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The DragonWitch Tales - An Unexpected Beginning

Page 19

by Shannon Harris

  She climbed back into bed, hugged the journal to her chest, and tried to sleep. She knew it wouldn’t be easy, but any new trick in her arsenal would help. Tomorrow she would ask her uncle to start training with him. If it was within her power, she would make it happen, and training was something she was in control of.


  For once, Paisley looked forward to her training and was grateful Beatrice stuck to her teaching and didn’t ask any personal questions. She considered asking her what being a DragonWitch meant, but the timing seemed off, especially considering the queen probably had spies everywhere. After a grueling three hours of training and an hour spent in the garden, Paisley and Addison left and headed toward the castle. Her uncle had insisted on them taking the carriage that morning, and Paisley had readily agreed. Even with the carriage, it still took them an hour to reach the castle gates. One look at Paisley and the guards let them through. She guessed that was one advantage to royalty, although there wasn’t a doubt in her mind that the queen would be advised immediately of her unplanned appearance.

  Once inside and without asking, she was taken to the queen’s office. The queen didn’t look up from the papers on her desk when Paisley walked in and took a seat. The office was decorated in reds and creams with splashes of black, and with the floor to ceiling windows along one wall, the office, unlike the woman sitting behind the desk, put Paisley at ease.

  Since the queen still hadn’t acknowledged her, Paisley took the opportunity to study her. What she could see of the navy dress was well fitted and low cut. Unlike Alexia’s cleavage, the queen’s didn’t do a thing for her. She had to admit she was a beautiful woman, but the fact that she was the devil incarnate overshadowed her outward beauty. She fought the urge to fidget or sigh, and kept her mouth shut until the queen looked up from the papers she was reading.

  She slowly raised her head and steepled her fingers together on top of the desk. “What brings you here today, Paisley? What could I possibly help you with? Surely, your training is taking up most of your time?”

  “Yes, my Queen.” Paisley bit her tongue to not lash out at her.

  The queen snickered. “I can see your hatred for me written all over your face. But, let’s face it. It wasn’t my choice to send them away.” She pointed at Paisley and chuckled. “That was all your doing. One thing you must learn is to never doubt your choices and always stick by them. I don’t like you, but I know you will be an asset to me. You’re powerful and I intend to make sure you can master your abilities. Now, what can I do for you?”

  “Beatrice mentioned that there are quite a few books on magic in the Royal Library that she doesn’t have access to, and she told me I had to get your permission before exploring it.”

  After an uncomfortable silence, the queen stood and motioned for her to follow. They exited the room and turned left at the end of the hallway, then made another two lefts before coming to a closed door. “I don’t normally let just anybody explore the library. There are certain parts, of course, that will be off limits and I will assign a worker to assist you, but for the most part feel free to look around. I wasn’t happy about the fact that you moved out of Lana’s house, but I can’t worry myself over such trivial matters. What I care about is your abilities, and if this helps even in a small way, then I am willing to allow it. But, mark my words, Paisley. If you try anything to hurt my family or if you break the rules of the library, then you will never be allowed to set foot through these doors again. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Yes, my Queen.”

  She nodded at two of her guards, who opened the doors allowing them to walk through. From the outside, it didn’t look like much, but from the inside it was amazing. Rows and rows of shelves were loaded down with books of all sizes, as were the bookshelves that lined three of the four walls. The room was massive, with walls at least fifteen feet tall. There were ladders placed every ten or so feet along the bookshelves. The floor was a warm maple, and what she could see of the walls were painted cream. Three large stained glass windows were placed near the ceiling on the far wall, letting in tons of natural light. Paisley looked up when an older gentleman and a woman walked toward them. “Your Highness,” the man said, and they both bowed.

  “Sydney,” The queen addressed the man. “This is Paisley, Lana’s new bride. She is to have access to everything except the off-limits rooms.”

  “Yes, my Queen.”

  “Paisley, this is Caroline. Caroline, you will be assigned to Paisley every time she searches the library.”

  “Of course, my Queen.”

  Paisley held out her hand, first to Sydney, then Caroline. Caroline didn’t strike her as the librarian type. She was almost six feet tall, with long, curly black hair. Paisley could tell that under her long skirt and baggy shirt was an athletic build. She looked more like a warrior than anything else, but Paisley held her own fair share of secrets, so she wasn’t about to question Caroline about hers.

  Sydney, on the other hand, reminded her of her ex-neighbor. His beady eyes and receding hairline, coupled with his short stature, would have been almost comical if it wasn’t for the uneasiness she felt just by being in his presence. She would have to watch out for him. “I can’t wait to delve into the books. There is so much I have to learn.”

  “I’ll leave you two to it. Paisley, good luck.” Without a backward glance, the queen walked out the door, her guards following and shutting it behind them.

  “Caroline, I can’t wait to get started tomorrow.”

  “I will be happy to assist you.” Her soft and smooth voice sent shivers down Paisley’s spine, and she was looking forward to working with her. “Do you want a tour before you go?”

  “No, I do need to be going. But thank you.” Paisley quickly retrieved Addison and the two left the castle, but it wasn’t until Addison pulled the carriage onto her family’s property that she allowed herself to relax. Tomorrow would be a big day, and she had a feeling she would need all the sleep she could get.


  The next day dawned bright and early, and after a simple breakfast Paisley and Addison again made their way by carriage to the castle. She had informed Beatrice by courier the day before that she wouldn’t be at her lessons today. No, today she needed to focus on finding proof that Lana had somehow overridden the bonding process and chose her, instead of bonding with her true mate. If that were true, she also hoped she would be able to find a way to break the bond. Her aunt was also still searching for a way to track Jynx; one could never have too many eyes looking for a solution.

  As their footsteps echoed down the long corridor, Paisley hoped she didn’t run into the queen this morning. That was the last thing she wanted to deal with. And considering they made it to the library without any unwanted run-ins, luck did seem to be on her side for once.

  She nodded at Sydney when the guards opened the door for them, and Addison took up position beside the doors after they had closed them. It didn’t take her long to find Caroline, who was scanning a stack of books that had yet to be catalogued. “Good morning, Caroline.” Today she wore another long skirt and a shirt that looked two sizes too big, but her eyes were bright and Paisley couldn’t see any malice hidden within their depths. Best to be on alert anyway, as there was no telling who she could and couldn’t trust within the castle walls.

  “Paisley.” She eyed her outfit, then motioned for her to sit down at one of the tables. Caroline took out a pen and a piece of paper. “Tell me, what exactly are you looking for?”

  She narrowed her eyes at her. She hated to be judged. “What’s wrong with my outfit?”

  “I beg your pardon.”

  “My outfit.” Paisley gestured to her body. “Why did you give me that look?”



  She stood up and sat down right beside Paisley, and kept her voice low. “If you want to fit in with the people of this world, you need to start dressing like them. I know you’re probably more comfortab
le in clothes you are used to, but you really should try.”

  Paisley tugged on her glasses and ran her fingers along the tabletop. She knew Caroline was right, but throwing away this tiny part of who she was felt wrong. In the long run, though, she did need to start changing her clothes. “You have a point. Tomorrow I will dress accordingly. I hope it doesn’t matter whether I wear pants, a skirt, or a dress.”

  “No, as long as they are world-appropriate.”

  “All right, and to answer your question, I don’t exactly know what I’m looking for.” She tapped her bracelet. “I would like to know how this works, though. It’s all so confusing. The entire process. I don’t like having my choices made for me, and I would like to learn what I’ve gotten myself into.”

  Caroline looked at her thoughtfully, and just when Paisley thought her acting had been found out, Caroline nodded. “I think I can help you with that.” She stood up and walked around the bookshelf. After a few minutes, she returned with a nicely sized, leather-bound book. “This will explain the process of bonding and what it will mean for your future and that of your mate. It also has every bond that has ever been chosen written within its pages. It updates accordingly, so yours and Lana’s will also be included.”


  Caroline flipped through the pages, looking for the right section. She skimmed a page with her finger, but when she found what she was looking for, she frowned and bit her lip. Suddenly, she slammed the book closed, grabbed the nearest one, and laid it atop the first. The hair on the back of Paisley’s neck stood on end, halting her from talking. Sydney came into view.

  “Paisley.” His nasally voice put her on edge. “I thought this book would be right for you.” He placed a large book in front of her. The Complete History of Magic as Taught Through the Ages. Even though she had Alexia’s journals and Beatrice, she had to admit such a book could come in handy. She was itching to delve into it, but something else told her that this book probably excluded a lot of what she needed to be taught. As if reading her thoughts, he continued. “The queen has made it clear she wants you to reach your full potential and beyond. This book has not been censored or pared down in any way. If you study it, it will teach you a tremendous amount.”

  “Thank you.” She wasn’t sure what else to say, but she felt a great weight left off her shoulders when he was out of her sight. “That was odd.”

  “I dare say it was.” Caroline still frowned. “He’s right, that particular volume hasn’t been whitewashed in any way, but before you go off half-cocked and try the spells and incantations within, you might want to talk with someone who knows what they’re doing.”

  “Noted.” Paisley patted the book in front of her, then pointed at the one Caroline had covered up. Without answering her, Caroline slipped the book out from under the one on top, flipped back through the pages until she found the one she was looking for, and passed it to Paisley. She tapped the part she wanted her to read. The entire page was a list of names. At the bottom, her name was printed, but the spot beside her name was blank. Hers was the only name that didn’t have a pairing. “I don’t understand. What’s the significance of this?”

  Caroline closed the book and turned her face away. When she seemed to have made up her mind, she turned back toward Paisley. “When word spread that Lana had chosen, I took the liberty of searching the book for the pairing. Her name was written first, followed by your name. Now her name is missing and your name is first. I’ve never seen that happen before. I don’t think I’ve even heard of it happening before.”

  Another first. How many more could there be? “What does that mean, though? Does it mean that we’re not bonded anymore? How can that be if I still have the bracelet on?”

  “I think it means that you are an extraordinary woman, Paisley. It seems that you have chosen your own path to walk. It also seems that no one knows yet that Lana is not your bond mate. It would be best if no one found that out. This is the official book for that. It is the only one in existence.”

  If that was true, what would that mean for her and Alexia? Then a thought struck her. “Isn’t this book supposed to be in a part of the library that is off limits to everyone, including me?”

  “Perhaps.” She kept her eyes glued to the bookshelf in front of them.

  “I don’t trust you.”

  Caroline slowly looked at her. “It is best you don’t trust anyone.” She leaned in closer. “The walls have ears, Paisley. But in time, I believe you will come to find that you can trust me.”

  Paisley shook her head. “You serve the queen.” Deep down she might not trust Caroline, but she also didn’t feel like she was her enemy, either. “I don’t not trust you.”

  “Well, that’s a start.” She reached for the book.

  “Wait.” Paisley didn’t know why, but she had a good idea that they wouldn’t be the only ones looking at this book in the future. She placed her hand over the page, murmured a few words, then blew on it. As she opened her eyes, she watched as Lana’s name magically switched places with hers, and her name appeared next to it. With any luck, the enchantment would hold. She was glad that she had reread the chapter in Alexia’s journal dealing with enchantments four times last night. Time would tell how long it would last.

  Caroline cracked a smile. “Nice.” She stood up and walked away.

  Paisley bit her lip and looked around. Somehow, she had changed her own fate. That’s the only thing it could mean. The only question was why she still had the bracelet on. Maybe her aunt had discovered something helpful to share when she returned home later. In the meantime, she pulled the book Sydney had given to her closer and opened it to the first page. She had a feeling it was going to be a long day.


  The day flew by as she jumped headfirst into the book. Most of it didn’t interest her, but the chapter on transporting was fascinating, and she filled four pages of her notebook with notes. In her upcoming session with Beatrice she would ask her to explain things and maybe practice a few of the spells with her. There would be a good chance that Beatrice would dismiss her, but she would ask anyway.

  Her good luck for the day faltered when, on their way home, they had no choice but to stop their carriage because Clara was standing in the middle of the road ahead of them. Paisley eyed her, but didn’t make a move to step down from the carriage. “Clara, what brings you to this part of the town on this fine day?”

  Clara rolled her eyes. “I just wanted to talk to you for a moment.”

  Addison shrugged at Paisley’s look, then they both climbed down from their seats. She hoped this would be a quick talk. She hadn’t had anything to eat for a couple of hours and Nana had promised to make beef stew and apple turnovers with fresh cream for dinner. “You have ten minutes.”

  “I know your life is upside down right now, but do you honestly think the best course of action is to push Lana completely out of it? She’s a good woman, if you would just give her a chance. Let her prove it to you.”

  Was she honestly stating Lana’s case right now? Paisley leaned back against the carriage. “You can save your words, I’ve made my decision. Lana will just have to live with it.”

  “You’re bonded to her. Do you even realize what that means? Your lives are intertwined. She cannot move on from you. You’re such an idiot.”

  If Paisley hadn’t seen it before, she saw it now. “Clara, I am only going to say this once. If you want Lana, go after her. I will not stand in your way.”

  Clara laughed, but it was humorless and devoid of mirth. “Do you really think it’s that easy? You. Are. Bonded. No matter what, Lana will always take that into consideration. Nothing can break the bond. Nothing. You can create a life with Alexia all you want, but if you think it’s going to last, you’re dead wrong. Once it’s written it cannot be changed. That’s why no one cares about how you’re acting right now. In the long run, it won’t matter. You will always come back to her. Always.”

  She sounded so sad it crossed Pais
ley’s mind to wrap her into a giant hug, but the thought quickly passed when it dawned on her what Clara had said. If they were truly bonded, wouldn’t she feel a pull toward Lana? She didn’t feel anything. She had to admit, when she first laid eyes on Lana she did feel something toward her, probably lust, but that pull was shattered the minute Alexia walked into her life.

  She knew without a shadow of a doubt that Alexia was her future, but considering what Clara had just said, she couldn’t let anyone know that. She pushed off the carriage and looked into the distance. “I wasn’t sure what I had been feeling, but now it makes sense. Even though I don’t love Lana, there is something there.” She caught Clara’s eyes and felt an unease like she had never felt before. “I can’t explain it, but there is something there.”

  Clara nodded and wiped at her eyes. “It won’t go away. The longer and harder you fight it, the more you’ll be pulled toward her.”

  “I will keep fighting it as long as possible. Right now, I need to focus on me and learning everything I can. Later I’ll worry about Lana and what everything means.”

  “I’m sorry I stopped you in the middle of the road.”

  “That’s all right.” Paisley bit her lip and locked eyes with Clara one last time. Her tears where still running down her cheeks, but they didn’t pull at her heartstrings anymore. It was clear to her now that Clara was faking it. Oh, she might be in love with Lana, but the show she had just put on was all for play. Paisley just didn’t understand why. “We should be going.”

  “Of course. I’m sure we’ll run into each other again.”

  “I’m sure we will.” They both climbed onto the carriage and Addison set it in motion. Paisley didn’t bother looking back at Clara. She could feel her hatred geared toward her even when the carriage turned onto the road leading to her family’s estate.


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