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Town of Chance: Attacking Innocence [The Dare Series 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 6

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “I don’t even know if I’m really ready for this type of relationship,” Missy Ann said and then exhaled.

  “What do you mean not ready? You’ve held out for a long time. Months ago you thought that Salvatore and Finn were around you because they felt bad for you. Then they introduce you to their brothers, which sounded like a pretty big deal. Did you like it when Billy kissed you?”

  Missy Ann didn’t reply right away. She was in denial.

  “He caught me off guard.”

  “It sounded like he didn’t plan it either and it happened. Nothing was forced. If it were forced, don’t you think Antonio would have kissed you by now? You’ve been working there for two weeks.”

  “He’s had some opportunities, but I’m telling you, Eliza Grace, he doesn’t feel the same feelings for me his brothers do. I’m not going to get in the way of their relationship as siblings. It will lead to disaster and I think I’ve engaged in enough disaster already.”

  “Hmm…maybe there’s more to him holding back. I wonder if my guys know or maybe Kenneth might know. He’s known Antonio for years and has even worked for him with legal stuff.”

  “Well, don’t go asking. I don’t need to add to the man’s arsenal against me.”

  “Arsenal? You haven’t done anything wrong for the man to dislike you.”

  “Well, it’s the way I catch him watching me. I feel guilty or something. Like last night, I was talking with two of the bartenders Salvatore and I just hired and the one guy is kind of flirty, totally good looking, but personable. The ladies are going to love him behind the bar serving drinks. Well, he placed his hand on my shoulder and then flirted a little. No big deal. Like I said, it’s his personality and then I shake my head at him and laugh. When I turned my head, there was Antonio, watching me in a dead stare. I raised my hand to give a little wave and sure enough, the jerk turned away from me as if I wasn’t even important. It was so frustrating.”

  “Maybe he was jealous?”

  “Distrustful, assuming, angry all the time, those are the words that come to mind.”

  “Maybe you should be careful when you’re alone with him.”

  Missy Ann swallowed hard. “I don’t think he would hurt me. Do you think he could be completely different than his brothers? Maybe he already sees me as a threat to their relationship? You know, not all ménage relationships work out.”

  “I know some fail, but usually those were started for the wrong reasons. It’s not just about the sex.”

  “Oh God,” Missy Ann said and covered her face with her hands. Eliza Grace chuckled.

  “Hey, don’t be scared of that part. When the time is right you’ll know it. Look how long I held out, and believe me it was so worth it. You have to know it’s right and that you love them, otherwise there’s room for disaster as you like to refer to it.”

  Missy Ann nodded her head then leaned back in the massage chair as her nails dried. She had a lot to think about. She didn’t, couldn’t understand why Antonio didn’t like her, at all.

  * * * *

  “What is she doing talking to him?” Antonio asked Billy. They were standing by the bar finalizing a list of lighting fixtures for the restaurant in the bathrooms. Missy Ann was talking to the beer guys from one of the local breweries. Teddy was young, like Missy Ann, and he was definitely flirting with her. His partner, Murry, was standing close to her and then he placed his hand on her hip as they looked at the clipboard. Antonio watched her step from his hold but in a way that didn’t get the message across that she didn’t want him touching her. He watched the whole thing take place and then Murry licked his lips and watched her.

  He had enough as he handed the clipboard to Salvatore and headed over toward Missy Ann, Teddy, and Murry.

  “Hey, Antonio, how is it going?” Teddy asked and Antonio gave the guy a dirty look.

  “What’s going on? Did you decide on a selection of beers yet?” he asked and gave Missy Ann the once-over. The pale white blouse she wore with her black slim fitting dress pants was practically see through. It appeared she wore a white camisole over it but he could make out the deep cleavage of her breasts. She hid her figure well.

  “I think we have about twelve to really consider. But I was explaining to Teddy and Murry that you and Salvatore have the final say on the number of selections. I think it’s best if we choose four for now and then see how our clientele respond. The last thing we need is beer to sit around and spoil. You have to be careful with microbrewery beer,” Missy Ann said.

  Murry took her hand and brought it against his chest. “But Teddy and I were trying to explain that if she gave us this opportunity we could prove that all the beers would be your best sellers.”

  She shook her head and pulled her hand away from Murry.

  “Well, that’s not Missy Ann’s decision to make. She’s a manager, not an owner,” Antonio stated firmly and then felt guilty as it seemed his comment came across as an insult against her instead of a warning to back off to Murry and Teddy.

  “Well then, I guess we’ll leave the samples with you guys to take your time and test. We appreciate the opportunity to sell our beer at your new restaurant,” Murry said and then looked at Missy Ann with a sympathetic smile. “I’ll be in touch to find out what your bosses think. Then maybe you’ll say yes to a date with us,” Murry said and winked then Teddy gave her a wink and they took their stuff and left.

  So they even asked her out and she didn’t say yes. Why?

  “I need to go check on the keg taps. They were having a problem earlier and there’s some sort of leak,” she said and started to head behind the bar to go downstairs to the basement.

  “A leak? Why didn’t someone tell me?” he asked, following her.

  “I guess they felt it was a manager’s job, not an owner’s,” she said to him and he knew he deserved it.

  “Don’t get an attitude with me just because I caught you flirting with those men.”

  “I was not flirting with them. They were flirting with me,” she said to him as he approached the keg where the leak was.

  “That’s not what it looked like from where I was standing.”

  He pressed by her.

  “Let me take a look. You don’t know what you’re looking for,” he said, putting her down again. He didn’t know why he kept doing that and then he kept feeling guilty right after he did it.

  She crossed her arms in front of her chest and stared at him. He got down and cursed at the small leak. He was trying to pull on the connector as he glanced up at her.

  “I know what I saw. I thought you were interested in my brothers. Is this why you won’t make a commitment to them?” he asked in frustration.

  “That’s none of your business, Antonio. I don’t need to stand here and listen to your insults.”

  “Really? How do you think Salvatore and Finn will feel when I tell them you were flirting with the beer guys and they asked you out? Are you meeting them and just lied and said no because I caught you?” he asked, twisting the knob harder. He was so angry, and jealous. He didn’t want those men near her. He wanted his brothers to have her as their woman, hell, he wanted to trust her, but he couldn’t. She was young, too young and beautiful. She could get any men she wanted. She would cheat on them, too, maybe use them like Sophia had.

  “Salvatore and Finn trust me, just as Billy does, too. Besides, Billy was standing right next to you and he didn’t make accusations that weren’t true. I don’t know why you give me such a hard time, all the time. It’s starting to get on my nerves,” she exclaimed and he clenched his teeth and stared at her. Her eyes widened and she raised her hand up as she spoke.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” she said.

  Too late, the piece broke and club soda began to spray all over him.

  He was shocked, cold, and wet as it continued and then he heard her laughing. It shocked him even more and something came over him. Antonio pointed the shooting tube toward her and she screamed as it wet her blo
use. He smiled wickedly, thinking he had the last laugh but then she headed toward him and pulled the hose from his hands and turned it on him.

  It became a little battle of who would get who wet more and then he stopped laughing and struggling for control of the hose and instead took in the sight of her. Her blue eyes sparkled, her face dripped with club soda and her blonde hair was soaked, with strands against her cheeks. He looked at her chest, the white blouse completely see through and damn, was she built well. As his eyes locked onto her baby blues, he saw the youthfulness, the happiness and pure uninhibited attraction in her eyes. He pulled her toward him by her blouse and covered her mouth to kiss her.

  Antonio towered over her as he held her close and ran his hands all over her body. He gripped her ass and pressed her up against the other kegs as he devoured her moans. She grabbed on to his arms and he wasn’t sure if she was pushing him away or pulling him back. He just absorbed her taste, the feel of her petite, sexy body in his arms and he took complete advantage of the situation.

  When he cupped her breasts and then ran a hand between her legs she pulled back and gasped for breath.

  Before she could get far he grabbed her hand and pulled her back against him.

  “Don’t run away from me. Don’t fucking deny that.” He held her gaze firmly and she was trying to catch her breath.

  “I’m not the one who’s been fighting it and being downright mean.” She then started to pull back. He wouldn’t let her.

  “I know. I’ve been—”

  “A jerk,” she said and he raised one of his eyebrows up at her and she lowered her eyes. He reached up and cupped her cheek.

  “I have been a jerk. I don’t trust easy. I have my reasons. Why did you pull away from me?”

  “I have my reasons, too.”

  “Like what?”

  “I guess fear, like you probably have.”

  He squinted his eyes at her. “I’m not afraid of you.”

  She snickered. “Not of me, but of these feelings. I think someone hurt you.”

  “I know someone hurt you. I know my brothers stopped them in time. Did you think I would force myself on you or take from you what I wanted?” He was being blunt. But he couldn’t help it. He had her here, in his arms and they were alone.

  “I know you wouldn’t take advantage of me. But you are confusing me right now.”

  “How so?” he asked and caressed her cheek. He held her close, kept her pressed up against him and they were both wet.

  “One minute you’re accusing me of cheating on your brothers and flirting and accepting dates behind their backs and the next you’re kissing me like you have feelings for me like they do.”

  “This is more than feelings.”

  “What?” she asked and he didn’t want to talk, to come clean and to admit what she did to him and how good it was to hold her like this and feel her sexy body. He did what he did best and took control of the situation. He covered her mouth and kissed her until she was limp in his arms and Billy showed up to see what they were up to.

  * * * *

  Missy Ann was overwhelmed. Antonio was one hell of a kisser. It matched his personality. Intense, brazen, controlling, and a man who needed to be in charge. As his hands slid along her ass she couldn’t believe how turned on she was, then she heard Billy’s voice and felt his hands on her shoulders.

  “What in God’s name happened?” Billy whispered against her ear and neck. She felt his warm lips kiss her skin and little shivers moved through her body.

  Antonio slowly released her lips and Billy took in the sight of her. Her lips were parted, she was trying to catch her breath, and now standing here with Billy looking at her like this was making her nipples harden.

  His eyes roamed over her chest and she looked down and gasped, seeing completely through her top. The darker color of her areolas showed through the sheer bra she wore in white. She was soaked. She clutched the material and stepped back and wrapped her arms around herself to try and cover up.

  “Too late, gorgeous, your secret is out,” Antonio said. He ran his fingers through his hair and looked like a man ready for action.

  “What secret?” she asked and then shivered. She was wet, cold and turned on and they were in the basement of the restaurant, alone. Anything could happen.

  “You look beautiful, sexy, God damn if I’m not thinking some crazy shit right now,” Billy said and stepped closer. She took a retreating step back. She felt overwhelmed, embarrassed, sort of, and just plain inexperienced. Their expressions of hunger, control was doing something to her and she wasn’t quite sure she could handle them. Those experienced, dominant expressions both intimidated her and yet aroused her. It was panic time as she glanced toward the doorway and wondered how quickly she could escape.

  Billy and Antonio both squinted their eyes at her. She froze in place. Run. Don’t run. What in God’s name is going on with me? Do I want this? Do I want my first time to be with these men and their brothers? Oh God, four men touching me, crowding my space, manipulating my body. She was shaking.

  “Sweetie, don’t be scared. We would never hurt you,” Billy whispered as he closed the space between then and cupped her cheek.

  She gasped. She was scared. There was nothing she could do about it but process that fact and deal with it. But her fear wasn’t that they would hurt her, her fear was that she wanted to give in to this attraction and to feel more of these sensations. Nothing, no one affected her like the four Connelly brothers.

  “I know that,” she said very quickly and he raised one of his eyebrows up at her.

  “You don’t look like you know that.” Antonio’s strong, hard tone made her look at him and away from Billy.

  Antonio came closer and caressed her hair, letting his fingers tug slightly on the edge to draw her attention to him.

  “I’m sorry if I scared you.”

  “I’m fine. I’m just…cold and wet, and oh God, look at this mess,” she said and pulled away to look closer but really it was a means to putting some much needed distance between her and them. Standing between them made her feel their body heat and want to press closer, be hugged between them. But she knew what that would lead to and she was inexperienced. Hell, she was a virgin with no experience.

  Antonio pulled her back, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind.

  “It’s fine. I’ll get someone to clean it up.”

  “We really should do it,” she said to him but remained facing forward and stiff. She could feel her pussy actually throbbing and her nipples, God, they were so damn hard there would be no way of keeping that from them even covering up with her arms.

  “Well, it was your fault,” he whispered next to her ear.

  She was shocked as she turned to look at him and placed her hands on her hips.

  “You were the one carrying on about nonsense, accusing me of flirting and accepting a date with Teddy and Murry.”

  He stared at her and it appeared he was trying to hold in a smile. But one look at Billy and she knew she just fell for Antonio’s little trick. Billy’s eyes zeroed in on her breasts and the next second he was pulling her by her blouse and kissing her deeply. It was so insane. They were making her head spin, but Billy’s tactics won her over. He cupped her breast, explored her mouth and then she felt the hands on her hips behind her and then Antonio’s lips pressed against her bare shoulder and neck. Their hands were gently caressing her, easing her body into a more relaxed state and accepting their touch.

  Billy slowly released her lips and kissed along her neck then down the front opening of her blouse. She gasped but then Antonio cupped her cheek and tilted her head sideways, to kiss her. He drew her body back against his as he leaned against the kegs.

  It was too much and when she felt Billy’s tongue lap into her bra against her breast she gasped and felt the gush of cream leak from her pussy.

  “Oh God,” she exclaimed and when she tried to move strong arms held her. Antonio.

y, baby. God, you’re so responsive. I bet your panties are soaked right now. Holy shit, you’re fucking incredible,” he said against her neck then kissed and licked her skin.

  “She sure is, and before we get too crazy and strip her right here, I think we should let this special encounter sink in. Don’t you think so, too, brother?” Billy asked him but held her gaze as he buttoned up her blouse and stroked his thumb over her hardened nipple.

  Her lips parted and she held Billy’s gaze.

  “I guess if we have to,” Antonio whispered and she felt his palm glide over her waist and then over her pussy. She gasped and tightened up but his large palm remained over her mound against her dress pants.

  “Next time, my mouth will be on your pussy when you come.”

  Oh. My. God. I’m in serious trouble.

  * * * *

  Billy and Antonio stood by the bar area watching Missy Ann. She was wearing a tank top, with a sample of the logo on it, being created for the new restaurant. They hadn’t made a final decision on going for that one, but one look at Missy Ann’s glorious breasts overflowing the top and they were sold.

  “Jesus, it’s hard to fucking concentrate, watching her in that top,” Antonio whispered to his brother as they both pretended to be looking over some papers.

  “If I didn’t know any better, and wasn’t right here when the printer guy showed up, I would have thought you’d planned this whole thing. Jesus, Antonio, she’s a knockout. I think Finn and Salvatore are right. I think we should take this chance with her.”

  His brother was silent a moment and glanced up toward the bar where Missy Ann was talking to the assistant managers they hired for additional help. Both men knew enough not to stare at her breasts. All it took was one look from Antonio and his hands on her shoulders then his lips against her neck to show that she was off limits. The two men, Keith and Karl, got the message. Billy smiled to himself. Antonio was already staking a claim on Missy Ann and he was the one fighting the attraction.


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