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The DragonWitch Tales - An Unexpected Beginning

Page 5

by Shannon Harris

  “Why did we break up again?”

  “I was a lousy girlfriend, but an exceptional best friend. I will always love you, you know that.” She winked at her.

  Paisley plucked the cup from her hand and sat it on the kitchen counter before wrapping her arms around K.G. and sinking into the hug. She leaned up and kissed her on the cheek. “I love you, too.” She pulled away from her and wiped at her eyes before sitting back down.

  K.G. pointed to Addison. “You have your own bodyguard. That is so cool. I could have used one of those this morning. So, Addison, amaze us with your battle stories.” Addison regaled them with a few interesting tales, and before they knew it, it was lunchtime and they ordered pizza.

  It felt good to be relaxed for once. Paisley wasn’t sure how long she would get to feel that way. The encounter with the woman that morning felt off somehow. She shook her head and decided not to worry about it, instead throwing herself into their conversation. It was late afternoon and they were getting ready to leave when K.G. asked them to stay for dinner. Paisley readily agreed because it had been far too long since they had spent an entire day together.

  She kissed her good night after an enjoyable meal of grilled chicken and vegetables. Paisley and Addison were laughing when they walked through the back door of her house only to come to a complete stop when Lana glared at them.

  “Where have you been? It’s eleven o’clock. You have no business running around town.” She planted her hands on her hips and glared at them. “And you.” She pointed at Addison, who stiffened beside her. She was about to walk around Paisley when Paisley put her arm out to stop her.

  “You need to watch your tone with me.” Paisley huffed. “I am a grown woman and I will do what I want, when I want, and with whomever I want. You may think you have a place in my life, but you are wrong. I don’t even know you, so watch the attitude. And as for Addison, she was doing what she was supposed to do. I never thought for a second that she wouldn’t be able to protect me if something were to happen. Don’t you dare question her or reprimand her. She is my guard, not yours. Do I make myself clear?”

  Lana bit her lip, and after a few tense moments, nodded and sighed. “I was just worried.”

  “I was perfectly safe. Isn’t it a bit early in our relationship for you to be worried about me?”

  “You’re my wife. I am going to worry about your safety.”

  It was Paisley’s turn to nod. “Still, I am not going to be locked up in my own home just because you feel it’s where I should be.” She patted Addison on the arm. “Let’s go to bed.” She ignored Lana as they walked past her and down the hallway. The last thing she wanted was Lana telling her what to do, and she would be damned if she treated her like she was a possession. She didn’t belong to anyone, and that was the way she intended for it to stay.


  Paisley accepted the cookie that Helen, her boss, handed her and wished her a good day before walking out the front door of The RiversEdge. Work had been pleasant and time flew by. That morning she had managed to leave the house without running into Lana. Thank goodness for small miracles. Addison had mentioned that she left before the alarm went off. At this point, she couldn’t see their relationship working out. Just because she had on a bonding bracelet didn’t mean she would give in to anything Lana wanted. Granted, she was a looker, but looks had never swayed her in the past, and they wouldn’t start now. When Addison squirmed beside her, she figured they should get going.

  “Are we going back to your house?”

  Once they were on the street, she answered her. “No. I promised my mom I would stop by and talk to my dad. I don’t know what the hell I am in for with his speech.”

  “Does it change the way you see him, knowing now where he was born?”

  Paisley shook her head. “Of course not. I love my dad and would do absolutely anything for him. Even though he and my uncle Cliff take a fishing trip every year, me and my dad, we fish a couple of times a month, even in winter. I love my mom, but me and my dad have so much more in common. I know that sounds weird now, knowing that I am a witch that takes after my mom’s side of the family.”

  “If I were you, I would be more freaked out.”

  “Speaking of that, don’t you find this world strange compared to yours? I mean, I don’t know what your world is like, but considering the clothes you and Lana wear, I could only guess that it’s not as modern as the world we’re in now.”

  “It’s not, but I love it. We don’t have cars or any modern luxuries. No electricity, but most houses do have a water and sewage system. And to answer your other question, I have been coming to this world for years, along with Lana and a few of the other female guards. They wanted us to become acclimated to it, if the need ever arose that we would be needed to fulfill our duties here.”

  “That makes sense.” She eased to a stop, then turned into her parents’ driveway. She took a deep breath and ran her hands along her pants. After a few minutes, Addison touched her arm and they got out of the car. Once inside, she introduced Addison to her mom and grandma, who readily accepted her, then they directed her to the basement where her dad was waiting to talk to her. Paisley rocked back on her heels and fiddled with her glasses.

  “Paisley,” Grams said. “Why are you so nervous?”

  She shook out her hands. “I don’t know.”

  Her mom patted her shoulder, gave her a tray of cookies, then steered her in the direction of the basement door.

  Even though she had just finished eating a cookie in the car, she somehow managed to eat another three by the time she made it down the stairs. Her dad was sitting in the middle of the couch, with his back to her and his arms spread out on the back of it, looking up at the T.V. that hung above the fireplace. On unsteady feet, she walked toward him, set the tray on the coffee table, then plopped down beside him. As soon as he pulled her against his side she started crying. Everything that she had allowed to build up over the last few days came crashing down around her. She snuggled into his side, inhaling his aftershave, and allowed him to comfort her like he did when she was younger. After her tears dried up he handed her a box of tissues and they both were content to let the drama play out on the cooking show. “What are they doing?” She sniffed. “For them to be professionals they put way too many red pepper flakes on that salad.”

  He nodded and squeezed her shoulder. “I know. Idiots. The first thing the judges are going to say is it was too hot.” Her father had always been her hero and always larger than life to her. As she grew older, her hero worship turned into a friendship that she wouldn’t trade for anything. Although she and her mother got along, she was always a daddy’s girl and always would be.

  They shared a bond that her mother was often jealous of, and now Paisley had a good idea why. She supposed that because her mother passed on the gifts of her family line, she should have been closer to her, but that wasn’t the case. Growing up, her father often indulged in her hobbies, always encouraging her and taking part whenever possible. In the last few years, they had gotten into a routine of fishing a couple of times a month, binge watching cooking shows, and scouring the flea markets looking for their next treasure. He was her rock, and she hoped that after their talk nothing would change.

  After the credits had rolled, he picked up the remote and turned the T.V. off, but he didn’t make a move to get up and neither did she. After a few moments of silence, he spoke. “I grew up on a small farm that was situated outside of the city limits. My dad’s family had always been farmers and my mother’s had always been into trade of some sort. Furs, canned goods, you name it, they would make it or find a way to get it. When I took an interest in the Elite Guards, my family was surprised but supported me a hundred percent. I was just as shocked as anybody when I was chosen for marriage with someone I had never met.” He squeezed her shoulder. “I won’t get into that process just yet, so let’s put that question on the back burner. My mother’s name is Lucinda, and my father’s is Rich
ard. When I left, I had two brothers and three sisters: Malcom, Richard Jr., Olivia, Becky, and Abigail. My maternal grandmother’s name was Paisley. She was an amazing woman, and someone I looked up to my whole life. I knew when I held you, you would be just as extraordinary as she was.”

  “I don’t know. This is all so overwhelming.”

  “You’ll get the hang of it.”

  “I’m not sure I want to stay married to Lana,” she blurted out.

  He was quiet for so long she thought she had said something wrong. She was leaning forward to stand up when he pulled her back down to his side. “Because of the rules and laws of Dangor, where I came from, I should tell you that you shouldn’t let doubt creep into what fate has deemed an acceptable pairing. But I am your dad and all I want is for you to be happy.” He raised up and tapped Paisley’s chin. “I love you and the last thing I want is for you to be unhappy. Don’t repeat what I am about to tell you to anyone. I mean anyone, Paisley.”


  “You only get one life and I would never want you to stay with someone you didn’t love just for the greater good. You’re my greater good. So, no matter what happens, or what people tell you, stay true to who you are. Don’t stay with her because it’s something that you think you should do. If you grow to love her that’s wonderful, but if not, find someone who does make you happy. I am not saying it will be easy, because it won’t. It will be an uphill battle, but you do have something going for you: you are your mother’s daughter, as well as mine. You are no ordinary woman, and the sooner you realize that and accept it, the sooner you can accept who you were always meant to be.” He pulled her to him and she cuddled into his side.

  A weight was lifted off her shoulders from his words. She knew her mother would never tell her that. She was a stickler for the rules. “I love you, and I will try not to disappoint you.”

  “You’ll never disappoint me and I will love you until the day I die. Even beyond that.” He took a sip of his water, then handed her a piece of paper. It had names and different addresses on it. “This is a list of all my family members and where they lived the last time I was in Dangor. I know it was a long time ago, but I am sure if you ask around someone will be able to point you in the right direction.”

  “Okay.” She didn’t have to ask him if he missed it; it was written all over his face.

  “I know what you’re thinking, and no, I don’t regret my decision to come here. At the time, I was convinced I was doing a duty for my kingdom, but once here, I quickly fell in love with your mother and not long after that you came into our lives. I have lived an amazing life and wouldn’t trade it for anything.”

  “What’s Dangor like? Mom and Grams said I should go back with Lana.”

  He sighed. “Before we get into that there is something I need to tell you. Uncle Cliff isn’t actually your uncle.”

  She pulled away from him and sat up straighter. “What?” She should have known that from the list of names he gave her, but her mind wasn’t working on all cylinders at the moment.

  “He’s not really my brother. He was a fellow solider with me and I saved his life in battle once. He pledged to always stay by my side and protect me. When I was chosen, he threw a fit until he was allowed to come thorough the portal with me.”

  That wasn’t something she expected to hear. She adjusted her glasses. “One revelation after another. It doesn’t make any difference to me. I love him as much as I love you. Nothing will change that.”

  “Good, because he loves you like you were his own, and I know he would feel lost if you saw him differently.”

  “Not going to happen.”

  He leaned forward and rested his elbows on his legs. “Your mother and grandmother will have a lot to tell you, on top of what they have already said. I know your heritage and who you are to them, but my blood also runs through your veins and I have just as much to teach you as they do. We still don’t know what kind of powers you have or how powerful they are, but what I can teach you now is practical and could save your life. You can’t always rely on your powers because they may not always be able to save your life. We should have started years ago, but we really didn’t think you had any powers and with you being gay we weren’t sure anyone would come for you.” He raised up and leaned back into the couch.

  “So, what do you have to teach me?” To her knowledge, he had been a landscaper his entire life, so she couldn’t wait to hear what he had to say. She frowned when it finally dawned on her what he had said earlier. “You were a solider with the Elite Guards?”

  A faraway look crossed his features. “I was a damn fine one. It was only my second year in when I was chosen to come here.” He patted my arm. “I am going to teach you to fight. We’ll start with hand-to-hand combat then move on from there. I am not sure when you will have to go to Dangor, but we will get in as much training as possible. It could save your life one day.” He tapped her nose.

  “Okay.” If it wasn’t one thing it was another. Not only was she a witch, but now he wanted her to learn to fight.

  He laughed and stood up. “Honey, don’t act so enthused.” She jumped up and wrapped her arms around him. He gave her a gentle squeeze then pushed her to arm’s length. “Always stay true to who you are. Don’t let other people define you. What one person wants for you may not be in your best interests. All I care about is your best interests. I don’t know what awaits you in Dangor, but I know there will always be allies for you there. You may not be able to trust them a hundred percent but they’ll be loyal to you. I don’t care who they are, but if you find yourself drawn to someone, don’t fight it. Other people’s opinions are just that—their opinions. Listen to me. I cannot stress this enough. Always, always, trust your gut instinct. I love you and I don’t want anything to happen to you. Even if everyone is fighting against you, all you need is that one person who will stand with you. At this point, I don’t know if that person is Lana.”

  He was freaking her out with his pep talk, but if allowing him to teach her to fight eased his mind, she would do it. She kissed him on the cheek. “I will be back tomorrow and we can start on my training. I don’t have any other plans.”

  He nodded and placed a kiss on the top of her head. “Tomorrow for your training, but there’s something I need to show you now.”


  Paisley tried not to let her surprise show when he turned and walked to the corner of the basement, beckoning her to follow him. They stopped in front of a locked door, and he pulled a key out of his pants pocket that was attached to a piece of twine. The room had always been locked, and neither she nor her mom had ever been allowed inside it. That he was allowing her now didn’t bode well. “Wait, Dad.” She stopped him with his hand on the knob. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, but you must never speak about what’s inside this room. Not even to your mother or Lana or Addison. This will be between me, you, and your uncle Cliff.” Without waiting for her response, he turned the handle and stepped into the room.

  Paisley took a deep breath and stepped inside. When the door shut behind her, Paisley jumped as the lock clicked into place. After her initial apprehension faded, she looked around the room. It was a lot bigger than she would have first thought. A large couch and recliner were positioned against one wall, and the other wall had floor to ceiling built-in bookcases filled with hundreds of books. A table sat in the middle of the room with a place for a six-chair setting, although there were only two chairs present. At the wall opposite the door sat a large desk with several papers scattered on top of it. Even without a window, the room was well lit.

  Her gaze flittered to the wall above the desk where several maps were tacked onto a corkboard. Her dad didn’t stop her, instead encouraging her to look at them. One word, in the corner of every map stood out amongst the rest: Dangor. As realization dawned at what she was looking at, her pulse quickened, but a reassuring hand on her shoulder instantly calmed her. Several maps were starting to show signs of their
age, but a couple of them looked new. This room was her dad’s connection to his past. “Wow.”

  “Let’s sit. There is a lot we need to go over.” They each took one end of the couch, and Paisley drew one leg underneath her and waited for him to start. “Thirty years ago, your uncle Cliff and I were fishing when we received an unexpected visitor from Dangor. All three of us went to school together.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “We were friends and it was surreal when she came to us. You must understand, we had been without information for three years. We talked for hours, catching up. She was always close with my family and she filled me in on what was going on in their lives.”

  “That’s amazing.”

  He nodded. “Over the years, she not only brought information about my family, but also about the state of the country itself. She kept us in the loop, and it was nice to have a connection to my past, besides Cliff, if only once a year.”

  “Wait.” Paisley fiddled with her glasses. “Your annual fishing trip really isn’t a fishing trip after all?”

  “No, it is. We fish, but she also shares information with us, and occasionally, she brings other things.” He pointed to the bookshelf and the maps. “Her information has been invaluable to us. Just getting a glimpse into my family has kept me sane.”

  It was apparent to her, from the look on her dad’s face, that the woman meant a great deal to him. “You love her?”

  “Yes, but not in the way you’re thinking. She’s like a sister to me. We do share a bond and it would bother me if it was ever broken or I never saw her again.” He shrugged. “But, I think that time is coming, sooner rather than later, when she won’t show back up. There is unrest in Dangor. The exchange of power has switched hands so many times over the years, it’s hard to tell who holds it now. Others will tell you different, but I don’t believe you have anything to worry about with the Brotherhood. They’re all talk, and she also thinks so.”


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