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The DragonWitch Tales - An Unexpected Beginning

Page 13

by Shannon Harris

Paisley slipped her sneakers on and pulled her hair back in a tie before putting her ball cap on and walking into the kitchen where Lana looked her up and down, then handed her a cup of tea. Paisley adjusted her glasses. “What?”

  Lana shook her head, but she had a smile playing on her lips. “You do realize, sooner rather than later, you will need to start wearing clothing that is more relevant to this world, right?”

  “I know, but for now, my own clothes are keeping me grounded.”

  “I understand.”

  Paisley finished her tea, fed Jynx, then rocked back on her heels. “So?”

  Lana laughed. “Bit excited?”

  “Of course. I get to leave this house and it isn’t to go to Beatrice. I can’t wait to see everything.” To see and be seen by total strangers, especially these people who unnerved her, was a thrilling thought, but she was looking forward to just getting out and about. It was just what she needed. “So?”

  “Let’s go.” Lana held the door open for her and they both climbed into the carriage, followed quickly by Addison. The second day she was here, Paisley had informed Lana that if she was going to have a personal guard, the only person she would fully accept was Addison. In the end, Lana had given in to her demands, although a bit reluctantly.

  “How long will it take to get there?”

  “About fifteen minutes,” Addison answered. “It’s a bit like the festival we went to. I think you’re going to like it.”

  “I am sure I will.” She turned to Lana. She didn’t want to ask, but Lana said anything she needed all she had to do was ask for it. She wasn’t used to relying on someone else to take care of or pay for something she wanted. “What if I find something I want?”

  Lana dug in her bag, pulled out a small pouch, and handed it to Paisley. “That should be plenty for you, but if you need more, all you have to do is let me know.”

  Paisley accepted the pouch and slipped it into her bag. A few days ago, Lana had explained the value of each of the coins of their currency. It wasn’t a hard system, and after a couple of hours she had their value down. Her hand instinctively grabbed the door when the carriage came to a stop. Lana stepped out first and offered Paisley her hand, who grasped it and allowed Lana to help her down. She was still waiting for the fireworks every time she and Lana touched, but so far they weren’t anywhere to be found.

  “Turn around, Paisley.”

  Paisley stood still while she closed her eyes and took in the sounds surrounding her. People laughed, shouted, and in the distance, she could hear a baby crying. She inhaled as a mixture of sweet and spicy wafted her way. At a tap on her arm, she turned around and opened her eyes. The marketplace stretched as far as she could see. Stalls lined both sides of a stone pathway five feet wide, allowing plenty of foot traffic to flow easily. Guards were stationed throughout the market, and people were everywhere.

  In the distance, the stalls leveled off to make way for a large fountain and what looked to be a seating area. The vibrant fabric colors that draped the stalls put a smile on her face. It was amazing. Her face lit up when Lana pointed out a sign off to their left. Her eyes scanned the map of the marketplace: food, fabric, toys, household goods, etc. She bounced on her feet and ignored the looks strangers were throwing her way. “I’m ready.”

  Lana smiled and offered her hand. Paisley hesitated, but figured that because she looked so different, if the people were to see her with Lana they would understand faster who she was. After all, she was royalty now. Lana was beautiful, nice, and a fantastic catch; she just wasn’t the catch Paisley wanted.

  An hour and a few pastries later, she and Addison made their way to the center of the square. Lana said she had a bit of business to take care of and left them to their wanderings. The fountain was ten feet wide and the water shot at least ten feet in the air. Paisley walked around it a few times, but couldn’t quite figure out how the fountain worked. She raised her head and looked through the water, until a figure in the distance drew her attention. She blinked a few times, then walked around the fountain, but the woman was gone. No, it couldn’t be.

  Addison walked up beside her. “What is it?”

  “I…” Paisley ran her hands through her hair. “I thought I recognized someone.” She shook her head. “It doesn’t make sense. Probably my eyes playing tricks on me.” It couldn’t be her. It wasn’t possible. But she would recognize that white hair anywhere. Alexia couldn’t be here. She walked a few feet, stopped, looked around, then turned, only to come face-to-face with the woman who had occupied her thoughts since their first meeting. “Oh…” She grabbed her chest and took a step back. “You. How?” The look on Alexia’s face froze her on the spot.

  “You.” Alexia’s face was hard.

  How was Alexia standing in front of her? She cursed her heart when it sped up. “What? How can you be here? I don’t understand.”

  “Me? How are you here?” She rolled her eyes, then grabbed Paisley’s wrist. She dropped it like it had burned her when she saw her cuff. Paisley sucked in a breath and tried to stop her racing heart, but one touch from Alexia sent her nerves into overdrive. Oh, mercy. “You came here that Monday. Unbelievable. Is that what you and your family had planned all along?” She shook her head and stared off into the distance. A mixture of hurt, sadness, and disbelief marred her beautiful face.

  What was happening here? All she wanted to do was put that smile back on her face. Alexia had it all wrong. “No. I left on Sunday. A few hours after meeting you.” Paisley had to get her to see reason. “I didn’t want to come, I wanted to wait until after our meeting on Monday, but I didn’t have a choice. Is that what you’re so upset about? I wanted to wait.” She reached for her arm but dropped her hand back by her side at the last second.

  Alexia laughed. “You think I’m upset because you missed our meeting?”

  “What else could you be upset about? We’d only just meet.”

  Alexia shook her head, then looked up and studied Paisley’s face. “You don’t know, do you?”

  “Know what?” By this time, people had started to look their way. Paisley couldn’t care less, but this was a private conversation and she didn’t care for them to be privy to it. Without even asking, Addison walked toward the crowd and told them to back up.


  “Mommy.” Paisley’s eyes shot to the ground, where two little girls stood behind Alexia. How had she not noticed them before? Their arms were tightly wound around the older woman’s legs. They couldn’t be any older than three or four years old. She knelt on the ground so she was eye level with them. They shrunk behind Alexia’s legs.

  “Hi.” Paisley waved at them. The last thing she wanted to do was spook them. They were so cute.

  Alexia crouched down and pulled both girls around her. “We’ll leave in a minute.” They both nodded.

  “Oh my goodness, Alexia. They are adorable. They’re yours?” She folded her hands in front of her so she wouldn’t reach out and touch them. Black curls cascaded down to their shoulders. The smallest one had on a yellow dress, and the other wore a pair of brown pants and a blue top.

  “Yes,” Alexia bit out. “They’re mine, and because of your mother and grandmother, I almost lost them forever.”

  Wait. What? She shook her head. No, that couldn’t be right, but deep in her gut she knew it was. “I don’t understand.” The thought of these little ones without their mother was unimaginable.

  “When you didn’t show up, your mother and grandmother went to the Council and told them that I must have done something to you because they had dropped you off at my loft, then left. When you didn’t return home, they became suspicious. The Council acted swiftly and attacked me. I almost didn’t make it back here to my girls.” She squeezed them closer to her body.

  “No. They…wouldn’t do that. No…” Why would they do that? She knew they hated Alexia, but to have the Council go after her, when they knew where she was? It didn’t make any sense, but she couldn’t discern any decept
ion in Alexia’s words. On the other hand, with the way they were behaving about Alexia…it would make sense. “They knew where I was.” Her eyes locked with Alexia’s. “They hate you, but I didn’t think them capable of this.” She reached out and touched Alexia’s hand, and felt content for the first time since arriving in Dangor. With unshakable certainty, she knew this was what she wanted. Who she wanted. They had a chance now, however slight, and she wouldn’t fight it. She just had to find a way for Alexia to want the same things. After only meeting her twice, she knew she didn’t want to live without her.

  After a moment, Alexia seemed to make up her mind. She pointed to the smallest child. “This is Amelia, and this is Zoey.”

  Paisley beamed at them. “It’s nice to meet you both.” She looked up to Alexia. “This probably isn’t the best time, but how can you be here? I didn’t think I would ever see you again. I’d hoped, but…” She shrugged. “Hope isn’t something that I can believe in.”

  “You hoped?” She cocked her head, then let a small smile grace her lips. “I had hoped to, but I also didn’t think it would be possible. When you didn’t show up, I figured your mother and grandmother had talked you out of it.”

  “No.” She caressed Alexia’s hand, amazed at how soft the skin was. She wondered if the rest of her body was just as soft. She grinned and caught Alexia arching an eyebrow in question.

  “Paisley.” They both jerked their heads around, and Alexia held tightly to her girls when footsteps pounded their way.

  Paisley stood up and stepped in front of Alexia. “Lana?” A handful of guards had accompanied her.

  Lana grabbed her arm and tried to move her away, but Paisley threw her hand off and eyed the guards that kept inching closer to them. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched Alexia stand up. “Care to explain what you’re doing?”

  Lana pointed to Alexia. “She’s evil. Get away from her and I will take care of this.”

  Alexia made to move around Paisley, but Paisley held her arm out to stop her, never taking her eyes off Lana. “I don’t know what this is about, but you will not lay one finger on her or her girls. I won’t stand for it.”

  “You will move away from her now. She is dangerous.” Lana glared at her, and for a split second, Paisley doubted her actions, but one look at the little ones behind her solidified her resolve.

  Oh, Paisley knew Alexia was dangerous, just not the danger Lana was talking about. “If she’s so dangerous, why is she allowed in the marketplace to begin with?” She patted a curly head when small arms wrapped around her leg and love flooded her body at the girl’s act of trust.

  Lana glared at her. “Get away from her. She is a wielder of dark magic. Paisley, you have no idea what she is capable of. Trust me. I am only looking out for your best interests.” Lana stopped short when Paisley’s loyal soldier arrived on the scene. “Addison,” Lana warned. “Don’t.”

  Paisley raised her hand and tightened her fingers around the pendants hanging from her necklace. “We both agreed that Addison was my guard. So, she is looking out for my best interests, not yours, Lana. Now, I’ll leave with you, but Alexia and her daughters will be allowed to leave safely. Unharmed. If it looks like that won’t be the case, I will wipe out as many people as necessary in order for them to leave safely. Lana, I like you, but don’t test me. The last woman that did… Well, you know what happened to her. Don’t you?”

  Lana groaned and motioned for the guards to back off. “You’ll come home with me?”

  “Yes. I do believe we have quite a bit to talk about. Namely why you think you can dictate who I can and can’t talk to.” The crowd around them backed away when the guards shooed them off. Paisley could see fear in some of their eyes, respect in others, but sadly the majority looked at her like she was a disgrace. She addressed the crowd. “If any of you feel the need to harass the three ladies behind me, don’t. My powers are unpredictable at the best of times. So, it would be in your best interests not to test me. But, feel free to try. Just don’t be surprised by the outcome.” She let the words linger in the air and turned toward Alexia. “Go.”

  “Paisley.” Alexia spoke low enough that only Paisley could hear. “You shouldn’t have done that. Do you realize how many enemies you’ve made?” She shook her head. “Silly girl.”

  “Maybe, but…maybe. Go.” As Alexia and her daughters walked off, the crowd parted for them to walk through. Paisley kept her hand around the pendants, ready at any second to rip them from her neck and unleash whatever power necessary to ensure their safety. When she lost sight of them, she turned back to Lana, who was fuming.

  Lana stalked up to her. “What were you thinking?”

  “Well, Lana.” A voice from behind them spoke. A petite woman with long red hair moved to stand beside Lana. “Never a dull moment. I am so glad I picked today to visit the marketplace.” She held her hand out to Paisley. “I’m Clara, best friend extraordinaire to Lana here.”

  Paisley accepted her hand. “I’m sure it’s a pleasure.”

  Clara laughed. “Oh, Lana. You’re going to have your hands full with this one.”

  “Clara, now isn’t the time.”

  “Really? I think it is.”

  Paisley looked between them. “What I would like to know is, as I asked before, if Alexia is such a bad, evil person, why is she allowed to be around people at all?” She wiped her brow. The temperature had been steadily rising all morning. When Addison handed her a small, wrapped pastry, she readily accepted it and took a generous bite. Apple. Yum.

  Clara huffed. “I’ll let Lana explain it, because I don’t agree with it.”

  “Clara, we all know your feelings on the matter. Look, Paisley, we have plenty of protection around here, but sometimes the threat is more than we can handle, so on the off chance that we need her, we call on her. For her help, she isn’t banished or killed. It works out for everyone,” Lana said, as if that explained everything.

  Paisley swallowed the lump that suddenly formed in her throat. “What happens if she doesn’t help you? Will she just be banished?”

  Lana scratched her cheek. “Well, no. She would be killed.”

  Paisley had a bad feeling about this. “What about her kids?” She looked between Lana and Clara. Clara averted her eyes.

  “They would also be killed. Look, Paisley, you’re not from here. We can’t allow the likes of her to run free. You’re royalty now, and as royalty we have to think of all the people, not just one person.”

  Alexia didn’t have a choice, and now she couldn’t even go back to their world. Her family had made sure of that. She handed her unfinished pastry to Addison. “I see.” Any respect she had for Lana just flew out the window, and any feelings she might have nurtured for her were vanquished. “You’re just a bunch of hypocrites. Her magic is evil and vile until you have use of it. Nice. Some example you’re setting for everyone. Am I going to be allowed to leave safely, or do I have to be on alert going home?”

  Lana reached for her hand but Paisley took a step back. “No one will harm you. If they do, they will never live to see another day.”

  “I guess that’s something.” She turned to Addison. “Walking, how long will it take us to get home?”

  “If we leave now, an hour. Plenty of daylight left.”

  “Good. Lana, we’re leaving and I don’t want any guards following us. I won’t be held responsible for my actions if they are.”

  “Of course.”

  “Addison, let’s go.” It wasn’t until they were free of the marketplace that Paisley spoke again. “Do you know where Alexia lives?”

  Addison didn’t miss a step. “I do.”

  “I wish to visit her tomorrow after my lesson.”

  “All right.” Addison touched her arm. “She’s the woman we saw on the hilltop, isn’t she?”

  Paisley swallowed. “I believe she is.”

  “I’ve never had a problem with her. I have your back; you don’t have to worry about that.” She bit her lip. �
�She means a lot to you, doesn’t she?”

  Paisley cut her eyes to her, but her steps didn’t falter. “I can’t explain it. I only met her once, back in my world, but I can’t get her out of my head. Do you know how she could travel between worlds?”

  “No. I don’t question those things. And for the record, when you can’t get someone out of your head, that’s the best kind of distraction.”

  “Oh, I don’t know. I think I’ve made a mess of things with Lana.”

  “I wouldn’t count on it. She likes you. She’s smart, but she will probably chalk this up to you being new here. Since you defended Alexia, the guards will be on alert for her presence anywhere you go. Just a heads-up.”

  When Paisley stopped walking, so did Addison. “Do you think they will try and harm them?”

  “Maybe.” She sighed. “I…they won’t stand for what you have done today. Especially the queen. You’ve made more enemies than you could possibly realize, but you have also made plenty of allies. Not everyone feels the same way about the magic Alexia practices.”

  “Okay.” They continued walking as Paisley contemplated her actions. If given the choice again, she would do it all the same way. The only problem was that not only was Alexia invading her thoughts, now two little girls also fought their way in. She couldn’t explain it, but she wasn’t going to fight those feelings either. No matter what she had to do to ensure their safety, she would.

  Alexia might be a powerful witch, but she also clearly had to rein in her powers because of the rules they had in place for her. Paisley also knew that Alexia would do whatever was necessary to protect her kids, even sacrificing her life in the process. Paisley would make sure Alexia wasn’t put in that position because she didn’t have any such rules to follow. Maybe it was time to heed her father’s words. As long as she drew breath, Alexia would always have someone on her side.


  Lana confronted Paisley in the living room when she arrived an hour later. She held a hand up to stop Paisley from speaking. “Let me talk first. I don’t know how you and Alexia know each other or what you were to each other in your world, but this isn’t your world. Your place isn’t with her or to defend her. Your place is here with me. You have responsibilities now. You are my wife and a royal. You cannot behave like that! What were you thinking? No, that’s right. You weren’t thinking. Were you?”


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