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The DragonWitch Tales - An Unexpected Beginning

Page 10

by Shannon Harris

  “Paisley, we are just looking out for you.”

  “I love you, but this time you’re looking out for yourself. I am sure this will only take a few minutes, then we get to go home. I’m hungry.”

  Her mother looked resigned. “All right.”

  Paisley steeled her nerves and walked toward Alexia, who stood in the corner of the room with her feet crossed and her hands tucked loosely in her pants pockets. The thought of so much sexiness thrown into such a small package tilted Paisley’s world on its axis. She shook out her hands and held her head high, but almost fell to her knees at the words that came out of Alexia’s mouth when she was only a couple of feet from her.

  “My, my. You’re a wicked, wicked girl.”

  Oh, sweet hell. Paisley sucked in a breath and rubbed the back of her neck. What was she supposed to say to that? “I…”

  Alexia wagged her finger in the air. “That wasn’t a question.”

  “Oh...okay.” The look on Alexia’s face was a mix of desire, curiosity, and an emotion she couldn’t decipher but she sure as hell wanted to. It took all her control not to lick the pulse point that throbbed on Alexia’s neck. She eyed her lips before looking up and meeting her gaze.

  After a beat, Alexia nodded and pulled a piece of paper out of her pocket and held it out. When their fingers touched, Paisley jerked her hand back at the electricity that raced up her arm. “What the shit?”

  Alexia chuckled, and Paisley would do anything she could to hear that again. “Be at that address Monday morning at seven thirty.” She didn’t wait for an answer, but turned and headed toward the door. Paisley didn’t even try to stop herself from watching her walk away. The sway of her hips and the way those pants hugged her ass should be considered a crime. She wouldn’t have denied herself the pleasure of watching her walking away for anything. She snapped herself out of her fantasy when Grams waved to her. She didn’t know what she had just gotten herself into, but she couldn’t wait until Monday to find out. After the crap week she’d had, things seemed to be looking up.


  Everything was quiet on their way home, and Paisley breathed a sigh of relief when they walked in the front door and her mom and grandma went down to the basement. Addison was waiting in the living room, and Paisley motioned for her to join her on the couch. She closed her eyes and leaned her head back, jerking upright when someone touched her cheek. Lana stood in front of her, smiling. Panic threatened to overwhelm her, but she pushed it down and looked at the clock. She had been asleep for three hours. Lana wasn’t supposed to be back for another five days. This couldn’t be good. Not good at all. She figured she should say something. “What are you doing here?” It came out a bit sharper than she intended.

  “Paisley,” her mom snapped. “You know why she’s here. To take you back.”

  “Not for another five days.” This couldn’t be happening. Not now.

  “No, Paisley,” Lana said, and ran her hands through her hair. “Things have changed. We need to leave now. I received word that our enemies know that I will be bringing you back with me. To throw them off, we need to leave now.”

  Paisley adjusted her glasses and frowned. If she left now she would never see Alexia again, and she knew that wasn’t an option. For some reason, she was drawn to the her. She couldn’t not see her. “We’ll leave Monday afternoon.”

  Lana grabbed her hand and squeezed. “No, we need to leave in a couple of hours. Today.”

  Paisley threw her hand off. “No. I need more time.”

  “P.J., you have to leave now. This is your life we’re talking about.”

  She threw her hands in the air. “Is it my life? Because around here lately everyone has taken the opportunity to tell me how to live it. I…” She ran her hand through her hair. “I was supposed to have more time. This is not what I want.” She glared at her mother.

  “And sometimes we have to do what we don’t want to. It’s time to grow up, Paisley.” Her mom patted her arm, but Paisley shrugged it off.

  “This isn’t about me growing up.” Her chest heaved and she fought down the urge to do something drastic. “If you can’t already tell, I am grown up. No one here seems to realize that.” She pointed her finger at Lana. “You weren’t supposed to come for me yet.” She thought she would have more time. Why did there never seem to be enough time? First K.G., then Alexia, now this.

  “The choice was taken out of my hands.”

  Why was it always someone else’s choice and not hers? She chanced a glance at each face, and at the simple nod from her dad, she had to force herself not to lose it. This isn’t what she wanted, but she also knew she wouldn’t be getting out of it. Not if anyone in the room had anything to say about it, and going by recent events, they would be the only ones who had a say.

  “I…” Why was everything moving so fast? Now that she had a reason to stay, she had to leave. It might not have been the outcome her mom and Grams wanted, but this way they would get Alexia out of her life for good. She had a feeling that when she left this world, she wouldn’t be coming back. She bit back a sob, and waved everyone away from approaching her. “Grams, will you help me put a protective spell around Jynx’s carrier since it seems I won’t be able to take her to the vet? And before anyone says anything, she is coming with me. I will be leaving my life and everyone I love. I will not leave my cat behind.”

  “Of course, sweetheart.”

  Paisley nodded and pointed at Addison. “Help me get my stuff together.”

  “Of course.”

  They walked out of the living room and down the hallway. When they entered the bedroom and shut the door, Paisley slid down to the floor. Addison sat down beside her as Paisley buried her head in her hands and cried. Cried long and hard for what she was leaving behind, for what would never be, and for the unknowns she was getting ready to walk into.

  After what seemed like an entirety, but was only a few minutes, Addison stood up and offered Paisley her hand. Without speaking they gathered Paisley’s belongings, and one by one Addison carried them into the living room. When she came back for the last trunk, Paisley gathered Jynx in her arms, looked around the room for the last time, and walked into the living room. Everyone grew quiet when they entered. She handed Jynx off to Lana and grabbed her dad’s arm, dragging him into the kitchen. “What if I can’t do this?”

  Her pulled her into his arms, and she laid her head against his shoulder and held him tight. “I believe in you. Please, Paisley, believe in yourself. Be sure to look up my family when you get there. They will help you.”

  “I don’t love Lana.”

  “No, you don’t.”

  “I’m not even sure I like her. What do I do?” She sniffled and griped him tighter.

  He pushed her to arm’s length and looked in her eyes. “What do you do? Do not settle. Do not live a life that everyone else has dictated for you. This is your life. We only get one.” He ran his hand down her cheek, pulled her back into a tight embrace, and whispered in her ear. “I don’t care who you end up with as long as you know that she is the one. I will support you in any decision you make. If she loves you, I don’t care who she is.”

  She pulled back and kissed him on the cheek. “Thank you, Dad. You don’t know how much that means to me. I will make you proud.”

  “I’m already proud of you. Don’t ever doubt that.”

  She sniffled and accepted the tissue he handed her. “Okay.”

  “Okay. This is your chance to shine, sweetheart. Grab onto it and never let go, and if you find the one that makes your heart sing, don’t let go of her either.”

  “I’m going to miss you.”

  “This isn’t good-bye, just…see you later.”

  “Well.” The smile didn’t quite reach her eyes. They both knew this was good-bye. She turned away from him and headed back into the living room.

  Lana pointed outside. “Addison and I took your things out. Whenever you’re ready.”

  Paisley nodded and took
Jynx from her mom, kissed the top of her black, fuzzy head, and slipped her inside her carrier. “Grams?”

  “Stand back and I will put a protection spell around it.” While her grandmother worked, she turned to her mom and sank into her embrace.

  “Oh, P.J., I am going to miss you. Be strong. Be brave. But above all, be yourself. I think you’re remarkable as yourself. Listen to your teachers and you will be untouchable. I am so proud of you.” She ran her fingers down Paisley’s cheek.

  “I’ll do my best.”

  “I know.”

  “Paisley, I’m finished.”

  Paisley accepted the carrier and handed it to Addison. “Would everyone please give me a few minutes alone with Grams?” She bit her lip and kept her back to her when everyone walked out of the living room. As soon as Grams slipped her arms around her from behind, Paisley started sobbing and gripped the hands that were wrapped around her waist. “I don’t know if I can do this. I don’t know if I can leave you.” Grams slid around to her front and put her hands on Paisley’s shoulders.

  “Look at me.” She cupped her cheeks.

  Paisley didn’t bother to wipe the tears away that fell. “How am I supposed to leave you? Why me? Why now?” She gulped in deep breaths but her tears continued to fall. “I’ll never see you again.”


  Paisley cut her off. “I won’t. I can feel it. How am I supposed to say good-bye? I love my parents, don’t get me wrong. But you, you’re my everything.” She pulled her glasses off and swiped at her eyes. “This isn’t fair.”

  Grams gripped her hand and led her to the couch. “Sit down. This is your time. You can do this. I have faith in you. I always have. We will all die, sweetheart. That is a given. Nothing lasts forever. I will always be here.” She patted Paisley’s heart, then her head. “Memories are amazing things. Promise me something.”

  She wouldn’t deny her anything. “Okay.”

  She tapped Paisley’s chin. “Promise me that when you get there you will not dwell on my life and how many years I have left. Do not put your life on hold for what might be happening here. Promise me you will live, and not just live, but thrive.”

  Paisley sobbed and pulled her into a hug. It was the hardest thing she’d ever had to do. “I promise.”

  She patted Paisley’s cheek, then handed her a tissue. “I love you, P.J.”

  “I love you, too, Grams. I always will.” They both stood up and headed to the front door. Paisley reached for and gripped Grams’s hand.

  “Paisley, stand up straight and take a few moments to get yourself together. You’ve said your good-byes, and I am sure you will have a good cry when you lay your head down tonight, but right now, I don’t want to see any more tears. This is your destiny, and sweetheart, you’re going to be extraordinary.”

  Paisley watched her walk through the front door, then she turned and glanced around her childhood home. She straightened her shoulders, walked across the room, and lifted a framed photograph down from the wall. It was taken a couple of years ago at Christmas. Grams and Gramps stood on one side of the tree, and she and her parents stood on the other. Everyone was smiling. She sniffled, slipped the picture under her arm, took one final look around, then walked out the front door.


  When they reached the town limits and Lana accelerated, Paisley allowed herself to relax back into the seat. No one had said anything since they pulled out of her parents’ driveway, and for that she was grateful. She turned her head when something touched her shoulder, and she accepted the chocolate bar Addison handed her. After a couple of hours, they turned onto a dirt road and entered a wooded area. She wasn’t sure where they were; she should have been paying more attention. She sat up straighter when she spied a large barn off in the distance.

  “That’s our destination,” Lana said.

  Paisley’s heart thudded faster in her chest the closer they came to the barn. This was it. Lana slowed, then drove around to the back of the barn and pulled inside, stopping twenty or so feet in front of the far wall. As soon as Paisley opened the door and stepped out, she fell to her knees and sucked in a deep breath. Energy raced through her veins and she flexed her fingers where they were already starting to glow silver. She ignored Lana’s hand and reached for Addison, who pulled her to her feet.

  She turned and rested her head against the car to get her bearings. If she’d questioned this was some type of portal before, her doubts were squashed now. The energy inside the barn was tangible. The air around them literally shimmered. Addison pointed to the far wall, and Paisley turned just in time to see a large horse-drawn carriage walk through the wall. “Amazing.”

  Lana settled the horses and pointed to the bags in the trunk. Four guards picked up the bags and settled them atop the carriage. “Are you ready, Paisley?”

  Paisley opened the car door, grabbed her Wonder Woman backpack—which held the book her mother gave her, the family photograph, the binder her dad gave her, and numerous other personal items she couldn’t part with—and slipped it on. She paid no attention to the guards who were staring at her. “Ready, Jynx?” She pulled the carrier out of the car and nodded at Addison. “This is it, huh?”

  Addison smiled. “It is. It will take some getting used to, but…” She winked. “I think you’re up for the challenge.”

  Lana rubbed her hands together. “Ready?”

  “As I will ever be.”

  “Good. I won’t be riding in the carriage with you and Addison, but I will be riding beside you. We don’t anticipate any problems, but if they arise, have no fear, our guards will take care of it.”

  “Your Highness.” A tall, thin, soldier walked up to Lana and bowed. “We are ready when you are.”

  “Paisley.” Lana held her hand out and wiggled her fingers.

  Paisley clasped their hands and held on tight when Lana interlaced their fingers. Lana may not be her favorite person right now, but seeing her in her element helped to put her at ease a bit. She gripped the handle of the carrier, took one last look around, and nodded. She thanked the guard that held the carriage door open for her, then slid Jynx’s carrier in and hoisted herself up. Lana smiled and shut the door after Addison climbed in. “Addison, what can I expect crossing the barrier?”

  “Honestly, I don’t know. I don’t carry any magic abilities. I don’t know if it’s different for those who do.”

  She reached up and adjusted her glasses. “Lana’s never said?”

  “Lana doesn’t have magic abilities.”

  “What about at my house?”

  “When she crosses the barrier, for some reason, she receives limited abilities, but when we go home, they disappear.”

  “Oh. I didn’t know.” Paisley hugged the carrier to her side when the carriage was set into motion. She leaned her head back and closed her eyes.

  “Paisley, wake up.”

  Paisley shook her head and slowly opened her eyes. Lana sat across from her in the carriage seat. She raised up and stretched, then noticed the carriage had stopped. “Where’s Addison?”

  “She’s waiting outside.”

  “Why are we stopped?”

  Lana smiled and squeezed her hand. “We’re here.”

  Paisley’s head whipped around to look out the carriage window, but all she saw were trees. She raised a shaky hand to her glasses and pushed them up the bridge of her nose. This was it. At least that answered one question. She didn’t feel anything when they crossed over the barrier. Jynx grabbed at her arm through the slits of the carrier, and she lifted it up and smiled at her. “I guess it’s time, sweetie.” After such an exhausting week, she was ready to relax. At least for a day or two. “I’m ready.” Lana nodded and opened the door. Paisley accepted her hand and carefully climbed out of the carriage. Before taking in her surroundings, she grabbed Jynx’s carrier and pulled it out. After several heartbeats, she turned around and her breath caught in her chest.

  A moderately sized, two-story stone house s
at in front of a huge lake. Soldiers were stationed around the lake at different vantage points. The house itself wasn’t as big as she had expected, and for that she was thankful. Bright green vines hung down one side of the house and draped themselves out and onto the ground. At the other corner of the house a dozen rose bushes, all in different shades of red, were scattered around.

  At the far end of the property, a large stable stood. Behind the house and past the forest, the Matek Mountains stood tall and proud. Dozens of peaks rose high into the clouds and even from where she stood, she could see that most of the mountaintops were covered in snow. It was, in a word, breathtaking. She didn’t want to admit it, but the house and the entire area put her at ease. “It’s beautiful.”

  The smile that lit up Lana’s face almost took her breath away as well. That is, until she remembered another smile that certainly did take her breath away. Alexia’s. Shaking her head to rid herself of the foolish memory of a woman she would never—and could never—have, she grasped Lana’s arm and let her lead her into the house.


  Paisley rolled over and her eyes flew open, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings as a deep ache formed in her chest. Out of habit, she swiped at her eyes, but no tears were forthcoming. Considering she had cried more in the last week than in her entire life, she supposed it was a good thing that her tears had all but dried up. The only comfort was Jynx, who lay curled up beside her.

  Light streamed in from the window above her bed and she could hear someone moving about downstairs. After arriving the previous day, Lana had been gracious enough not to overwhelm her with too much information. The last thing she needed was sensory overload.

  After a pleasant but simple dinner, Lana had showed her to the guest room, telling her it was too soon to be sharing a bedroom, and bid her a good night. Now in the harsh light of the morning, an unexpected feeling enveloped her: excitement. Since she was here, she might as well get to know her new home.


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