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Rancher's Little Lover

Page 2

by Jordan Silver

  I’d spent so much time on the ranch over the years that I’ve been a little out of practice dealing with large crowds. I’d got too used to my own company I guess because all these people made my skin itch to get back home.

  There were times I’d been out on the range all night long on my lonesome and then when Garrett had got old enough and wanted to tag along with his old man he’d keep me company.

  Those were the best times. Out in the open fields with the moon and stars above, the night sounds all around, and just me and my boy. Now my boy was becoming a man and one day he’d be doing the same with his sons because we’d built something here.

  I wondered if he’d have changed much in the time he’d been away from home as I waited anxiously at the gate. I felt like a high-strung teenager as I waited for that first sight of him.

  It wasn’t until this moment that I realized how much I really did miss him. I never let myself think about how lonely it was not having him around. It wouldn’t have been fair to keep him here to keep me company, but I sure do miss him.

  They came down the concourse laughing, and joking with each other the way only the young can. Carefree with that lingering touch of innocence. That was my first image of her.

  Head thrown back, a long fall of mahogany blonde colored hair hanging free, mouth opened as the most amazing laugh poured forth.

  I felt those first stirrings in my body from just that one little glimpse and fought it back. For some inexplicable reason I became angry. At me, at her, this stranger I’d yet to meet.

  I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what the hell was ailing me and there was no time to deal with it, because my son noticed me just then.

  Maybe the anger came from my body’s reaction, or it could be because she was sharing that laugh with my son. “Dad!” my boy broke away from his friends and ran towards me. He looked about six.

  It was good to see that some things never changed. We hugged and laughed together with none of that uneasiness that was so prevalent between parents and their kids these days.

  “Welcome back son, it’s good to have you home.”

  “It’s good to be back. Dad these are my friends. Jason, Andrew, Melissa, Lynette and Jonathan.”

  “Pleased to meet you all, I hope you like it here.” That hadn’t come out too bad, for all that there was something large and uncomfortable suddenly lodged in my throat.

  I did my best to keep my eyes from straying to her, Lynette. “You kids ready to get outta here? Let’s head out, it’s a long ride to the old homestead.” There was a loud snort at my announcement and I didn’t need to look to see who it was. My body alerted me all on its own.

  Shit, I hope this malady didn’t last the whole time she was here. It promised to be a long ass summer if that was going to be the case.

  I caught her scent as she passed by me and knew I was in trouble. It had been forever since a woman’s scent had moved me in such a way. Not since Janine.

  It wasn’t the smell of perfume that I was smelling, but her natural essence. That scent that comes from the pores, that was part of who she was.

  The pheromones a woman’s body gives off when she senses her mate. The question was; was it me that had brought that about, or had she stepped off the plane with that scent on her?

  Of course it wasn’t you-you old fool. Look at all these young men she has to choose from, my boy included. Someone that looked like her probably had every buck in the county on her tail night and day. I’d fallen into a Soap Opera in the last five seconds.

  I caught her looking at me while I was rounding up the luggage and my dick stood up and took notice. What was that look? She’s probably just a natural flirt Hawke.

  One of those women who just loves to get a rise out of every male in the vicinity. Whatever she was, my mind was going to places I’d never have expected of myself. Not with a girl that young.

  We piled into my truck after I stored their luggage in the bed and tied a few suitcases to the rack on top. As much as I tried I couldn’t keep myself from having my ears pricked for her voice in the running conversation in the backseat.

  That scent, even with the windows down and the soft breeze that came through, reached me and kept me in a state of arousal that was growing uncomfortable to say the least.

  My son was sitting next to me for crying out loud and here I was lusting after who I was sure was his girlfriend.

  My boy is nice looking, he takes after his dad. And the other boys weren’t too bad either. She could belong to any one of them. The idea didn’t sit too well with me and I thought maybe I was coming down with something.

  I haven’t had this strong a reaction to anyone in a long time. Back then it was just teenage hormones that made me crazy. Young love.

  I had no excuse for it this time seeing as I was twice the age I had been the last time these feelings of lust and need overpowered me.

  “Wow Garret, you live here? This place is amazing.” Of course she’d have to like my hometown, farther driving the nail into my coffin.

  It wasn’t easy finding too many women who appreciated the wide-open spaces and lack of skyscrapers and shopping malls here. The awe in her voice told me she wasn’t just saying it either, and my mind went off on its own again. Hell!

  “I like it.” My boy answered with pride. There was a lot of playful banter between the kids as I drove. I could see in the rearview that Lynette had stuck her head out the window to enjoy the fresh Wyoming mountain air and sunshine.

  She had a whimsical smile on her face and something in my chest went wonky. What the fuck Hawke?

  “How’s Sheila dad?” I saw her pull her head back in at his question and wondered at the look on her face. Her eyes cut to me but flitted away just as quickly and the bone in my jeans got harder. “The same, you know her. Nothing much changes with her.”

  “Who’s Sheila?” Was that a hint of jealousy in her voice? My gut tightened and I felt just a little sick. You ought to be ashamed of yourself Hawke…lusting after your son’s girlfriend. Besides, it was just wishful thinking. Why would a young beautiful girl like her care if I had a woman or not?

  “The housekeeper slash dictator. I told you about her.” Garrett leaned over the seat to look back at her. “Oh, I thought she was your girlfriend that you never talk about.” I looked at him out the side of my eye and saw the flush appear on his cheek.

  “Nah, that’s Mellie. And what do you mean I never talk about her? I’m sure I told you guys about her before.” I almost ran off the road. What?

  “Well are we going to meet her Garrett? Lynn is right, you’ve been very secretive about her until now.” That was Jason I think.

  I’d like to hear the answer to that one myself. This was the first I’d heard of it. The only Mellie I knew was the sixteen-year old daughter of the rancher closest to us.

  I’ll have to have a talk with my boy if this was the girl he was referring to. I know they’re both young but sixteen is still considered too young in this state isn’t it? Even as I thought of that my treacherous heart was happy to learn that the delectable Lynette wasn’t his.



  Sheila was waiting for us on the front porch when we got back. She waddled her way down the front steps and over to the truck to get her boy.

  “Garrett, look at you boy, you’ve grown like a wild weed.” She almost picked him up off the floor until he turned the tables and picked her up, swinging her around.

  “Now why can’t I ever get a greeting like that outta you huh?” I grinned at the two of them as I went around the back of the truck to start offloading the luggage. All the while I was aware of Lynette; like a beacon, in the middle of the desert.

  “Oh hush you.” Sheila swatted at me once Garrett put her down and my hands were too full to retaliate. “You young’uns come on in here I’ve got lunch ready. I know how darn awful that airline food can be.”

  She stopped long enough to peer at the girls. “You two not on one of t
hem fandangle diets are you?” She sniffed and that nose of hers went up in the air.

  There was no point in telling her about being incorrigible; she wouldn’t pay me any mind anyway. And the kids didn’t seem to be offended by her waspish tongue. I guess Garrett had given them all fair warning.

  “No ma’am.” Melissa did seem a bit taken aback if not downright scared. Lynette on the other hand was smiling from ear to ear.

  “Oh I like you.” She proclaimed to Sheila who eyed her like she was trying to see into the girl’s head. “Humph, we’ll see how long that lasts. You belong to my boy?” That’s our Sheila, straight to the point and nosy as hell with it.

  “Which one?” Did she just look at me when she said that? Sheila’s cackling laugh saved me from having to dwell on it for too long, but what the hell did she mean by that? Had she seen me checking her out at the airport? Or maybe she hadn’t missed all those times I’d had my eyes on her in my rearview.

  I hope not. Shit, now I feel like I’m back in middle school. “Let’s take care of the luggage boys while Sheila runs herd on the ladies.”

  After taking the right bags to the assigned rooms we headed back downstairs to the kitchen where the three females were in the middle of some conversation or the other.

  Typical of most females, they acted as if they’d known each other forever instead of just a few minutes. “So Ms. Lynette, you say you’re studying accounts management. We could do with some of that around here. Hawke here’s as ornery as a stinging wasp when it comes time to do the books. You’ve never heard so much whining and carrying on from a grown man in your life.”

  I looked at her under cover of my lashes to catch her reaction to that. “Really, I’d be more than happy to look over your books for you Mr. Jameson.” Why the hell are my cheeks burning, all because one little girl had turned her sights on me? Or maybe it was the look in her eyes.

  I swallowed hard before finding my voice and was thankful when it came out normal. What the hell is wrong with you Hawke? Get a grip before you embarrass yourself or worse yet, your son.

  “That’s very gracious of you Lynette but don’t mind Sheila, I’m quite capable.” I didn’t look at her for too long because I didn’t want her seeing too much.

  I did look at the other males in the room to see if any one of them were catching her scent. They all seemed preoccupied with the spread Sheila had laid out for them. How was it that I was the only one affected?

  “Didn’t say you weren’t now did I, what with your fancy education and all. I just said you hated doing it. He’s done gone and become uncivilized after his many years here in the backwoods of Wyoming.” She sniffed and went back to stirring the lemonade she was making to go with lunch.

  “If I give you a raise would you stop trying to embarrass me?”

  “How much?”

  “Greedy Sheila, I just gave you a raise last quarter.”

  “Well then I guess I’ll keep talking.” Pain in the ass woman!

  “On that note, I’m heading out. You kids enjoy the rest of your afternoon and I’ll see you all later.”

  “Catch you later dad. I figure I’ll give everyone the day to rest up then tomorrow I’ll show them around the ranch. You don’t mind if we watch you with the horses do you?”

  “No son, that’ll be fine. Okay then.” My eyes strayed to her one last time as I got my hat from the peg by the door and my insides seized when her eyes met mine. I wasn’t quite sure what to make of the flirty little smile that flitted across her lips or the sudden gleam in her eye.



  Wow! I kept my cool in front of the others but I couldn’t wait to get away somewhere alone to inspect this new development. I took a sip of the best lemonade I’d ever tasted and looked around the well-kept room.

  The kitchen was cozy and homey if a bit large. The kind of place you read about in Home and Country magazine. Hanging copper pots, cast iron skillets on the wall and a hearth of all things that looked like it was actually used.

  I tried to remember everything Garrett had told us about his life. His parents, his dad especially. I hadn’t paid that much attention in the past when we first met. How was I to know that I’d one day meet his dad and my body would go haywire?

  No wonder I never had any interest in any of the guys my age who hit on me, and they were plenty. This was all so confusing. As a well-rounded kid with a psychiatrist for a mother, I knew I didn’t have a daddy complex.

  My relationship with my dad was healthy and normal as far as I was concerned. So why this sudden attraction to a man twice my age?

  He didn’t look twice my age to be fair. He looked more like a rakish twenty-something with that flock of jet-black hair and those hot flower blue eyes.

  But it was the dimples in his cheek that made my heart beat faster. Those and the moustache; good grief. Even his voice had had an affect on me.

  If it was just a plain old attraction I could deal. I know how to handle myself well enough when it comes to the opposite sex. But this one was trouble and I knew it.

  From my first sight of him I got that sweet tingle between my thighs and my nipples started rubbing against the soft cups of my bra.

  My body was in heat and that I didn’t know the first thing about. I’d never really had a full-blown goodness to gracious crush but something told me this was more than even that.

  Like just now when he left the room, it was as if he’d taken all the air with him. I had the overwhelming urge to run after him, and this ache between my thighs just won’t quit.

  Looks like it was time. All my friends had taken the plunge, some much earlier than others. I’d been holding out, I never knew what for, but now I do. It was him.

  Though I’d never even known he existed, I was sure as the sun was high in the sky that he was the man for me. If I didn’t know it, my body sure as hell did. It hadn’t calmed down all the way yet.

  I don’t know how and he might take some convincing, though those looks he’d been giving me said not much. But before I leave Wyoming I’m going to give up my V-card to Mr. Jameson. I felt a gush of liquid heat pool in the crotch of my underwear. Mercy!

  “Where did you go Lynette?”

  “Hmm, what?” I looked over at Jonathan who was reaching out to pull my hair. “I’m sorry what did you say?”

  “Garrett asked if we wanted to go riding since none of us are tired.” They were all grinning at me like there was some joke I hadn’t been let in on.

  “Uh, sure I guess, let me go get changed.”

  “Wear something comfortable for riding.” Garrett called after me. I barely spared him a wave as I headed out of the room and up the stairs to my room.

  The house had a weird feel to it. Not like I’d been here before, but like I belonged, like it was welcoming me home. It was a strange way to think for a girl who’d grown up on the beach.

  It wasn’t just the house either. From the moment we flew over the state I felt something inside me relax in a way it never had before. And that feeling was only intensified when I got my first look at Hawke Jameson. My body had reacted strongly and totally out of my control.

  I fished out some worn jeans to change into and changed the blouse I was wearing for a tee shirt. I slipped my feet into my boots and pulled my hair back into a ponytail before heading back downstairs to meet the others.

  As much as I needed that time alone to dissect my feelings, what I really wanted more than anything else was to see him again. I needed to see if these feelings were a fluke. If it was just the excitement I felt for the place that had transferred to the man.

  Downstairs the others were already changed and waiting. We waved goodbye to Sheila as she admonished us to be careful in her spicy way which made me grin as we headed out the backdoor. Even the housekeeper felt like a long lost friend.

  I didn’t know where he was on the property, but as soon as we reached the corral I felt his eyes on me. I don’t know how I knew it was him. I could just b
e being fanciful, or maybe all this good mountain air had done something to me. But I’m as sure as I’m breathing that he had me in his crosshairs.

  I took a quick look around without seeming to but didn’t catch sight of him as Garrett led us to the impressive stables that were a little away from the house. Everything about the place was impressive come to think of it. The ranch house itself was anything but just that.

  It was built more in the style of an Old Antebellum style plantation house than the one level homes by that name, and the pink sandstone stood out in these parts.

  Instead of looking garishly misplaced though, it made one think of an old oater with the leading man of the day riding high in the saddle, herding cattle and fighting off rustlers before coming home to the ubiquitous lady of his heart in the setting evening sun.

  Now I really know something is wrong, even my wandering thoughts has taken a turn for the fanciful. “Lynette are you sure you’re okay? You’ve been acting kind of off since we got here. Are you sure the flight didn’t leave you a bit jet lagged?”

  Melissa ran her hand across my forehead and I smiled wanly. I knew what laid behind her feigned concern. Not that she wasn’t genuinely concerned for me, but her real purpose was to keep me away from Jonathan as much as possible, since she was madly in love with him while all he did was make puppy eyes at me.

  I try not to encourage him, but when has that ever stopped anyone? I took her excuse and used it as my own however, since I felt a burning need to find Hawke.

  It was more like a compulsion at this point. “I think you’re right. Maybe I should sit this one out guys and go lie down until dinner.”

  “We can stay…”

  “No-no Garrett I won’t spoil everyone else’s fun. Plus we’re here for a while, I can go riding any time.”

  I turned to hurry back out of the stables before anyone else could object or offer to join me and didn’t breathe again until I was back out in the open.


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