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The Book of a Thousand Sins

Page 23

by Wrath James White

  Sue felt his body tense and looked up into Lord’s dark fearsome eyes. Shadows swirled deep within those sunless pits. It was like looking into hell. She imagined she could see the souls screaming in agony, burning in indescribable anguish on the surface of his retinas.

  “Is there anything wrong Lord?”

  “We are almost here.”

  They cruised up Polk Street appraising the rows of drugged out prostitutes and transvestites. Jacque pointed out a young slender Filipino boy with wounded eyes and a face even prettier than Timothy’s. Timothy countered with a tough-looking teenager with gang tattoos and hard vascular musculature. Sue and Lana were tittering over a black transvestite with breasts nearly as big as Sue’s and an ass like an inflatable beach ball. She had big seat cushion lips, a dick-sucker pucker, and eyes delirious with a cocktail of drugs. Lord ordered the chauffeur to drive on.

  They pulled up alongside a thick-muscled Latino leather boy, wearing tight denims, a leather vest, and a police hat. He had a thick handlebar mustache and handcuffs and a police baton hanging from his belt. William rose up excitedly, pressing his face against the window and almost drooling. Again, Lord ordered the chauffeur past.

  Lord was considering going back for the transvestite when they passed a Filipino woman with a slight build and fierce eyes. She had a small firmly muscled frame with a tight muscular ass like an Olympic gymnast. She wore a red latex miniskirt similar to Lana’s that just barely covered her superior posterior and a latex halter-top that revealed her rippling abdominal muscles. There were welts on her thighs and she had scars on her back that had obviously come from a whip. Lord licked his lips appreciatively, ignoring the jealous sneer that tore across Sue’s features.

  The limousine slid up beside the delicious Filipino and Lord rolled down his window. The woman leaned in and then quickly backed out and started to turn away when she spotted the carload of misfits.

  “How much do you want?” Lord offered.

  “You don’t have enough. I don’t do groups.”

  “You wouldn’t have to do all of us. These guys don’t even like women. But they do.” Lord said gesturing toward Sue and Lana who were suddenly very interested.

  “How do I know you’re not a pimp?” She asked halting in her tracks and looking Lord over suspiciously. She pointed to a livid purple bruise around her throat. “I’ve already got a pimp.”

  Lord smiled at her without answering.

  “What’s your specialty?”

  She turned so Lord could get a better look at the welts on her back.

  “I like it rough.”

  “So I see.”

  “But it costs more.”

  “Not a problem. Get in.”

  Lord opened the door and she hesitated a moment, looking in at the bizarre menagerie seated inside the limousine.

  “Hurry up will ya! I’m paying this limo by the hour!” Jacque squealed. “Oh for fuck sake! Here’s $500; now get your sweet little ass in the car!”

  That decided the matter for her. She slid across Lord and Sue’s laps into the car. Lord found himself immediately aroused by her slight sensuous body as she crawled over him, sliding her tiny breasts over his throbbing erection. He rubbed his hand over her rubber-coated callipygian buttocks and had to restrain himself from taking her right there. Her ass was a marvel of nature.

  She snuggled in between Lana and Sue and began stroking their bare thighs.

  “My name is Pinay,” she said as she slid her hands up between their thighs. “So which one of you am I fucking first?” She asked, glaring lasciviously at them with her hard eyes that seemed to hold the same combination of wrath, lust, and sorrow that Anja’s had. Lord would regret seeing her die.

  Lana pulled the girl onto her lap and began stripping off her clothing, kissing her beautiful face and sucking on her tiny breasts. Sue rolled over to join in, leaving Lord alone with his thoughts for the first time since she’d joined their little party.

  “Save some of that for the camera. Do you think we have enough models now? I know there are a lot of poses but we don’t have to use a different model for each shot do we?”

  Lord didn’t want to tell any of them that they would probably not survive more than one or two of the sexual acts he had planned. The agonizing postures and positions in The Book of Sins did not really allow for encores. He knew Timothy was dying for a peek at the book. Even Jacque had not seen it yet though he’d heard of it and Lord had tried to prepare him as much as possible for what horrors it contained. Lord held the malevolent tome close to him. They would all know its contents in time.

  “That’s okay Jacque. I’ve got my other slaves waiting.”

  Sue, William, and Lana all bristled at the news that there would be still others joining their party. They each wanted Lord to themselves.

  “Do not worry my pets. You shall all get more of me than you can possibly handle. No one shall be deprived this night. That I promise.”

  Lord picked up the cell phone and called his slaves to tell them to meet him at Vanessa’s loft. His first call was to Alex, a young doctor with the pain threshold of a fakir. He agreed, brimming with excitement. Lord was getting excited as well. The anticipation of sex and the fear of his own death and eternal torture combined into a powerful aphrodisiac. He dialed his other two slaves and listened to the whine of a dial tone. They both had call waiting and they’d both been told to expect his call. There was no reason for their phones to be busy. Cold fingers of dread creeped over Lord’s shoulders and raced down his spine.

  Bob and Alice had been with Lord for years, long before Anja. They had been two of his first slaves. They’d both assisted in educating Anja in her duties as one of Lord’s chosen people. He hoped that they were still alive even though he’d been planning on killing them anyway. There were always more slaves to be had. The world was filled with men and women in need of a master, in need of a Lord. He turned to watch the three women beside him as they licked and caressed each other, already planning around his two absent acolytes who he knew were probably lost forever.


  San Francisco has a surprising number of bars for such a small city. Lord watched the lines of enthusiastic club-goers with mild interest as they cruised past on their way across town. There is so much beauty and diversity in the human form that Lord wished he could fit thousands more into the limousine, lose himself in their flesh, wash himself in an ocean of blood and sexual fluids.

  They were passing a lesbian leather bar when Lord’s eyes widened in shock. There stood Anja, in the flesh, her posse of disfigured zombies ripping apart dykes right there on the sidewalk. She spotted him seconds after he spotted her. Her face contorted into a smile that closely resembled a snarl and she pointed her demons toward the speeding limousine.

  Lord quickly looked around the limousine to see if anyone else had noticed the on-rushing horde of the vengeful damned. They were all engaged in their own conversations or absorbed in their own fears. He turned back just as a man with the faces and breasts of at least three different women, the arms of a weightlifter, and the genitalia of at least seven different men in a seething nest between his mismatched legs, caught up with the car. He was moving much faster than humanly possible and his muscles were almost falling apart under the strain, breaking free of the tendons and bone and bunching up under his skin. The creature raked a hand, spiked with shards of protruding bone that appeared to be ribs, across the vehicle. The screech of bone grating metal was just barely audible over the chatter within the limousine.

  The chauffeur spotted the shower of sparks that flew up from where the thing was slashing its claws across the rear fender. He looked into his rear view mirror, right into the face of the ghastly demon/corpse, and punched down on the accelerator, speeding them quickly around the corner and leaving the nightmarish thing behind.

  “What-tha-fuck! What was that?”

  The chauffeur rolled the partition halfway down searching the backseat for anyone else who may have
witnessed the horror that had nearly overtaken them. Lord caught his panicked eyes before he could spread his fear to the rest of them and silenced him with his own stern gaze.

  “Shhhhh.” He said and the man turned back around with his eyes still wide with terror. Lord tried to hide his own mounting fear as he turned to find everyone looking at him with concern. He stared them all down without offering a single word of explanation for either the chauffeur’s sudden panic-attack or the fact that the limousine was now on its way to breaking a land speed record. The less they knew the better.

  He smiled malevolently and they all found better things to look at. Lord went back to looking out the window. Keeping an eye out for Anja and her pets.


  The ride across town to Vanessa’s upper Haight Ashbury District apartment was filled with a combination of Timothy’s exuberance, Lana and Sue’s lustful anticipation, Pinay’s coy sensuousness, Jacque’s tittering, and Lord and William’s stoic introspection. William was afraid Lord would kill him and Lord was afraid he wouldn’t have time to kill him before Anja killed them all.

  They pulled up in front of an old Victorian house painted in garish yellow and red and piled out of the limo in a disorderly mob. Lord was in no mood to correct them. They would not live long enough to be trained.

  He knocked on Vanessa’s door just as another vehicle pulled up and one more guest arrived to join the party.

  “Welcome Alex.”

  Alex was a tall, slender, athlete, doctor, and extreme masochist with lean wiry muscles. He ran marathons and pierced and branded himself for fun. He had a huge python draped around him and there were several other cages filled with various exotic animals in the back of his Honda Civic hatchback. Lord and Jacque smiled. They now had everything they needed.

  Timothy and William helped carry the cages out of the car as Sue and Lana fawned over the snake. There were two more smaller snakes in the other cages along with several rodents and weasels. William’s mind raced over the possibilities.

  “Lighting! I didn’t bring any lighting!” Jacque whined as he fitted the expensive telephoto lens onto his Nikon 35mm and stuffed rolls and rolls of film into his pockets.

  “Make do.” Lord commanded, leading his entourage into the house in a procession as dichotomously solemn and joyous as a New Orleans funeral. He grabbed Alex by the arm halting him in his tracks and whispered in his ear.

  “Where’s Bob and Alice? I tried calling them after I called you to tell them where to meet and they didn’t answer?”

  “I tried calling them too, just before I left. I couldn’t get them either. I talked to them earlier after you called me and they were excited about coming. I thought maybe you’d gotten a hold of them and they were here already.”

  Lord relaxed his grip and his eyes went dark and ominous. He knew that neither of them were coming. They were probably dead already. Anja would have remembered them from when she was part of Lord’s circle of playmates. She would have assumed that they would be part of the party. She’d probably already tortured them both to death trying to find the location of the party. Unfortunately she’d jumped the gun. Neither of them knew.

  Worry was slowly giving way to dread but Lord was determined not to let his mounting fear ruin this crowning moment for him. Once he had the illustrations and he’d secured himself an exalted place in hell, he could take all the time he needed to translate the book and secure his place in the annals of human history. Once he’d surpassed even Anja’s own feats of deviant perversion not even she could touch him.

  Vanessa stood at the top of the steps wearing only a robe, which was wide open and catching wind, as she greeted her guests with nipples erect and pussy freshly shaven. She smiled at Lord and held out her arms to welcome him and his menagerie into her home.

  The room had already been rearranged to give them more space to perform and candles filled every available surface; window ledges, tables, chairs, art niches, the fireplace mantle, everything except the floor. The fireplace was lit and a flame raged inside, warming the room. Everyone immediately began to disrobe without needing to be asked. Lord peeled off his own clothing and opened Le Livre Des Péchés, the infamous The Book of a Thousand Sins.

  “Time to play.”


  The first screams belonged to William. Predictably Lana lost her nerve and fled the house without a word. Sue once again snuggled tight to Lord for reassurance as she watched Alex lubricate the eighteen-foot python with peanut oil and attempt to ease the entire thing into William’s rectum, which was stretched far beyond its capacity.

  Alex was struggling with the thing as it resisted being forced into such a confined space. The monstrous serpent nearly crushed him before he managed to get the head inside. After that it began to slide in fairly easily.

  Blood flowed from William’s anus in a steady stream as the thing writhed its way into his lower bowels. Nearly five feet of reptile was slithering around inside of William before it got stuck. Its panicked undulations tickled William’s prostate and he abruptly ceased screaming and began to coo delightedly. He took his miniscule penis in his hand and began aggressively masturbating, tugging at himself so hard it looked like he might rip the tiny thing right off.

  Jacque had placed an iron helmet with spikes inside it on top of William’s head and the weight of the thing was slowly driving the spikes into his skull. A sheet of blood poured down his face giving him the agonized and rapturous look of Christ on the cross.

  Jacque flitted around him snapping pictures as the python wound the rest of its body around poor William and began to constrict. All the blood rushed to William’s head turning him purple and blue and causing more blood to pour from the wounds in his scalp. Lord rushed in to rescue him before his bones started to snap. He wrenched the python from William’s ass and strangled the life from the thing. William collapsed into Lord’s arms gasping for air. Everyone began to clap, awed by the fact that William had survived. Now it was Sue’s turn.

  Her breasts had scabbed over with blood from Lord’s earlier scalpel work and after tying her down, he reopened the wounds by whipping her breasts with a cat made of leather, knotted and braided and embedded with shark’s teeth. Jacque’s camera clicked steadily as Lord tore the scorpion and hawk design to shreds.

  Sue screamed and cried out, tears streaming down her face. Lord paused to lick the blood from her lacerated and mutilated breasts sending shivers all through her. She began to plead with him to stop. He kissed her deeply silencing her and then sent Pinay to calm her by burying her head in her pussy as he continued to whip her.

  Pinay misunderstood his command and began to lick Sue’s sopping wet vagina. Sucking her clitoris and nearly bringing Sue to orgasm.

  “No! That’s not what I meant!” Lord grabbed Pinay roughly, lifting her off the ground. Vanessa rushed over with some barbed wire to bind the poor girl’s arms behind her. They tied her up in barbed wire from her shoulders to just above her calves leaving only her luscious ass unscathed. She cursed and screamed as the sharp barbs punctured her skin drawing blood from dozens of wounds. A curtain of liquid red rained down her body covering even her ass in a slick crimson sheen. Lord lifted Pinay up and shoved her entire head up Sue’s snatch, ripping her wide.

  He used the blood dripping from her punctured flesh and Sue’s flayed mammaries to lubricate his own erection and then slowly inserted himself between Pinay’s golden brown buttocks parting those perfect globes with his massive organ and then aggressively thrusting into her anus as he resumed whipping Sue’s breasts. Lord came with a roar and a shudder watching the little street hooker suffocate within the torn and ragged hole between Sue’s massive thighs. Sue came as well . . . just as Pinay stopped breathing.

  The rest of his little assemblage stood in shocked and horrified silence as Lord continued to fuck Pinay in her ass, quivering with the last tremors of his own little death, while her body convulsed in its death throes. Her spastic movements sent yet another orgasm ripp
ing through Sue’s rotund body. Lord withdrew himself from her corpse seconds before it voided its waste fluids all over the floor.

  Lord dragged Pinay’s lifeless carcass out of Sue’s vagina just as the huge woman collapsed into tears. He leaned over and kissed her deeply on the mouth and then licked the tears from her face. Sue smiled even as the tears continued to fall. Her breasts looked like raw hamburger and her hideously distended vagina looked as if she had just delivered conjoined twins.

  “In for a penny. In for a pound,” Lord declared glaring at his remaining playthings and wiping the blood and excrement from his cock, daring any of them to back out now.

  He kissed Sue once again, grateful for her sacrifice. Then he picked up The Book of Sins and turned the next page. It was Timothy’s turn.

  Knowing that Timothy’s contribution would be particularly gruesome, he decided to chain up his remaining lovers so that none of them would suddenly get second thoughts. He knew that their enthusiasm had probably weakened seeing him truss Pinay up in barbed wire and shove her up Sue’s snatch. He could sense them wanting to follow Lana’s example and flee screaming down the street when Pinay’s muffled screams had started to die down and her chest ceased its rise and fall. They had only found the nerve to stay by reminding themselves that he had saved William and she was, after all, only a prostitute he’d purchased for their amusement. Though none of them had found her death particularly amusing.

  Vanessa brought Lord the scalpel she’d retrieved from his dungeon. At his command she rushed to get him a needle and thread and two of the animal cages. Then she allowed herself to be tied up as well. Now Jacque and Lord himself were the only two in the room who remained unbound.

  Lord began his cutting starting with Timothy and working his way around to all of them, cutting into their flesh and fucking the new orifices, sewing animals up inside them and sewing sexual organs to mouths. He skinned Timothy alive, and cut a hole in his abdomen for Alex to fuck with his tremendous cock, which was nearly as large as Lord’s. Lord then cored out Timothy’s asshole with a paring knife and ordered Alex to fuck that as well before he finally popped one of Timothy’s eyes from the socket and pierced his brain with the tip of his dick. He finished by coating Timothy’s naked muscle and fat with his semen as Jacque shot off one roll of film after another.


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