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The DragonWitch Tales - An Unexpected Beginning

Page 21

by Shannon Harris

  “The women must have had something to offer. I think the kings were outsmarted. Their daughters knew what they were doing. Some don’t even think the story is true, but I don’t see how it cannot be true given that the three countries started trade agreements and opened up certain parts of their lands to allow the other countries to set up outposts.”

  “So you believe Rosemary is real?”

  “Yes. Why?”

  “Well, it would be nice to train with someone of my own choosing.”

  “That may be the case, Paisley, but no one knows where the Triad reside. No one has been able to find it. I hate to say this, but maybe you should wait and see what the queen comes up with. Hear me out. She wants that dragon something fierce, so I don’t think she would do anything to jeopardize that. You don’t have to trust her—I don’t—but maybe you should wait and see what happens.”

  “Maybe you’re right.” When she got home all she wanted to do was fall into bed and read, but she knew she would have to at least be a bit social with her family. Olivia was the last one to know about the dragon egg. If it had been any of the other ones, wouldn’t the queen have known about it sooner? Nothing made any sense. She took her glasses off and rubbed her eyes.

  “Paisley, don’t overthink. You’ve got this.”

  “If you say so.”

  “When have I ever steered you wrong?”

  “You’re a good friend, Addison.” And she was. She was the only friend she had. She didn’t want to think about her being a traitor, so she didn’t. It was much easier to think it was her aunt, because it being Addison might just tip her over the edge.


  “Paisley, stop.” Beatrice walked to the counter and starting preparing all three of them a cup of tea. “You’re preoccupied today and it is going to hinder your progress.” She set the three cups of tea on the table and motioned for them to join her. “Tell me what is on your mind.”

  “The queen knows I have a dragon egg.”

  Beatrice arched her eyebrow. “And you think I told her?”

  “Actually, no, and she is looking into finding me a trainer.” Paisley sipped her tea. Hot just the way she liked it.

  “That might not be a bad idea.”

  “No, but I have recently found out about someone who might be able to train me, but Caroline told me the queen would never agree to it.”

  “Who’s Caroline?”

  “She works in the library and the queen assigned her to me.”

  “Who would you like to train you?”

  “I came across a book that dealt with The Goldenmare Triad. What do you know about them?”

  “Caroline is right, the queen would never agree to have Rosemary teach you.”

  Paisley straightened in her chair. “So, you do know about them?”

  “I do.”

  Why did everyone have to be so vague all the time? “Why would the queen never agree?”

  “Let me ask a question first. Why don’t you believe it was me that told the queen about your dragon egg?”

  “I am not a hundred percent sure it wasn’t you, but I have a gut feeling it wasn’t.” She shrugged and took another sip of her tea. “That’s what I am basing it on.”

  “The Goldenmare estate is located in neutral territory. The queen would have no say in your training. In fact, if any form of military from the surrounding countries entered the neutral territory, it would be an act of war.”

  “So the estate is protected?”

  “Only because of where it’s located. It isn’t specially protected. The entire country is.”

  “So, do you know Rosemary or have you only heard her name in passing?”

  “What I am about to tell you goes no further than this room. Is that understood?” Paisley and Addison nodded. “I have met every member of the Triad once. So, yes I have met Rosemary. In fact, she was the only one I talked to. Do you know their story?”

  “I skimmed over it and just read Rosemary’s parts.”

  “Then I won’t ruin it for you. Rosemary would be an excellent teacher for you, but even if you choose her, she would have to choose you as well. She is quite accomplished, but she is picky about who she trains. The choice is always hers.”

  Paisley finished her tea and leaned back in her chair. “How would I even contact her?”

  “You don’t. If she wants to train you, she will find you. Do you trust Caroline?”

  “I don’t not trust her. Though she has been quite forthcoming with the information I am looking for. I get the feeling that she doesn’t like the queen much, but there does seem to be something off about her. I can’t put my finger on it.”

  “Not many people do trust the queen,” Beatrice mumbled, but Paisley heard her. “Do you know how long she’s been working in the library? I was there a few months back and I don’t remember anyone by the name of Caroline.”

  “I’m headed there next. I’ll ask her when I get there.”

  “Fine. I don’t think we will get much more done today. You can head to the library and I will see you tomorrow, Paisley.”

  “Have a good day.” They weren’t in a hurry so Paisley and Addison set a relaxed pace. For the first time all week she felt a deep sense of peace. It wasn’t unwelcome, but it was unexpected. Her newfound peace was shattered when she walked into the library and was surprised that J.J., of all people, asked to speak to her alone. Neither Caroline nor Sydney were present. She’d only talked to him a few times over the royal family dinner, so she didn’t know what this could be about.

  “Your guard can wait outside.”

  “No, I trust her with my life. She stays.”

  He ran his hands through his hair and paced in front of her. “Fine. I can’t believe I am doing this. If she finds out, I don’t know what will happen to me.”


  “Lana has always been their favorite, and although I will be king one day it doesn’t make a difference. My mom and I don’t get along all that well. She feels Lana should be queen. It doesn’t matter that Lana doesn’t want it.”

  “J.J., what’s this about?” She had a bad feeling.

  “I like you. I did the moment I saw you.” He waved his hand in the air. “Not romantically. I thought maybe with time we could be friends, but now I see that won’t ever be the case. My mother has found a trainer for you. I overheard her talking with her personal advisors and the commander of her personal guards.”

  “From the way you’re acting, I take it that’s a bad thing.”

  “She wants to send you to Kent.” When Addison gasped behind her she knew that was a bad thing. “In her mind, everything is already taken care of. You are to leave in five days’ time.”

  “I would fight her before I left.”

  He shook his head. “They have ways to subdue your powers. Please heed my warning. Leave now. Leave while you can.”

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Don’t say anything, and please don’t tell anyone what I’ve told you.”

  “I won’t.” He nodded twice, spun on his heels, and walked out the door. Should she trust him? What if this was a trap? She turned toward Addison. “I take it Kent is bad?”

  “Yes. Daren Ravspon is the Dragon Master there, and he is a vicious and brutal man. He doesn’t have any morals. You would not flourish under him; you would wilt and die. Having him as your trainer would kill your spirit. We have to do something.”

  “Like what? Is it really feasible for me to pack up and leave? Where would I go?”

  “I don’t know. There are rumors that he has mind magic.”

  “That sounds ominous.”

  “He can control someone through their mind. The queen doesn’t want you to learn from him, she wants you to become her puppet.”


  “That’s an accurate assessment.”

  “Where is everybody?” They walked around the entire space, but they were alone. She stopped in front of the door to the Royal Archives, but
didn’t dare enter. She’d already found out what she came here for, there was no need to get caught going into the room. She would have to find a way out of this. Rosemary was out. Alexia was out. At this point, even her family was out. Who could you turn to when there wasn’t anybody left in your corner? Addison could only do so much. “Let’s get out of here. I’m ready to go home.”

  “Sounds good to me.”


  As soon as she walked in the front door, she knew something was up. For one thing, Caroline was sitting on the couch nursing a cup of tea, and for another thing, all her bags were packed and stacked by the kitchen. It looked like a nap was out of the question.

  She pointed to her bags. “Anyone care to tell me what’s going on?” Her aunt and uncle were seated in both chairs that sat by the fireplace, and her nana was seated in her rocking chair.

  Caroline stood up. “I should probably be the one to start. I am not who you think I am.”

  Straight to the point. That was new. “Really? I would have never guessed that.”

  Caroline rolled her eyes. “Please sit down so we can talk.”

  Paisley didn’t want to, but one look from Nana had her sitting in the chair across from the couch. “Go on.” This felt like history repeating itself.

  “My name is not Caroline. It’s Kennedy.”

  Paisley rolled the name around in her mind, until it clicked and she gasped. It couldn’t be. “Kennedy. As in the Kennedy of the Goldenmare Triad?”


  Paisley slumped back in her seat and rested her hands in her lap. Could nothing in her life ever be straightforward? “Why the secret identity?”

  “It was the only way I could get close to you. Rosemary was quite adamant that I was to come and get you. I had no idea I would be here for four months.” She frowned. “She wants to train you.”

  “Just like that?” She snapped her fingers.

  “When Rosemary gets something in her mind, no one can change it.”

  It was clear that Kennedy loved Rosemary. Her eyes lit up when she talked about her. Since they were in a Triad she assumed they were all involved. That was intriguing. She herself couldn’t handle one woman, let alone two. There was no way she could become involved with both Lana and Alexia.

  “I see a question brewing in your mind. Go ahead, ask it.”

  Paisley couldn’t have stopped the blush that trailed up her chest and neck. “Triad. So, all three of you are in a relationship? Together?”

  “We are.”


  “Just okay? Usually people have more questions than that.”

  “Yes, okay. I’m a private person and I wouldn’t want someone asking invasive questions of me.” She rested her head back against the cushion. What now? This was exactly what she had been looking for. She wanted Rosemary to train her and Rosemary had chosen her, but it made one hell of a coincidence. “Isn’t this all a bit convenient?”

  “I can see that from your point of view, but from mine this has been in the works for months. There isn’t a hidden agenda. If you agree, you will accompany me to the Goldenmare estate.”

  “Just me?”

  She eyed Addison. “Yes, just you. Our privacy is important to us we cannot have the location of our home in the hands of just anyone.”

  “Addison is my personal guard. What do you think will happen to her when they find me missing? I won’t risk her life like that.” Not to mention her only friend.

  “You should go, Paisley,” Addison said. “This is the break you’ve been looking for.”

  “You know I hate people making choices for me.”

  “We’re not. This is your choice and I think you should take it. Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine.”

  “You don’t know that.” Paisley turned to her.

  “No, I don’t.”

  This felt like K.G. all over again. She closed her eyes and took deep, steady breaths. “This is so messed up.”

  “Paisley, whatever it is you’re thinking, stop. I’m not dead yet. Give me some credit.”

  Paisley turned to her family. “And what about all of you? What happens to you? They will question you. What then?” And Jynx. Paisley still had no idea where she was and her aunt hadn’t had any luck either.

  “We can take care of ourselves. You should go.” Paisley held Nana’s tear-stained eyes as long as possible before turning away.

  Good-byes all over again. Is this what her life had become? Always running away. But she wasn’t really running, was she? If she stayed here, she would never live her own life, she would have all her choices taken away. Not to mention Alexia. If she stayed she would never see her or the girls again. “Kennedy, what happens now?”

  She jumped up. “Now.” She took a piece of paper out of her pocket and handed it to Paisley. “That is a spell that will allow you to shrink your possessions so that you will be able to fit them into your pack.”

  She eyed the piece of paper doubtfully. “Really?”

  “Yes. And don’t worry, we can make them regular size again. No problem.”

  Paisley doubted there would be a we, but she slipped the note into her pocket nonetheless. “I need to speak to Beatrice before I go. It’s important.” She didn’t wait for them to object, just followed Addison outside and climbed up beside her on the carriage.

  “It’s the right thing to do, Paisley.”

  She slipped her hand through Addison’s arm. “Maybe.”

  “No, it is.”

  She was just coming to terms with leaving her first family, and now this. Fate was a cruel bitch sometimes. They were both quiet for the rest of the ride to Beatrice’s, who opened the door before they reached it and waved them both in.

  “You have questions.”

  Paisley declined her invitation to sit. “Yes, but right now I only have one.” Beatrice nodded. “What exactly is a DragonWitch? That is my only question and the only reason I am here.”

  “Paisley, come now. Surely you’ve figured it out.”

  “I don’t follow.”

  “A DragonWitch is just that—a witch that owns a dragon.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Yes, I figured that out. But, what is a DragonWitch? One is surely more powerful than a regular witch. My power will be amplified by the dragon’s magic. I know unless I agree to my dragon being bound to another, then it will always stay loyal to me and fight and die for me.” Paisley paced in front of the fireplace. It couldn’t be that simple. What was she missing? She ran her fingers through her hair, then spun on her heels when it hit her. “Have there been witches in history that have owned dragons?”

  “Yes.” A smirk played on Beatrice’s lips.

  “But were all of them considered DragonWitches, or were they just considered witches that owned dragons?” She held her hands out, palms up. “Is there a difference?” She had a sinking feeling there was. “I guess my question shouldn’t be what is a DragonWitch, it should be what makes me a DragonWitch?”

  Beatrice stood up. “What indeed. I can’t give you a clear answer. I can only say that you are a DragonWitch. They are rare, but there have been plenty in existence. A DragonWitch holds an unbreakable bond with their dragon. It is an unquestionable bond. A witch that owns a dragon is just that, and the dragon would be more of a loyal pet. But a DragonWitch’s dragon…even if your dragon was to be bound to another, you would still hold a connection with it. It is also rumored that a DragonWitch can communicate with their dragon through their thoughts. One would not be able to do that with a pet.”

  “That’s not what I was expecting.” She slipped her glasses off. “Will the connection be instant?”

  “It should be.”

  “And if it isn’t?”

  “Come now, Paisley. I don’t think you have anything to worry about. I see great things in your future. Great things indeed.”

  “I think my great things and yours are probably different.”

  “I wouldn’t be so sure of that.” Beatrice
retrieved a small pouch from the basket atop the table and handed it to her. “Just something to help your travels.”

  Paisley eyed her but decided against asking how she knew she would be leaving, and slipped the pouch inside her pack beside the dragon egg. Her fingers brushed up against it, which sent tingles all the way to her toes. She zipped her pack and stood up. “I would say until next time, but we both know there won’t be one.”

  Beatrice tilted her head. “I had a pleasure teaching you.”

  “Really?” Paisley narrowed her eyes. “All I did was weed your garden.”

  “Oh, Paisley, you did so much more, and in time you will figure it out.” Addison helped her on with her pack and they walked out the front door. Paisley didn’t bother looking back. Her future was in front of her, not behind.

  Halfway home, Addison stopped the carriage, grabbed her by the chest, and dragged her to the ground as arrows whizzed by their head. The carriage took off as the arrows flew in their direction, and Paisley watched in shock as the horses rounded the bend and she lost sight of them. “Shit. Really?” Addison motioned for her to follow and they crawled to the tree line.

  Addison picked up an arrow and threw it to the ground in disgust. “Those arrows belong to the Queen’s Guard.”

  “Shit.” The thought of killing them did cross her mind, but on the other hand, they were only doing their job—even if that included killing them. She frowned, then shook her head. No, the guards trying to kill them made all the difference. “What do you want to do?”

  Addison flung her hand in the guards’ direction. “Can’t you do something?”

  “I can, but is killing them going to send the right message?”

  “Who cares what kind of message it sends?”

  She was right. Paisley unfastened her necklaces and handed them to Addison. She shook her hands out but nothing happened. Usually there was a gray spark. “Shit.”


  “I don’t know.” This was a great time for her powers to flatline. Shit.

  “I think that I am the reason you don’t have powers.” They both whirled around and came face-to-face with a man in a long black robe. Lined up behind him were six archers who had their bows cocked and aimed at them.


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