised her palms to Alex. "I'm sorry," she said. "It's such a shock. Perhaps I'm a little jealous." She almost smiled.

  "I'm here for more than refuge. I also need to learn about being a vampire. If I'm going to live for a couple of millennia, I'd appreciate knowing what that life will be like. You have all the answers. Humans are idiots when it comes to vampires."

  Alu had a good laugh. "And many other things as well. This is a much different attitude than on your previous visit."

  "I need food and a small amount of blood from time to time. I can't linger out of doors because I've been on television, and now I'm recognizable as a vampire by the general population. I'm hunted."

  "Perhaps you should not go out at all," said Alu, seizing the opportunity it would seem to voice an unspoken preference. "Your concern and confidence in us is appreciated and will be well rewarded. You'll be safe. We'll see to your basic necessities. Food and blood? Not a problem."

  With that, Cosmina took Alex to her own boudoir, a large open space between stalactites with minimal furnishings. It was late morning and most had already bedded down. Alex had slept little the last twenty-four hours and now felt even safer in the cavern than she'd imagined. The fact that she'd not be forced into a personal relationship with Alu was a relief.

  "The cavern is larger than I remembered," she told Cosmina. "The air circulation is amazing."

  "This part of the cavern, the Cathedral, is just a small part of a much larger system that extends for miles underground. This giant room is closest to the surface, and from here it descends many thousands of feet." Her attitude had changed remarkably from hostile to conciliatory and now to down right helpful. That quick instant of private communication with Alu had dramatically changed her.

  Cosmina provided a place for her to sleep near her, two small stalagmites separating them. "We'll find a permanent place for you tomorrow," she said. "Few spend more than a day or two inside the cavern. I spend more time than most, but even I have a permanent residence in Sinaia."

  It was not a proper bed and consisted only of a pile of quilts and blankets on a rough rock surface, a thin pillow. Alex curled up amongst them and covered herself. It felt more nest than bed. And it was cold.

  The Cathedral was dimly lit and down right spooky. Although she was one of the Undead and felt safe, she sensed a great gulf between herself and these vampires. Her life was caught up in so many ironies. During these first months she'd been a vampire, she'd felt more a part of human society. She'd enjoyed nightlife for the first time, had fallen in love, had a home, and could make her way in the world. Other than the continued assaults from the authorities, her only problem had been troubling dreams since Father Zosimos took her cross. Here amongst vampires, she had nothing

  A single candle lit the great chamber, and once she bedded down, even it was snuffed. Her eyes could no longer adjust to the light because there was none. She wondered why they kept it so dark. Alex got no sense of a great population inside the Cathedral, nothing like the crowd she'd seen before. The place felt dead, as if she'd stumbled into the cavern as an explorer and discovered a nest of mummies. Everyone was in fact dead, their past lives forever lost. She had to resign herself. After all, she was a vampire among vampires.

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