And I Trusted You

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And I Trusted You Page 16

by Jamela

  “Good, I’ll look forward to that. And thanks for coming down.” He says as Mr. Langston is walking out the door.

  Sonny turns to me and grins broadly. “We are gonna make a ton of money. Thanks for making it so easy to land this account. Mr. Langston was impressed.” He says coming over and picking me up off the floor. He squeezes me so tightly I can hardly breathe.

  “Put me down, silly.” I say backing away after he sets me on the floor. “I’m glad things are working out for you, but I didn’t do anything. So what are you talking about?”

  “I’m talking about the job you did organizing the files. You made it simple to see what kind of money was coming in and going out. The profits show and that’s what I needed to show Mr. Langston. I can’t thank you enough. No wonder Ed loves you so much.” He says pulling me to him and kissing me on the cheek.

  “Well if I really mean that much to you, prove it in my check.” I reply with a sly grin. “If it’s okay, can I leave now? I wanna be home when my kids get home from school for a change.”

  “Yeah go ahead. What time will you be here tomorrow morning? I know I won’t be here until around noon, so can you cover until then?”

  “Yeah, I can do that. I’m heading out as soon as I finish this last file.” I say turning back to my work. “See you tomorrow.”

  The next morning, I open up the store. I usually like to make the bank deposits before noon, but I don’t wanna leave the store. I don’t wanna miss any possible customers. The shop doesn’t open until 9:00 am, so I’m surprised when there is a knock at the front door. I look up and see Curtis standing outside. I walk over and say, “We aren’t open yet. Come back in about 20 minutes when I have everything done.” I say through the glass.

  “Oh, I didn’t realize you opened so late.” He says grinning. He has a nice smile with two beautiful dimples. I adore dimples.

  “Well, you’ll just have to come back. It’s not a long time. Besides, you’re a big boy. Stop complaining.” I say waving as I walk back to my counter.

  I finish counting my cash drawer and put out the displays. The last thing I do is switch on all of the lights. I double check the rear door, then come back to unlock the front door. As I put the key in the lock, I see Curtis crossing the street. He has a bag in his hand and a cup. I walk back to the counter and switch the TV to my favorite channel.

  “Hi, how are you doing this morning, pretty lady?” Curtis says as he comes through the door.

  “I’m good, thank you. Sonny isn’t here yet.” I inform him.

  “Oh, okay. But I’m not here to see Sonny. I came to see you. I got you some breakfast. I hope you like it.” He replies as he hands me the bag.

  “Oh, that’s very sweet of you.” I comment as I examine the food. It’s wrapped in plastic so I figure it must be okay to eat. One of the things that worries Ed, is something happening to me when I’m here alone. With that in mind, I tell Curtis, “You know, I have a lot of work to do. What can I help you with? Or do you just like spending your money with Sonny?”

  “Actually, I’m not here to spend my money with Sonny. I told you, I’m here to see you. I intend to spend the whole morning with you and take you to lunch if you’ll let me.” He says smiling broadly.

  “Oh, I see. Look Curtis, I’m a happily married woman. I don’t want to you think there’s ever going to be anything between us other than a sales relationship. I’m not attracted to you romantically. I’m sorry, if anything I said or did gave you the wrong impression.” I say looking him honestly in the eyes.

  “No, you didn’t give me the wrong idea. Besides, Sonny told me you’re married. He says if he thought he could have you then he would. But, I guess he doesn’t have what it takes. I’m a patient man and I have the time and money to wait. Eventually I’ll grow on you.”

  “No, I don’t think you understand. You won’t grow on me. I’m not concerned with having an affair or anything. I am in love with my husband and he is in love with me. I’m happy with my life and that’s all there is to it.” I say emphatically.

  “Okay. Well, I’ll be back later when Sonny is here. We’re going to lunch. Enjoy your breakfast.” He says as he walks to the door. I’m surprised at how easily he seems to give up. But maybe he does understand. I know Sonny told him about my husband. I’ll be so happy when ED starts dropping my unexpectedly.

  I watch him leave and breathe a sigh of relief. Finally he got the message. Sonny calls to be sure I am open and that things are going okay. I tell him about Curtis coming by. He gives me a few instructions for orders to be placed from yesterday and says he may get back a lil’ earlier than he originally thought. I do the filing, make out the bank deposit and place the orders Sonny wants done. I call customers to remind them of the pick-ups they need to make and re-arrange a display case. I receive a package for Sonny from a courier. It isn’t a big box, in fact, it’s about the size of a box of checks. I put the package in Sonny’s office on his desk. It’s probably something personal. Normally I would open it, but it’s addressed to him personally, not the name of the shop. Around 11:30, I hear a noise at the back door. I wait for a minute to see if Sonny comes in. When I call out to him and he doesn’t answer, I walk to the back.

  I turn the corner and notice the back door is opened. I walk over and look out. I expect to see Sonny’s car. I think maybe he is getting something and will be right back. I don’t see anyone, no cars, nothing. I stand there for a moment thinking Sonny came to the shop and didn’t close the door completely and has gone again. I back into the shop and lock the door. I feel something cover my mouth. I am pushed against the door and something is pressed into the center of my spine. “Don’t scream and don’t turn around. Sonny should know better.” A high squeaky voice says.

  I feel my hands being roughly bound with some kind of rope. I try to raise my heel up to kick the person, but I feel them step back. I twist my body in an attempt to throw the person off balance. I’m pushed to the floor and my feet are bound. “Oh, my goodness, I know Ed is gonna kill me. Maybe all they want is the money, if that’s the case, they can have it. I’m giving Sonny notice today, I quit!”

  I lie there as the person walks past me and I can see the shoes and a part of the pants. I can tell from the way I was handled that it’s a man. He has on casual shoes and a pair of blue jeans. The person disappears around the corner and I can’t see anything else. I try to roll against the wall. I brace myself and try to sit up. I am about to slide up against the wall when I hear him coming back. “Oh, you are a smart girl. Look at what you’ve done. Now,” He says pulling me up and pushing me along. “Let’s go somewhere else.”

  He pushes me forward and around the corner. He hasn’t blindfolded me, so I see that we’re headed to Sonny’s office. I also see the lights have been switched off in the front of the shop. The blinds have been closed and the “closed” sign is facing the window. He pushes me inside Sonny’s office and I land across the desk. “Oh yes, that is a good position. Sonny should know better than to have a talented woman like you working here. What was he thinking? No matter, I only want one thing.” He says as he uses one hand to hold me down by the back of my neck.

  I hear something unzip. I feel my pants being pulled and my panties being ripped off. “Oh God, please, not this. Please God help me get out of this situation. I could never face Ed. He’ll never forgive me for working here. Please God make him stop. Make him come to his senses and just stop and leave. Please God help me.”

  I feel my legs being forced apart. I hear myself groan as he violently thrust himself into me. The edge of the desk is cutting into my flesh as he pounds away invading my body. Finally, he seems to be finished. He utters curses and swears during my assault. Then he says, “We both would have enjoyed it more, if you had cooperated. The next time we’re together like this, you need to remember that.” He says as he releases my neck. He leans on me from behind and kisses me on the cheek. “Thank you. I knew you would be good and I was right. Sonny is a fortunate man a
nd so is your husband.”

  He backs away. I hear him zip his pants. I hear him walk out of the room then I hear the back door slam. I realize I’m still bent over Sonny’s desk and I start to cry. I painfully straighten up. I can’t think. “Oh God, what am I gonna do? How am I supposed to handle this?” I try to snag the ropes on something to lose them. Finally I get my hands free. I rip the gag off and untie my feet. I pick up the phone and dial 9-1-1 “Yes, my name is Tasha Burrows. I’m at 1756 Main Street and I’ve just been raped. I think he’s gone. Please hurry up.” I say sobbing.

  I want to go to the bathroom and wash, but I know that’s the wrong thing to do. I try to remember everything as it happened. I concentrate on the man. There is something familiar about him, but I can’t put my finger on it. “ I need to talk to Ed. How am I gonna tell him about this. He’s gonna kill somebody. Oh, please God, don’t let this man know where I live. He knows I’m married. What else does he know?”

  As I’m sitting there crying and waiting on the Police, Sonny comes through the back door. “Tasha, why are the lights out and the closed sign on the door? What’s wrong, you don’t feel well?” Then he looks on the floor and sees my panties. His eyes enlarge and he shakes his head vigorously. “Tasha, what happened? Tell me, what happened?”

  I can’t answer him. I’m just sitting there crying. I hurt and I just wanna crawl into a whole and die, but I know that’s the wrong thing to do. Just as I’m about to begin talking, there is a knock at the back door. Sonny looks at me then runs to answer the door. “She’s in here. She won’t tell me what happened, but I know something is wrong. I’ve never seen her like this.” I hear him tell the Police.

  “Mrs. Burrows?” The first officer asks walking into the room and looking at me. “The paramedics will be here shortly. We need to get some information from you. This is Officer Woodson.” He said pointing to a female officer.

  Officer Woodson walks around to face me. She is a short black woman. She looks to be in her thirties. She takes out her pad and begins to ask me the obvious questions: name, address, phone number, age, reason for being there. Then she asks me to describe everything that happened. I tell her everything I can remember.

  She asks if there is anything about the man I remember that would stand out. I tell her his voice was high and squeaky at first, but then, it changed. It was like he had inhaled helium and then it wore off. I also tell her there is just something about him. He seemed to know me and he knew who my boss was. He mentioned that Sonny should know better several times.

  She finished up with her notes and asks if she can drive me to the hospital. They have to do a physical examination for evidence. As we are walking out, my cell phone rings. “Hello?”

  “Hi baby. Do you think we can have lunch today?” Ed asks.

  “Ed, can you meet me at the hospital. I don’t feel well. I’m on the way now. “I say trying not to sound upset.

  “Sure, I’m on the way. Are you okay, you don’t sound too good.”

  Guess I hadn’t done a good job after all.

  “I will be once I see a doctor. I’ll see you in a lil’ while. Ed? I love you more than anything in the world. You know that, right?”

  “Yeah, Of course I know that. I’ll see you in a few.” He says hanging up the phone. “She doesn’t sound good. There’s something she’s not telling me, I can hear it in her voice.”

  Ed drives to the hospital with flashers on. He walks in and asks for Tasha Burrows and informs the nurse he’s her husband. He’s pointed to the waiting room, saying she is being examined. A few minutes later he walks up to the desk to find out about seeing Tasha. The nurse gives him directions to Tasha’s examination room.

  “Hi, Tasha. Ed says walking into the room. What’s wrong, where do you hurt? He says walking over to hug me.

  “Ed, I don’t know how to tell you this. I guess the direct approach is the best way to go.” I say with my head held low.

  “Tasha, what’s wrong? You’ve got me worried.” He says caressing my hand.

  “Ed, I was at the shop working this morning and someone broke in…”

  “Oh, my goodness, that’s it, you aren’t…”

  “Ed, please let me finish.” I say holding my hand up for him to stop. “They didn’t take anything form the store. They only wanted me.” I say then pause. I look down at the floor and when I look up, there are tears streaming from my eyes.

  Ed looks at me and notices I have bruises on my wrists. He pulls me to him and I begin to cry uncontrollably. There is nothing he can do except hold me. He pushes my hair off my neck and jumps when he sees the bruises on the back of my neck. Slowly he tilts my face upward. “Honey, tell me what happened. I can’t help you if I don’t know what’s wrong.” Ed says cupping my face lovingly.

  I look up and say, “Ed, I’m so sorry. But h..h…h…he..he raped me. I tried to fight, I tried to get away, but there was nothing I could do. I’m so sorry, I really am. I tried to fight, Ed. Really I did. Do you want a divorce, now?” I whisper through tears.

  Ed stands erect and looks at me in amazement. “How could she think I’d want a divorce? No I don’t want a divorce. I wanna kill whoever did this.”

  “Tasha, I love you. No, I don’t want a divorce. We’ll get through this. I’m right here and I’ll always be here for you.” He tells me.

  Ed stands there holding me to him like he’s never gonna let me go. Finally I stop crying. The doctor knocks on the door then enters. He tells us I’m going to be sore for a few days and my bruises should heal with no problem. He prescribes something for the pain. The tears have been stitched and I should refrain from sex for a week or so or until I feel comfortable. He asks to speak with Ed outside.

  They step out and I stay in the room to get dressed. The doctor explains to Ed that I may feel unloved and moody for a while. He says I will do much better if I have some rape counseling and he should be as supportive as possible. Don’t push me he warns, or I’ll withdraw from him. He also makes him aware of the problems we may experience regarding sex because of what happened and cautions him to be patient.

  Finally when Ed comes back in the room, I am dressed and standing looking out the window. I hear Ed come into the room, but I’m too ashamed to turn and face him. I feel so guilty. “If I had quit the job yesterday, this might not have happened. I know Ed loves me, but how can he NOT blame me for this?” Ed comes over and lightly touches me on the shoulder. I turn to face him and he spreads his arms to me. I walk into his arms and lay my head on his chest. Ed is my protector and my rock. We leave together.

  “Sonny, I was surprised when I came past here yesterday and the Police were here. Is everything all right?” Curtis says stepping into the door.

  Sonny looks at him and shakes his head. “Yesterday, someone broke into the shop while Tasha was here. I’m not sure when she’ll be coming back, if ever.” He says walking to his office with a scowl.

  Curtis is strolling behind him and thinks what a bad situation this is. He remembers seeing Tasha yesterday morning and how nice she looked. Then he remembers that she was busy and he remembers her rejecting him. It’s sort of painful, but life goes on.

  “I just hope she’ll be okay. I can’t imagine working in this shop without Tasha. She makes it worth coming here, even though it’s my place. I never realized how a woman’s touch to the place could make such a big difference. I’m so sorry something like this happened, ‘cause I’m sure Ed is gonna make her quit. And she’ll listen to him, ‘cause she loves him.” Sonny finishes holding his head down.

  “Man, you are really upset about this. Have you had a chance to talk to Tasha?”

  “Nah man. I’m scared to call. I know Ed is gonna curse me out. I wouldn’t be surprised if he comes by here today. But, I do know Tasha was released and went home. Lisa works at that hospital and she told me.”

  “Oh man, I’m so sorry something like this happened. What are you gonna do?”

  “Everything I can to find this person. You
know, Tasha is a nice woman. She doesn’t flirt with the customers, but she does her job. I wish I had met her before Ed. I would have done the same thing he did. Marry her. But that’s beside the point. I’ll kill whoever did this!” Sonny says slamming his fist down on the desk.

  “Whoa, man. Calm down. I’m sure the Police will find out who did it.” Cutis assures Sonny.

  “I don’t know. From what Tasha told the Police he was pretty well covered up. He disguised his voice and even wore gloves. So she couldn’t really describe any physical features. I don’t know man, they may never catch him.”

  “Well, I’m sure they will do their be…”

  The front door opens and Ed walks in. He comes around the desk and walks into Sonny’s office. He stands there glaring at Sonny. The two men don’t say anything to each other for a long time.


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