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Rock Harder: A Heavy Metal Romance (Slava Pasha Series Book 2)

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by A. D. Herrick

  Rock Harder

  Rock Harder

  A Heavy Metal Romance

  Slava Pasha Series


  A. D. Herrick

  Copyright © 2016 A. D. Herrick

  All rights reserved. No parts of this book may be used or reproduced in any matter without written permission from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, establishments, organizations, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously to give a sense of authenticity. Any similarities to real persons, living or dead, events, or locales are coincidental and not intended by the author.

  To my Husband, who always supports me, cooking me dinner, chasing after the kids, and just being a super Dad and husband over all. I love you and I couldn’t do it without you!!

  Kelly, you always bring a smile to my face. I am forever grateful to have a sister like you. I love ya Sweet Cheeks!!

  Melissa, you are always there by my side, through it all. You are my rock, my shoulder, and the keeper of the booze. Much love, Sunshine Sparkle Face!!

  “You see, rock and roll isn’t a career or hobby – it’s a life force. It’s something very essential.” - The Edge

  Table of Contents

  Chapter one

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter one

  Tonight had been an excellent night. It was my first night back on stage as lead vocalist of the band, Slava Pasha. I had been scared and nervous before stepping out on that stage. Sweat creased my forehead and dripped down my back. It had been months since I had been able to use my full range of vocals. There for a while I couldn’t use them at all. I had slowly worked my way back. As soon as I stepped out on stage the nerves quickly faded. The bright lights warming my skin. The deafening roar of the crowd sent prickles of energy along my skin. Each footstep cementing my purpose for being there. Every step toward my place, front and center of the stage, made me stand a little taller, puff my chest out a little more, and hold my head up higher. I could do this. I was born to do this.

  The strumming of the first cord on the guitars lit my soul on fire, in anticipation. The thumping of the drums began to vibrate through my body, calling me to a higher plane. I closed my eyes, tilted my head back as the opening death growl ripped out of my mouth, from deep in my soul. My deep gravelly voice poured from between my lips and into the mic as if ripped from the heavens above or rather the pits of hell. I felt euphoric as the crowd screamed and cheered. My subaqueous baritone wrapping around the crowd, the lyrics poured out, so very abyssal and guttural.

  I had skipped the intro speech I usually gave and dove head first into our leading song. It was currently on the top of the charts, thanks to Katinka’s superb writing skills. I bent at the waist, bracing my elbows on my knees as I sang into the front row, deep and ominous before I arched back violently in rapid motion, puffed out my chest and screamed out the lyrics in a symphony of sound that ran chills up my own spine. Katinka backed me up, her sweet vocals softening the sharp edges of my vehement voice. I quickly stole a glance over at her; she looked like a siren calling to her pray. She cocked her head toward me, catching my eye; she winked then turned back to the crowd. Encouraged, I reached down deep and pulled all of my emotions from the pits of my soul and thrust them into my voice. Expelling every negative emotion I had over coming back on stage as the lead. Every quiver of doubt, nervousness, and negative self-talk, ripped from me and cast out through the lyrics I belted.

  I was back! We had played Time Square in New York, co-headlining with the band Dark Tide. This, my friends is success. This is when you know you have made it, playing Time Square with your four best friends who are like brothers and your baby sister. Headlining with a band that consist of five more of your closest friends, life couldn’t get much better. My heart beat loudly in my chest. I felt so high from the energy of the crowd, the love of my friends and family. I couldn’t imagine wanting anything more… well okay that was a lie. There was just one more thing to do to make my life complete.

  I have been in the band for the past fifteen years with my four best friends, Kiev, Damon, Tosha, and Ivan. We started the band when we were only fifteen, still wet behind the ears. Our dad’s, who were all best friends and had come over from Russia together with our mothers, had gotten together one day when we were teens and set up our garage for us to practice, I’m sure they had gotten tired of us playing in our rooms. The music was so loud that it made the windows rattle; however, our parents were always encouraging us to follow our dreams.

  Our parents helped us obtain state of the art equipment, book gigs, helped us design a business plan and taught us all of the basics about how to run our band efficiently. Our parents had been agreeable as long as we promised to wait until we graduated high school and turned eighteen before we left home to launch our careers professionally.

  I remember our parents pulling out lawn chairs in front of the garage on weekends, Ivan’s dad would start the grill and they would BBQ and watch us practice. It didn’t take long before our neighbors would drag out chairs and join them. Turning our practice session into an impromptu block party. I couldn’t help the smile that crept across my face, thinking back to the beginning of our career. The band was my life. I felt whole again being on that stage, surrounded by everyone that I loved, my sister and my brothers. My brothers - not by blood, but by choice. Who says you can’t pick your family?

  Kiev and Ivan’s dad’s still help us with the business end. As mine and Damon’s fathers have passed. Our parents instilled in us that our friendship should always come first, business second unless there was a lovely woman at home waiting on us. In that case, business came third, your woman first, always. That had helped keep us together. So many bands fell apart when fame hit them too hard. That is not to say that we went without our struggles. We have had many since we had grown up together. There are disadvantages to knowing one another’s deep dark secrets, though we always pulled through. Kiev’s dad taught us how to invest in ourselves and our band so that we would never have to struggle with money personally and within the band. We got to make music and tour as our portfolios grew, Katinka’s portfolio as well, as she has always helped write songs for us and still does. We were all millionaires before we were twenty five.

  It took weeks before I could get back on stage and sing with my band. Being the lead vocalist, it was hard to hide the reason for my absence. A cancer scare could wreck you career in this business. People think that the publicity would push you forward. It doesn’t, it creates doubt in the minds of the producers, the production company, everyone that has their purse strings open, funding your career and agents just want to exploit you. I was thankful for my sister, Katinka, she was able to take up the lead for me, carrying the show forward, ensuring that all of our contracts were met and my secret stayed safe until I could return to my rightful place. While my ‘laryngitis’ had me out of commission. In truth, I had to recover from the biopsy done by my doctor, to ensure I was still in remission.

  I know how much Katinka hates the spotlight; she was never a fan of being in the limelight, in the public eye. Katinka was a behind the scenes kind of gi
rl. She preferred to write the music we sang over being on stage. She enjoyed the comfort of her jammies, while she lounged on her couch back in Knoxville, writing whatever popped into that pretty little head of hers. Katinka did not only write for our band, she also submitted songs that were sang by many musicians in every genre. Though she would deny it, she was actually a pretty big deal. She submitted her songs using a pseudonym, to avoid the public.

  I couldn’t have done it without her though. I couldn’t have hid my secret. Katinka has been my rock throughout this tour. She has been there by my side; her love and support have been what has carried me through it all. I will have to remember to thank her, perhaps a weekend trip to an exclusive spa or something after the tour. I hope I can get her to stay on. I know that she hates the spotlight, but I can’t imagine letting her go back home, not having her here with me would hurt. She is my little sister and having kicked cancers ass once and battling a cancer scare, I realized that life is too short. I wanted to spend every moment of it with the people I love. No regrets.

  Chapter Two

  Resting my forearms on the tile wall of the shower, I let the hot water works wonders on my tense muscles as it pelted my back. Rolling my shoulders, I relax under the beating stream of water. All the stress and tension of the night, melting away, swirling down the drain. All of the doubt I didn’t realized I carried off stage washed away with each sweep of the sponge across my body. Inhaling the crisp fresh scent of the body wash, the citrus, pepper and ginger scent carries my thoughts to her, Elena. I couldn’t wait to see her, hold her in my arms, and kiss her sweet, juicy lips. It had been a week since I saw her last or spoke to her over the phone, though we texted a few times through the week. It was as though she held the last remaining piece of my happiness, and until I had her in my arms, I would not be complete.

  As I step out of the shower and begin to dress my thoughts swiftly change to my plans for the weekend. I would be catching the Redeye out to Phoenix. Kiev had found out where Elena lived for me and I planned to show up at her door to surprise her. I had booked us the Penthouse suite at the JW Marriott Desert Ridge Resort and Spa. I know how much she loves hotels. I only had two nights in the states left and I planned to spend them with her, before our tour took us across the globe. I was going to miss her, but I hoped I could convince her to visit, or better still, come with me.

  I had started seeing Elena after my cancer reoccurrence scare. Katinka and Tosha had scheduled me an emergency appointment with an oncologist in Phoenix. It was a second opinion, after my doctor, in LA, told me he was worried that my cancer had come back, my checkup in L.A. had not looked so well. I needed a second opinion to either confirm or deny the results. I knew I wouldn’t be able to continue until I knew. The unknown dangling over my head was eating me alive. I had felt like I was losing my mind.

  When I walked into that hospital room, in Phoenix, I was blown away by the petite, athletic, blonde with the dazzling, bright blue eyes. The way her scrubs hugged her curves, especially her luscious ass. I felt the sizzle of attraction as her hands caressed my throat. My eyes roamed across her body, taking in every curve, I practically salivate at the memory of first seeing her. I knew I had to have her. Doctor Elena Popov was the most gorgeous woman I had ever laid my eyes on. I could tell she wanted me as well, the way her eyes latched on to mine, the tenderness in her touch, the slight whimper she gave when my hand slightly grazed hers. My dick twitches at just the thought of her.

  It took weeks of texting for Elena to cave in and be mine. I wooed her, aiming to steal her heart through text, late night phone calls and stolen trips between shows, in which we would spend wrapped in one another’s arms in my hotel room. She had my heart, tonight I planned to surprise her by showing up a day early and telling her so. I couldn’t wait to see her, tell her how much she meant to me. I was head over heels in love with her. There was no use denying it or hiding it from her. I had to let her know. I felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest at the thought of her. How silly it is for a man, in a heavy metal band, with my reputation, to be so head over heels for a woman that I would willingly throw my man card away just to have her in my arms for just one night. To have her tight round ass pressed up against me.

  I quickly dress and packed my things. I packed just a light bag to get me through the few days in Phoenix. The rest of my belongings would be packed up and put with the luggage of my band mates. They would take it to London with them. I wouldn’t be traveling with them on the flight to London, our first stop on our worldwide tour. I would be coming behind them. I had planned to leave at the last minute so that I could spend as much time with Elena as possible. Stooping down, I quickly grabbed my bag and headed out of my dressing room. I still needed to meet with the band before I left. The ring in my pocket burned against my leg causing me to smile, a reminder of what was to come. I couldn’t get to Phoenix fast enough.

  As I entered the lounge, Katinka appeared out of nowhere and flung herself at me, like a spider monkey, her arms latching around my neck, her legs around my waist. I chuckled as I wrapped my arms around her middle. “Hey, what’s all this about?” Katinka nuzzled her face in my neck; it was as though she was trying to burrow under my skin. I chuckled as I attempted to pull her away. When I felt the wetness of her tears against my neck I quickly changed directions and wrapped my arms around her more snuggly, pulling her into me. If Tosha had done something to her, causing the tears that flooded down her cheeks, I would kill him. “Hey, hey, what’s wrong Myshka Little Mouse?” I rubbed her back soothing her. Against my neck she mumbled, “I’m just so dayum happy! You really killed it tonight.” A breath I didn’t know I was holding whooshed out of my lungs, relieved I couldn’t help but chuckle. I hugged her closer to me, rocking her back and forth slowly in my arms, savoring the love I felt for her and from her in this moment, my baby sister in my arms. I was so glad that her tears were of joy and not sadness. I would kill anyone over my sister, even my own brothers. Katinka was the light in the darkness; she had always held that special ray of sunlight in her soul.

  Thought she was only two years younger than me, at 28, she would always be my little sister. The fact that she was just over five feet tall didn’t help matters. Katinka was the only family I had left and she was the closest thing to my heart. I loved her more than anything in this world. There isn’t anything in this world that I wouldn’t do for her.

  “Was my voice so bad that it made you cry?” I teased as I rubbed my stubbled chin against her exposed cheek. She always hated when I did that, she said it tickled. I felt her giggle against the tight skin of my neck. Her small body vibrating against my chest with laughter. She leaned back to look me in the eye. “You know you have an amazing voice. Now that you are all better you are really going to kill it. I think you sound even better now than you did before.” Her praise warmed my heart, a smile tugged at the corners of my mouth, I couldn’t help it. I beamed down at her. “You know… The guys and I talked; we want you to stay on.” Her brows furrowed in confusion as her eyes searched my face, her head cocked to the side. “We want you to tour with us. We want you to sing with us on stage like you had been doing. I will take lead again, but I want you by my side. That is, if you will. I want you to join the band with me and the guys. I want to share the stage with my sister.” Her eyes grew as wide as saucers as her lips parted and a gasp escaped from between them.

  As she digested my words I watched as her face changed from the pale of shock to the rosy hue of joy. Her eyes shined with excitement and merriment as a smile split her face nearly in two. She let out a squeal of delight, which threatened to puncture my ear drum, and then squeezed my neck in a tight embrace as she showered my face with kisses. ” O moy Gosha ty ser'yezno Oh My Gosh, are you serious?” She squealed. I heard Tosha behind her chuckle. “Yes, he is serious. I want my wife with me, by my side. And your brother sucks without you.” Tosha joshed, the love and affection he held for his wife evident in his voice. “Tosh, I’m going
to kill you for not telling me.” She threatened in a murderous tone, turning her head to glare at him. I laughed and squeezed her tighter. I felt sorry for Tosha; my sister was not one to mess with, he was definitely going to have his ass handed to him tonight.

  “I’m so freaking happy, Nik!” Katinka shouted shrilly giving me one last squeeze around the neck before she sprang out of my arms; she landed gracefully on the ground and broke into her signature happy dance, which looked more like she was going into cardiac arrest, than it did a dance move. She gave on last squeal before launching herself into Tosha’s arms. That man definitely had his work cut out for him, keeping up with my sister. I ran my hand through my hair, suddenly nervous. Watching the interaction between Katinka and Tosha, so much in love. I hoped to have that with Elena; I hoped she felt the same for me as I did her.

  “I am going to head out. I’m catching a red eye to Phoenix in about two hours. I’m going to spend a few days there then head out to London. I will meet you guys the morning of the show. Do you think you can stay out of trouble without me?” I asked, my focus on Katinka, she was prone to danger, having grown up with us guys, she acted as though she were invincible, knowing we would never let harm come her way, She was damn near reckless, which made me nervous as hell. The girl had no fear. The guys quipped out their sarcastic responses. Each of them giving me a quick hug and biding me a safe trip.

  “Good luck.” Kiev whispered in my ear. He had gone with me to pick out the ring and was the only one that knew what I planned to do. I wasn’t trying to hide the fact that I was head over heels in love with Elena, I was just afraid to jinx it by letting everyone know my intentions on this visit. I patted him on the back murmuring a “thanks”. I gave a short wave before turning and walked out of the lounge, my legs leading the way to the keeper of my heart.


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