Hannaford Prep: The Complete Series

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Hannaford Prep: The Complete Series Page 90

by J Bree

  “Are you fucking serious? I didn’t beat them because they let me, I took them out because they’re fucking weak,” he hisses, and Blaise finally stands and walks over to him. He leans against the table and offers him backup. I’m hoping he’d also jump in between them if Ash dives at him.

  Atticus rolls his eyes and stares at Avery. “Is there any real concern for your safety? Has anything happened?”

  I’m so fucking proud of her, just bursting with it, when she turns to face him with cold eyes and her perfectly frigid tone. “My safety is no longer of your concern. You can discuss it with the Wolf, not me.”

  He grinds his teeth at her and then stalks forward, ignoring the daggers the boys all glare at him with. He gestures at the chair across from me and I nod at him. Once he’s seated he folds himself into what looks like the signature Avery Beaumont power pose. Hm.

  When he speaks, his voice is tightly-controlled and formal. “The Viper has left the Jackal’s side. He has requested a meeting but I’m unable to attend. Is it possible for you to go?”

  I sigh and give him a stern look, pulling myself into my own version of the power pose until I’m mirroring him. “I’m supposed to stay at school, you know. Some of us want to be more than just a crime lord. What’s the meeting for and why can’t you go?”

  His eyes flick to Avery as she takes the seat next to mine. She ignores him but I slip my hand into hers under the table anyway.

  “I have to take a meeting with my father about… the sales of girls. He’s still purchasing despite my efforts to get rid of the auctions. I can’t move the meeting and the Viper needs to speak to one of us as soon as possible so he doesn’t get spooked and go crawling back.”

  Avery hums under her breath but doesn’t speak. I’m sure she has plenty to say but I stick to the topic. “Where and when. I’ll see what I can do.”

  His eyes flick around to the guys and then he speaks slowly, like he’s choosing his words even more carefully. “Take the Butcher with you and leave everyone else here for the night.”

  My spine snaps straight, and Harley snarls at him, “You don’t get make those fucking decisions; where she goes, we go.”

  Atticus rolls his eyes, and doesn’t bother to look at the three enraged guys plotting his death. “The Viper wants to meet at the Dive. You have to put a body in the cage to get in, you’re better off taking the Butcher with you because that’s his idea of a fun Friday night.”

  The scheming bastard. I somehow manage to keep my face impassive as I shrug. “I’ll go. The details are none of your concern.”

  He isn’t as good as I am at keeping his tells in lockdown, not when it comes to Avery, and his jaw ticks as he grits out from between his clenched teeth, “Avery cannot go. The Dive is too dangerous, what the hell is the point of keeping her away from her father if you’re just going to take her with you to the pits of fucking hell in Mounts Bay? This isn’t a sightseeing exhibition, it’s not the place for some naive girl rebelling from her privileged life.”

  I suck in a breath and mentally start planning how the fuck we’re going to end this war without the Crow because Avery is going to slit his throat.

  She doesn’t.

  Instead she tilts her head at him and breathes pure ice his way. “You’re not my fucking keeper. You’re not even my friend, you are a means to an end.” She stares him down and then flicks her hand at him dismissively, “If you’re done with your power display, I’d like to get back to our family dinner.”

  Atticus stares at her again, his eyes cataloging everything about her, from the color of her nails to the faint, dark smudges under her eyes that a damn near permanent now. She’s not sleeping well. She’s barely eating. Even her dance classes have started to slip now she’s working so hard on gathering the information we need.

  As if reading my mind, Atticus pulls an envelope out of his jacket pocket. “There’s not much, but I know who you can speak to about Lips’ father.”

  The detached, cold look slips on Avery’s face a fraction as she takes the envelope. I can’t look at it or touch it, so fucking terrified of what’s in it. Atticus looks between the two of us and then says, “You need to call the Boar. Everything leads back to him.”



  Avery Beaumont looks fucking devastating in a pair of leather pants, a ripped band tee, and the all-white combat boots I’d gotten for the lingerie party last year. Her winged eyeliner is sharp enough to kill a man and her mood could do even fucking worse.

  I choose a pair of ripped jeans that have half my ass peeking out and a razorback tee. I put my hair up and let Avery do my makeup, mostly to try to improve her mood before she guts someone. She’s now carrying her knife everywhere we go and, fuck if she isn’t good with it too now that Illi’s gotten some training sessions in as well.

  When we head down to the cars I grab Ash’s hand and squeeze it a little, still nervous as hell over how our night is going to go. He ignores it, and me, until we get to the cars and everyone else piles into Blaise’s Cadillac. When I move to climb into the back with Harley he tugs me back, plastering me against the side of the car with his body and shoving his leg between mine. I shiver as he kisses me, rough and fucking dark, biting my lip hard enough to draw blood.

  “You better not be doubting me, Mounty,” he whispers against my lips, and I grab a fistful of the buttery-soft shirt he’s got on.

  “Nope. I’m just preparing myself for the entire night. I’ve got to be the Wolf, and you’ve got to focus on your fight, which means I’ll watch your back. If the Jackal shows up, if he has men there, you’ll be a prime target. I’m going to keep you safe while you do this for us. That’s family.”

  He smirks at me and tugs me until he can kiss me again. We get a little too carried away and Avery snarls out of her open window, “For fuck’s sake, can we get this night over with already?”

  Ash’s eyes narrow at her but I shift away from him and back into the car, ignoring Blaise’s snickering and the eye roll Harley gives my flushed cheeks. Ash is less than impressed with their attitudes and tucks his hand onto my thigh before staring out of the window, ignoring everyone for the rest of the drive.

  I direct Blaise to the edge of the city, right where the air changes from smog and people, to salty air and stinking docks, and we park outside the most disgusting building on the street. Rundown doesn’t even begin to describe the place.

  The Dive is exactly that, a fucking dive.

  The doorman tips his head at me in respect but he’s not a guy I know. I try to stay away from this place if I can help it, and I know there’s going to be more than a few men here waiting for their opportunity to shed some blood, whether mine or my family’s, they don’t really give a fuck.

  I grab Avery’s hand and weave through the crowd, heading to the private section at the back of the room. There’s a viewing platform to watch the cage fights and a private bar, though the bar is a plank of wood on old barrels and a bartender too fucking high to mix any drinks. Did I mention I fucking hate this place?

  The crowd doesn’t part for us even though they all know who I am, and the guys all press in around us protectively. I start to worry Ash won’t be the only one fighting tonight as Harley snaps at a group of bikers that look even more rowdy than the last. We make it to the private section and I keep Avery close as we approach the table set up for our meeting. There’s two spare seats and we sit down, Avery grimacing at the state of the cushions.

  The Viper is already seated.

  He flicks his fingers at me, the light catching on the diamond encrusted rings he wears. The man wears an obscene amount of diamonds, he’s fucking dripping in them, and even sitting here in the dirtiest, most fucking filthy pit in all of Mounts Bay he’s not worried about being mugged. He’s that confident in his boys, and his own fighting prowess, that he wears his wealth with unaffected ease.

  It’s gross.

  “I thought you’d leave your pretty little girlf
riend at home for this one, Wolf. She doesn’t have the stomach for this kind of thing. I supposed she’s a good lay for you, to make up for these things,” he says, but his eyes stay locked on the cage.

  There’s two of the Jackal’s men fighting already, I know them both well enough to know exactly how it’s going to end. The Viper does too so I know he’s choosing not to look at me on purpose.

  “You’re putting one of your pretty boys in the cage? I thought you’d bring the Butcher.”

  I shrug and motion at one of his men to bring me a drink. They move without complaint, which is a nice change. “The Butcher is busy taking care of… other tasks for me tonight. Beaumont is going to fight, I’ll sure you’ll get your money’s worth.”

  The Viper turns at eyes Ash. “Beaumont? Jesus. Has he ever even left his castle before? I’m not going to give him an out, not even for you, Wolf.”

  I side-eye the fuck out of him. “Even for me? You’ve never given me anything easy. You’re only here talking to me because the Jackal has you running scared. What did he say to you? What’s he holding over your head that it worries you this much?”

  The Viper grimaces, and waves his men away. I sip at my whiskey, slowly because I need my head.

  “I have a kid. I keep her out of this life, but somehow the Jackal found out. Probably his fucking spy, the gutless fuck, but now he knows. I’ve sent her to go live in another state but that hasn’t kept his men from turning up at her fucking house. I need the Crow to take her in. His place is the safest. He gave you permission to speak on his behalf or what?”

  All this war has done is reveal everyone's weak spots, the little snippets of secrets they’ve guarded carefully but not quite well enough. The Coyote and his girl, now the Viper and his daughter. I wonder how much more will come out before the Jackal has been taken out. I refuse to think about the chances that we don’t win. I can’t.

  I give the Viper a curt nod, and the bell rings out over the cage. I’m not sure the body they drag out is still alive but it’ll only make it easier for me if there’s one less of the Jackal’s men out there.

  The Viper jerks his head at Ash and he stalks down to the cage, Harley following to watch his back. Blaise stays with us, leaning against the railing and looking out over the voracious crowd as the jeering and shouting starts up. I watch as Ash strips down to his training shorts and I take a second to remember he’s fucking good in the ring. He’s the best option. When he straightens up and I see him in his full, almost-naked glory I take a deep breath and try to focus on my conversation with the Viper but it’s a freaking challenge.

  I’m sort of glad there aren’t many women in this place.

  “We’ll take the girl. We’ll have her as insurance so you don’t change sides,” I murmur, and the Viper shrugs.

  “I chose the Jackal because I don’t need some fucking suit coming down here and cleaning the place up. I like my fights. I like the gambling , booze and the easy women. Not everything in life is clean and I don’t need The Crow’s black and white fucking moral system spilling over into my world. He needs to remember who the fuck he is.”

  He gulps down his own murky glass and lifts the empty glass for a refill, then turns to look at me again. “I thought that school had changed you. I was wrong, I’ll admit that. You can take Mira and keep her in that showy fucking castle of the Crow’s, you can call me for anything, but he can keep his nose out of my business. I’m not cleaning this place up and I’m not going to stop sending my men after dickheads that don’t pay their debts. If you’re with me on that, then I’m with you on everything else.”

  Another of the Jackal’s men climbs into the cage with Ash, and I try to contain the icy dread in my gut. I know Ash is good. I know he’s fast. It doesn’t matter that the guy is older, brawnier, more street smart. Ash Beaumont has survived hell. He can survive this too.

  “Your boy wins this, maybe he should come here more often,” the Viper murmurs, and I cock my head at him. The Viper never extends invitations; this is a fucking big deal and tells me more about his loyalties than any other part of our conversation so far.

  “He’d probably be up for that. He’s not as clean-cut as he looks. If you have money on this fight I hope it’s on him,” I mutter back, and the Viper grins at me, his gold tooth shining at me.

  “Sounds perfect for you kid. Sounds like he’s just what you need.”

  The noise from the crowd gets louder, amping up for the fight and the room becomes predatory. There isn’t a whole heap of faith for the stunning and very obviously rich guy in the ring but I wasn’t expecting any different. There’s a reason Ash is the one fighting and not the lost O’Cronin heir.

  Someone calls out, “Ten grand on the pretty boy. It’s a night for gambling.” and Blaise startles, his face all fucked up. He turns back to us and his face is pale as fuck. I frown at him as he rubs his eyes, but he only gives me one of his lopsided grins.

  “I think I fucking smoked too much before we came. Usually I’m better about it. I could fucking swear I just… never mind. Too fucking high for my own good.”

  Avery sighs and stares at him like he’s the densest man on Earth and I nudge her leg with mine under the table. He’s only watching over us for show, I can take care of anything that goes down by myself.

  The bell rings and my attention snaps back to the ring. The Jackal’s guy lunges at Ash, big mistake, and Ash darts out of his path, swinging as he moves and smashing his fist into the guy’s skull. Ouch.

  Avery’s gaze drops down to her hands, but there’s no other signs that she’s hating this. She never could stand to watch her brother fight and, after years of being forced to watch him endure Joey’s torture without being able to fight back, I don’t blame her.

  I, however, am enjoying the ever-loving shit out of it.

  The room slowly grows quiet as Ash efficiently, and fucking brutally, beats the shit out of the Jackal’s guy. It’s probably because the Jackal’s mark is in the center of the guy’s chest, like a badge of honor, and Ash is taking all of his rage out on him. He gets him on the ground and just whales on him, the guy never stood a chance.

  “Yeah, he can come back here any time,” the Viper says, and I do my best not to smirk like a smug-ass bitch but fuck it if I’m not one.

  The sound of the guy’s cheekbone breaking as Ash knocks him out is loud enough that Avery hears it and flinches, then the bell is ringing and Harley steps in to try to get his cousin to stop pounding the guy. Blaise roars with laughter, and the Viper’s men eye him with a faint sort of respect. Clearly the lesson of underestimation has been learned.

  I signal for a refill, more to keep my hands busy than anything else, when Avery’s leg tenses against mine. I glance up to find another of the Jackal’s men approaching our table. I give her the tiniest shakes of my head; we’re fine. I know Cole and he’s not someone I’m particularly worried about. Blaise scowls at him but doesn’t say a word. He’ll have no idea who he belongs to and he’s a hell of a lot less cautious than Avery is.

  Cole stops in front of us, crossing his arms and speaking to the Viper as if I’m not even here, “I spoke to the boss about you being here with her. He’s not happy.”

  I narrow my eyes. He always was a spineless fuck but I didn’t realize he was this stupid either. Avery stares at him with her icy eyes and every last one of the Viper’s men turn to face Cole until he’s the center of attention. He starts to sweat a little but I’m sure he’s more afraid of the Jackal than he is of me.

  That’s his first mistake.

  The Viper turns to me, jerking his head at Cole, and snaps, “Division breeds disrespect. This is why we need this over with now.”

  I squeeze Avery’s hand under the table in warning, then I say, “We’ll have to make an example of this sort of thing, make sure the others know to stay in their fucking lane.”

  Then I move.

  Cole doesn’t see it coming, none of the men do, only Avery and the Viper are unruffled as I shoot
up from my seat, grab a fistful of Cole’s hair and slam him face-first into the table. Blaise lurches forward but stops when I shoot him a look. He gets it, he understands from that one look what’s going on, so I know he can’t be that high.

  Cole knows how to take a beating and fuck, he’s here to get in the cage and earn some green, but he’s so sure his place with the Jackal will keep him breathing tonight.

  That’s mistake number two.

  I lean forward and whisper in his ear, “Thank you for sending this message to your boss. I think he needs the reminder.”

  “Whatever it is, I’ll pass it on,” he mumbles, and I chuckle at him.

  “Yes, you will.”

  The flash of white as his eyes widen is the last sign of life from him before I stab him in the base of his skull, conscious of the fact I didn’t pack a spare change of clothes. My hands and forearms end up covered in blood but it’s less intense than an arterial bleed. I let go of his hair and let his body slip to the ground. The Viper grunts at his men and a couple them move quickly to dispose of the body.

  “Make sure he gets back to his boss safely. No point drawing lines unless the psycho fuck gets the message,” he says, and his men all make noises of agreement.

  Once they’ve moved out the Viper holds his drink up in a salute to me and says, “Your boy is good. Bring him back sometime soon and we’ll headline him. Good money in it.”

  I keep my mouth shut about how very little we need the cash, and instead I take my own shot. I hold my hand out for him to shake and he doesn’t hesitate. “I’ll send Mira to the Crow in the morning. I look forward to being on your side, Wolf. I look forward to seeing what you’ll do to him.”

  I nod and help Avery to her feet, moving away from the private table and down to meet with Ash. His fists are a bloodied mess and his cheek and lip are both busted but there’s a dark glee lighting up his eyes.

  “How was that?” he snarks, and I smirk at him.

  “Decent. We could make a lot of money here together, if you’re ever in need.”


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