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And I Trusted You

Page 14

by Jamela

  They talked for a long time and decided if the child was his, they would file for full custody and if it wasn’t, they would file a lawsuit against Adrianne. Time passed and things seemed to be moving along with no worries. Ironically, the situation with Adrianne helped make the marriage stronger. Then one day, Eric got a call from Adrianne.

  “Hi. I just wanted to say that I didn’t want a paternity test. I know who the father of Amanda is. I got that letter a few months ago as well. You wife has a lot of hatred for me and I don’t know if I can have Amanda around that kind of negative emotion.”

  “Well, that’s understandable. Did you decide to get the other information requested. My attorney is still waiting. In fact, he called yesterday about the changes to the will and wanted to know when he can complete them. What should I tell him? We are only waiting on info from you.” Eric informed her.

  “To be honest, I don’t care about Amanda being in the will. I just want to make sure she is comfortable around you. Maybe we can meet at a park or something. You don’t have to come here to see her. Teresa probably won’t let you anyway.”

  “Teresa understands more than you think. Yes, let’s meet at a park. Name the time and place and I’ll be there.” Eric said with confidence.

  “I was hoping that since today is Thursday, that we might be able to do something this Saturday. The weather is supposed to be nice.” Adrianne said.

  “Okay. I can do that. Text me with the time and let me know where you will be at the park.” He assured her.

  When Eric ended the call, Teresa looked at him and smiled. “We got her. She is still playing the role. I guess she thinks I’m not gonna say anything else about the birth certificate.” Eric said with a grin.

  “We can record conversations on Saturday, if need be. I hope you know that I will be at the park, too.” Teresa reminded him. “I will be right there beside you since she is such a snake in the grass.”

  “I know you will be there, I want you there which is why I said Saturday would work. I know you are usually free on that day, plus our kids could also play at the park.” Eric said as he grabbed Teresa and hugged her.


  “Finally Saturday came. Eric and Teresa were concerned since there was no text message about meeting Adrianne at the park. Once they had left the house, the text message came through. Adrianne wanted to meet at the park in an hour. Eric responded that he really needed more notice than that, but he would try to work it out. He told her to go ahead to the park and if he couldn’t make it that he would text her back. Otherwise he would be there.

  Adrianne arrived at the park wearing a park of tight jeans, some casual shoes and a nice blouse. Teresa spotted her form across the parking lot with no trouble.

  “How do you know that’s Adrianne?”

  “Because that is the kind of outfit a woman like her would wear to a part to impress a man like you. If she was only interested in Amanda seeing and spending time with you, she would not have “dressed up”. Teresa replied.

  “Oh. Okay. Well let’s get this over with. Eric drove across the parking lot after letting Teresa out. She walked over from the other side. When Eric got out of the car Adrianne ran over and gave him a big hug. Eric pushed her off of him and asked where Amanda was since he did not see her among the children playing.

  “She got sick on her stomach so I had to take her by my sister’s house. I didn’t want her to come out here and get worse or make the other children sick.”

  “Then why didn’t you text me and tell me that. You had me come all the way over here for nothing.” He said angrily.

  “Not for nothing. I wanted to see you. The only time I get to see you is when you come to see Amanda. I thought it would be nice if we picked up where we left off years ago.” Adrianne said as she walked closer to him.

  Eric didn’t say anything because he saw Teresa coming up behind her. Adrianne was so focused on what she was trying to do that she didn’t hear Teresa and she didn’t turn around when her name was called.

  “Adrianne! Adrianne!” Yelled Teresa and touched her on the arm.

  “You wanted to see me? Here I am. So all this time, you have been trying to get next to Eric again? Humph. Let’s ask him what he wants to do. Eric who do you want? No, I’m sorry. What do you want to do?” Teresa said and stood back to watch Adrianne’s expression. She had not planned to do this. She had planned to be a nice quiet person, but Adrianne brought out the worst in her.

  Eric looked confused for a minute. Then his facial expression and body language changed. He looked at both women and said, “It’s an easy choice.”

  With those words, Adrianne started walking toward him. When she reached him he began to put her arms around his neck and tried to kiss him.

  Eric removed her arms and turned his head away from her. “You are not my choice. You never have been. It’s an easy choice because you are poison and Teresa is the cure. So, you can leave here today with the knowledge that I do not want you. We have sex, we didn’t make love and that was a onetime thing. I didn’t want you then and I don’t want you now. I never will. Come on Teresa, let’s go home.” The couple began to walk off. Adrianne was shocked. “How could he resist me? Look at me, I’m prettier, have better skin and I’m better in bed?” Adrianne thought to herself. She was furious that he had turned her down again. She was right to get the sex by taking it.

  Before Teresa knew what was happening, she felt her neck being jerked back. Her shoulder length hair was caught on something. She instinctively reached up to free her hair thinking it must be a branch that she hadn’t noticed, and felt a hand. She grabbed the hand and squeezed and twisted the wrist as hard as she could, then spun around to face the owner. To her surprise, it was Adrianne. “She must have lost her mind”

  Eric was already a good distance ahead so he did not see Adrianne attack. But he heard the result. Adrianne screamed when her wrist was twisted. As this was happening, Teresa punched Adriane in the eye repeatedly. She also kicked Adrianne in the knee, which caused her leg to buckle. When this happened she fell to the ground. Teresa, jumped on top of her and sat on her chest. She grabbed her by the hair and began beating her head on the ground. Adrianne was screaming and her arms were flying around but she wasn’t hitting Teresa. Teresa took one hand and poked at Adrianne’s eyes so she couldn’t see them went back to banging her head on the ground.

  Finally, Eric heard the screams and noticed that Teresa wasn’t with him. He ran back to the place where the two of them were on the ground fighting. He was surprised at Teresa. He knew she disliked the woman, but he didn’t think she would fight her. But, then again, Teresa had a bad temper once she got angry. It took several tries to get Teresa off of Adrianne. Someone had called the Police. Once they arrived, and Ambulance was called for Adrianne. One of the kids playing nearby told the police, “The lady on the ground pulled the other lady’s hair.” As a result, Teresa did not get charged. It was self-defense said the Police officer.

  Eric and Teresa walked back to their car. Teresa brushed her clothes off and waited for Eric to say something. “Dang, did you have to beat her like that?”

  “I was thinking about choking her to death, but decided against it since I want to be the one raising my children.” Teresa explained.

  “Well, I bet she’ll think twice before she pulls anyone else’s hair. I guess she thought you couldn’t fight.” Eric said.

  “I guess so. I don’t know why. I have brothers. Of course I can fight. I may not be ex-military like her, but I can handle myself when I need or want to.”

  “Yeah, I see.” She said with a smile.

  Months later Adrianne finally admitted the child was her former husband’s in open court. She said she only told Eric it was his child to get him to come back to her. Her present marriage wasn’t working out and she knew Eric was a good provider. He had bought a nice house, had a couple vehicles and had a small business. She wanted that kind of life. Especially since her second marria
ge was in the dumps. She wasn’t working and they were on welfare. She had three children by three different men. “Sucks for her.” Teresa thought.

  She never expected Eric to tell Teresa about the one “morning” stand and it was something she thought she could hold over his head to get what she wanted. She always wanted him, but Teresa’s hold on him was too strong for her to break. The love he felt for her was more powerful. And surprisingly, she stuck by him through everything. He is a good man. But now she has a bigger problem. Teresa know Adrianne didn’t wanna run into her anywhere. She had told her how she felt about her and then there was the physical altercation. “I don’t think she wants any more of that. She was in the hospital for a few days.”


  After she was released from jail for assault, Adrianne reread the letter for the third time, she realized she was gonna be worried about this situation for a long time. She heard her husband coming down the hall and hurriedly put the letter in her panty drawer. She tried to go to bed to get some sleep, but it was a restless night.


  Eric and Teresa wrapped their arms around each other and sleep peacefully for the first time since this whole mess came to light.

  The End

  The Shop

  I walked into the shop’s back door thinking of the orders I had for the day. Sonny told me on Friday it would be really busy this week. He had placed several large orders for some new rims and tires. The customers would be coming in to pick them up. In addition, there were customers who wanted to have body kits put on their cars. As I walk into the back office, I wonder “What I’ve gotten myself into?” True, I don’t have a certain time to be at work. I can leave and come back, but I also don’t have any benefits, either. I am away from my children. The time I used to volunteer at their school is spent working here so I will be home when my husband gets there. Oh, and that is another problem. My husband hates that I am working. I asked him about taking this job and he didn’t have a problem with it. But his mood has changed lately.

  Anyway, I flick on the lights and count the cash drawer. As I am doing the early morning stuff to open the store, Sonny comes in.

  “Hi, I hope you came ready to work today. We have a lot to do.” He says walking by and gingerly patting me on the butt.

  “Yes, I did come ready to work and keep your nasty hands off of by goodies.” I said slapping his retreating back.

  “See, that’s what I like about you. You don’t let me get away with anything.”

  “Yeah, whatever. Touch me again, and I’m gonna kick your butt. Don’t make me cuss up in here. Now, what time is the first job coming in?”

  “They’re scheduled to be here at 11am. If they get here early, I can go ahead and do the installation and be done before lunch. By the way, are you buying lunch today?” Sonny asks from his desk.

  “No, I’m not. I’m meeting Ed for lunch.

  We complete the opening procedures and wait for the customer to arrive. Sonny is doing a rear spoiler installation, which shouldn’t take long at all. He isn’t much to look at, but he is good at what he does. He has the best prices in town on aftermarket car parts for world. In fact, that’s how we met. My husband and I had come to him to purchase a rear spoiler and some wheels. Sonny overheard Ed and I talking about me finding a job and he offered me one after several meetings. Now, it was surprising that Ed didn’t mind me working for him or even agreed to it. You see, Sonny is a ladies man. I mean he must have over ten girlfriends. Some of them know about each other and they are happy with that. And, to top it all off, he’s married, but separated from his wife. They have two boys together.

  I personally don’t see what the women see in him. But I think it’s the lifestyle. He buys whatever he wants and pays cash for it. He has four cars and a motorcycle. One day he’s driving his Benz and the next day he’s driving a ’64 Chevy. There is no doubt he loves vehicles; cars, bikes, trucks, everything. And he is good. He can fix almost anything. He’s picky but good. Oh and he also has a house on the beach and just bought a 3500 square foot home on the outskirts of town.

  Just as I am going to the restroom, our customer walks in. I’m expecting to see a man, but it’s a female. She has bought a new Lexus and ordered a spoiler for it. I’m not sure how it will look, but Sonny has convinced her she will be the first person with one and it will look great.

  As she comes in and hands her keys over to Sonny, I give her the remote to find something interesting on the TV to watch. Sonny goes through the bay area and drives her car in. “Would you like a cup of coffee or a soda, Mrs. Henderson?” I inquire as I check the appointment book.

  “Nah, I’m good. I hope this isn’t gonna take all day. I have a hair appointment in two hours.” She says turning the channel to the Lifetime Network.

  “It shouldn’t take too long. You should have plenty of time to make your appointment. It helps that you came in early.” I say coming around the counter to straighten the magazines on our small table. As I stand up, the phone rings. “Hello, Sonny’s World World. How may I help you today?”

  The person on the other end of the line is interested in buying some new tires. He is looking for a deal since he and Sonny went to high school together. I explain that we have the lowest prices in town and he should come on down and look at our selection. He agrees and says he’ll be down before the end of the day. “What’s your name? I want to make sure I talk to you.” He finishes.

  “Tasha and I’ll probably be here, unless I’m at lunch. We look forward to seeing you.” I say then hang up the phone.

  “Tasha, could you come here a minute please?” Sonny says sticking his head inside for a second.

  I walk to the first bay to see what he wants. “Yes?”

  “Who was that on the phone?”

  “A friend of yours from high school who’s looking for a deal on a set of tires. I told him he should just come on down and take a look around. I went ahead and let him know we already have the lowest prices in town. He says he’ll be here before the end of the day. Why, are you expecting a call?”

  “Yeah. If a Mr. Langston calls, make sure you give me the phone, no matter what I’m doing. I’m thinking about getting into a second business.” He says tightening a screw.

  “Okay. Is there anything else you need while I’m here?” I politely ask.

  “Yeah, come a little closer. I need to touch those luscious breasts of yours.” He says smiling devilishly.

  “No, you don’t. Call one of your women for that! And you need to make sure you finish with this as soon as possible. Mrs. Henderson has a hair appointment in about an hour and a half. Are you almost done?” I ask peering around to get a better look.

  “Yeah I’m almost done. In fact, tell her to go ahead and wait in my office. I have a couple of things to discuss with her. I’ll be in, in about 20 minutes.” He says working.

  I turn on my heels and go back into the office. Mrs. Henderson is sipping a soda and watching the Golden Girls. Once I return to the counter, she comes over. “How long have you been working here, ‘cause you weren’t here the last time I came in?” She wants to know.

  “I started a few weeks ago. He needed someone to answer the phone while he does installations and I needed some extra money. My husband agreed and I started working.” I explain pointing to the bay area.

  “Oh, I see. How long have you been married?”

  “Eleven years and I have three children. Do you have any?”

  “Yes, but all of my children are grown and moved away from home.” She says with a smile. “I thought you were Sonny’s new girlfriend. I know he has one, but I don’t know what she looks like.” She confides sheepishly.

  “Oh, No. I’m definitely not his girlfriend. I’m very happily married. Besides, he’s not my type.” I reassure her. I can tell by the way she’s been acting since she saw me behind the counter, that she thinks I am a threat. She is obviously using her money to be able to see him. The things some women will do
are unbelievable. “One thing is for sure. Sonny is a handful. But that’s not the kind of thing I like to deal with. By the way, Sonny says for you to go ahead and wait for him in his office.” I say picking up the remote to turn the TV channel.

  “Oh, okay.” She says walking inside with a broad smile.

  Five weeks of working here and I’ve seen all kinds of things. Sonny is a true playa. His wife calls every other day, asking to see or meet with him. A woman from North Carolina will call to be sure it’s okay to come down for the weekend. She’s called three times since I’ve been here. His everyday girlfriend, Lisa, who can’t stand me, comes by at least once a day, if she knows I’m working. Then, there are other woman, which Sonny calls business partners. I don’t know how he keeps it all straight. It would drive me crazy but, to each his/her own. I can’t understand how the women do it.


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