
Home > Contemporary > Entice > Page 9
Entice Page 9

by Lexi Buchanan

  “Not tonight.”

  I freeze. Doesn’t she want me to touch her?

  “Lucien, when was the last time a woman did something for you without expecting anything in return?”

  I can’t believe I’m about to admit this to her. “Never.”

  She doesn’t look surprised.

  “That’s what I thought. Yes, I’m turned on. It was hot as hell being able to do that to you, but I realized that I want tonight to have just been for you. You never take time for yourself, and I guessed right, so in a minute we’re going to have an early night. I’m going to sleep in your arms, whether you like it or not, and tomorrow we can go and see my mom and your parents. And for once in your life you are going to do as you’re told.”

  The bossy little thing!

  Chuckling, I roll on top of her and groan when my balls come to rest between her thighs. And from the way her breathing has picked up, I think Sabrina likes just where I’m resting. I press down and watch as she bites back a moan.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Waking up and finding a glass of water with ice, a dish overflowing with melon and cherries, along with a cup of coffee on the table beside me, makes me smile. I’m still wrapped up in Lucien’s arms so I’m not sure when he snuck out of bed to leave me these treats. I’m certainly not complaining. I’ve discovered that ice-cold water and melon first thing in the morning help calm my waking stomach, but I still seem to need my caffeine fix. After my first morning cup, I’ve managed to suffer with decaffeinated for the rest of the day so that’s good, right?

  Online when I looked up things to prevent morning sickness, a lot of people suggested ginger biscuits or crackers, but I find I’m craving something wetter. God, that sounds dirty, especially after what I did to Lucien last night. But it’s the truth. Either that or the morning sickness has decided to disappear on its own.

  I burrow deeper into Lucien’s arms and hear him groan as he clamps down on my wiggling hips. “You need to stop before you find more than you bargained for,” he growls.

  “I know exactly what I want,” I counter as I turn in his arms and face him. “It’s morning and I want you to make sweet love to me.”

  My left leg curves over his hip as I align our body parts up. His dick nudges against me so I push down and he slides in an inch or two. I’m so wet for him that there isn’t going to be any problem. He grips my hips and thrusts all the way inside. Rolling on top of me, I wrap my legs around his hips and cling to his arms with my hands. I run them up and down too frightened of touching him somewhere that I know will end what we’re doing now.

  And then he starts moving and all thoughts fly out of my head and I just feel.

  Lucien dips his head and captures my lips in a long slow kiss. I’m sure he’s trying to tell me something but before it really sinks in, he’s pulled away and is lavishing my breasts with his tongue. When he sucks my nipple into his mouth, my pussy clamps around his cock in pleasure.

  He trembles against me.

  My nipples are really sensitive because of the pregnancy and I’ve just discovered a livewire straight to my core.

  Switching to my other throbbing nipple, he sucks and swirls his tongue around it causing me to arch up into him. As he grinds against me, I fly apart in his arms. I vaguely hear him grunt against me while I’m flying.

  Lucien brings me slowly back to earth with gentle kisses over my chest and collarbone before he slips out of me and pulls me into his arms. Holding me tight he kisses me on my forehead.

  We stay silent and allow our breathing to get back to normal.

  I feel as though my heart is about to burst out of my chest. All my nerve endings are alive and buzzing after that. The only problem I have now is with me being wrapped in Lucien’s arms, I can’t wipe the tears from my eyes without him knowing there is something wrong. Well, there isn’t really anything wrong, it’s just that having him make love to me like he just did instead of hiding behind me, makes me so happy. Lying together like this, I can hope that, perhaps, there is a future for us. A future that involves us having a normal relationship without Lucien worrying that I’m going to walk away from him.

  “You’re thinking too hard.”

  “That was the first,” my voice cracks, “time.”

  “I know.”

  He rolls over to his back.

  “Things are changing. I don’t do change well.” He kisses me on the shoulder before rolling out of bed, his long sleeved tee shirt still in place as he walks into the bathroom and closes the door.

  I’m left floundering.

  After what we’ve just done, he could have stayed in bed longer. He could have sat next to me while I eat the goodies he’s left me, like he’s done the past couple of mornings. Lucien did warn me that he needs time. I just hoped he planned on spending that time with me, not off on his own beating himself up for reasons only he knows.

  On a sigh, I sit up and rearrange the pillows behind me so I can get something in my stomach before it decides to rebel.

  Finishing up the fruit, Lucien walks back out of the bathroom, fully dressed in jeans and another long sleeved tee shirt with his hair still damp from his shower and gives me a quick look in passing as he slips his watch onto his wrist. Collecting his wallet and keys from the table, he gives me another glance before he opens the bedroom door. “I’m going to get some breakfast. I shouldn’t be long, and then we’ll go and visit your mom. She’ll be around, right?”

  I nod.

  He pauses before he says, “Okay, see you soon,” on his way through the apartment.

  What the hell just happened!

  I’m angry now. There was no need for him to leave like he just did without a proper word to me. I know we are new and it’s going to take time for us both to adjust to being with each other, but, well, that was damn well rude. We are going to be having words when he returns.


  My mood is definitely raw and the headache that is starting is definitely from my anger with Lucien. He has done nothing but frown since arriving home after breakfast. He’d been gone just over an hour, which was long enough for me to get up and ready. But as soon as he walked in, I knew his mood from when he left hadn’t lightened any, but it had darkened to the point that he could barely say two words to me without snapping my head off. So I’d done what any sane person would do and kept my mouth shut even though it pissed me off.

  Being pissed off, I suppose, is the best way to be when I’m about to face my mother. Because it means I won’t let her walk all over me like she does on too many occasions to count. She’s my mom and I spend more time biting my lip to keep my words back than I do actually talking to her. Why? Well you see, I’m not the perfect daughter. I don’t like to sit and chat books with her and her friends over tea and sandwiches. Heaven forbid, I bring up the kind of books I like to read. I’m sure they’d all choke on their tea if I mentioned, Christian Grey from the Fifty Shades trilogy. In fact, on one occasion when I was annoyed with her for interfering with my life again, I’d purposely gone out and bought paperbacks with the most risqué covers I could find and minutes before her friends were due to arrive, I’d gone around and laid them out where they would be found. A childish thing to do, but it was worth it to see the look on her face.

  I’ve never been good enough for her. As a child growing up I’d prefer the jeans my dad would buy me instead of the lacy and frilly dresses my mother would buy. Or I’d prefer to be up a tree, instead of standing beneath, or the time the son of one of my dad’s friends had shown up on a bike. I’d gone off on the back with him and ended up covered in mud because the heavens had opened and soaked us and there’d been no mudguard on the bike. I’d loved it of course, but as usual my mom had been disappointed in me. She couldn’t understand why I’d act like a boy instead of a delicate young lady. Delicate my ass. Apparently my marriage prospect was going down beyond belief because of my wild ways.

  Well, I guess we are about to see wha
t she thinks about Lucien, who I’m not too sure about at the moment. He told me we were going to get married, but I’d agreed to be engaged for now. The only thing is, he hasn’t mentioned anything about it since the hospital. So who knows what’s going through that head of his. I wish I knew though so I could help rid him of his dark thoughts.

  Realizing I’ve been lost in thought for most of the journey, I pull myself back into the present as Lucien pulls into a parking space directly outside my mother’s building. I’d lived here for a month or two when we first arrived back in Lexington, which drove me crazy. Needless to say I’d moved out as soon as the opportunity presented itself.

  Climbing out of the car, Lucien runs around and gets my door. This time I climb out myself, as his hand wasn’t offered. Closing the door, he still isn’t really looking at me so when he takes my elbow I yank it free. I just catch his startled expression from the corner of my eye before the mask is back in place.

  We walk into the building in silence and greet the doorman, who shows us to the elevator. Once inside, I press the button for the seventh floor and stand on the opposite side of Lucien. His dark looks have started to get to me. I’m already on a short fuse because of what I’m about to say to my mother, but having Lucien be like he is, when he’s promised to be there for me with her has me worried.

  My mom will take one look at us together and see the tension that has sprung up between us.

  As the elevator takes us slowly up to my mother’s floor, my anger flares to life and I can’t hold it in any longer. Turning to Lucien, I ask, “What the fuck is going on? And don’t you dare say nothing.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Are you for real?” I wave my hand between us. “You’ve been in a snit since you made love to me and I want to know what changed. What happened?”

  He gives me a dark look before running his fingers through his hair. “It isn’t you. It’s me. You knew going into this with me that it wasn’t going to be easy.” He looks away. “Let’s get this over with so we can go and actually celebrate with my family.”

  “Not sure I feel like celebrating,” I mumble under my breath as I exit the elevator and lead Lucien to my mother’s apartment.

  After I press the buzzer announcing our arrival—an arrival she’ll be expecting since the doorman will have informed her I was on my way up with a strange man—Lucien takes hold of my face, turns me to look at him and seals his lips over mine.

  I’m so stunned at this unexpected move that my mouth opens allowing him entry. His tongue dances with mine as I moan and wrap my arms around his neck, bringing us flush with the other. He turns me inside out with his touch and I know when he’s holding me tight in his arms like he is now, with his mouth devouring mine, and his hands on my bottom that I have his undivided attention. I just wish it lasted longer than the kissing and touching.

  “Well really, Sabrina.”

  My instinct on hearing my mother’s voice is to pull away from Lucien, but he doesn’t allow me to as he slows our kiss down. He eventually leaves my lips, smiles down at me and kisses me again before letting me turn to face my mom.

  With his arm around my waist, he smiles the way that makes my heart melt as he greets my mom. “Mrs Walker. How are you? I’m Lucien McKenzie.” He is so smooth. I watch in disbelief as my mom melts before my eyes. Well that’s a first!

  “Come in.”

  Mom opens the door wide for us to enter and frowns as I walk past her.

  “Please call me Dorothy,” she tells Lucien without missing a beat, “and would you like some refreshment? I’m sure Sabrina wouldn’t mind finding you something.”

  God, we’ve been here a minute and she’s pissed me off already. That’s a new record.

  “Sabrina isn’t going to find me anything.” Lucien takes my jacket and keeping hold of it, ushers me onto the sofa before sitting beside me with my jacket draped over his thighs. “I know you’ve met some of my family, and for whatever reason I wasn’t present, but we’re here to let you know that I’ve asked Sabrina to marry me and she’s accepted.”

  Words escape me.

  I told him that I’d agree to be engaged to him for now, and marriage may follow once we get to know each other so him being so forward is a surprise. Looking at the shock on my mother’s face, I turn and meet his gaze. He winks at me before turning his attention back on my mom. It dawns on me that he said that first to give her something to think about before he announces, “You’re also going to become a Granny,” as he caresses my stomach.

  I cringe. Granny isn’t going to go down too well, which he damn well knows. I can’t help but snicker.

  He’s damn wicked.

  “You’ve gotten her pregnant?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He grins. “Strong swimmers in the McKenzie family.”

  She stutters and we watch as she blushes.

  He’s purposely baiting her.

  I shouldn’t feel the need to come to her rescue when that wouldn’t even enter her head if it was me, but I do. “Mom, I’m three months pregnant and sometime before the baby is born we might be getting married. That’s not confirmed as yet so we’ll see.”

  Ignoring what Lucien said my mother's gaze spears in to me and I know she isn't happy. All the years of disappointment is shining in her eyes right now as her mouth goes as tight as her voice, "Really Sabrina, I expected as much from you. Unmarried, pregnant and now you are only considering marriage. For that baby's sake, I would hope that you are married before it's born. There is nothing worse than giving birth to an illegitimate child. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you don't care about the well being of that little person inside you. You always were selfish Sabrina."

  I feel Lucien tense beside me at her words. I’m not surprised by her tone, but I am with her angry words, which is sad considering she’s the only parent I have left.

  Lucien gets to his feet and pulls me up. “We’re leaving before I say something that might have Sabrina hating me. If you want to be involved in your daughter and grandchild’s life then I’m sure you know how to contact us.”

  Before I can fully comprehend what she’s just said and Lucien’s reaction to her words, I’m out in the hall and being ushered back to the elevator with a fuming Lucien.

  He leans with his hands on the wall and then lets his head drop between them while he calms himself down. I hate seeing him like this and I’ve no idea whether or not he’ll welcome my comfort or reject it. There’s only one way of finding out.

  Conscious of his aversion to being touched on his back, I move in closer to him and place my hand on his shoulder and rub.

  I feel him shudder at my touch. He turns his head and looks at me from beneath his brows and I feel my panties incinerate. I love seeing that look on his face. As though I’m the only one he sees. The one he wants to devour.

  Hearing the ping of the elevator, he moves so quickly and has me shoved up against the back wall. The doors close as his mouth descends to mine.

  Chapter Eighteen


  After feeling like I was drowning this morning, I feel pretty damn smug with myself now. Giving Sabrina an orgasm in the elevator after sucking her breasts through her top before the doors opened on the ground floor is something to feel pretty damn smug about. She’d gone off like a rocket causing me to start working out complicated mathematical problems to get my raging erection to shrink before I embarrassed myself.

  It certainly helped to lighten the mood from this morning.

  I’d been a dick.

  It killed me seeing the hurt on Sabrina’s face after I’d made love to her and not being able to prevent the feelings that were rising up in me. So I’d gone and hidden in the bathroom like a coward. I’d wanted to grab hold of her and tell her how much she means to me, but those feelings had choked me up and I’d started to panic, which brought back the last time I’d seen Alyssa. She’d been screaming at me. Telling me how hideous I looked. How no one in their right mind would
ever want to be with me, and if they did it would be because of my money, and who my family are, and not because of me with how I look now.

  For years, every time I shut my eyes, all I could see was her face all screwed up in disgust, until eventually I started to believe her and shut myself off from everyone. I suppose the fact that I couldn’t get hard for her after the fire might have angered her even more, but if she’d loved me then she would have hung around and not abandoned me. I thank God everyday that my family were there. They always are.

  And now I have Sabrina under my skin and for the most part I’ve resigned myself to that fact. It’s when she looks at me as though I’m the only one she sees that terrifies me. I want that look to always be on her face. I don’t want it to ever be wiped off because of how I look unclothed. No matter how many times she tells me to trust her and that she isn’t like that, until you’re faced with fact no one has any idea how they’ll react.

  The more time I spend with her, the more I’m pulled under. Until she moved in with me, I had no idea how lonely I was, how much I was craving company. Someone to call my own to build a life with, and then Sabrina burst into my life literary knocking the breath out of me.

  My brothers already think of her as part of the family, and, well, I don’t even need to think about my parents. They welcomed her into the family from the minute she stepped foot in to their home with Lily. When Sabrina hasn’t shown up for a family dinner, Mom has always given me the look, which would have me coming up with any excuse I could think of to get out of her line of sight. Yeah, my mom still has it.

  I’m going to give Mom a minute after we tell her about the baby to reach for the tissues. She loves children and dotes on Charlotte and Jr. so much. It’s no wonder she’s always hinting at us to get married and give her a house full of grandchildren. No doubt she’ll be wishing extra children on each of us when she finds out about Ramon, although he could adopt. I need to pin him down and find out what’s going on with him. I really hate knowing something is going on, but not exactly knowing what, and he’s damn evasive. In fact, Sabrina probably knows more about what’s going on in his life than any of us, as they seem to have developed a good friendship.


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