SAVAGE ROAD (A Devil Call MC Book) (Layne & Shelby Book One)

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SAVAGE ROAD (A Devil Call MC Book) (Layne & Shelby Book One) Page 12

by Fawkes, Ana W.

  “Who fucking started it?” Finn growled at Brett.

  They were nose to nose.

  “Fuck you, bro. I paid all my shit. All the time. I would never do that to the club.”

  “How the fuck do I know that?” Finn asked. “Tell me, man. Let’s go clean out your room.”

  “Nobody is fucking doing anything,” I bellowed.

  Finn looked at me. His lip curled like a hungry animal ready for a feast.

  I pointed to Ax. “Let Hawke go.”

  Ax opened his grip and Hawke fell to his knees. He gasped and coughed.

  Rylan dropped the broken pool stick.

  The clubhouse was almost silent now.

  Behind me, Shelby was lingering. She started to take a few steps and I reached back for her.

  “I’m going to get to work,” she whispered. “They need booze. They’ll get drunk and start hugging each other.”

  “Not tonight,” I said. “You’re with me tonight. The prospects can bartend.”

  “Layne, I need the money…”

  I turned and looked at Shelby. I dug in my pocket and took out a couple hundred dollars. I grabbed her hand and gave her the money.

  “Does this work?” I asked.

  “I can’t…”

  “You’re not working behind the fucking bar tonight.”

  Satisfied with Shelby - at least for the moment - I set my sights back on the clubhouse. All the guys were staring at me, the patched in members, the table members, and more. I backed up to the bar and climbed up on it. I stood there, towering over Devil Call MC. I took off my leather cut and held it out. Letting them all see the patch and logo.

  “This is why we’re here,” I said. “For this logo. Because of what it means. We all have our own story. Our demons. Our fears. Our hate. Fighting each other proves nothing. You kill each other and all those pieces of shit out there win. Without even lifting a fucking finger.”

  “You were shot,” Ransom said. “Then kidnapped.”

  “And I’m still standing right here.”

  “The mafia,” Ax said. “That’s heavy.”

  “Of course it is,” I said. “It’s all heavy. Mountain Killers cruising around. The local PD always on the lookout. Oakville trying to develop property. The suits that took me… they were just looking to make their presence felt. Truth of it, we need to tread carefully.” I crouched down. I looked around the clubhouse. I should have been having this talk in the meeting room. I wasn’t in the mood. “I promise you, we will get ours. Right now, they all think we’re weak. We are far from it. Fucking far from it. So tonight, we keep our guard. Prospects are out there watching the gates. I’ll send more out to ride the streets. The rest of you stay here. Do your thing. Then we’ll plan, attack, and we’ll fucking win.”

  The clubhouse erupted in cheers.

  Ax clapped and his hands were like thunder.

  I climbed off the bar and put my leather cut back on. I pointed to Mack and gave a nod. He looked at me, his eyes still hurt. If the kid was going to make it and actually wear the full cut, he’d have to get over Mack’s death. We were a brotherhood, but we had to accept death. We were closer to death than each other.

  I walked to Finn. “Keep everyone here. If shit hits the fan, let me know.”

  “What are you doing?”

  “I need to talk to Shelby. Alone.”

  “You’re fucking her.”

  “Maybe I am. But she knows shit. Her old man…”

  “Yeah. Bob. I know him.”

  “You knew he was the sheriff? You didn’t fucking tell me.”

  “He’s not going to bother us.”

  “You think that?” I asked. “You really like walking around half blind, don’t you?”

  “I got Alan, didn’t I?” Finn asked. “I knew about Bain, didn’t I?”

  “Fair enough, Finn. Just keep an eye on things.”

  “Does that make me in charge? Like a VP?”

  I smiled. “You don’t want to be a VP. I can sense it. That would be an insult to you.”

  Finn nodded. “Goddamn, that may be the smartest thing you’ve said since you got here.”

  I left our conversation end there.

  I turned and walked to Shelby. I grabbed her by the hand and left the clubhouse.

  A few of the guys were ballsy enough to whistle as we left.

  It didn’t bother me. I had the balls to actually go after Shelby’s body and get it.

  Outside, it was getting dark and the air was comfortable. It had been a long fucking day. Way too long of a fucking day. If I thought about it too much, it would easily weigh me down.

  So I kept walking forward.

  At my motorcycle, I gave Shelby my helmet. “You wear it.”

  “Where are we going?” she asked. “Shit. Are you going to hurt me?”

  I inched closer to her pretty face. “If I actually wanted you dead, you’d be dead. We’re going to that shit bar right in town. Pep’s place.”

  “He doesn’t like company,” Shelby said.

  “He and I had a talk already. Put the helmet on and shut up.”

  Shelby took the helmet and put it on.

  A few minutes later we were out of the compound and riding the free, open road. Having her hands around my body actually felt good. They felt comforting. Even if her old man was the Sheriff of Oakville. Christ, what a big disaster. So many fires to manage at once with each one threatening to bleed into the other. Either I’d get it all under control or the entire thing would blow up. Maybe even in a literal sense if the mafia kept poking their noses around in our business.

  We arrived at the dive bar and I parked around back. I saw a tall figure standing there, the cherry tip of a cigarette glowing. I killed the engine on the ride and climbed off. I took Shelby by the hand and approached the figure, who turned out to be Pep.

  “Da fuck you want here?” he asked.

  “A beer and a bite,” I said. “Anything here good? Or it all shit?”

  Pep threw his cigarette on the ground. Embers ran all around. He blew his smoke in my direction. “Listen good. It’s good food here. Long family pride. Motherfucker.”

  I shook my head. “Pep, don’t make me take your gun again.”

  “Ya got dat patch, I see.”

  “Of course. Now I’m here for a drink and something to eat.”

  “Yeah,” Pep said. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay.” He put a hand to my shoulder. “You President now… no more payin’. Tha’s my rule here. All I ask is for protection.”

  “Who are you worried about?” I asked. “You carry a big gun, Pep.”

  “Lot’s a’ people,” Pep said. “We talk sometime. I see it all. Motherfucker.”

  Pep turned and walked through the kitchen, waving me and Shelby on.

  We went through to the main part. There were four people in the place. Bikers in black leather, just staring at me. All of them quickly stood and nodded when they saw the President’s patch.

  “Where are you sitting, sir?” one asked.

  I ignored him and went to a corner table.

  We ordered beer and burgers, something simple.

  Christ, I wasn’t here for fun. It wasn’t a fucking date.

  It was about picking Shelby’s brain. Getting her to use her mouth for something else useful other than just sucking me off.

  “What do you know?” I asked, going right for the throat.


  “Everything, sweetheart.”

  Shelby got real nervous real fast. “Not what you think.”

  “Try me.”

  “My father is scared to death of something. He sleeps with a rifle.”

  “Is it club related?” I asked.

  “I doubt it. He’s never said anything about Devil Call.”

  “What about the Mountain Killers?”

  “Nothing out of the ordinary. I don’t really know him too well. We don’t sit and have family dinners, Layne.”

  “He just smacks you around when

  Shelby turned her head. “I only wanted a normal life and family.”

  I laughed. “And you’re tied to your father who hits you, tied to the mafia and you don’t know how, and you’re working for a motorcycle club. You’ve done wonders.”

  Shelby looked at me. “Fuck you, Layne. I fucking hate your guts.”

  Her eyes filled with tears. Her bottom lip quivered.

  I didn’t say a word.

  A tear fell from her eye and she quickly jumped up from the table. She charged across the bar, by herself, to the bathroom. It could have been dangerous for her to do that. All alone. In a bar like this one. With the bikers looking for a fuck.

  But my leather cut and President’s patch kept everyone minding their own business.

  I made a fist and hit the table. Both mugs of beers shook, spilling some out of each one.

  “Ah, shit,” I said.

  I shouldn’t have been such a dick, I guess. But I wasn’t here to talk about dreams. About what could have been in life. What the fuck did I care?

  As I stood up, I realized I cared enough to go check on her.

  Yeah, this was just fucking perfect. A target on my back, a target on my club, and my heart focused on Shelby.

  Real fucking perfect.



  It hurt bad, what he said. I knew he was right though. I had let my life become this fucked up mess. I had a chance to escape from it all. Down in San Diego with some friends and their families. But you know what? It was empty and lonely, riding the coattails of people who lived their lives right. So the fire in my heart told me that if I could find my mother, it would all work out.

  But here I was, standing over the sink in a biker bar, crying like a baby. I looked at my own reflection and hated what I saw. Some broken down woman, like I was afraid of the world or something. I gripped the edge of the sink tight and took a deep breath.

  Layne thought I was connected to all this shit. But I wasn’t. I didn’t know a thing about Daddy and his deals or arrangements or whatever. I knew that he had ties to everything in and out of Oakville. That’s just how the town worked. Maybe it was all suspicious and I should have given a damn, but I didn’t. I have my one rule (don’t fuck a biker) and my one purpose (to find my mother). That’s all I ever needed.

  Until Layne showed up.

  He fucking screwed everything up.

  He fucking…

  The door to the bathroom opened.

  Layne stood there. He stepped in and let the door shut. He locked the door and folded his arms.

  “This is the ladies room,” I said.

  “I don’t care,” he replied. “You came in here to cry alone?”

  “Anything else you want to say to me?” I asked. “Just keep cutting into me. That’s going to help.”

  “I want fucking answers. For myself. For my club. And… for you…”

  “For me?”

  “So I can protect you.”

  Protect me.

  “You don’t want to protect me,” I said. “You want to use me.”

  Layne stepped toward me. I turned, my back to the sink. My entire body tightened. That damn feeling of fear and anticipation ran rampant throughout me.

  “Yeah, that’s right,” he said. “I want to use you. And if that’s what I want, you’re not going to stop me, are you?”

  He was inches from me. He reached out and touched my cheek. I blinked fast, making sure my tears were gone.

  They were.

  His rough thumb stroked my cheek. There was a fire in his eyes that made me instantly wet.

  Both his hands then touched my waist. With barely any effort, he opened my jeans. And I just stood there, letting him do it. I couldn’t stop him and, fuck, I didn’t want to stop him. Touching Layne and Layne touching me gave me the sense of being alive. Like I had more purpose.

  His hands slid to my hips, into my jeans and panties. He pushed, inching them down. It was all slow and seductive. Nothing like I was used to with Layne. His fingers rubbed against the outside of my thighs, making the insides of my thighs burn red hot. He leaned forward and his arms moved down. Turning his head, he pressed his lips to mine.

  Then we paused.

  A slight hesitation, maybe for a chance at regret and pulling away.

  And that’s right when we both lost our fucking minds together.

  My hands went right to his hair, fingers digging and twisting, pulling. His hands gripped my legs tight and he lifted me, putting me right on the sink. His tongue teased my mouth for a few seconds and then he was gone. I watched in a wild shock as he lowered himself down my body, right between my legs.

  Layne forced my jeans and panties off, right over my damn shoes. He left them on the floor, his hands gripping my knees, opening my legs for his taking.

  “Fuck, sweetheart,” he said. “You smell delicious.”

  I gripped the edge of the sink again, biting my lip, quivering with need.

  Layne came forward with force, his mouth tasting me. His tongue ran up and down, left to right, spreading my silk folds open, flirting with my throbbing hole, curling hard against my tender clit. The quick and sudden moves left my body in a state of convulsion. My hips shook and I thrust with an instinctive burning need to come. I felt the warm rush from within my core and knew it had to be impossible. I couldn’t come this fast. I had never come so fast before.

  But Layne’s tongue did the trick.

  He repeated the same wild move two more times and I was like melted butter for him. My legs wide, my sex gushing, all my needs finally being satisfied. It was like a really good drug, chasing away every bit of reality. All I could feel was a warm tingling feeling head to toe. Layne’s hands slid up to my waist and he held me there. I leaned back against the mirror and put my hands to his, squeezing tight. I stared down, watching his brilliant tongue slicing up and down against me. With each flick of his tongue, I heard the wetness he had caused echoing around the bathroom.

  I let out a deep groan, a need I couldn’t hold back.

  I turned my head and looked at the door.

  Fuck, people could hear us.

  Layne wrapped his lips tight around my sensitive clit, sucking hard. My entire body thrust forward. I let out a scream and scratched at his hands. My right hand then started to tap his hand. I was giving up, giving in, losing to my own fucking pleasure. My body crunched forward and I tried to scream again, but there was no sound to be made. I was helpless to his commanding tongue and touch.

  I wrapped my legs around his shoulders, desperate for relief.

  Layne quickly grabbed my legs and pried them back open. He then kissed up to my bare mound and pulled away.

  My entire body was still shaking. He stepped back and I reached for him, almost falling forward off the sink. All my mind and body could think about was pleasure.

  Layne caught me before I could fall and hurt myself. His body pressed to mine as he kept me on the sink. Our mouths grazed for a second and then I went after him for a kiss. I tasted the sweet flavor of my own body and it turned me on. I had no idea why… maybe because it was that taste coming from Layne’s mouth to mine.

  I kissed him hard, fast, desperate for him.

  A ball of emotion stirred inside me and I felt it climbing up my throat. My mind thought for a split second - are you going to fucking cry right now? - and then my eyes were filled with tears again.

  Layne kissed back at me, one hand at my lower back, the other touching my face. Our kiss broke for a second and his thumb wiped a tear off my cheek. We stared at each other for a few seconds, the silence so wickedly hot.

  I couldn’t control anything that was happening. My body. My needs. My emotions. My tears.

  Layne kept his eyes on me and took his hand from my face. I heard the sound of his zipper and my pussy started to quiver again. My mouth parted a little, breathing heavy, and then Layne came closer to me. His lips touched mine. The hot kiss quickly picked up where we le
ft off.

  I felt his cock touch me, pressing so hard against my achy center. I was so wet and ready, but that didn’t make it any easier for my body to accept him. As he penetrated me, a tight pain shot through my core. My body jumped, tensing some more. Layne growled as we kissed and thrust harder. I put my head back and cried out as he filled me. His lips and tongue kissed my neck, groaning as he pulled back and thrust again.

  “Fuck, it’s tight,” he whispered in my ear. “Need to take care of that for you, sweetheart.”

  My hands moved around his body and grabbed the back of his jeans. My hands tightened around his belt and I hung on for dear life.

  Layne fucked me right there on the sink. My cries and groans filled the small bathroom. Thankfully we were in the ladies room… which meant in a bar like this there wasn’t traffic in here and it was clean.

  I knew anyone out in the bar was getting quite the sound show, but what the fuck did I care? I had Layne’s thick and perfect cock pounding in and out of my body. Each thrust felt deeper. Each thrusting hit me harder.

  His teeth grazed my ear and he kissed back down my neck. I lowered my head, his lips grazing my chin and then kissing my lips. Our eyes met, and fuck if I didn’t start to well up again. The pleasure was so damn good. My legs were tight around the back of his legs, my hands holding his belt. I had already come three times, my body aching, wanting more.

  But my heart raced and felt so heavy.

  I blinked, trying to force the tears away.

  A stray tear escaped my eye.

  Layne then hurried and pressed his lips to my cheek, to my tear.

  I let out a shuddering gasp.

  It was the most romantic gesture a man had ever offered me.

  He then met eyes with me again. Gritting his teeth, he kept fucking me. Our bodies came together so wildly and sexy. Each thrust came with a grunt. My lips were parted, my body accepting him. The feeling was so good. But my heart felt something else. Something different. Something…

  Layne thrust harder than ever and kissed me again. His tongue quickly commanded us back to a really hot kiss.

  That’s when he started to come.

  Holding deep inside me, his cock pulsed, that warm feeling so perfect.


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