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Lust on the Loose

Page 19

by Noel Amos

  So Billy watched closely as she shook hands with Brick and sat beside him on the sofa directly opposite their vantage point. He was intrigued that a rock musician should be of interest to her.

  'Araminta Hush,' Brick was saying in his deepest, most mellow tones. 'Don't I know you?'

  Her porcelain cheeks blushed daintily as she said, 'Well, I am on television rather a lot.'

  'No. I don't mean that - though I've seen you a bunch of times and, my God, you're a shit-hot reporter, if you'll pardon my free speech - I mean haven't we met before. Years back. In the sixties.'

  'Oh no. I've never met you before.'

  'Whoa, Minty. Don't you be so sure. I used to tour England a whole lot back then. I went all over. Met a hell of a lot of girls but not many as beautiful as you. I couldn't forget a face like yours.'

  Minty was squirming beside him, her slender legs crossing and recrossing. Billy realised with some surprise that she was star struck.

  'Where were you in sixty-eight?' Brick asked.

  'I was in my second year at Cambridge.'

  'That's it, then. We played Cambridge. Oh yes, I remember it clearly. You were one hot little blue-stocking back then, Ms Hush.'

  'I don't know what you mean, Brick, honestly. I never went to a concert of yours in Cambridge. Really.' Squirm, squirm went her little bum in her tight cream skirt. Swish, swish went the silk of her stockings as she crossed her lovely legs.

  'Stop shitting me, Minty, we were very close friends for a short while back then and I can prove it.'


  'You have a mole up the top of your thigh. Boy, how I used to love to lick that chocolate button!'

  'Well, you're wrong. I don't have any such mole.'

  'Says you.'

  'I don't.'

  'OK, if that's what you say.'

  'But I don't.'

  'Hey, no need to get upset. A gentleman always believes a lady.'

  'But I don't, I tell you. Look.'

  So there it was. She had pulled her skirt up above her knees and Billy realised with a thrill that she was wearing suspenders and stockings - who'd have thought it?

  Brick made a careful study of the exquisite milk-white flesh presented for his inspection.

  'As I recall,' he was saying as he took hold of the hem of her skirt and eased it higher, 'it was way up on the inside of the left thigh.' And he slid his long fingers up the creamy skin above her stocking top, probing into the ravine between her legs in search of the elusive blemish.

  For a moment there was silence and Billy was deafened by the sound of his heart beating. His hand was inside Candy's brassiere, rolling the firm stub of a nipple between his fingers, but his attention was fully fixed on the action in front of him. Minty, he could see, was shivering like a flu victim as Brick made a scrupulous examination of her naked thighs.

  'Maybe it's on the right side,' he said. 'It's been such a long time since I had the pleasure... Now where is it?'

  Minty's legs were now spread across Brick's lap as he made himself free with her lower limbs, twisting and turning her flesh to his satisfaction and, in the process, laying bare her entire stomach and the wet wisp of matching cream that covered the thrusting vee of her pubis.

  'Maybe it's a little higher - on the inside, if you get my meaning. Oh my, what have we here?'

  Brick had now pushed the material of her panties to one side and was boldly examining her exposed groin. His brazen fingers combed through the silky bush of chestnut hair and opened up the delicate pink oyster of her quim.

  'Well, Ms Hush, it looks like I owe you an apology, you don't have any marks on your skin whatsoever. But you do have the cutest, the most adorable and the juiciest pussy I've seen in a long while.'

  Minty's pelvis bucked and undulated to his touch. Her upper body had flopped back along the couch, her eyes were tight shut and her breasts rose and fell rapidly as her breath shortened.

  'With your permission, ma'am,' said Brick, 'I wonder if I may pay my respects in the appropriate manner?' Minty said nothing but unceremoniously grabbed him by the hair and pulled his head down into her crotch.

  She came twice before she allowed him up for air, her slender arms tense with unlikely strength as she held his face to her hungry snatch, her eyes shut all the while, her perfect mouth set in a rictus of effort.

  Meanwhile, her face still held to the peephole, Candy had reached behind her and pulled Billy's penis out of his pants. Now he was bollock deep between the pouting lips of her honeypot as she bent forward, her elbows on the ledge of the serving hatch. Billy jammed his throbbing organ fast within her, cushioning his stomach against her pliant bum cheeks, determined not to shoot off until he had savoured every nuance of Minty Hush's seduction.

  Brick was now cradling a relaxed and out-of-breath reporter against his broad chest. She ripped open his shirt and buried her face in the mat of hair beneath.

  'Take your cock out,' she said, 'there's something I want to do.'

  Brick stood, unbuckled his jeans and pulled his organ free. It thrust out from the sandy hair of his groin like a great club, gnarled and veined and as stiff as a baseball bat.

  'Come here,' she commanded and he stepped up to her so the great organ swung arrogantly right in front of her pretty face.

  She took it in both hands, one dipping to fondle the big furry balls at the base, the other halfway up the shaft. Bending the stem to her mouth, she ran her tongue up to the rim and over the glistening scarlet cap. She looked up at him and smiled beatifically. 'Ready?' she asked.

  Billy's fingers were in Candy's crotch gently rubbing her clit and she squeezed her thighs together to still him for a moment. Both trembled on the edge of orgasm as they watched.

  Minty placed her mouth to the swollen head of Brick's penis and spoke into it as if it were a microphone. In her best newscaster's voice she said, 'Testing, testing. One two, one two. This is Araminta Hush for News at Ten, alone with Brick Tempo, rock superstar, about to give head.'

  Then, with a hysterical laugh, she thrust the obscene member between her incredible lips and began to suck.

  Billy couldn't hold it any longer. His mind bewitched by the sight of the immaculate Minty chewing on Brick's fat cock, he shot off deep inside the palpitating channel of Candy Kensington's cunt.

  Chapter 47

  Sophie found Patsy amongst the chaos of Pandora's flat. Pandy had been driven away in a police car some ten minutes earlier and Sophie had watched from across the road until she judged the moment right to catch Patsy off-guard.

  'Christ,' she said as she edged her way in the front door past a heap of luggage in the hall and a pile of half-opened post that had been carelessly kicked along the carpet. The sitting-room was as cluttered as ever but it smelt worse. 'Christ,' Sophie repeated, 'this place stinks.'

  'Pandy and I were going to clear up when we got back but your lot just took her away,' said Patsy.

  'I'll give you a hand. We could sort it out in no time.' Patsy lit a cigarette and tossed the spent match towards the overflowing ashtray. It fell short but she made no attempt to pick it up.

  'No thanks. You just want an excuse to snoop around.'

  'It's a genuine offer.'

  'Oh yeah? Well, you needn't worry in any case. We've had three policemen poking around here for the past hour, the same guys who were watching the boat and being all chummy. Now they're marching about like little Hitlers. What's going on, Sophie?'

  'You haven't seen the news, have you?'


  'Let's go down to the wine bar.'

  'Oh blimey,' said Patsy when Sophie described Danny's video. 'Fancy old Dan saying that about me on the telly.'

  'He also said he'd seen you two days ago.'

  'He said that?'

  'Is it true?'

  'Yes. He popped up after you'd scarpered on Monday.'


  'He got some diving gear and climbed on board from the river side of the boat. He's good at all that diving lark,
does a lot of it in Spain. Bit of a laugh, eh?'

  'I can assure you that my superior officer is not laughing. She's tough. Pandora is probably finding out how tough round about now.'

  Patsy shrugged and swigged down half a glass of house white in one gulp.

  'How could you do it, Patsy? The whole set-up was to protect you. Why didn't you at least tell me he'd been there?'

  'A fat lot of good you are at protecting anybody, Sophie Stark. If you ask me, all you're good at is dropping your knickers.'

  'You bitch! He could have killed you and I was trying to prevent that happening.'

  'Well, he didn't. He still loves me and now everybody knows it.' She refilled their glasses and attacked hers thirstily. 'But I couldn't tell you, Sophie. I'm his wife. He wants me to go out to Spain and live with him. We could start over.'

  'And you think that will work?'

  'Why shouldn't it?'

  'What about the bimbo in residence?'

  'She can go back to walking the streets or whatever it was she did before she got her hooks into my Danny.'

  'Oh dear, Patsy.'

  'Don't you oh dear at me. Just because I've got him and you haven't.'

  'I'll catch him yet. All this living happily ever after in Spain is just a dream, Patsy. He's going to see out his days in Parkhurst and I'd advise you to find another man.'

  There was a strained silence between the two women. Sophie's harsh words had blown away Patsy's good humour like a chill breeze.

  'Let's face it, Patsy, we're on opposite sides of the fence. However, it doesn't mean we can't like each other.'

  'Even though I said you were only good at dropping your knickers?'

  'I'm not the only one, sister slut. Why don't we get another bottle and swap rude stories? About men.'

  'Aren't you going to ask me about Danny?'

  'I thought I just did.'

  'He poked Pandora.'


  'It was an accident at first. It's difficult to explain but she loved it. She thought having a big thick dick up her was wonderful.'

  'There's a reason for that, Patsy. It is.'

  Two bottles later Sophie had heard a blow by blow, lick by lick, suck by suck account of the orgy on the boat that she had missed. Reprehensible though it was, the salacious detail and the wine were making her pussy weep with frustration.

  'You're getting turned on, aren't you?' said Patsy as she observed Sophie shift uncomfortably in her seat.

  Sophie nodded guiltily. The image of Danny Fretwork on screen loomed large in her mind, she could imagine the twinkle of those pale blue eyes and the smirk of his roguish smile. He was an attractive sod all right. She vowed she'd have him properly before she put him away for life. Yes sir, stuffed and mounted in her trophy cabinet before he joined the Crispin Kingsleys of this world behind bars. God, it seemed an age since she had last had a man!

  'He'd be such a darling, my Danny,' mused Patsy drunkenly, 'if he wasn't such a bastard. Mind you, I love it when he's like an animal. All dominating and passionate. I really got him going this time 'cos I made him jealous.'

  'Oh yes?'

  'He found out about Billy. He went completely ape-shit. It must mean he still loves me, don't you think?'

  'How did he find out about Billy?'

  'I can't remember exactly. I made some joke about the rude photos Billy took and he got all excited. Like Billy was the reason he'd had to do a runner to Spain. And Pandy didn't help.'

  'What do you mean?'

  'She told him how Billy had got his leg over that Tracy friend of hers. She put the boot in good and proper.'

  'He gets around a bit, this Billy, doesn't he? It sounds like he lives a charmed life.'

  Patsy gave a harsh caw of laughter. 'It won't be charmed no more if my Danny runs into him. He said he'd sort him out good and proper.'


  'There's not much chance of that though, is there? I reckon he's halfway back to Spain already, now me and him have sorted things out.'

  'You could be right,' said Sophie, her stomach suddenly alive with nervous tension, 'but I wouldn't be so sure.'

  Chapter 48

  At £100 a minute Brick had already earned Poor Pussy around £7000 and was showing no sign of flagging. Candy had happily filed away four substantial cheques, one of them drawn on the personal bank account of the Honourable Vanessa Crumble who had, so far, been the only one to cause Candy and Billy any anxiety.

  'I know what's going on here!' she had said to the pair of them as they reappeared after the excitements of watching Brick entertain Minty. 'It's utterly disgraceful!'

  'What do you mean, Vanessa darling?' said Candy in her sweetest tones.

  'I mean that lewd and obscene acts are taking place in that room in return for money! I mean that Minty Hush and Petronella Smiles and God knows who else are lining up for a sex session with Brick Tempo! Well, I won't stand for it.'

  'But Vanessa—'

  'I am the new Minister for Transport, Candy Kensington, and I do not expect to be kept waiting!'

  So it was that the Hon Crumble had jumped the queue and gone in next. In the circumstances Billy had felt quite justified in slipping into the adjoining room to watch Brick charm the politician out of her knickers. To his surprise, there had been no need. Vanessa had greeted Brick with an open-mouthed kiss that had lasted for a good thirty seconds as her hands roved without ceremony under the silk robe that had now replaced Brick's clothes.

  Then she had simply hoisted her dress over her thighs and turned to present Brick with a broad nude bottom already prepared for the fray. Of knickers there was no sign - perhaps, mused Billy, busy people like the Hon Vanessa had no time for such inessentials.

  'Shove it up me, Brick,' she had cried, bending forward over an armchair. 'Don't hold back! I want all of your degenerate groupie-fucking, rock-star cock up my passage right now! OH!'

  Brick had complied at once, stuffing his bone-hard spike straight into the minister's hairy split without benefit of foreplay or lubrication. Evidently such niceties were not required in Vanessa's circles for she thrust her rump back at him with a will, howling out her pleasure.

  'That's it, man, ride me like a horse! Give me all you've got! Debauch me, you beast, just like you've debauched thousands of innocent young girls! Fuck it up me and see what true-blue British cunt can do.'

  Brick had responded to the spirit of the occasion by cracking his big hands - splat! - on the juddering mounds of her bum cheeks, leaving the pink imprint of his palms on her wobbling flesh. Then he had torn open her bodice to release the ministerial tits which had tumbled out to dance and jerk beneath her writhing frame as she took the rock star's thundering shaft from the rear.

  Finally her legs had buckled under her and she had orgasmed with a piercing whinny, collapsing face forward onto the chair.

  As Brick extricated himself from her still-twitching form Billy had been interested to note that his tool still stood at full stretch. Though it showed signs of wear it was evident that Arnold's miracle drops still gripped the mighty organ in a frenzy of desire. Vanessa raised her head to marvel at it, grabbing the bar of flesh in both hands to bestow a parting kiss on the red and glistening cap.

  Next door Billy had adjusted his own bar of flesh, concluding that the new Minister for Transport was a good sport after all. If the PM ever created a Minister for Bonking she undoubtedly had the right credentials.

  Brick was now on his fifth special contributor, Mrs Sadie West of West's chainstore jewellers, a five-foot fireball with an over-proportioned bosom and caramel thighs. She was bound to ring the cash register for Poor Pussy in a big way, being that Morrie West was a well-known contributor to charity.

  Billy was debating whether to ogle Brick's progress with the West whoppers when Candy appeared by his side.

  'I need your help,' she said in a low voice, 'too many people want to give.'

  'That's a problem?'

  'Too many of them are asking for
a special audience with Brick. They know what's going on, they don't want to be left out.'

  'That's too bad. I reckon he can manage a couple more and that's it. I'm taking him away.'

  'But what about the others? I can't send them home with full purses and itchy cunts. I wouldn't be doing my duty as a hostess.'

  'I'm sorry, Candy. A real star should not be too available to his public. Always leave them wanting more, that's the cardinal rule.'

  'Maybe,' she said, prodding a long fingernail sharply into the centre of his chest, 'but not before everybody has taken the stage. And that means you. You're on in the Blue Bedroom in five minutes with Lady Florence Smart.'

  'You're mad, Candy! They don't want me - I'm no superstar!'

  'Maybe not but they all know you're connected with Brick. I'm telling them you're a brilliant young songwriter who is composing exclusively for him. Besides, we're not charging as much for you.'

  'How much?'

  'A tenner a minute.'

  'That's outrageous!'

  'Do you think so? Honestly, Billy, they're all so steamed up they'd pay for anybody's cock right now.'

  'No! I mean Brick can't be worth ten times more than me! That's insulting!'

  At school Billy had done his fair share of amateur theatrics but on the bed in the Blue Room he saved his finest performance for Candy's Poor Pussy Rescue. As Lady Flo dangled her big boobs in his face Billy captured a rubbery brown nipple between his lips and gummed it enthusiastically. At the juncture of their heaving bodies he ran his fingers through the slippery folds of her cunt, searching for the magic button that would bring her release - and allow access to another of the randy sisterhood.

  Without the benefit of Arnold's elixir he knew that the afternoon threatened to tax his most vital resources. As the buxom dress designer Brandy Brazil approached the bed Billy announced, 'I only suck pussy, my cock's off limits!'


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