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SAVAGE ROAD (A Devil Call MC Book) (Layne & Shelby Book One)

Page 5

by Fawkes, Ana W.

  I had my palms flat against the wall, pushing, thrusting back to his touch. My knees bent, his fingers touching me everywhere, it was no shock when I felt myself ready to go so quickly. Nobody had touched me like this in a long time.

  Layne pressed forward, his body against mine. The space between me on the wall stolen. His lips touched my neck, kissing me. He worked up to my ear and let out a growl.

  His right hand was between my legs, from behind, fingers sliding in and out of me with ease. His left hand around the front of my body massaged my clit harder by the second.

  With another growl, Layne then said, “Come right now. Make a fucking mess all over my fingers, sweetheart. Right fucking now.”

  “Christ,” I managed to whisper.

  No way I could resist my body’s needs and Layne’s commands.

  I tried to thrust and couldn’t. Layne had me under complete control.

  I shut my eyes and felt the climax swell and let go. My toes curled in my shoes and I lost my breath as I started to come. Layne stayed right there with me, his fingers working beautifully, knowing how to work with me as I throbbed over and over.

  Layne then stepped back, taking his hands away from me. My hands were still against the wall, my hips rocking. I was done… but not done.

  I looked back at Layne.

  “You taking care of yourself?” he asked.


  “If I come inside you, you’re not going to get pregnant, right?”

  “Oh. That. Yeah. I mean, no. No. I’m not going to get pregnant…”

  My head was spinning faster than reality.

  Layne had his hand between his legs. I watched him unzip his jeans and pull out a long, hard, perfect cock. His other hand slapped my ass again, snapping me out of my trance. He squeezed my ass and pushed, his thumb cutting between my cheeks and down, touching me as I continued to throb.

  He was then against me. The head of his dick pressed to me. For a few seconds it felt impossible that he could fit inside me. Pressing harder, he tore me open, stealing my breath, making me shake harder.

  “Easy, sweetheart,” Layne growled as his other hand grabbed my ass.

  He kept me steady, making me fight against the instinctive need to fuck back at him. He was deep inside me, filling me beyond the max. My fingers curled at the wall, nails scratching, desperate for relief. The only possible relief, however, was from deep within my core.

  “Fuck,” Layne whispered.

  He started to pull back. I regained my breath and turned my head. His shoulders looked ten miles wide. His leather cut completely sexy. His t-shirt rested too far down, curling just a little around his dick. I saw him for a second, his shaft glistening, but then he thrust forward, right back into me.

  I groaned and tried to thrust back again. Layne was still holding me tight.

  “This is mine,” he said. “Get that fucking straight right now. If this is going to happen…”

  I reached back with my right hand. I touched the edges of his leather cut. I touched my own ass, squeezing and pulling, wanting more of him.

  Layne pulled back and thrust again. This time he hurried to repeat the motion, actually fucking me. It brought the realization that I was breaking my rule. My one fucking rule. The biggest rule of my life.

  I was fucking a biker.

  Worse yet, this was the guy who’d be wearing the President’s patch soon. The guy who had barged into the clubhouse like a wild storm and had taken the place over. Standing up to Finn. Taking down Ax. Possibly killing Bain for being a traitor. And now he was deep inside me. Thrusting. Fucking.

  His powerful legs crashed into the back of my legs. I had to put my hand back on the wall and push to keep my head from smashing into the wall. Layne’s strong hands were like vises against my hips. His fingers dug in my lower belly, his thumbs near my ass. Everything about him and his touch had set me on fire. Maybe because he was new. Maybe because he was so defiant and sexy. Maybe because he was shot and didn’t give a shit about it.

  Or maybe it was just his eyes.

  Yeah, of all things, his eyes.

  With his cock burying deep into me, I was thinking about his eyes. They hinted at a darker story for Layne. There was good reason he left Brocke to come up here. Brocke was supposed to be the town and charter everyone wanted to be in. Yet Layne was up here in Oakville.

  “Oh, fuck,” I groaned loud enough that my voice carried down the hallway.

  I tensed and fought even harder against Layne’s grip. I had to move. I had to come. I did both. I lowered my head and looked at my feet, my shoes, then Layne’s giant boots.

  I came with a leg tingling pulse.

  Behind me, Layne hissed. His hands gripped even tighter, almost hurting me. But I wasn’t going to argue his touch. I needed it. I desperately needed it. To make me feel okay and feel alive.

  That’s when Layne thrust forward and started to come. His right hand slipped up my shirt and he lifted me up. His left hand went down to my pussy, two fingers grazing my clit. I was almost standing, throbbing against his cock as he spilled into me. Each pulse left me with a warm feeling. Each time his dick pulsed, he groaned, his mouth right next to my ear. His thrusts were hard, slow, perfect. I almost never wanted him to leave my body.

  Then he did.

  He pulled out with a sighing groan. I felt a gush between my legs and whimpered. I turned my head and Layne was right there. Even though the hallway was dark, I could see his eyes. I swear on it.

  I inched forward, wanting his lips.

  That’s when everything froze.

  Our eyes were locked together.

  Gently, his hand slipped over my right ass cheek and he squeezed. My ass was tender, sore, thanks to Layne smacking me. Fuck, I never knew it could feel so good.

  I swallowed hard.

  I then made my move at him.

  My lips touched his and then he pulled back.

  He licked his lips.

  “No,” he whispered. “That’s not how it works right now. You stay behind that bar, sweetheart. Someday I may not be there to protect you.”

  Layne backed up. He left me standing there with my jeans and panties down at my knees. I looked back at him.

  “If you are there,” I said, “this is what I get?”

  Layne grinned. “You’re hidden, sweetheart. And it’s going to get you good one of these days.”

  “You’re the one who’s hidden, Layne.”

  “Maybe so.” He stepped at me again. His hands cupped my ass. I gushed again… “But, sweetheart, I’ve killed a lot of people. That’s a lot of guilt to bear. What’s your story?”

  He didn’t give me a chance to respond. He simply turned and walked away without looking back again.

  I stood there, catching my breath, still gushing, still so tender between my legs.

  What’s your story?

  That was the answer I feared giving up.

  Simply put… my father wanted Layne gone. He wanted Devil Call MC gone.

  He wanted to kill Layne.



  I opened my eyes and looked down. I still had the gun on my stomach, my hand gripped tight on it. To my left, the bed was empty. My hand was outstretched, fingers wrapped around the pillow.

  What the fuck did I expect to be there?


  I groaned and shook my head.

  She was a fun little thing, that was for sure.

  A fun little thing.

  I sucked in a breath and groaned.

  Something had just triggered in me when I saw Brett smack Shelby’s ass. I had almost been across the room yet my eyes had been searching for Shelby. It just seemed off. One woman and all these bikers around her. Yeah, I thought about Everly a little bit and what it was like for her before Talon got out of prison. I fucked up with Everly, I knew that. I should have been more protective of her, but sadly it had been clear she and I were never meant to be. And I took that to heart.

; With Shelby, it was different.

  This was nothing about heart.

  I just wanted to make sure she didn’t get hurt. And I didn’t mind getting my dick a little wet.

  Her sweet smell still lingered on me.

  I stood from the bed and went to the bathroom.

  I took a long piss, splashed some water on my face, and left the bathroom to find Brett standing in my room. He had a gun in one hand - not my gun; my gun was still on the bed - and a cup of coffee in the other.

  “Morning,” I said.

  “It’s early afternoon,” Brett said.

  “What do you want?”


  “You poison it?”

  Brett laughed. “You think that’s how I’d take down someone like you?”

  “World’s a fucked up place,” I said.

  Brett put the coffee down. “Hey, about last night… I was drunk, Layne. Okay? I would have never…”

  I stepped toward Brett. I grabbed his wrist and lifted. I put the gun to my stomach. I put my thumb to the trigger. My eyes were inches from Brett’s as I stared down at him.

  “If I wanted a cup of coffee I’d have one of the prospects make it,” I said. “If I wanted to hear you apologize for touching a woman’s ass, I’d chain you up like I did to Bain and make you beg for forgiveness. Now, if you’re in here with a gun in your hand to shoot me, then you have three seconds to do so before I slam your fucking head off a wall.”

  Brett swallowed hard. His eyes were wide.

  Slowly, he stepped back. I let my hand slide away from the gun.

  Brett put his hands up, a show of faith maybe.

  “I get drunk and think dumb things,” Brett said. “Shelby and I had been having these moments… I just wanted…”

  “Brett, right?”

  Of course I knew who he was.

  He nodded.

  “Take your coffee. Take your gun. Take your fuck fantasy with Shelby. Go fuck off.”

  Brett took the coffee mug and left. I wasn’t in the mood for that shit right now. I didn’t need apologies for anything. Not for the club. Not for me being here. Not for Shelby.

  This was about business.

  I had a hole in my shirt and almost a hole in my shoulder because of another crew riding through, wanting to send a message to me. I had a member of our own chained up in a garage, hopefully dead by now. And I still hadn’t sewn the patch on yet.

  I left the room and walked down the hall. I gazed at the wall where I had pinned Shelby just hours ago. My cock throbbed a little. No way I could start messing around with that shit right now. I needed company last night and I got it. Fuck, we didn’t even make it to the bedroom, which was good.

  At the bar, I sat down and knocked on the table. A prospect was there to get me some coffee and some food. Hot, greasy, exactly what I needed.

  Hawke and Ransom were at the other end of the bar. Rylan sat up from a pool table, looking confused and a complete mess. He had dried blood under his nose like a crimson, crusted mustache.

  “What happened to him?” I asked the prospect behind the bar.

  “He wanted to see some woman’s boobs,” the prospect said. “So she said if he let her punch him in the nose, she’d flash him.”

  “He went along?”

  “Yeah,” the prospect said. “She had a wicked right jab.”

  “I can see that. Was it worth it?”

  “What was?”

  “Her tits, man,” I said. “Was it worth it?”

  “For me? Yeah. Free show. I’m pretty sure she half knocked Rylan out. He probably doesn’t remember it.”

  A second later, the clubhouse door swung open and in came Ax. The guy had to fucking bend over to get into the clubhouse. Behind him came Finn. He froze when he saw me. Our eyes met and the tension, the fire, the jealousy, whatever the fuck it was, blew up even more.

  I’d have to get to the bottom of his story soon enough.

  Finn approached me and ordered up a shot of whiskey. He mumbled good morning and then threw the shot back. He growled, shook his head, and then looked at me.

  “Morning to you,” I said.

  “Bain is dead,” Finn said. “Not sure what you want to do with him now.”

  “I have an idea,” I said. “Going to be a little messy though. You okay with that?”

  “I love a good fucking mess.”

  “Great. You should have gotten me up when you did, Finn.”

  “It’s called an alarm,” Finn said. “I’m not your bitch, Layne. Whether you like it or not.”

  I had to give Finn some credit for getting in my face, and trying to be tough and authentic, which he completely was.

  “What else is going on out there?” I asked.

  “Normal business. A few deliveries to handle. Junkers that need to be stripped down. We can sell parts, the scrap, or just rack them up. Whatever works. Not my job.”

  “So we have a real operation, huh?”

  “That keeps the law at bay, man,” Finn said. “I know in Brocke you guys were just outlaws running through the streets. It’s different up here. We take a lot of heat. Locals. State. Sometimes I feel like the feds are even circling around. Wouldn’t shock me considering our neighbors. You’ll get it all soon enough. My advice…” Finn touched my shirt, his finger through the hole, touching the bandaged wound. “… start here. Get that under control.”

  “You the President?” I asked, shaking my shoulder.

  “Are you?”

  I stood up.

  I looked around the bar. I stuck my fingers into my mouth and whistled loud.

  Everyone stopped and looked at me.

  “Let’s have a meeting. Right now. If you’re not in there in thirty seconds, you can join Bain.”

  Everyone moved and moved fast.

  They all rushed into the room. Finn moved slow, just to be an asshole.

  I was the last to go into the room, shutting the door behind me.

  I looked up and down the table. My table. The table I was going to sit at and control.

  Slowly, I walked the entire table looking at all the guys. Some I knew by now, some I didn’t.

  I stopped at an empty seat and touched the top.

  “This was Bain’s?” I asked.

  Everyone nodded.

  I pulled the seat out and sat down. It caused a little stir… there was still one more seat missing a person. The head of the table. The President’s seat.

  I folded my hands and looked at everyone. “He sat right here. He was fucking with the enemy. Trying to get another cut. Wanting to be somewhere else. Anyone suspect anything?”

  Nobody spoke.

  I shook my head.

  “I’m not going to kill whoever says something,” I said. “I’m just trying to figure out how this could happen.”

  “Simple,” Finn spoke up. “Rex was gone. Bain was scared. Fucking pussy.”

  “He’s dead now,” Ax growled. “It shouldn’t matter.”

  “It does matter,” I said. “How about I have all the rooms ripped apart in this clubhouse? I’ll go through everything myself and see what else I fucking find.”

  That brought silence.

  I put my hands to the table and pushed up.

  I stood.

  “I want this chair filled,” I said. “As soon as possible. I’m going to trust you all to vote on who deserves this seat. The table cannot sit broken anymore. Which leaves us with another open seat, doesn’t it?”

  That’s when I started to walk toward the President’s seat. I stopped behind that chair and just stood there. Rightfully so, I could have just sat down. Demanded the patch. Had a prospect sew it on.

  I believed in something else. Something even greater than honor and respect. I believed in trust. The one thing I had never really gotten from the world or anyone in it. But I believed in it.

  “We’re going to keep Mountain Killers out of Oakville,” I said. “I promise you all that. It’s going to be a bloody fight. But I
need to know what else is out there for us to fight.”

  “A lot of shit,” Brett said. “There’s bounty hunters always on the prowl for something. Sniffing around, looking for a score. They come and go. The local PD prefers to stay right in town and deal with the normal bullshit. As long as we don’t roll through.”

  “Why not?” I asked. “It’s our town. Why can’t we be there?”

  Everyone looked at each other. They were slightly dumfounded by the suggestion of it.

  “What else?” I asked.

  “The mafia runs through here,” Finn said. “They have territories from Vegas to the coast and up. Here up to Canada is very popular for running anything.”

  “Like what?”

  “Drugs. Guns. Whores. Dead bodies.”

  “Dead bodies?” I asked.

  “Yeah,” Finn said. “There’s a trade for it.”

  “We don’t run that, right?”

  “No,” Finn said. “But there’s money in it.”

  “You know about it personally?”

  Finn looked at the table. He refused to answer me.

  I looked at Hawke. “What about you, Hawke? What do you have to say?”

  “You have the idea of it all,” he said. “Mountain Killers… they’re brutal. Big, strong, and ruthless.”

  “They had our number, obviously,” Rylan said.

  “Heard you got punched to see a pair of tits?” I asked.

  Everyone at the table laughed.

  Rylan wiped his nose. “I like tits. I can’t help it.”

  “We all do,” I said.

  The table got quiet again.

  I slowly pulled the chair out.

  “If I sit here, I’m going to put my life on the line. I got shot at yesterday. That was a warning. If they wanted me dead, I’d have been dead. Bain got his. And the Mountain Killers will get theirs. Whatever you think you know about me, forget it. All that matters is going forward. I’m not here on a vacation. I’m not here to just start killing, but I will if I have to. You don’t have to respect me. You don’t have to honor me. But we have to trust each other.”


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