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Bearly Alive: A Crimson Hollow Novella

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by Marissa Dobson

  “It won’t take long.” The doctor came forward carrying his black medical bag. His short black hair held strands of silver poking through, and he told anyone that commented on them that they were from the stress of medical school. The silver made him appear older than he really was, while giving him an air of confidence that set his patients at ease.

  “I’m just going to step into the other room and check on Billy. I’ll be right back.” With a gentle squeeze of her hand, he rose from the bed and allowed the doctor to step in and take his place next to her. Walking into the other room and leaving his mate behind in the bed only enraged his bear further.

  What did his beast think? That she’d wake up and he’d claim her as his within minutes? That might have been something his bear would have done in the wild but his humanity kept him from even considering it. Good thing, since he was mating with a human and no doubt she wouldn’t have appreciated being jumped on after everything she’d been through already. He had to keep it together a little longer and then he’d have his mate.

  Chapter Three

  Leaning back against the pillows, Becky was thankful she and Billy had survived. According to Doctor Graham, Billy had only received a few scrapes and bruises; for the most part he was uninjured. Becky’s injuries were extensive but none of them life-threatening. The pain medication he had given her made her brain foggy and exhaustion was sneaking up on her again.

  “The medication I’ve given you should be enough to get you back to Crimson Hollow. You’ll most likely sleep through the ride, but if you wake up and the pain becomes too much, let Jase know.” He patted her hand before rising from the bed. “You’re very lucky.”

  “Do you know what happened? I mean, why did someone try to kill us?”

  Without meeting her gaze, Doctor Graham dropped the container of pills into the bag. “You’ll need to talk to your mate about that.”

  “Mate?” She’d heard that term before. Liam had used it, but the drugs coursing through her bloodstream made it hard to think straight.

  “Ask Jase.” He took hold of his bag and marched toward the door.

  There was something very military about the way he held himself and walked. She almost asked if he had served in the military, but he was gone before she could get her mouth to work. He disappeared quickly enough that it made her wonder if he was hiding something. Why wouldn’t he answer her questions?

  She let her eyes close and gave in to the drugs, rather than her fears. Something was off but she couldn’t figure it out. She trusted Jase and Liam enough that she believed she and Billy would be safe, but what if the people who’d blown up her house found them?

  “Becky.” She opened her eyes to find Jase. She’d hadn’t heard him come into the room, but there he stood, looking down at her from the side of the bed. “I know you’re tired, baby, but let’s get you into the SUV before you go to sleep.”

  “Fir…st…” Her tongue seemed heavy, making the words cling to it. “Why co…come after…me?”

  “Becky, the medication Doctor Graham gave you is making you tired. Let’s get you into the SUV and you can sleep. When you wake up, I’ll answer all of your questions.”

  “Now.” Her eyelids threatened to slam shut and not open again. “Pleas…”

  “Because of me.” He slammed his hand against the wall, causing the drywall to crumble around his hand. “It’s my fault, baby, but I’m not going to let them get anywhere near you again. I’ll keep you safe, I promise. You and Billy.”


  “He’s fine. He’s going to ride back to Crimson Hollow in my truck with Liam. They’ll be right behind us.” He leaned down to adjust the covers around her. “Brett has already made you a bed in the back of the SUV, but I’ll tuck you in so you don’t get cold. Hopefully, when I lift you, the pills will keep you from feeling anything.”

  “So tired.”

  “Close your eyes and rest. It’s going to be fine.” He lifted her into his arms before she had time to protest.

  She tipped her head to the side so that it rested against his chest. Though her ribs ached from the position, she stayed where she was. The spiciness of his cologne drifted toward her, making her want to snuggle in against him.

  “Everything is going to be okay.” His voice drifted through the fog.

  The drugs were pulling her under and she couldn’t keep her eyes open, let alone get her mouth to work. I know. I trust you, Jase.

  Crimson Hollow was the safest place for them right now but even when they were safely tucked behind the perimeter fence and armed guards, Jase couldn’t get his bear to settle. He wanted to get them out of the area, away from The Saviors, but there was nowhere safe. The Saviors had groups spread out across the United States, if not the whole world. Even if there existed somewhere secure to send them to, he wasn’t sure his bear would allow him to do that without claiming her first.

  Now. Mine.

  He understood what his bear wanted, but he’d have to wait. Becky was in no shape to allow him to claim her and with the drugs coursing through her bloodstream, it was likely she wouldn’t even understand what she was agreeing to. He couldn’t force his life on her. If they weren’t able to eliminate The Saviors, she and Billy would always be in danger. What kind of life was that for them?

  Unable to sit still, he rose from the chair where he had been perched most of the evening and put his laptop aside. Becky was asleep in his bed and every time he looked at her, the urge to go after the bastards who’d hurt her overwhelmed him. He wanted them to suffer for the pain they’d caused her. With Brett, Liam, and Garret working on a lead for who was responsible, Jase was stuck waiting.

  The idea behind having Sin’s ward, Zoe, watch after Billy for the evening, was for Jase and the others to be able to get some work done. However, for Jase, that was proving impossible. When Jase and the others had arrived home, they found fourteen-year-old Zoe outside waiting for them. He wasn’t sure if that was Sin’s doing or not, but Zoe had occupied Billy while Jase dealt with Becky. While there were a few years between Zoe and Billy, she seemed to be able to connect with the boy. If she was using her past trauma to connect with him, it was working because he spent the evening safe and content watching movies with her until he passed out.

  Even at the late hour, he grabbed the insulated coffee pot that Ginger had brought up to him hours earlier and poured himself another cup. The caffeine had his bear edgy but it was the only thing keeping him going. Exhaustion tugged at him, making him want to curl up in bed next to Becky and sleep. But, the surprise of her waking up next to him might be enough to make her forget about her injuries and try to get out of bed. He couldn’t take that risk. She was in enough pain; he didn’t need her hurting herself further.

  Leaning against the long waist level oak dresser, he closed his eyes and took a sip of the coffee. He hoped the warm caffeinated liquid would be enough to start his circuits firing again. Rather than feel the motivation he needed, though, he only found liquid refreshment. There was no energy to initiate. Nothing left for his body to give. The stress of seeing his mate lying injured and near death had stolen more from him than he’d realized. Closing his eyes, he let his thoughts drift back to Becky’s last visit.

  “You cooked dinner for me?”

  The voice stole his attention away from the candle he was lighting, for long enough that the match burned his finger as it went out. Dropping the match onto the table, he let his gaze slide over her, taking her all in with only the candlelight to light the room. The short black dress she was wearing made him want to strip it off and claim her right then and there. He had to remind himself that this was the start of their relationship. He needed to take it slow with her, not force her into a mating she wasn’t ready for.

  “It’s not much. Spaghetti is about all I know how to cook but my homemade tomato sauce is amazing if I do say so myself. My grandmother taught me how to make it years ago and told me that one day it would be the way into the heart of my girl.�
�� He grabbed the bottle of wine off the table and began to pour. “Can I interest you in a glass of wine?”

  “Convincing Ginger to watch my son, cooking dinner for me, and now wine. Are you trying to seduce me?” A soft laugh teased into the words as she took the glass from him.

  “You deserve everything you want out of life. If you wish to be seduced, I’m eager but I doubt my cooking is going to win me the grand prize. No, tonight is about showing you that shifters are better than what the news portrays us as being.”

  “I already know that.” She brought the wine glass to her lips and took a drink. “I know the people here are nothing like the media makes out. If The Saviors could see this, maybe they wouldn’t start this war.”

  “The war has already begun. The Saviors don’t care about us or our loved ones; they only see us as animals they wish to destroy. It doesn’t matter who gets in their way. I believe the government is starting to realize that and hopefully they’ll take action before my people have to do something that will no doubt make things worse.” He closed the distance between them and took her hand in his. “Tonight we’re not going to worry about all the crap that’s happening in the world.”

  “Jase?” Becky’s soft voice drifted toward him, forcing his back ramrod straight as he came off the dresser, the memory popping like a bubble.

  “I’m here.” He sat the mug aside and went to her. “Are you in pain?”

  She turned her head so her cheek was resting against the pillow and she was looking at him. “I remember.”

  “Remember what?” He sat on the edge of the bed, careful not to disturb her.

  “I remember what a mate means to you.” Her eyelids fluttered shut before she was able to force them back open so she could look at him. “Doctor Graham said I needed to ask my mate. He was talking about you, wasn’t he?”

  “Ask what?”

  “It doesn’t matter.” She paused before answering his question. “I asked him why they wanted to kill us? What did Billy and I do to have our house blown up with us still inside?”

  “Becky…baby, I’m sorry.” He reached out to hold her hand. “I should have known…I should have protected you.” All the years while Sin was away from the tribe, out in the world all alone, she had been safe. A few months had passed since he’d marked Becky, and she was in danger because of his connection to her.

  “So he was right, you know why they attacked us? Did this happen because…I could be way off base here…”

  “Because what?” he pressed, wanting to know what she had figured out.

  “I’m your…mate.”

  With a nod, he leaned forward and brushed a few wayward strands of her hair away from her face. “I never meant for you to find out like this.”

  “So you meant to tell me? How long have you known?”

  “I knew the moment I met you.” His thoughts drifted back to the first time she’d arrived to visit Liam and Ginger. The moment she’d stepped out of her car, her long hair blowing in the wind, her scent drifted toward him. Realizing who she was, his bear had him strolling across the land toward her. “Your scent drew me to you immediately. I wanted to pull you aside and tell you everything then but I knew what was happening in your life. Billy’s father had broken out of prison and kidnapped him from school.”

  “That’s how I met Liam and Ginger. They invited me here, welcoming me into something I never knew before—a family. I mean I had Mom, but that’s all. Even growing up, it was just Mom and me. I had always hoped to give my kids—or well, I guess in my case, Billy—more. I wished my husband would have a big family.”

  “Now you have that.” He dropped his hand away from her face. “I screwed up, leaving you unprotected. When you turned down my offer for you to come here to Crimson Hollow, I should have assigned round-the-clock guards to you. Then this wouldn’t have happened.” With guards, no one would have been able to get close enough to hurt her. Guards would have also smelled the bombs before they went off.

  “Do you really think I’d have accepted that? I have a life. I can’t have people following my every move. What would the other kids think if Billy had people shadowing him?”

  “You’re my mate. It’s my duty to protect you.”

  “You say my mate like I’m your property.”

  He took a moment to think about his words before he opened his mouth. If he said the wrong thing, it would only make things worse. She wasn’t property, but she was his. To a shifter it was so simple, but when a mate was human it made things more complicated. After witnessing the tension between Noah and Karri as she adjusted to shifter life and accepted him as her mate, he would do whatever he could to make things easier.

  “Should I take your silence as admission?”

  He dropped her hand and stepped away from the bed. “It’s not the same thing. You’re not a possession but you’re mine. I don’t know enough about your culture to explain it better. You’re mine to cherish, to love. It’s my duty to see that no harm comes to you. We’ll be a team. I have a beast within me—my bear—but that doesn’t make me different from you. I lead my tribe like I would lead a family…or maybe a better word is an army. Not everyone is trained for duty; some have other responsibilities, but we work together like a well-oiled machine.”

  “Where do I fit into that?”

  “At my side.” He wasn’t sure if he was getting through to her or making her doubt him more but this was the best way he could explain shifter life and mating to her. “We would lead together.”

  “What about Billy?”

  “He’s worried about you.” He turned back to her, grinning as he remembered his earlier interaction with the boy. “You’ve raised a strong little man. He’s angry that you’re injured and wants to go after the people that hurt you.”

  “You told him what happened and why? Where is he?” Her eyebrows knitted together and heat filled her eyes.

  “Children shouldn’t have to face the evils within the world until they’re older. No details were shared with him. He begged to see you. After he promised he’d stay with Zoe for the evening and watch movies, I brought him here for a short visit. Don’t worry, I had you covered enough that he didn’t see your injuries. He only knows you were hit on the head and saw you sleeping.”

  “He’ll find out about them soon enough.” She lifted her arm slightly off the bed and looked down at the cast. “I don’t understand. Why an air cast?”

  “Doctor Graham was unsure about the stage of our relationship.” Uneasily, he shifted his weight from foot to foot. “If I could mark my claim on you as my mate then it was pointless to cast the arm. Our bond would heal you quick enough that an air cast would be ideal.”

  “He said my arm was broken. I can’t remember the name of the bone running to my wrist but it’s broken. That doesn’t just heal in a few days.”

  “A few minutes for shifters.”

  “That’s great for you but it doesn’t help me.” She used her good arm to put another pillow behind her, raising her up higher.

  “You would be connected to your shifter mate. That connection would heal you—my bear would heal you.”

  “You think we’re ready for that?”

  I’m ready. I’ve been ready since you strolled into my life. Rather than tell her these words, he went around the side of the bed so he was closer to her. “Life is short. Without question, I would love to claim you as my mate right now. I’ve been working my way to that point with you, trying to move at your pace, because I didn’t want to force you into anything. Mating is a big commitment. The connection between mates is unlike anything you’ve felt before. The bond is deep, allowing you to know what the other is feeling or doing. With you being human, it will come as a shock at first but within minutes of the connection, it will feel like it was always there.”

  “Is that how you knew I was in danger?”

  “Somewhat. There’s a fuzzy connection between us now. Do you remember the rabbit ears for televisions? No matter how much you
try, the channel won’t come in properly; it’s mostly a black and white snowy picture but occasionally you get a glimpse of the show. That’s what it’s like for me now. My bear had been uneasy for the last few days. I assumed he was getting restless about you being unclaimed still. It wasn’t until this morning when I woke up that I knew you were in danger. I grabbed Liam and Brett and we raced toward you. I thought you’d be safe at home until I got to you. It wasn’t until we were getting off the highway that I knew I wouldn’t make it to you in time. I was terrified I was going to lose you.”

  He was on the edge of scaring her away and instead of calming the situation, he kept on rambling. This woman did something to him no one else had ever done; she knocked him off kilter. When they were together, he wasn’t sure what to stay. Going with his natural instinct would only send her away screaming because his bear would lead the way and frighten her away from the shifter world. Not that he was going to let her go. She was his mate and somehow, he’d convince her they belonged together.

  Chapter Four

  Alone in the bedroom, Becky couldn’t untangle her jumbled thoughts. She wasn’t sure how to react to what she learned. Part of her thought she should be scared but Jase didn’t provoke that reaction from her. He was caring and the way he put his tribe’s needs above his own was admirable. When Liam had invited her there, Jase was the one who made her feel welcomed. He’d made sure she knew she was part of their family, even going as far as inviting her and Billy to a family dinner he’d had with his sister Sin, her mate, Garret, and their ward, Zoe. Before then, she’d thought the reason for the invite was just so she could see them interacting together, to put her mind at ease about shifters. Now she was realizing he’d done it because he believed she was his mate.


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