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Rock Harder: A Heavy Metal Romance (Slava Pasha Series Book 2)

Page 11

by A. D. Herrick

  “You know, Doctors are prohibited by law from releasing any information pertaining to their clients. That means doctors anywhere, unless subpoenaed by a judge. I don’t think there are any judges out there trying to make a buck digging for dirt on you are there, Nik?” I gave a chuckle. “No Aggro, I just don’t think there are.” Matt gave a loud dramatic sigh. “Nik that brings us to the last person on the list then, your girlfriend.” Matt tsked into the mic. “You know, you’re right, that does just leave my girlfriend.” I looked Evie in the eye and held her gaze. Her face paled. Her lower lip quivered. “What does your girlfriend do for a living?” Matt asked goadingly. “Well, she is a journalist.” I deadpanned. My eyes still locked on Evie’s. “What sort of journalist is she?” Matt continued, driving home the already established point. “Well, she reports on celebrities. She actually just covered a piece on Dark Tide’s benefit shows.” I said arrogantly. I watched as fresh tears poured down Evie’s face. I held my emotions in check. Willing myself to stand firm and get through this interview which had run way over on time.

  “Wow Nik, that must really hurt. Your girlfriend selling you out like that.” his condolences clear in his voice. “My ex-girlfriend. I mean who can be with someone that would sell you out for a few quick dollars? It just makes you wonder what else they are capable of.” Evie’s face crumbled. Her body racked with sobs. “What are you going to do about it Nik?” Matt asked, wrapping up the interview.

  “I’m going to start by filing a lawsuit against her and having her license revoked.” I said with authority. “Her license?” Matt asked, his curiosity piqued. “Yes, her license. No doctor should be allowed to release a patient’s personal information, whether it was their spouse or not. She saw me first in a professional manner.” I watched Evie’s jaw drop. The shock apparent on her face. I flashed her a smile and motioned for her to be let in. Yes, I felt like a dick, but to be honest, I wasn’t sure if it was her or not until I saw her face as the fingers started pointing at her. She was truly shocked, appalled, hurt, and then destroyed. I did that to her. No it doesn’t make me feel good and I will spend the rest of my life making it up to her. But it did clear my conscious from any doubt I would have had otherwise.

  “Matt quickly recovered from his own shock. “You mean to tell me that you were dating your doctor?” he was visibly flabbergasted. “Yeah, that was until I found out she was married and she just wanted me as a closet boy toy. Boy didn’t I feel like a heel.” Evie ran into my arms and I hugged her in to me, holding on to her tight. I pulled her into my lap. I covered her face with kisses. “WOW, you have had one hell of a run with this woman, cheating on you and then releasing your biggest secret.” Matt’s eyes began to clear from the shock, realizing he had struck DJ gold. He was getting more out of an interview than he ever expected. More than anyone had ever received before. Move over Barbra Walters, DJ Aggro has the interview of the century. “Yeah, I had thought she was going to be the one I married. Boy was I wrong. I was glad her husband was there to keep me from making the biggest mistake of my life. I know she wasn’t the one. I was just too ignorant to see it at the time.” I offered. “So where do you go from here?” Matt asked, curiously. “Well I have a show to perform tonight and in the morning I have a restraining order to take out.” Matt Gasped. “A restraining order?” I shook my head and adjusted myself in my seat, still cradling Evie in my arms. “Yeah, Doctor Elena Popov, from Phoenix, Arizona in the US. She has been following me around, alerting the paparazzi to my whereabouts. It has been a big mess. I had to block her number and monitor all of my social media.” I said matter-of-fact. If I’m going to tell it, I’m going to tell it all. Matt whistled his amazement. “Looks like you have a wild and crazy road ahead of you.” I smiled down at Evie. “Your right, I do. But I also have the love of my family behind me and my gorgeous girlfriend, Evie, beside me. It will all come out in the wash.” Matt smiled and bobbed his head in agreement.

  “Well guys, I want to thank you all for coming out here and taking the time to talk with us. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. And Nik, you will come out of this stronger.” I gave him a genuine smile. “That was Slava Pasha and Dark Tide here in our studio. Now it’s time for an hour long commercial-free ride. Remember, stay heavy.” Matt signed off and signaled that the mic was off and we were free to speak.

  “Holy shit, man. You have been through hell. Thanks so much for talking with me here today.” Matt said genuinely. “I stood up and gave him a clap on the back. Thanks for all of your help man. I appreciate it. Any time you want us on your show, we are here.” I told him in earnest. “So this is the gorgeous girlfriend?” he said motioning toward Evie. She blushed and took his offered hand. “Nice to meet you.” She said sweetly. “You are a kick ass chick. I know you were in a rough ass spot with all of that blowing wide open.” She looked down and heaved a sigh. “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger right?” she asked. “Touché. My ‘lady.” Matt winked at her in mock conspiracy. “We will see you at the show Matt.” I shook his hand and shook it before taking Evie’s in mine and leading her out of the studio. We had a show to do and we were going to be late.

  Every one bid their farewell and we rushed out of the Station to the waiting limo. We had an hour before our show started and I hated being late. I pulled Evie into my lap and held her close the whole ride to the venue. No one spoke. I think the last hour had given everyone enough to think about. I was relieved to have everything out there. I wish I had known before how much it was weighing me down.

  Chapter Fourteen

  I walked out on to the stage a free man. The heat from the stage lights warming my skin, I threw my arms out to the side, tossed my head back and took it all in. The blinding lights of the stage, the roaring of the crowd, the smell of sweat and booze. The electricity of the crowd crackled all around. “Pasha! PASha! PASHA!” The chants from the crowd growing louder and louder as their excitement built. I threw my arms in the air and gave a victorious roar. The crowd went wild cheering. “Are you fucking ready?” I screamed out to the crowd, mic in hand. The crowd screamed even louder, their collective voices reverberating through my core. “I said, ARE YOU GUYS FUCKING READY?” I shouted even louder. The crowd in turn got even louder, whistles and screams echoed through the theater.

  “How many of you caught our interview today with DJ Aggro?” I spoke out to the crowd. A roar of cheers erupted from the crowd. “Good, Good, I am happy to hear it. I want to tell you all that I am sorry for lying to you. But I hope that you understand why.” I said, my voice wavering slightly from the buildup of emotions that threatened to take over. “FUCK CANCER!” Screamed a group of people in the front row. I chuckled and shook my head. “You’re right, Fuck Cancer!” I agreed. “I want to thank you all for coming out here and hanging with us. It really means a lot to us when we get out on stage and have the opportunity to play for you all. We wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you. This set goes out to all of you. Thank you for your continued support!”

  The lights went out, leaving the stage in total darkness. The crowd came to an instant hush, as they waited to see what would come next. “Pasha, Pasha…” The chant started as a whisper and grew in volume and momentum, the chorus of voices shook the walls. We open with a song Katinka had written before we left the states. We worked with it between shows. I wanted to give the crowd something special to remember, a first time ever live play of a new song. It was not a part of our set list, but I wanted to do something special for the crowd that showed up. I had discussed it with Kevin and the guys and they loved the idea. If it goes well we have decided to add more impromptu bits into our shows together. Here goes nothing.

  A light flicked on above my head, casting me in an eerie halo of red light. I opened the set with a wickedly eerie whisper of words, low enough to be understood just barely. The crowd stilled as fans searched through their memory trying to place the lyrics.

  You’re never sorry

  Everything you say is a lie />
  You’re never sorry

  Everything about you is a lie

  You’re never sorry

  Everything you say is a lie

  You’re never sorry

  Everything about you is a lie

  Now you must die

  Red lights flood the stage in color as the band opens with a thunderous flood of chords. Deep bass vibrates through my soul as Kiev hits every note perfectly, rift after rift of musical genius. Katinka’s breaks in with her throaty vocals, her whispers rolling over mine until we are in sync.

  Kevin walked out on stage, his baritone whispers folding in between ours until they sync with ours as well.

  You’re never sorry

  Everything you say is a lie

  You’re never sorry

  Everything about you is a lie

  You’re never sorry

  Everything you say is a lie

  You’re never sorry

  Now you must die

  The crowd breaks out in screams of excitement as their eyes catch Kevin’s form on stage. Heavy drum beats vibrate the walls. The stage is vibrating from all of the bass, lulling me into a trance like state where I am one with the music. Our voices sync up perfectly as we finish the intro.

  You’re never sorry

  Everything you say is a lie

  You’re never sorry

  Everything about you is a lie

  You’re never sorry

  Everything you say is a lie

  You’re never sorry

  Now you must die

  The guys stop playing as a siren sounds leaving the stage in a pale glow of red, our forms barely visible. The Nee-eu Nee-eu Woop Woop stops our whispers. Static sounds when the sirens stop. A voice rises from the static as if it were coming from a megaphone.

  Stop what you are doing

  Step away from the body

  The chirr of the megaphone sounds through the static.

  We’re going to need back up here

  Red and blue flickering lights light up Shep as he steps out on to the stage megaphone in hand. The crowd goes insane screaming and cheering.

  You have the right to remain silent

  But it’s strongly encouraged that you didn’t

  The siren sounds again. When it stops the guys hit it hard, giving it all they had. The crowd explodes. Bodies rocking and swaying like churning waters in the rapids. Together we take the crowd on a musical high. Kevin’s death growl following mine as we belt out the lyrics. Katinka’s throaty growl softening the edges of ours. Shep woks the crowd over with the megaphone, all high energy, he bounds from one end of the stage to the other. The crowd is riveted, enjoying the show, fist in the air swaying to the beat. Shep helped a man on stage, allowing him to dive out into the crowd. A large mosh pit broke out in the center of the stage.

  The lights flicker, giving the illusion of the stage being swarmed by police cars, the music cut off as the siren whirled and the static started.

  We have a massacre here

  There are bodies everywhere

  Send backup

  I repeat we need back up

  The stage lights flicked off, leaving us in total darkness. Kevin and Shep made their way off stage under the cover of the darkness. The thundering of the crowd was the most euphoric feeling I’ve ever felt. Bright light spotlighted me as I opened for the first song on our set list.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The after party was fan-fucking-tastic. Anna, Sasha, Tiffany and Nathan showed up and had a few drinks with us at a local bar. I was so glad that they had all shown up to see the show. I was worried about how the impromptu intro would be perceived but Anna and reassured me that it was amazing. She kept gushing about how much she enjoyed it and how we should do something like that more often. She claimed it kept people on their toes and made the show more enjoyable for those that follow us around on tour or have at least been to one of our shows before. I was happy to receive some reliable feedback. I trusted and valued Anna’s opinion because she was not afraid to tell you if she loved or hated something. Case and point, my new hair style.

  I think Damon had a thing for Tiffany. He fawned over her all night, buying her drinks, taking her out for a spin on the dance floor more times than I could count. The guy was undoubtedly enamored with her. The two ended up leaving the bar together. I couldn’t blame him though. Tiffany was a great girl and absolutely gorgeous with a positive and witty personality, she was perfectly suited for him.

  I got Evie to spend another night with me. I have no idea how I had got so lucky as to meet such an amazing, smart and gorgeous woman. As I lay here curled up around her petite form I can help but picture her in my life. I hate to get my hopes up. But I think Tink was right. I can’t judge every woman by my experience with Elena and there is no time limit on love or life. Am I in love with Evie? Not yet. But is it possible? Abso-fucking-lutely. This woman is everything I could ever want and then some. I kiss the back of her neck and pull her in closer to me. We have to leave in the morning and I want to hold on to her for as long as I can.

  The alarm on my phone buzzed, pulling me form a restful sleep. Evie’s warm body pressed against my chest causes my lips to turn up. The sweet smell of her coconut shampoo fills my nostrils. I inhale deeply savoring the scent. After only two nights I know I am going to miss these mornings. I let my hand trail down the soft curve on her waist. My cock twitches against her sweet ass pressed up against me. Evie moans softly slowly waking up. “Make it stop.” She mumbles still half asleep. Regretfully I release her and roll over on to my back. Fumbling in the dark room I extend my arm and reach out for the phone. 7 Am. No one should have to be up at 7am. Especially when they didn’t hit the bed until 3am. Of course, knowing it was my last night with Evie we didn’t just go to sleep. She let me take her twice before we passed out from sheer exhaustion.

  I shut off the alarm and rolled back over on to my side pulling Evie in to me. “I have to get up and get ready. Get some more sleep while I shower.” I whispered against her ear before laying a soft kiss behind her ear. Evie replied by rocking her ass against my rock hard cock. I groaned in frustration. I was torn between doing the right thing, getting up and getting in the shower and waking her up by sliding my cock in her sweet pussy. I caressed her hip and ground my cock against her ass before kissing her shoulder and getting out of bed. I knew if I didn’t get up right then she would not have been safe. I would have taken her right there.

  The hot water pounding against my back woke me up. I braced my hand against the tiled wall and stroked my cock. I thought about Evie, lying naked in the bed on the other side of the door. Her hair spilled out across the pillow. The moans she made when I fucked her deep and hard. I groaned as I tightened my grip pumping my cock faster. Jacking off wasn’t my first choice, but if I was going to do it, I was glad to have some inspiration in the other room.

  The cold air hit me, startling me. I turned my head to see Evie’s naked form stepping into the shower, my hand still wrapped around my cock. Evie ducked under my arm, her back against the tile wall. She reached out and caressed my cock. Her soft delicate hand wrapping around the base. She began to stroke my cock, her hand working in tandem with mine. I bent my head down and pressed my lips against hers. Kissing her hungrily, I nibbled at her lower lip, pulling it between my teeth. She let out a soft moan. I released my cock, my hand dropping down to cup her mound. I rubbed my palm against her clit.

  Evie rocked against me. I slipped a finger between her folds and fucked her with my finger while she stroked my cock. Breaking our kiss Evie trailed kisses down my chin. She nipped and sucked at my neck. Her other hand coming around and gripping my ass. Her hands felt so good on my body but I wanted more. I removed my hand from between her legs and pulled away from her long enough to spin her around to face the tiled wall. “Put your hands on the wall above your head.” I whispered against her ear. Evie complied. “That’s a good girl. Now arch your back and stick that delicious ass out for me.” I dropped
to my knees behind her. My hands resting at the top of her thighs. I ran my thumbs along the underside of her ass.

  I kissed along her lower back dropping down to the tops of her ass cheeks. Kissing and nipping. Evie parted her legs farther begging for more. I licked slowly between her cheeks, down to her wet waiting pussy and then back up. Evie hissed in protest. I continued my journey back down. When I reached her pussy I dipped my tongue in and out slowly fucking her with my tongue. I spread her cheeks apart with my hands, exposing her delicious honey pot. I ran my thumbs up and down her lower lips, spreading them as I licked and fucked her pussy. “Reach down and rub your clit for me.” I spoke against her pussy. Evie moaned and whimpered as she rubbed tight circles firmly against her clit. “That’s a good girl. Now don’t stop.” I kissed up her back as I rose, standing behind her.

  I stroked my cock against her pussy. Letting her feel how hard I was for her. Evie pressed back against me, her pussy hungry for my cock. I tsked. “Such a greedy girl.” She whimpered as I withdrew my cock from her clutches. “I want you to step back and bed down and grab your ankles. If you let go I will stop.” I stepped back, giving her room. Evie complied. Her tight round ass offered up to me. I rubbed my cock across her pussy, teasing her. “Please…” She begged.

  I slid just the tip of my cock in and out of her pussy before pulling out and rubbing my cock between her fold and across her clit. I fed her hungry pussy more of my cock before withdrawing it again and teasing her. “I need you NOW Nicky!” She begged. The anticipation killing her. I answered her request by slamming my cock into her. I gripped her waist and held her into place as I drilled her pussy with my cock. The pressure in my balls building. I felt her pussy tense up, her walls tightening around my cock. The sensation caused my cock to grow even harder as I tried to hold back my orgasm. I reached around and pinched her clit, sending her over the edge she had been teetering on. Evie screamed as her orgasm took her over. Her walls spasmed clenching and unclenching my cock in a vice like grip. Unable to hold back I rammed my cock as deep as it would go before painting her walls with my seed, releasing a thunderous roar. I pumped my cock in to her a few more times before collapsing against the shower wall. Evie rose back up and leaned against me. “That was amazing.” She said reverently. I could only nod my head. It was indeed some of the best sex I have ever had. I placed a sloppy kiss on the top of her head. Slowly I withdrew my cock. Evie whimpered at the loss. We showered in comfortable silence. Both of us as content as a cat with a bowl full of cream.


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