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Mafia Princess

Page 16

by Bella J

  “I was—”

  “He was with me!” Karina shoved past Dante and put herself in the middle of us and her brothers. “Antonio was with me during that time.”

  It felt like she literally just slapped me in the face.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Antonio was with me.”

  Motherfucker. She was lying without even blinking.

  I stepped forward and narrowed my eyes. “Are you sure about that, Miss Valenti?”

  Her eyes seem desperate, like she’s silently begging me not to call her bluff. See, I know she’s not her brother’s alibi. I’m her goddamn alibi since I was buried between her legs for the bulk of the time in question.

  She cleared her throat. “Yes. I’m sure.”

  Then Antonio reached for her arm. “Karina…” but she jerks away from him.

  “I was with my brother the entire time. It couldn’t have been him.” She leaned closer toward me. “So you can focus all your attention on someone else, Detective, because my family has nothing to do with Gio’s murder.”

  The hidden message in her words came through loud and clear. She was telling me to back the fuck off. And by the way she straightened and steeled herself, determination darkening her eyes, she knew I couldn’t take her on about her blatant lie. Not in front of Anderson. Not in front of her brothers. There was just too much at risk, which was why she was currently pulling this stunt. She knows as well as I do that no one could know about what happened between us. It would ruin my credibility to this case, and it would bring down heaps of shit on her since one of the top ten Mafia house rules is to never be associated with a cop in any way. And I’d say after last weekend, we’re as associated as two can come—pun intended.

  Chapter 19


  My heart was about to crawl its way up my throat along with the lie that just came out of my mouth. Lorik knows it, I know it. I’m a fucking liar. But I’ll be damned if I just stand there and do nothing while they insinuated that one of my brothers was a murderer. If anyone knows that my family’s doings are far from legit, it’s me. But I also know that neither one of my brothers killed this Gio character.

  Lorik’s eyes narrowed, scrutinizing my face, and I’m convinced that he’s seconds away from calling my bluff. I could feel the sweat run down my back, my gut on the verge of twisting upside down. But then he took two steps back and looked at my brothers.

  “Okay then. I guess we’re done here.”

  I exhaled and allowed my shoulders to relax even though I knew that this entire situation was far from over. If I knew Lorik at all, I knew he wouldn’t let this lie go so easily.

  “Thank you for your time.” Lorik walked toward the door, and I wanted to punch myself for feeling disappointed. I didn’t like the feeling of knowing that he was about to walk out of that door and I had no idea when I’ll see him again. During the last week, even though it was my decision to call quits on our—whatever you call it—I have been fucking miserable. The last few days it felt like there was this giant hole inside me, like there was a part of me missing. But how the hell was that even possible, that this man had the power to take such a big part of my soul within so little time?

  With a final glance my way Lorik disappeared out the door and it’s like every fiber of my being was begging for me to go after him, to not let him walk away from me. But I don’t. I can’t.

  “Karina,” Antonio growled from behind me. “What the hell did you do that for?”

  I spun around and glared his way, my anger now fully focused on him. “You know what, Antonio, fuck you. I just fucking lied to save your ass from being grilled. A simple thank you would suffice.”

  He glanced at the customers before moving closer, afraid of causing a scene in the middle of the restaurant. “I did not ask you to do that.”

  “You didn’t have to. That’s what family does.”

  He grabbed my elbow and tightened his grip. “Do you know how much shit you’ll be in if they find out you lied? That would push you and me right to the top of their goddamn suspect list.”

  “And you think you and Dante aren’t already there? Why the hell do you think they came here in the first place? If you weren’t suspects, they wouldn’t have wanted to know where you were on Saturday night. The only difference is Dante has an alibi, you don’t. So now I gave you one.” I jerked my arm out of his tight grip, and if it was possible to shoot daggers through someone’s forehead with a single glare, I would have done it right about now.

  “What in God’s name is going on here?” My dad came storming toward us from the back, his face dark with disapproval. “You are making a goddamn scene in my restaurant.”

  Antonio backed up. “Sorry, Dad. It was just a misunderstanding.”

  “A misunderstanding? I don’t know what the hell is going on between the two of you lately, but you better sort it out.” Dad stepped closer, and my heart sank to the soles of my feet as I saw the disappointment on his face. “We are a family, and this is not how we treat each other.” He turned to face Antonio. “She might be your younger sister, but she is a Valenti woman and you will treat her with respect, do you understand that?”

  Antonio lifted his chin. “Yes sir.”

  “And you,” Dad turned his attention to me, and I instantly felt two feet tall under his scrutinizing gaze. “Antonio is your older brother and the one who will be in charge of this family one day—your family. You have made no secret about your qualms being a part of this family, but you have no goddamn choice. You are a Valenti, and I expect you to act like one. Is that clear?”

  Biting the inside of my mouth to keep myself from crying—because my dad had a way to make you feel guilty even when you did nothing wrong—I squared my shoulders.

  “Crystal clear,” I bit out. “Talking about respect, why don’t ask your oldest son what I just did for him…because I respect him.”

  I grabbed my purse and stomped out of the restaurant without glancing back. My palms were sweaty, my heart was racing, and I was pretty fucking pissed off.

  My dad would never understand. He was the Boss, a man who never had to listen to anyone dictate his life. Me on the other hand, I had to make peace with the fact that my dad and brothers would always rule my goddamn life.

  Even after everything I had to endure with them, I still put them first. I lied for my brother, and now I wasn’t sure whether I was pissed at myself for doing it in the first place. What I did know was that when I saw Lorik, my heart stopped and my body, mind, and soul called out to him. It was painful to look at him and not be able to feel his touch, his kiss, his warmth. My body and my soul were screaming out to him like it needed him to survive. My heart splintered into nothing but dust as I stared at him in the restaurant, wanting nothing more than to run into his arms, yet knowing that it just wasn’t possible. It was the worst kind of agony wanting something you just couldn’t have; needing something that you knew could never be yours. If only I had been strong enough to deny my attraction to him from the start, then it never would have gone this far—then my heart never would have been dragged into this mess.

  It was just another sign that I had the tendency to fuck up. If I had stayed away from Detective Stone in the first place, I wouldn’t be walking around with a giant fucking hole in my chest. But I’m a natural born rule breaker—which was why I’d probably be haunted by shit for the rest of my goddamn life.

  On my way to my car I reached into my purse and pulled out the keys. I had no idea where the fuck I was going, but I had to go somewhere.

  Just as I switched off the alarm a hand wrapped around my elbow, pulling me around the corner. My heart lodged in my throat and I yelped as I got shoved back first against a cold, hard wall before staring up into Lorik’s angry, blazing eyes.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” he growled.

  I tried to pull free. “Let go of me.” But his grip on my elbow was too strong and he had his other hand flush against the wall just above
my shoulder.

  “Not before you tell me why the fuck you’re lying.”

  Even though I was pretty pissed off and didn’t appreciate being hauled around a corner and pushed up against a damn wall, there was a part of me that relished the feeling of having him so damn close. His touch was engraved red-hot onto my skin forcing me to suck in a breath, and my stomach was doing backflips.

  I lifted my chin, meeting his glare. “I’m not lying.” I continued the ruse, pretending like I was convinced he was oblivious to my deception.

  His pupils dilated and his eyes turned black. “You and I both know you’re lying.”

  “And how exactly can you prove that?” I challenged, bringing my face closer to his, witnessing his gaze move to my lips and back up to my eyes.

  He loosened his hold on my arm and my skin instantly mourned the loss of his touch.

  “You were with me Saturday night, princess.” He gently rubbed his knuckles across my jaw, his eyes following the movement. “Don’t you remember?” He whispered seductively, and that familiar sizzle of undeniable sexual attraction instantly surrounded us.

  It was such a subtle, gentle touch against my jaw, yet it ignited an ardent desire blazing inside my belly.

  “Remind me.” My hips shifted slightly, an ache gradually building between my thighs.

  His hand slipped down my neck, his thumb tracing gently across my skin before settling in the hollow below my throat.

  His eyes turned to dark swirls of mischief and determination. “Fine, I’ll play.” He traced a finger along my collarbone, causing goosebumps to erupt all over my skin.

  “I remember you eagerly slipping out of the black little number you were wearing, forcing me to watch you play with yourself.”

  I whimpered when I felt his other hand on my waist, his touch scorching my skin.

  “You drove me to the brink of losing my goddamn mind when your hand disappeared beneath your panties. And when I tore your thong to shreds, pushing my cock between your legs, you made the most delicious sounds that decorated my goddamn roof.”

  His words spread through my body like wildfire, and my legs weakened while I struggled to clench my thighs.

  “Don’t you remember how wet you were for me, princess? How needy your body was, those greedy hips of yours trying to coax my cock inside you when I wasn’t ready to give it to you yet?”

  His hand on my waist leisurely started to travel down over my hip, slowly making its way down my thigh. I’m so overwhelmed with sensation that I struggled to breathe normally.

  “Tell me you remember when you wrapped your legs around me giving me permission to fuck you bare. When I impaled you with my cock and you begged me to keep still while your body adapted to the feeling of having a real man inside you.”

  God, I remember. I remember all of it. I remembered how my body was on the edge of bursting into flames. How the pain and the pleasure mixed into the most intense decadence my body had ever experienced threatened to burn me into embers of desire.

  He leaned closer bringing his lips inches from mine, his spicy scent giving life to all those memories. “Tell me you remember coming around my cock. Tell me you remember how I pulsed my orgasm all over your warm, sweaty skin.”

  Oh sweet baby Jesus.

  There was no way in Hell I could have stopped myself.

  I jerked forward and pressed my lips hard against his. A low groan rumbled in the back of his throat, and mixed with the sound of my own moan it sounded like a goddamn symphony of desire, hunger, and longing finally being swept away by our kiss.

  Lorik wasted no time when he pushed his hand underneath my dress palming my ass, clawing his fingers into my skin. My arms were around his neck and all I could do was push my body as hard as possible against his. I’ve craved his heat so goddamn much, wanting to feel his hard body against mine so bad that if it was possible to glue myself to him right now, I would. There was no way for me to explain what was happening, but the truth was, I didn’t care what was happening—just as long as it happened…and soon.

  There was no need for him to coax my mouth open with his tongue, I did it of my own accord. With his tongue moving fervently, exploring every corner of my mouth, and the hard onslaught of his lips against mine, my body started to climb and the need was so intense I couldn’t control it.

  “I want you, princess,” he murmured against my lips and jerked my thigh up forcing me to wrap it around his hip. He moved his lips down my throat, his tongue lapping against my skin. “I want to taste every inch of you. I want you in my bed every goddamn minute of every goddamn day so that I can take you whenever the fuck I want to.”

  I gasped hearing his words, thinking about how it would feel like to be able to let him have me whenever he wanted to. The thought alone had me aching all over with the need to spread my legs for him, to give him what he craved…me.

  He thrust against me and I moaned out loud, my breathing accelerating as if I found it impossible to get enough air in my lungs. All I felt was heat, fire, and scorching flames burning all around us.

  “What’s happening to us, Lorik?” I weaved my fingers through his hair when he continued to kiss down my chest, my desire for him getting stronger.

  “I have no fucking idea. All I know is I’m not strong enough to control the need I have for you. It’s too damn powerful to ignore or to control.”

  He palmed my breast, pushing up as he kissed my nipple over the fabric of my dress, and I sucked in a breath.

  “We hardly know each other.” I leaned my head against the wall, closing my eyes as I marvel at his touch and his kisses while my body felt like it was about to burst into flames. “It’s insane. How can all this happen so damn fast?”

  Lorik looked up, his eyes etched on mine, and the intensity of his stare momentarily took my breath away.

  “We might not be able to explain what’s happening between us, but all I know is that whatever it is, I don’t want it to stop. And I don’t care if it moves at a thousand miles an hour, I’m going with it, princess, because I don’t want to stay behind and miss a single goddamn moment.”

  The emotion linked to the words he just spoke caressed every inch of my heart, and that’s the moment I realized that I have fallen irrevocably in love with Detective Lorik Stone.



  My father once told me that there came a time in a man’s life when he realizes that his freedom isn’t worth living a life without love. And this time was usually when a man found that special woman who has the power to open the eyes of his soul, forcing him to accept the fact that up until then he merely existed and never lived. Once you found the woman your soul refused to let go of, that’s when you truly started to live. And while I was staring down into Karina’s eyes, it hit me like a fucking wrecking ball that she was the woman my soul refused to give up on. She was the one that made me realize that up until now I only wallowed in my feeble existence chasing things that didn’t matter. This woman opened my eyes, and now I knew that she was the one that brought me to life.

  I palmed her cheek and when she nestled deeper into my touch, placing her hand over mine, my heart swelled inside my chest to a point of bursting. I’ve never felt like this. It’s completely foreign to me, but I realize now that I’m not willing to let these insane, yet amazing feelings go. Not ever.

  “You are mine, Karina, you hear me? And there is no one on this goddamn earth who can change that. I don’t care what your goddamn surname is; I don’t care who your father is. You’re mine, and that’s that.”

  She closed her eyes, her cheek still nestled in my palm. “I’m scared, Lorik. We have everything working against us, and nothing working for us.”

  I placed my palm over her other cheek forcing her to look at me. “Lucky for you I’m one stubborn son of a bitch, and I won’t stop until I’m able to have all of you. I’m serious, Karina. I’m not letting you go after I just found you.”

  With one more kiss against her warm, sweet l
ips, I dropped my hand to hers and took her car keys.

  Her eyes widened. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m taking you home because I plan to be inside you within the next ten minutes. And since I came here with my partner and told him to leave because I couldn’t get myself to leave you behind, I’m driving your car.” I winked at her and grabbed her wrist before guiding her toward where I knew her Mercedes was parked.

  Like a fucking gentleman—which I’ve never been before—I opened the passenger side door for her before slipping in behind the wheel.

  I looked at her. “Now when I start this engine, I want you to spread those legs of yours.”


  “You heard me.”

  I started the engine and she obeyed beautifully by spreading her legs. I reached for the hem of her dress and pulled it up just enough to give me access without anyone being able to see what I am about to claim as mine.

  She’s already breathing rapidly, and when I placed my hand between her legs, pulling her panties to the side, I closed my eyes and cursed when I felt how goddamn wet she was.

  “Jesus, princess.”

  I twisted the fabric of her panties and tear it between my fingers.

  “You know,” she starts, her voice low and soft, “I’m going to have to start billing you for all the underwear you’ve been tearing.”

  I slipped a finger inside her, and her back arched as her hips pushed forward.

  “Now that’s one bill I’ll have no problem paying.”

  Lucky for me—and her—her car was an automatic, which meant I could keep my hand between her legs while I sped down the streets of Boston.

  Her moans of pleasure filled my ears while I worked her so damn gently. I wanted to make sure she stayed ready for me, that I kept her on the edge without pushing her over. The only way she was coming was with me buried to the hilt inside her.

  “Lorik, I need to come.” She grabbed my hand forcing it harder against her.


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