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Lust on the Loose

Page 17

by Noel Amos

  Mark Bacon muttered, 'I didn't know you wore knickers, Sophie,' but nobody laughed as the lights flickered on and a grim-faced Ambrosia Spicer rose to her feet.

  'That tape,' she said, 'was delivered to the BBC just after eleven this morning. They sent us this copy but tell us they'll be using it at the top of the one o'clock news. We are going to look complete mugs.'

  'Stop it going out,' said a voice.

  'We can't. If it had just been the Beeb we might have had a chance but it's also gone to ITN, Celestial and, we think, the satellite stations. We can't gag the lot.'

  'Oh shit,' said someone.

  'Precisely. The news media and the politicians will have a field day with us, then the top brass are going to jump all over me. And you know what that means. If my tits are in the mangle I'm going to make sure your nuts are wrung out at the same time. So, get out there and find the bastard! He's not exactly inconspicuous, for Christ's sake. At least, after that tape goes out everyone in the bloody country will know exactly what he looks like!'

  Chapter 40

  Billy felt awful. Tracy had been in tears as he had helped her into her clothes and he felt a genuine tenderness for her as she sobbed into the handkerchief he had thoughtfully provided.

  'Oh Billy,' she wailed, 'how could he be so horrible?'

  'Years of practice, I should think,' and he rubbed her back fraternally as she hung on his neck and spilled her tears onto his shirt front. 'When you've gone I'll go and sort him out.'

  She sniffed loudly, obviously unimpressed. 'It's a nice thought, Billy, but don't be a hero on my account.'

  'Why not, Tracy? I'm your devoted slave. Frankly, how he could turn down such an utterly gorgeous creature like yourself boggles my imagination.'

  'Now hang on, you make it sound as if I just marched up to him and asked for a good shagging.' She pushed him away from her, instantly indignant.

  'That's better, Tracy, you look much more like your old self.' And she did, her blue eyes blazed, her perfect complexion flushed pink with anger and her buoyant breasts bobbed deliciously between the unbuttoned flaps of her jacket.

  'That's a very saucy outfit you've got on,' Billy continued, slipping a hand into the breach and cupping the rosy fullness of her left boob. 'I like the contrast between the severity of the cut and your natural curves.'

  The nipple was big and erect beneath his thumb and she let him fondle her for a moment before she said, 'Thanks, Billy. I feel a bit better now.'

  Billy pulled her close and kissed her, gently at first, then more urgently, his hands roaming lasciviously beneath her open jacket. She allowed him these liberties without responding then stepped away to button herself up.

  'I'm sorry, Billy, but I'm not going to let you bonk me on the sofa with that pig sitting next door. I'll make it up to you, honest.' And with a sly squeeze of the obvious erection tenting his trousers, she was off down the corridor. Billy heard the front door slam behind her with pained regret.

  Brick was reclining in the same position as before, stretched out across two chairs, the big white Stetson completely covering his face.

  Billy removed the hat with a flourish, exposing the rock star to the full glare of the sun. For a moment the lined basilisk face remained motionless, then one eye flicked open. For the first time Billy caught a glint of life deep within the void.

  'Oh,' grunted the singer.

  'Did you have to be so fucking rude? That girl is a fellow artist, one of Imogen's top performers, she's also the country's biggest sex symbol. She's very upset.'


  'So - so she's gone storming off. She'll tell Imogen. She might tell the Press!'

  'I'm shaking in my boots.' The eye snapped shut. 'Give me my hat back, Billy, and fuck off.'


  Both eyes opened this time and subjected Billy to the full force of their reptilian glare.

  'No,' repeated Billy, 'not until you talk to me like a fellow human being. If you don't I might just throw your precious hat off this balcony.'

  There was a silence. Then Brick slowly swung his feet off the chair and sat up. 'Oh shit,' he said, 'you'd better sit down, then. And please may I have my hat back?'

  An hour later Billy had got to the heart of the matter. Once he had opened his mouth, Brick had scarcely been able to shut it again.

  'Your friend, Tracy Whoosit, she reminded me of a gal I met in Australia once. Must have been in seventy-eight or nine. She was someone's PA or something. She sets up this lunch with me in a hotel suite and we're having all these fancy things and she's in this smart suit, very business-like. And then she puts down her fork and starts taking off her duds, talking all the time about these interviews she's set up for me and meantime just stripping off. Beneath this suit she's not wearing a stitch. And she has the most fantastic body, all smooth and pink and waxed and pampered, with cute little red toenails and a bare pink pussy with a neat little knot of blonde curls right at the top of her slash. And, just like Tracy, she has the most dick-standing gazonkas you ever clapped eyes on. Just the most sensational tits. All thrusting out on their own and yet moving and shifting like cream in a tub.'

  'Did you throw her out too?' asked Billy.

  'You're joking, man! I couldn't wait to get my face between those danglers. I just dived in, knocked the table over as I recall and broke up all those plates and glasses. We had someone clear up the mess next day and they charged us extra and the papers ran a story about me smashing up the room. The truth was I was dorking this doll with the X-rated chest accessories for twenty-four hours straight. Yes sir, they were the finest titties I ever saw, till maybe the pair that just walked in here.'

  'So why did you tell Tracy to leave?'

  'Because, Billy, I can't do it any more. My dick gave up on me five years back. You remember that thing I had with Tania Tingle?'

  Billy nodded. He remembered reading about Brick's last big romance, which had produced an X-rated video, a Gretna marriage, a Reno divorce and a schmaltzy remake of 'True Love' that had remained a late-night banker for FM deejays the world over. All of Brick's marriages had yielded significant commercial opportunities.

  'That Tania finally blew my tubes. She was a witch.

  She used to give me this stuff, her nooky juice she called it, which meant I could stay in the saddle for twenty-four hours straight. We fucked like bunnies for six months, anywhere and everywhere. But the human frame has its limits. I'd try and tell her to slow down but she was hooked on her multiple Os. She finally decided I wasn't strong enough for her and she trawled the body-building scene till she found some poor schmuck who wasn't gay and went off with him. Poor sap. I sent a wreath to his funeral. I felt I should have warned him. So I guess I had a lucky escape. But Tania didn't just break my heart she stole my balls. Since she and I split I haven't been able to get it up. Not once.'

  'Would you like to?'

  'Are you kidding, my friend? If I got my dick back I'd give little old Tracy a hundred new suits for the pleasure of poking her sweet puss.'


  'Sure thing. But I don't live on pipe dreams.'

  Billy said nothing but he had just had a sudden flash of inspiration.

  'In the meantime,' said his talkative charge, 'I sure could use some more tea.'

  Chapter 41

  Sophie found Ambrosia standing, still and silent, in the middle of her office. Her shoulders were shaking and her left arm was held rigidly to her side, fist clenched, the knuckles white. Her right hand held a half-smoked cigarette that had burnt almost to the butt. Moisture glistened on her cheek. The blinds had been drawn and the air was blue with smoke.

  'Oh, Ambrosia!' said Sophie as she closed the door behind her. 'It's not that bad, surely?' And she rushed to put her arm around the other woman to comfort her.

  Ambrosia did not yield to the embrace but spoke in a low, urgent voice that dripped with venom.

  'Your sympathy is misplaced, Sergeant Stark. You would do better saving it for yourself. Fo
r your information I am trying very hard to control my temper and my anger is directed principally at one person. You.'

  'But, Ambrosia—'

  'I know we have both enjoyed the pleasure of carnal relations with one another but I must insist that in this office you address me in a manner more appropriate to our respective stations.'

  'Yes, ma'am.'

  'I, on the other hand, can call you what I fucking well like. And I am going to call you a dirty little tart who is more interested in sucking pussy than in doing her job.'

  'But, ma'am—'

  'Shut up. It is obvious from Fretwork's Jack-the-Lad video that he got on that boat. I can just about understand how Bacon and his cretins failed to spot him but I cannot comprehend how you could have done so. After all, you were on the damn thing, weren't you?'

  'I had to go home on Monday. I was off duty for six or seven hours, I suppose. He must have got aboard then.'

  'So what happened after that? Did you notice anything different about your two companions?'

  'Not really.'

  'Did it occur to you that they were keeping something from you?'

  'No. Things went on much as before. They spent a lot of time working on this book project of theirs. They seemed to have got quite close. I was rather surprised by that. I thought at first that Patsy wouldn't put up with Pandora for long but now she seems to me to be rather taken with her.'

  'Patsy Fretwork enjoys having her cunt licked, wouldn't you say?'

  'Yes, but it was more than that. She seemed to absorb some of Pandora's ideas. I thought it was good for her, actually. Pandy was encouraging her to be more assertive.'

  'So you noticed nothing different when you got back.'

  'No, just that Patsy and Pandy were even more pally than before. All girls together, you know, lots of giggles. I realised then that they'd become good friends.'

  'You all carried on diddling one another, though, didn't you?'

  'I'm sorry?'

  'Don't get coy with me, Sophie. You all sucked each other off, didn't you?'


  'And you carried on in the same way after you got back on Monday?'

  'Not quite as much, actually. To be honest, ma'am, sleeping with women is not really my style. It can be pleasurable, of course, but it's not something I want to do exclusively. I mean, I might if an opportunity arose which, er...' Sophie ground to a halt.

  'I see, so having it off with Patsy and Pandora was simply in the line of duty?'

  'Well, you did indicate that I should.'

  'And going to bed with me was simply in the cause of furthering your own career?'

  'No, of course not, Ambrosia, that was entirely different.'

  'Was it?'


  'I'm not convinced, Sophie. You'll have to prove it.'

  'Oh, Ambrosia!'

  'Now now, Sophie, what did I say about addressing me in the office?'

  'I'm sorry, ma'am.'

  'That's better.' Ambrosia sat on the chair in front of her desk and kicked off her shoes. 'I'm all wound up, I need to relax. Why don't you come here and help me?'

  'Yes, ma'am,' said Sophie in resignation as she sank to her knees before the parted thighs of her superior.

  'That's it, Starkers, I'm feeling better already. And while you're kissing my pussy I'll work out exactly where we go from here in the question of Danny bloody Fretwork.'

  Chapter 42

  As Billy was boiling the kettle he heard the sound of a key in the front door. He glanced up to see Katie Crisp bearing down on him, grim and efficient in a starched white blouse and black skirt. Nevertheless Billy couldn't help but think of the perfumed mass of pussy hair and the creamy white flesh that this severe costume concealed.

  She gave him her customary smirk and said, 'Playing housemaid, are we? Our little session the other morning must have done you some good.'

  'Up yours, Katie,' he said cheerfully.

  'You wish.' And she eyed the front of his trousers where once more, ever eager, stood the evidence of her effect on him. 'Can't you learn to control yourself? Or does my presence make it impossible?'

  As Billy floundered for a suitable response she demanded, 'Where's the degenerate superstar? Not still in bed, I trust.'

  'No, ma'am,' came the soft voice from the doorway, 'I'm right here.'

  Katie was completely unfazed. 'Good. We can't have you lounging around all day. Important people want to meet you, God knows why. While you are here you must earn your corn, as I believe you Yanks say.'

  'Yes, ma'am,' replied Brick obediently, 'whatever you say.'

  'Hang on,' said Billy, 'Imogen told me yesterday that Brick had no fixed agenda, he could please himself.'

  'That's all changed. Candida Kensington is holding a little lunch party for some of her friends and she wants him up there by one. I believe you know the way, do you not?'

  'Now wait a minute, Katie, I don't know whether Brick would find that kind of occasion to his liking. I'm sure if I explained to Candy—'

  'Billy, it's OK.' Brick had stepped forward and was now addressing himself directly to Ms Crisp. 'Whatever this young woman says is OK by me. I'm here to do a job. Besides, I might meet some nice English ladies who appreciate my kind of music.'

  'You'll meet them all right,' said Katie, evidently unimpressed by the American's compliance, 'they'll all be old enough to have heard of you.' And she turned on her heel and left.

  'Wowee,' whistled Brick, 'that's some gal. What wouldn't I give for some nooky juice right now!'

  'That reminds me,' muttered Billy, heading for the phone.

  Arnold Brie turned up half an hour later.

  'Billy!' he cried, hugging him like a long lost relative. 'I've been looking all over for you. You've changed my life. I love Betsy. I want to marry her. We're going to open a gourmet restaurant in the country and have a litter of children...'

  'Put me down, Arnold! What an impetuous fellow you are. I wouldn't rush into anything with Betsy, if I were you. Now you're back in the swing, why don't you try out your wicked weapon elsewhere?'


  'There's no time to talk now. Have you got the stuff?'


  'Follow me. And remember, you're a doctor.'

  Brick was looking pretty cool in his tight jeans, cowboy boots and soft leather jacket so fine it hung on his broad frame like spun silk.

  'I thought I'd best tool up for the ladies luncheon,' he explained as Billy and Arnold entered the living room.

  Billy made the introductions and noticed with some trepidation that Arnold was awed by the great man's presence. He forgot to let go of Brick's hand when he shook it and gazed at him with mouth agape.

  'As you agreed, Brick, I've been telling Dr Brie a bit about the problem you mentioned earlier. Dr Brie is a specialist in the area of fading powers and has experimented successfully with herbal tonics. There's just a chance he may be able to help you.'

  Brick had been looking increasingly sceptical during this speech and now said to Arnold, 'Is this true, doctor?'

  'Oh yes, no problem, Brick. Hey, it's really great to meet you, man.'

  'You can give me something to perk my pecker up?'

  'Absolutely. Here—' and Arnold produced a small vial with a dropper top from his pocket. 'Take four drops, two in each nostril, about half an hour before the action. You'll soon be boffing those groupies just like the old days. I guarantee it.'

  'So it's like nooky juice?'

  'Yes,' said Billy. 'Take some now, Brick.'

  'But we're off to some old dame's lunch. I'm not likely to need it there.'

  'Believe me, Brick, Candy Kensington's house is where a man needs nooky juice most of all...'

  Chapter 43

  In the distance there was the noise of hearty conversation and the ringing of telephones but in Ambrosia Spicer's office there was silence. It was broken only by soft sighs and murmurings, the whisper of flesh on flesh and the occasional hiss of indrawn b
reath. And the rhythmic slick-slick sound of lubricated genitals being pleasured.

  Ambrosia Spicer's skirt was bunched around her waist and her panties were crumpled around her left ankle. The regions in between were completely nude, laid bare by Sophie to kiss and stroke and fondle and admire. Sophie was a conscientious lover and she had taken her instructions to relax Ambrosia very seriously. So far she had relaxed her comprehensively twice with her mouth and once with her fingers and Ambrosia's large prominent cunt was flushed with its exertions.

  Sophie rested her head on the other woman's thighs and contemplated the pretty sex delta ahead of her. The long slit lay open and exposed beneath the brown thatch of pussy fur at the top of Ambrosia's crack. The fleshy vaginal lips were curled outward like butterfly wings, revealing the pink and juicy entrance to the tunnel within.

  'You have the loveliest pussy, ma'am,' said Sophie, but Ambrosia did not reply. She simply ran a hand fondly through Sophie's thick curls and then firmly pressed her head back into her crotch. Sophie opened her mouth to resume the cuntal kiss, reaching forward to grip the other's taut buttocks and slip a finger into the smooth divide between to gently titillate Ambrosia's puckered arse-hole.

  The great detective began to relax seriously once more. 'Ooh, that's good. Mmm, yes. And now my clit. Flick it lightly with your tongue. Ohhh, yes. You know what I like, don't you? Oh Sophie Stark, I swear you are the greatest cunt-licker on the Force!'

  Sophie gripped Ambrosia tighter, her palms digging into the soft buttocks to pull the spread pussy onto her eager lips and tongue. Her forefinger was rimming Ambrosia's bum-hole from the rear, forcing itself into the tight ring of muscle while she ran the pointed tip of her tongue up and down the wet pussy slit from the front. The result was all too predictable as Ambrosia thrust her loins back and forth, forcing the finger up her arse and the tongue deep into her cunt.


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