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The Villain

Page 5

by Jordan Silver

  “I can do it myself.”

  “Where the fuck is the fun in that? Besides, you can’t see inside you, so lying down it is.”

  Of course she tried to fight me, but my teeth in her neck soon had her quieting down a little. Shit, now my dick was hard again from all this rolling around with her.

  I tested the waters just a little bit with the tips of my fingers and fuck if that cream wasn’t as fast acting as it claimed, because she was no longer as swollen, as she’d been earlier.

  I fumbled around with my belt and zipper until my beast was loose, and holding her in place with my teeth, slid into her.

  Fuck, if she ever knows what this shit does to me she’d run my ass. It was like I’d never been inside a pussy before, all the others paled and all that I knew was the feel of her.

  No pussy had ever felt quite this right, it was almost as if her pussy had a direct link to my heartstrings.

  I lifted my head and looked down at her when I felt liquid heat cover my cock. She knew that I’d felt that shit because her face went up in flames.

  It was probably not very gentlemanly of me, but I couldn’t resist. “You like having me inside you don’t you?”

  “No.” maybe I should’ve kept my mouth shut because her embarrassment made her fight me, or she started to anyway, but then the strangest thing happened.

  One of her moves sent my dick into the fucking ends of her. I felt something give way around my cockhead before I was caught in the tightest hole I’d ever encountered.

  Now I was the one leaking, I could actually feel my cock spitting pre-cum into her. My eyes all but rolled back in my fucking head the shit was so good, but at the same time it was her reaction that made my heart and my head swell.

  “Ohhhh.” Her mouth stayed open in an O as she looked up at me amazed. Her body tightened around my cock before she lifted us both off the bed and screamed.

  “Fuck.” I just hung on for the ride as she came and cried at the same time. I couldn’t hold back my own release and emptied my nut inside her even as she passed the fuck out.

  “What the fuck was that?” I was talking to myself because she was out. I eased out of that place inside her and went into the bathroom to get a wet cloth.

  She came awake after I’d cooled her brow and I’d taken the time while she was out, to apply some more cream to her pussy, while lecturing myself to let her heal.

  Something had changed, shifted between us. I could feel it and was pretty sure that she could too. Though nothing was said between us, I knew it.

  She was hella skittish after that, and way too quiet. As I sat in my office staring at her on the couch instead of doing the shit I’d come here to do, it struck me as odd that we’d only met the day before.

  How the fuck could life change so drastically in just twenty-four hours? If I hadn’t been the one to suggest nabbing her, I would be inclined to believe that I’d been set up.

  The phone rang breaking me out of my reverie. Shit, mom. “Ma what’s doing?” The new Mrs. Santorini picked her head up from one of the hundred magazines I’d bought her to keep her occupied while I worked.

  The other one went right into rant mode. That fucking Frank was still carrying tales. “Ma it was a last minute thing...”

  “I don’t care, I should’ve been there and it should’ve been done right. Is this how I raised you?” I rolled my eyes at her patented question.

  “Just like your dad, now tell me is it true? Is it the Balducci girl? And if so what the hell are you up to? Your dad feels certain that you know what you’re about but I’m not so sure. If she’s anything like her old man my grandkids will most certainly be part idiot.”

  “Nice ma real nice. As a matter of fact she reminds me of you.” She went all soft on me then.

  “Really son, well isn’t that nice? See Tommy, I told you our boy was smart.” I could hear dad mumbling something in the background, which was most likely his assent.

  “When are you bringing her home? Tommy I wasn’t done talking to him.” Dad came on the line after their little skirmish. These two have no respect for my time.

  “Son, business or pleasure?” I didn’t need him to explain. “Both but heavy on the latter.”

  “Well alright then, you straight, you need me to deal with that fuck? Frank said she was in your robe.”

  “Frank is a nosy fuck, speaking of which he’s been bitching about the school gymnasium.”

  “I’ll take care of it. I’ll try to keep your mom sane until you’re ready to bring her new daughter in law home, just watch your back, that one’s a snake.”

  “I know it.” The thing was, should I tell her or let her go on thinking as she did that he was worth the air he breathed?

  If she hung around with me for any length of time she was bound to find out some shit about him that would shatter her little girl heart. Now that that heart was mine to protect, did I really want that for her?

  I got off the phone after dad passed me back to the Gestapo, and tried to get some shit done. The jeweler showed up about an hour later excited as fuck.

  I moved to the couch and sat next to her so we could go over the diamonds together. I’d told the fuck what I was looking for, yes she would be the one wearing it, but it was a symbol of what I felt for her, one that everyone would be seeing for the rest of her life, so it had to be on point.

  My favorite was the fifteen- carat cushion, the shit was mammoth and on her little hands it might look like a boulder, but I like what I like.

  “Which one do you like?” I could tell that she was accustomed to being taken care of because she didn’t even blink at the excess laid out before her.

  She looked over every piece with excitement but I saw the minute she remembered where she was and what she was doing.

  “None.” She sat back with a pout as the jeweler almost shit himself. I don’t know why people think I’m so petty that I’d off them for something as simple as disappointing my new wife, but I could see the flop sweat forming on his forehead.

  Okay yes I’ve been known to hurt a motherfucker for looking at me cross eyed, but damn I have a little bit of control. Besides, she was just being difficult.

  “Relax Abrams, you’re good.” He ran his finger around his collar and tried to breathe regularly again.

  I went ahead and chose the one I liked and put it on her finger. Yeah, she liked it; she couldn’t hide that shit from me. I chose a few other pieces for her before sending him on his way.

  “Let’s go, this is no way to spend your wedding day.”

  “It’s not like it’s a real wedding.” She said that as she was gazing at the Rock of Gibraltar I’d just put on her hand. I chose to ignore her shit, because I wasn’t in the mood to argue with her ass, I was more in the mood to spoil her, the jewelry had only whet my appetite.

  I had to organize her own security and get her tagged but I could do that later. I wasn’t planning on letting her out of my sight for a while yet so it was all-good for now.

  “Chase I want you to tap Andre for head of her security as soon as we get back. I also need to see Max about some gear for her.” I was gonna get her a full suit of body armor for when she was out and about.

  Thank fuck they’d become more sophisticated with that shit because women weren’t about to wear the old fashioned bulky vest. They were more interested in looking good than staying alive, weird fucking species.

  I took her shopping for a complete new wardrobe and that seemed to settle her ass down some, figures. Fucking female.

  My phone rang while she was in the dressing room and I answered without looking at the screen. I had my eyes peeled to where she’s disappeared because I was more fucking worried about her safety than my own.


  “Is it true?” I took the phone from my ear and looked at it. How the fuck had he heard already? I’m pretty sure Frank wouldn’t have told him. Ma probably went blabbing to one of her girls.

  “What’s it to you? When I�
��m ready to deal with you you’ll know until then...”

  “Look Santorini, whatever is between us is just that, you can’t involve my daughter in this, you and I both know that this is against the code.”

  He’s barking up the wrong fucking tree, she wasn’t going anywhere, she’d thunderbolt my ass and now she was mine.

  “Now you remember the code? Don’t come to me with that shit you fuck, you only remember the code when it suits your purposes, every other time you break the rules like a motherfucker.” I saw her coming out of the fitting room in her new designer shit and was done.

  “The next time you contact me without my say-so, I’m gonna put a hole in your ass.” I hung up the phone and turned to his daughter who was looking at me suspicious like.

  “Who was that?” I just lifted my brow at her, because although she might be the new ruler of my dick, there was no way she was gonna get away with questioning me about my shit.

  She got the message and just twirled around in the hot little dress she was trying on. “I like it.” I was happy as fuck that her taste didn’t run to the gauche or trashy so I wouldn’t have to tell her no.

  We left the place with half their shit because once she got started she didn’t stop. It was way past dinner so I took her to my club, which was closer.

  I wasn’t too jazzed about her being there because the place can get a bit raunchy at night with the clientele being what it was. Those trust fund babies that hung out at my place were up to more shady shit than half the men on my payroll.

  She didn’t realize it, but she was clingier than the day before. It was as though her inhibitions were relaxed a little bit. I didn’t miss her look when the hostess was overly exuberant in her greeting either. Any minute now I expected to hear the words ‘back off bitch’ come from her mouth.

  I was immensely pleased with this show of ownership when she actually moved herself closer into my side. That’s right baby mark your territory. I didn’t let her see my smile though because I was pretty sure she’d hand me my balls.

  It was good to know I wasn’t doing this love shit alone though. What the fuck? I actually stopped in my tracks at that one. Who the fuck falls in love in one day? It had to be the pussy that was all. I might be a little fond of her and that mouth of hers, but there was no way.

  Now I’m looking at her like I’d never seen her ass before and she was just glancing over the fucking menu like she hadn’t just twisted my shit all out of whack.

  A look around the room didn’t show anyone watching me differently so I guess that shit wasn’t showing. “Why are you staring at me?”

  She lowered the menu and eyeballed me. “I was having a moment do you mind?” she rolled her eyes and went back to what she was doing before sticking her nose in my shit.

  I’d be fucked if I was gonna show my hand before she showed hers. What if she didn’t feel the same though? She’d better fucking feel the same or there’d be hell to pay.

  Draco you are one crazy fuck, just chill. I decided to strike up a normal conversation, she was my wife and we had yet to have anything approaching a civilized conversation between us.

  “So, what were your plans after high school? ”She actually answered me; color me shocked.

  “I want to be a jewelry maker.”

  “How the fuck does that work?”

  “The same as everything else moron you go to school for it.”

  I knew that shit wouldn’t last. I chose to ignore her nastiness though and pushed on.

  “What school, where?”


  “Where the fuck, who the fuck goes to the desert to learn shit?”

  She huffed and rolled her eyes at me, her feathers were ruffled I guess.

  “They have the best school for what I want to do.”

  “Well that shit’s out you’re not going to fucking Arizona.” Maybe I’ll look into hiring the best teacher they had to teach her this shit.

  “I know most of the basics anyway I’ve been taking summer classes for the past three years.”

  “So you’ve always known what you want to do.”

  “Pretty much yeah.” For some fucked up reason the conversation turned to her dad and it was all I could do not to pull my piece and shoot myself in the fucking head.

  I didn’t say anything to her though just let her go on with her spiel about how supportive he was and what the fuck ever. I was fucked to realize I was jealous.

  She actually ate without any of the bullshit of the night before, and things were going pretty good until she had to go and spoil it.

  “When are you going to give me back my phone? I would like to call my dad, I’m sure he’s worried about me.”

  “He’s fine, he knows you’re with me.”

  “But...” She was gearing up for another round of drive Draco crazy, but I wasn’t having it. Things were going entirely too well to let her fuck them up now.

  “Don’t make me disappoint you on our wedding day, eat your Parmesan like a good girl.” I think if she thought she could get away with it, she’d gore me with the fork.

  Back at the house she disappeared in the bathroom to take a bath and I followed her headed for the shower. She’d bought some new bubble bath thing that made my dick twitch.

  I ignored her and she ignored me as we went about our business, but by the time I was finished I was ready to fuck and she was still lolling around in the tub.

  “Out.” I tied the towel around my hips after drying off and stood over her in the tub.

  “I’m not done.” She raised her leg and ran the rag over it. Yeah she was fucking with me.

  I didn’t bother arguing with her ass, just lifted her out of the water and carried her through to the bedroom.

  “Babe, all this moving around is gonna get you fucked hard. You know your little pussy is already torn up from last night and this morning, so please calm the fuck down and let me do this shit.”

  I didn’t give her much of a choice after that just covered her body with mine before she could knee me in the balls and went after my favorite spot on her neck.

  It was like saying open sesame when I did that shit, because her legs fell apart, making room for me and she didn’t protest when I licked my way down her middle to her sweet spot.

  I licked into her as deep as my tongue would go while holding her ass in my hands. She moved on my tongue and begged for more with her fingers in my hair pulling.

  The sounds she made were like adding fuel to an already out of control blaze and just made me want to fuck the shit out of her.

  I nibbled around the pussy, teasing her clit and pussy lips with my teeth and tongue before easing my fingers inside to test.

  She was still a little swollen but nothing for me to worry about. I went after her tits next, these things never ceased to amaze me.

  The rest of her was teenage girl thin, but these shits were magnificent, I can’t wait to cum all over them, but that was for another day.

  I wanted her mouth on my cock and had the fleeting thought that she probably didn’t know the first thing about that shit; she’d better not.

  I eased my way up her body and without words showed her what I wanted. Her face did that blushing shit as I guided my cockhead to her mouth.

  I had the good sense to hold her head in place just in case she got another one of her hair triggers and decided to gnaw my shit off.

  “I’m not gonna tell you what to do, just do what comes naturally.” She had a few false starts, but I was soon regretting giving her free rein.

  She was both curious and innovative and that tongue of hers gave my cock a workout. Maybe it was because of the new feelings I had discovered for her, but this was the best head job I’d ever had.

  She took her time and made love to my shit and I was almost embarrassed when I came close to cumming on her tongue after only five minutes.

  I pulled out and made my way back down her body until I was between her thighs and my dick was teasing the portal t
o her body.

  I took her head in my hands because for some reason I needed to look into her eyes as I took her. I slid into her warmth and was hit by that same feeling of completion.

  My eyes closed, and my heart jumped, as I started moving inside her. Un-fucking-believable. One look at her showed that she was enjoying this shit as much as I was.

  Her eyes were closed tight and her lip was caught in her teeth as her body moved to meet my thrusts. I kissed her lip from between her teeth and fed her my tongue as I fucked her like I owned her. Hey, I do.

  “I want you to ride my cock until I cum this time.” I flipped us over without leaving her body and used her ass to pull her down on my meat that was as hard as fuck.

  I was deep inside her again, and I found her spot by accident. She went off like a firecracker and almost broke my shit off at the root.

  “Fuck me look at that.” She lost all control and fucked me hard. I was so mesmerized by her passion that I just held on and let her fuck herself to climax on my dick.

  As soon as she was done squeezing the fuck out of my dick, I flung her back onto her back and lifted her legs over my shoulders so I could fuck into her as hard and as deep as my greedy little heart desired and he desired a lot.

  “That’s right baby cum for me again.” I love the way she loves my dick that was the one thing she couldn’t hide from me. I planned on being inside her as much as fucking possible in the next few days until she was a slave to my dick.

  I had the wayward thought that I was the one who was being enslaved but I pushed that shit aside. That wasn’t my style. Draco is the boss.

  When I came inside her this time it was smooth and a little more controlled than the last couple of times, when it felt like I was trying to fuck her into the mattress slats or some shit.

  Chapter 8


  Believe it or not, shit started to calm down much quicker than I had expected. I was looking into getting her someone to teach her the jewelry making shit she was into, and I’d already set her up with a tag and her own security detail.

  I sill wasn’t ready to give her too much freedom, but I knew I couldn’t keep this one secluded in my office day after day, shit, I get bored being there all fucking day.


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