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Gabriel, I'm (not) a serial killer

Page 11

by Frank Spoiler

  Mathias mouth hanged open, he could not believe he was so close to locking up his hated murderer... and he was going to escape, because of the statement of three bimbos and two drunks?

  Suddenly a laugh was heard and everyone looked at where it had come from. Mathias, Bogdan and his friend Javier Haro, got the chance to see through a small window clearance a well known face... mine, ahem, Gabriel's.

  Just enough to be seen before disappearing, as if he never existed.

  The Lieutenant almost fell flat on his back, he began to rub his eyes and looked alternately to the little window and then back to me, me and the window. I almost laughed out loud, but I did not want to be too expressive, Mathias could be a brute, but not a dumb ass. He could come to suspect something and I was not interested in letting that happen.

  I still do not know why my grandfather visits me-, because in the morning upon waking little can I remember, I feel like a machine that is controlled by a remote control. Even in the few minutes that I am human, I still feel controlled.

  Alicia is coming for me

  One thing was certain my "lookalike" was doing a great job, Matthias was pulling his hair and that made my life make sense, manipulating the lieutenant had its perks. And the innocent help of Bogdan, my assistant, and my new friend, Javier Haro, was being as effective as a time bomb. The great Mathias would have no other choice than to open the door of the cell himself [maybe even asking for an apology]. I dint start laughing to not break the mood.

  - Get out of here everyone! -the Lieutenant shouted angrily, which killed the vibe, and there was no one present who didn't jump in fright.

  - But ... lieutenant, no apology? -My false face of innocence did not convince the lieutenant, who wanted to throw an uppercut and KO me right there, but had no choice but to let me go.

  I did not force the apology (I didn't want to be toothless too early), so I got out of there, fast as lightning, and with great pride.

  Bogdan, Javier Haro and the girls came out to meet me. Sergeant Cuestas remained, awaiting orders from his boss.

  - Boss!- Called my assistant.

  I turned, dedicating a smile of appreciation for his confidence.

  -Many thanks guys, you are great, luckily I was with you all night and–I winked- let's not forget, we had a killer night with the girls, eh?- I slapped the back of the girl I had to the right, a stunning red head with big curves, full lips that instead of kissing, sucked better than those devices for liposuction. And what about her front line? No, I do not compare them even with the front of any football team, ass-wipes.

  She had been my pill all of that night.

  - It’s not important boss,- Bogdan murmured, while the neurosurgeon Javier Haro nodded.-we both know that you are innocent; but one thing boss, who can that son of a... - Bogdan, being a good guy and a gentleman did not want to complete the sentence,) - ... who dares to kill our partners and also looks so much like you?

  - I do not know, BOG-, I put face of shame on and thought for a few seconds.- Believe me, I'm looking forward to our bull... ahem, mate Mathias, to get him and put the bastard behind bars.- Here I imagined Shakespeare 's Hamlet famous phrase "to be or not to be, here is the dilemma", and hey, I was great. It went so well that poor Bogdan stayed calm and confident. Not so my "new" friend Javier, on whose brown eyes I could see a shadow of a doubt.

  - Come in, Anton! -The Lieutenant's booming voice echoed through the room, an office just over seven square meters, with the mere presence of a desk, two rickety chairs, a couch that had been black leather, possibly, in his day and now had no definite color (the crisis had gotten that far), a wooden hanger and a file cabinet that should be older than Mathias himself.

  Agent Anton Cubero did not wait after the call and entered, giving a terse "hello".

  Mathias was curious and stared as he made a gesture with his big paws to speak.

  - Ahem ... excuse me sir, I was distracted-he shook his head from side to side as if to get the flies off of him.

  - Speak damn it!- Shouted the Lieutenant, clearly he was out of patience.

  Anton did not answer, just stepped forward and threw a handful of reports, which until then had remained clamped between his hands

  - Here you go sir, everything is in my report: my monitoring of Gabriel since his last arrest, accusing him of the death of our colleague Rose, every step taken since then is there, day, hour and minutes of each movement. Nothing is missing, I didn't take my eyes off him for a second sir.

  Well, ahem...- He coughed nervously- except when he went to the toilets.

  -Did you sleep with him, Police Lieutenant Cubero? - Mathias joked. Agent Anton blushed to the roots of his hair, not knowing what to say.- Lieutenant of course not! - He finally snapped- I was obviously referring to my daytime work, at nights I was guarding the exit door.- Cubero ended his nervous explanation.

  Mathias collected reports and began to read between his teeth, occasionally raising his head and looking sullen as rebuking his underling for not finding anything that might incriminate Gabriel. Cubero did not know which expression or posture he should have, so he remained stiff and firm, hands hanging along the body and moving his fingers nervously, drumming on his thighs.

  -At ease, Anton, damn it, sit down!-Mathias realized the nervousness and restlessness of his agent and ordered him to sit. Anton did not wait for him to repeat himself and sat in one of the old chairs, right in front of his boss. - How is it possible...that in all these months of surveillance, you do not tell me anything I do not already know? Everything in here is pure crap... I cannot believe that Gabriel did not go out at night, impossible in a guy like him, a player, a drunk, a MURDERER. ─this last word he seemed to chew with disgust and spite.

  - Excuse me sir ...but there is nothing to show that Gabriel is our murderer, I can assure you I did not lose sight of him for a moment, unless the necessary personal, you know; WC, sleep or when he was in his lab doing autopsies. Anton looked serious, hurt and offended, his boss doubt in his professionalism was evident.

  Mathias did not doubt his subordinate, he knew or believed to know how clever Gabriel was. No, he was not going to let himself get caught just like that, thought Mathias doubtfully.

  Someone knocked at the door. It was sergeant Cuestas, but he was not alone.

  - Sir, a lady to see you, says her name is Alicia.

  Alicia «Bezayda»

  Ten days before...

  A flash in the kitchen made me stop seeing my favorite sitcom, thinking, damn me if it was my kitchen burning for some carelessness. Which was most unlikely, because of its months of disuse, I kept a diet of pizza or Chinese food from a nearby restaurant. Because of the asshole Matthias, he had more eyes on me than a defense of Madrid to Messi, a classic.

  Anyway, I got up a little groggy; the aforementioned series bored me after watching so many reruns. I went straight to the kitchen. I didn’t get to it, at the doorway a fist flew at me hitting my jaw, making me land on the floor. From the corner of my eye I could see stiletto heels, followed by long legs ending in light blue panties and ... I had to stop the next shot, which went straight to my crotch, which I could not agree too, since it could turn my balls into gelatin. I stopped her right leg with my left forearm while with my right hand I threw a blow to her pelvis from the bottom up, which had to make her ovaries go out through her mouth, she bent without breathing, at my mercy; I took the advantage to knock her down and climb over her body crushing her under me, I do not weigh much but when I mean it, I can be a ass.

  She did not move, and this surprised me greatly, after how violent she had been in her previous attack, until, turning her face towards me I froze. It could not be ...Alicia, here again, after a year...? No, I could not believe it.

  - Would you mind getting of me, you sick dog!- The freak said affectionately.

  - Sure, so you can keep hitting me with that bad blood between us!- I said caressing her with my gaze.

  - We need to talk, it is important that you listen
to me.- There was a silent plea in her eyes and I thought it was time to trust her, I got off of her and she quickly got up, recomposing her clothes with some slaps. I thought: she is soooooo hot!

  I looked at her from head to toe before inquiring with one of my most intelligent questions

  - Girl, how can you look so well and so good after death?

  Her eyes blazed this time as she spoke.

  - Damned idiot, have you noticed that I'm not Alice! I am...her daughter.

  If you had been able to see my face at that moment, you would have not respect and fear me anymore, lucky for me you did not see me.

  My eyes were as wide as my big mouth. When I came back to reason was when my innate curiosity kicked in, I observed scrupulously and I realized that, what the hell? After so long I had forgotten what Alicia actually looked like.

  - All right, I give up, then, what do you want from me, are you here to avenge your mom?- I looked at her, convinced she was going to pull out a gun, one of those laser cyberspace guns, like Star Wars, and would leave me dry with one shot. But no, suddenly she broke down and began to mourn as Mary Magdalene. I'm not sensitive to these things, so I left her there, next to the kitchen and went back to continue watching the show she had interrupted and, shit, it was over! "Criminal Minds" was beginning so I turned off the TV. There were much more cruel, bloodthirsty bastards than I in that show...even I feared watching it.

  A few seconds later, Alicia, or whatever her name was, came in, and with a gesture I asked her to sit down.

  -What is your name?- I asked trying to be kind.

  - In my world: Bezayda, here its Alexia, I do not want you to forget at any time you’re the one who killed my mother.- Her anger hurt, although I could not know why at the time.

  - You want to know why I'm back again, right? After our last friendly encounter-. Her smile, though ironic, was captivating.

  - Yes, I would, yes, don’t you see how much I care?- And I yawned.

  - Look, I’ll start from the beginning.- She said and ignored my apparent apathy and continued.- After the visit I paid you I found out that my mother had left a letter telling me everything that was going to happen, among some other things, her death.- Her gaze damped with a few tears.

  She got up then and went to the kitchen, I had no time to open my mouth as she returned instantly, with a yellowing envelope in her hands.

  - Take it, read it!- I was surprised of her trust in me.

  I didn’t wait for her to repeat it and read to myself.

  - What are you waiting for? Tell her to come in!- Snapped Lieutenant Mathias.

  His subordinate did not make him wait and had said Alicia come in.

  The Lieutenant could not help but admire her for a few seconds, she was a wonder, that red head had a body worthy of salute and her face, with huge blue eyes, upturned nose, above beautiful lips, which could inflate the globe with just one blow. No, Mathias would not look down, he was getting too excited.

  Alice waited for him to finish observing her, she was in no hurry, Gabriel was part of the plan and would not be angry by simple drooling looks from that man.

  -The floor is yours, miss.- Matthias finally said, stopping his drooling.

  - I need your help- Alicia "Bezayda» said.

  - Of course, all you need to do is tell me what you need.-He seemed to be losing interest. Thinking fuck, another mad woman, as if I didn’t have things to worry about.

  - I know how to lure that ruthless murderer you seek and do not know how to stop, I know him, he killed my mother a year ago- She said, watching the little interest that the lieutenant seemed to give her.

  - Say what? You know Gabriel? Do you know him?.- The Lieutenant's eyes sparkled almost in a demonic way, it was a lot of anger he had in his chest to ignore big news like that.

  - I do not know how you call that murderer, I just know who he is and I’ll take you to him if you help me. -The redhead's eyes gleamed with an evil glint.

  Sergeant Cuestas, who until then had remained silent, just listening, jumped to say:

  - My lieutenant, are going to trust this stranger? We do not know anything about her, what if everything is a lie and she just wants to get your support, namely for what? He looked to the red head accusingly.

  One look from Mathias silenced Cuestas's mouth.

  - Tell me Miss, what do you need from me?

  Alicia Bezayda launched a triumphant look at Cuestas and started to tell Mathias what it was she needed from him.

  The Letter to Bezayda

  My dear girl, I know how much it will hurt to remember everything that happened, it will not be pleasant to remember my death or why I didn’t avoid it knowing what you will read below. I know you’ll believe me if I tell you that at this very moment you're reading this, I'm with you, I know, as I know that my friends explained everything that you had to know about me(outside of what I am or was to you at home).Yes, my daughter, I'm by your side, in the same room and inches from you, I can even "touch" those stubborn tears you can't stop and you suck into your throat, denying them their right to expand to the universe to let it know how beautiful your soul is.

  No, my child, you do not see me, however much effort you make you will not see, I'm ... in another astral plane, visible to my time, invisible to yours.

  You don’t know how much I would like for you to see me...touch you, hold you and kiss your rosy face, my rose. [My rosy], do you remember, my love...?

  I should not waste time, I must tell you what my friend’s haven’t told you, simply because they did not know.

  It is difficult to calculate the time when you can bend it to your will, I can't tell you when, but in about a year, year and a half, you will be with a man named Gabriel. Yes, child, the man who killed me...and I want you to give him this letter, do not shake your head, remember that I can see you.

  It is essential that he reads it to understand what you're going to propose after reading it, Although obviously he will know by reading this letter.

  Do not worry child, I'll be there at the time that you deliver it, I will not leave you alone. I already know even his expressions, surprised and amused, Gabriel no longer seems to be astonished or amazed by anything. I think he will also have many things to tell you, things that I obviously do not know.

  I don't want to get off track, I should not, and my duty as a soldier is to give you the last orders received by your uncle, General Gonzalvo. Yes, I know you didn’t know anything, for you he was just your uncle, who played hide and seek with you and told you beautiful stories when you were just a girl of five will not even remember his face, understandably, do not worry, I'll tell you more, there will be others who will be receiving letters from me by helping hands.

  He, your uncle, was who, driven by his duty as chief of the "Aqueenes" troops; (are you confused by the name? You won't be much when I tell you that it was imposed by the inhabitants of the earth itself) Well ...a man, a human; ambitious, selfish and evil. The funny thing is its meaning: "PEACE", can you believe it? Peace, a world where the inhabitants were created and trained for war...?

  We "Aqueenes" (Now do not be surprised) are his creation...

  That being believed himself to be God, and led by his idolatry and ambition, found a way to find parallel worlds and how to reach them. This man is one of the richest on the planet Earth. Using his money was how he obtained the best and most sophisticated laboratories and wisest and brilliant scientists, and everything to breed us a slab rats. But he did not want mistakes, so he picked the best human specimens, infinite DNA of humans who generously offered their blood or donated their organs, and he cloned the best. Including all his family, but I will explain it to you later.

  You must be wondering why? Well according to his plans, he wanted to get a faithful and loyal army to achieve his whim of becoming little more than a modern god.

  I forgot to tell you, that false "God" made his greatest fortune building nuclear plants, and it is where he got enough to get all
future "Aqueenes" moved, using a source of endless energy, human waste, and a system already mentioned at the time by [Albert Einstein] particle acceleration. I'm not an expert so you'll have to make do with the few explanations I can give you, I can only say one more thing about it: The world's most powerful particle accelerator at present is that of CERN (known as the large hadrons collider LHC), located on the French-Swiss border, is a circular accelerator 27 kilometers in circumference. In November 2009 the accelerator generated the world's most powerful particle energy of 1.18 TeV. [Well, the scientist discovery of the new "God", leave it as just a toy for children six years old].

  Thus using his money and the few scruples of some mercenaries, he managed to create an army just for him, as if we were just lifeless puppets, but he was wrong, fortunately, and thanks to our intelligence, we escaped his grip and grab from their hands the toys for ourselves. Although it was not until many decades to quite make it.

  Here in "Aqueene" we achieved our best, thanks to our scientists, we created a machine that through a very simple tool, [inserted into a simple bracelet] and connected to our central computer, allowed us to travel and move to any place or time. Do not ask me how it works, I do not know, I just know how to use it, but I do not know how it works. That was how I could move you to Earth, creating a new life for you away from all this.

  Like I said, my mission on earth was to look for our Creator and ...kill him. It was him or us. My brother had learned his plans, he wanted to destroy our planet, he could not consent that we had rebelled and was engaged in an ambitious project to destroy us and with us, our planet. Surely if you, with the help of Gabriel can’t stop him, he will destroy us.

  I have to finish to explain that if I did not kill him was not for lack of desire, it was because ... I cannot, well, no inhabitant of "Aqueene" can. That damn man introduced a genetic code in our DNA, in which he recorded an order-forbidding to harm or kill your creator-God. Our scientists are still trying to deactivate the order given since we cannot approach him because of our manifest hostility.


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