SAVAGE ROAD (A Devil Call MC Book) (Layne & Shelby Book One)

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SAVAGE ROAD (A Devil Call MC Book) (Layne & Shelby Book One) Page 11

by Fawkes, Ana W.

  Layne walked right up to Brett. He put the gun between his eyes and told him to get on his knees.

  Brett listened.

  Layne looked around. “How much more can we take?”

  “Layne,” Finn said. “What are you trying to prove?”

  “Brett, did you hit Shelby in the face?” Layne asked.

  Holy shit…

  I stepped and then hesitated when Finn looked at me. He was angry. Ax was angry. Layne had killer eyes raging.

  “Hit Shelby?” Brett asked. “No.”

  Layne put the gun to Hawke’s head. “On your fucking knees.”

  “Layne, stop!” I cried out.

  “No,” Layne yelled. “Someone is going to tell me who the fuck hit Shelby in the face. Or else I’ll just pull the trigger.”

  Layne then made a bold move. He side stepped, leaving Brett and Hawke still on their knees. He bypassed Ransom and stepped up to Finn. They were almost nose to nose. I knew if he put the gun to Finn’s head, it was going to be bad. Finn wouldn’t take that shit. Finn didn’t take any shit at all. I thought about how Finn worked today to try and find Layne. They definitely didn’t see eye to eye and probably never would. They were two big alpha’s with even bigger personalities. Although, even with that, Finn did respect the patch.

  “What about you?” Layne asked.

  No… no… no…

  “What about me?” Finn asked. “Go ahead and ask. I fucking dare you, Layne.”

  I hurried forward and grabbed Layne by the arm. The arm where his hand held the gun. It was a dangerous and dumb move. I pulled at him, breaking his focus from Finn.

  When Layne looked at me, that anger flashed across his face again.

  “What?” he asked.

  “It was… him…”



  Then there was silence. Complete silence.

  “Daddy?” he asked. “That’s what you call him?”

  “That’s what I’ve always called him.”

  I could tell Layne wanted to say more, do more. Instead, he looked around the lot. “Here’s what I want. Brett, Hawke, get off your fucking knees. I want two new prospects out at the gate, armed and ready for a fight. Take Mack inside and give him a leather cut and a beer. Make sure he gets taken care of by any woman he wants tonight. Everyone else get inside and keep your guns handy.”

  “How bad is it?” Finn asked.

  “Bad enough,” Layne said, looking at him. “I don’t think there will be any other attacks today. But the Mountain Killers are pissed off. And we have the mafia on our ass.”

  “The mafia?” Ax growled. “What the fuck…”

  “Just business,” Layne said. His eyes met mine. “Fucking business.”

  My heart pounded hard in my chest as everyone started to break up. Finn was quick to shout out orders to cover up for Layne as his interest existed nowhere beyond me.

  “Your father hit you?” he asked.

  “Yes,” I said.

  “And your father is…”

  “Yes,” I said, again. “But I’m not anything you think, Layne. I’m me. I’m normal. I’m here. There’s nothing like what Bain did. Or other stuff.”

  “Other stuff,” Layne said. “Like one of my prospects getting fucking killed? Or half the crew being taken down by the mafia? Me kidnapped?” Layne pointed to his face. It was scratched, cut, swollen, blotches of fresh blood. “I was beat up. Tied to a chair. Punched. Knocked down. Stomped on. Got to meet someone who has the ability to destroy the entire MC. And he wants me to do a favor for him. Normally I would tell him to go fuck himself, but he knew shit, sweetheart. He knew shit. And he knew you. He knew your father. He knew the connection.”

  “I don’t know anything about the mafia,” I said. “I swear, Layne. I…”

  “So you just show up and work behind the bar. That’s it. You work the bar. Collect some cash. And then what? What the fuck are you doing in Oakville? What’s your plan?”

  “I have no real plan,” I said. “Okay? I’m sort of trapped right now. The clubhouse keeps me alive with enough money to be on my own. I can’t help what Daddy…”

  “Stop fucking saying it like that,” Layne demanded. “He fucking hits you. You call him Daddy.”

  “Are you jealous?” I spat.

  Layne lifted his gun again.

  Holy fucking shit. I pushed him too far.

  “Jealous?” Layne whispered. “I’m the fucking President here. Don’t ever forget that, sweetheart. My orders. My clubhouse. I’m considering starting over. A complete wipeout. You know what that is? That’s when I kill everyone in the clubhouse, including you. That’s when I get rid of everyone and then pick new guys from other charters. Don’t fuck with me. Don’t fucking lie to me. Now where’s your fucking notebook?”

  “It’s my stuff…”

  “Give me the notebook right now.”

  “Fuck you, Layne.”

  He looked at the gun. He looked at me. “You know, when I was in Brocke, my best friend killed a woman I had fallen in love with. I’ve always wondered what that would feel like.”

  Jesus Christ.

  I started to step back. I thought about running to the car and then speeding away.

  But where would I go? What would I do?

  “The notebook,” Layne said.

  “You want the damn truth?” I yelled. “Fine. Daddy… my father… used to beat the shit out of my mother. And me. All the time. She left. She didn’t want it anymore, including me. So I’m here trying to find her. This was the last place I knew she lived. I had been gone and I came back. Okay? To find her. And this place helps me. I have to find her. She’s close and I can feel it. My father won’t tell me anything. If I talk out of line…” I touched my swollen cheek. “So fuck you, Layne. You want to kill me? Then just do it. I don’t care.”

  I then took my chance.

  I jumped to the right and started to run. Layne yelled my name, but I ignored him. I fully expected a bullet to pierce my back, but that didn’t happen either. It seemed like it was just a month ago there was a sense of calm around the clubhouse. Yeah, there was always the chance of a war breaking out at any time, but it felt better. I had more hope. I had… something else inside me.

  I ran to the side of the clubhouse. I stopped at the door but didn’t go inside. An unwelcome feeling ran through my body. Yeah, my father was the fucking Sheriff in Oakville. He had been for some time. There was a lot of noise behind that, stuff that I didn’t know and didn’t want to know. My plan was to find my mother and get answers. Then disappear forever.

  But Layne fucked that up by coming here to become President of Devil Call MC.

  My mind and heart were twisted together. I crept by the door and went to the back of the clubhouse. There were a couple old, broken tables. The scenery was nothing but junk cars. Rusted skeletons of vehicles that used to serve a purpose. Suddenly, I felt like I had a place to be. Right here with the junk.

  I crashed to the ground on my ass and hugged my knees.

  I thought about everything Layne had said.

  The mafia? The suits and ties. The real stuff. The people who had tons of power. They knew me. They knew Daddy. Did that mean he was connected to them somehow?

  It made me shiver.

  I thought about Daddy sleeping with a rifle each night.

  Was that because of the mafia?

  Christ, I never really considered how much trouble I could be in just by association.

  I sat for what felt like hours, just staring ahead at the broken tables and the junk scrap metal of old cars and pieces of motorcycles.

  “You should have a drink.”

  I looked to my right and Layne stood there holding a bottle of beer in each hand. He was tall, wide, and sexy in the roughest way possible.

  “Are you going to shoot me now? Or let me get drunk first?”

  Layne sighed. “I’m not going to fucking shoot you, sweetheart.”

  He approached
me and then sat down next to me. He handed me one of the bottles and I took a drink. It was cold. It was good.

  We were in silence for a few minutes before Layne spoke.

  “I haven’t even had a chance to get unpacked, sweetheart. I’ve been shot, kidnapped, beat up. I’ve had to make the call on a kill to a patch in member. And now I find out the woman I’m fucking is the Sheriff’s daughter. What do you want my reaction to be?”

  Of all he said, what stuck the most was - the woman I’m fucking.

  “Am I the only woman you’re fucking?” I asked, looking at Layne.

  He looked at me, in disbelief.

  “That’s what you…”

  “Yeah. I have a rule, Layne. I don’t fuck bikers. But I fuck you…”

  I wanted to say something more to that, but Layne moved in and kissed me.

  Fuck, he was so scary… and so good…



  Why the fuck am I kissing her?

  I couldn’t stop thinking it, but I couldn’t stop kissing her. My hand touched her cheek, breezing by the swollen skin thanks to her father’s hand. I touched the back of her neck and pulled her closer, tighter, my tongue exploring her mouth harder and faster. I fucking told myself who she was. Goddammit, her father was the Sheriff of Oakville. That guy and the MC weren’t seeing eye to eye on what justice and the law meant and stood for.

  My hand started to tighten at her hair. I pulled her away from my mouth, convincing myself that she broke the kiss, even if it was complete bullshit.

  I licked my lips and let out a breath. I put my back against the wall and took a long swig of beer.

  “If I hadn’t fucked you already, I’d kill you,” I said. “Goddammit. You’re fucking connected in all this shit. And now it puts me in the middle of it all. I just got the fucking patch sewed on my cut. And now I’m sitting here with you, like we’re on the run and hiding.” I looked at Shelby. “And I know nothing about you. I just fucked you. And you’re still alive.”

  “Then give me a chance,” Shelby said.

  Her eyes were beautiful, shining with a sense of honest fear that I had to respect. Christ, it made my heart jump a little as I stared at her.

  Her hand slowly moved and climbed over my leg.

  “I’m not the enemy, Layne,” she said. “I swear on it. I’ll tell you anything I know. You want my notebook that bad? Take it. It’s more of a journal. Notes and stuff. I’m kind of desperate out here. Locked behind the bar, because if I move, I’m fair game. This is the first time I’ve been able to move around. Because you’re here. Your presence does that to them. Even Finn. I thought Finn would have killed whoever showed up next. But you’re like a storm, Layne.”

  I grinned. “Thanks. I’m not trying to be a storm. Or anything. I’m just me. I’m just right here. Fuck, sweetheart, I have to fix all this. The Mountain Killers have no business in and around Oakville. I need to know where the MC stands with your old man. And the mafia? That can’t happen. They’ll drop a bomb and we all vanish into dust. Christ, we don’t even come equipped to leave memories. We’re here. Then we’re gone.”

  Never in my life wearing the Devil Call MC cut did I ever feel so alone than in that moment, saying those words to Shelby. Maybe it was my way of trying to push her away. Doing the right thing and send her ass packing somewhere else. Or maybe I was just finally being honest… and it felt okay to do.

  I leaned back in and then stopped myself.

  No way, man. No fucking way.

  I wasn’t afraid to kiss her. I was afraid that if I did it again I was going to grab her, bend her over a junker car, and start fucking her again. Pussy was the one thing that could fuck with my mind. I learned that the hard way a long time ago.

  Truth of it was right then, I needed Shelby alive. She knew shit that I needed to know. She was connected to the local law enforcement and the mafia.

  “Don’t worry about the notebook,” I whispered. “As long as you’re honest with me.”

  “Anything you want to know.”

  I touched her face, gritting my teeth. I hated any fucking piece of shit guy that hit a woman. No matter what. The shit I had grown up with. Topped with watching Talon’s stepfather beat him and his mother, was deep in me that didn’t take much to trigger and set me off.

  “I’m sorry this happened,” I said.

  “I don’t care. I’m used to it. I got mouthy.”

  “Doesn’t matter. He doesn’t have the right to hit you.”


  “Fuck, sweetheart, please don’t say it like that. It sounds weird.”

  “Sorry. My father always…”

  “Never again,” I said. “I swear on my life, never fucking again. If he even thinks of it, I’ll kill him.”

  Shelby grinned. “He’s the sheriff here. He can do what he wants.”

  I put my forehead to Shelby’s. “So can I. Don’t underestimate me. Don’t fuck with me.”


  I pulled away and jumped to my feet. Christ, I felt like such an asshole. Just by touching Shelby I was already half hard. My cock ached in my pants, getting fuller by the second. I had to put my back to her.

  I took a few breaths and promised myself I was in the clear.

  Then I felt Shelby grab my jeans. Her fingers went into the back pockets of my jeans. Curling, tugging, trying to pull me back. I was stronger than her and didn’t move. But I glanced over my shoulder, down at her. She was on her knees just looking up at me.

  “Easy,” I growled.

  “No,” she whispered. “Turn around, Layne.”

  “I turn around and I’m going to fill your fucking mouth,” I warned. “Don’t fuck with me.”

  “Don’t fuck with me either,” she said. “I’m breaking my one rule…”

  “Fuck your rule,” I said.

  I turned around.

  Fuck, I turned around.

  Her hand went right between my legs, pressing hard against my dick. Her little hand squeezed. I reached down and touched the top of her head.

  Yeah, you want it? Go get it.

  Shelby’s fingers tugged at my zipper, opening my jeans. She bit her bottom lip as she reached into my jeans, finding my bare, hard shaft, ready to go. She wrestled my dick free with her hand, quickly stroking from the tip down to the root, pressing against my jeans, making sure I was completely free.

  I looked around all the destruction and lost memories and knew there was something strangely poetic about the entire scene. Hell, there was so much shit lingering around the clubhouse and compound, yet here was Shelby on her knees, her mouth inching toward my shaft.

  With the tip of her tongue, she touched the bottom of my shaft and licked. All the way to the head of my cock her lips hurried around, sucking hard. I hissed at that first sensation of her rubbing against the sensitive tip of my dick. Halfway down my cock, she paused, and groaned, the warm vibrations making me tempted to come already.

  But I was going to hold off for now.

  I liked the view.

  I liked the way it fucking felt.

  I touched her shoulders and started to move her. This wasn’t about trying to seduce me or fuck with me. This was about me coming inside Shelby’s mouth. Needing that sense of release.

  As I moved her, her mouth got a little bit tighter. On purpose or not, I didn’t care. I bent my knees and let out a needed groan, feeling the rush wanting to happen. My right hand touched the back of her head and neck, pulling at her, wanting her deeper on my cock. My other hand released its hold on her shoulder and I made a fist.

  I looked up for a second. A bright and blue beautiful sky painted above me. A beautiful woman was on her knees, sucking me off below me. Christ, it was almost serene. Maybe some version of heaven, if I believed in all that shit.

  When I looked down again, Shelby’s eyes were strained, looking at me. Her soft perfect lips skimmed down my shaft, inch by inch, so damn slowly. My eyes matched up the sight and the feel of it. S
he went all the way down to her hand and then pulled back. I thought she was going to take her mouth off and take a breather, but she didn’t. Her mouth came right back down, almost catching me off guard.

  My hand squeezed at the back of her neck.

  Shelby shut her eyes and moved faster.

  Yeah, it was time… fuck yeah…

  I let my hand slide from her neck to her hair again. My fingers slipped through the softness of her hair and then away from her body. So then I just stood there with my hands balled into tight fists, knees slightly bent, watching as Shelby worked so beautifully hard as she sucked on me.

  I offered little thrusts, my shaft thickening and throbbing, calling for the rest of my body to cooperate so I could come. When the final rush ached from my balls through my shaft, I hissed again and froze. Shelby just kept going, even after that first initial shot from my body. Her mouth and lips stayed at my shaft, moving back and forth with a wet sound, a glistening sight, and a wildly warm feeling.

  She moved down and then paused. I felt her swallow and it made me groan. Her hand then started to pump at the root of my cock, making sure there was nothing to waste.

  Trust me, there was absolutely nothing to fucking waste.

  When Shelby finally pulled away from me, she put her hands to my legs and remained there.

  I gritted my teeth and tried to catch my breath.

  She was fucking beautiful. Inside and out. She should have been dead by now, but I was keeping her alive. It was probably a big mistake, but at least it felt good.

  I stared down at her and curled my lip. “It’s not going to put itself away. You wanted it, you got it. Now put it away.”

  I heard Shelby gasp and it made me grin.

  She could suck me off all she wanted… but I still had the fucking power. And right now, Shelby was all mine. As long as she was useful.



  I opened the door to the clubhouse and it was chaotic. Finn was in a heated argument with Brett. Ax had an arm around Hawke, holding his throat so tight that Hawke’s eyes were bulging from his beat red face. Rylan was winding up a pool stick like it was a skinny baseball bat. He swung, snapping the stick across Ax’s back. Ax didn’t flinch for a second.


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