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Searcher a-5

Page 16

by Saxon Andrew

  Matt was humbled by the words. This was too much for him to take on but then he thought about Angel and knew he could not decline the title; it would diminish her sacrifice. He said, “I swear to keep the faith of the Realm and do all within my power to protect her.”

  “Please rise, Prince Gardner.”

  The first to arrive to congratulate him was Anglo. “I have been waiting for you, cousin. Welcome to my family.” He stepped forward and embraced Matt. The rest of the room joined Anglo in greeting the Royal Family’s newest member.

  Stem and Al watched the meeting from orbit and Stem said, “I hope we’re not demanding too much from him at this sad time.”

  “I believe he needs this, Stem. It gives reason to Angel’s loss and he needs something to take his mind away from her death.”

  “You’re probably right, Al. Take care of him; the life of our universe is depending on him.”

  “I will. I also depend on him.”

  “You need each other, Al.”

  “More than you know, Stem.”

  Chapter 12

  Matt, Al, and Stem were watched the feed coming from the second planet the invaders attacked. Matt commed General Durk who had assumed command of all armed forces until a new commander could be selected to replace him. “Are the ships in place, General?”

  “Yes Your Grace, we have five Searcher class ships waiting for them to depart this system. They will jump in and hit the mother ship when it clears the jump limit.”

  “Make sure they jump away fast.”

  “They have already programmed their jumps.”

  “Thank you, General.”

  Matt turned back to the feed and watched the large troop carriers descend toward the planet. As he watched, something troubled him and he couldn’t quite determine what it was. It was like a bug flying around your head; you’d swat at it and after a moment it would reappear.

  “Want to talk about it?”

  “Al, I don’t know what to talk about. Something about this attack is bothering me.”

  “I can see that. Ever thought about asking for help?”


  “Let me see if I can remember the exact words, “The Royal Family has the most powerful psychics in this universe.”“

  Matt snickered and Stem said, “Boy, you are dramatic.”

  “No he’s not Stem.”

  “I’m not,” Al said.

  “No, I think you have a good idea. Matt thought, “Pardon me Your Majesty but do you have a moment?”

  “I do, Matt but from this moment on you will call me and my wife by our first names. Agreed?”

  “Yes Your Majes…, I mean, yes Tag.”

  “What do you need?”

  “I’m having a nagging feeling about the attack we’ve planned on the Eight Legs when they leave the system they are currently attacking. Something just doesn’t feel right.”

  Tag remained silent for a moment and then said, “You should call off the attack.”


  “Let me help you learn how to use one of your talents.”

  “By all means.”

  “I want you to clear your mind and get a clear sense of how much immediate danger you sense to the Realm at this moment; got it?”

  Matt closed his eyes and replied, “Yes I do.”

  “Now I want you to think about making the planned attack and sense if that level of danger changes.”

  Matt thought about it and said, “No, no change.”

  “Now think about canceling the attack.”

  “Holy Groad.”

  “Ah, you can feel it can’t you?”

  Stem thought, “What do you feel?”

  “The danger level dropped appreciably.”

  “What else did you sense?”

  “If we don’t attack, the main invasion may be delayed.”

  “Matt, that’s what I sense when I look at it both ways. I’m not sure why that is but it appears that it won’t happen as quickly as we thought.”

  “Tag, I think we need to try and figure out why that is. Al, cancel the attack.”

  “Fleet command has been notified, Magic.”

  “Danielle, got a minute?”

  “Always time for you, love; oh hi, Matt; what are you two up to?”

  “We’re trying to find the truth in a situation and you are the best at that. Matt, tell Danielle what you’ve discovered?”

  As Matt explained to Danielle, Al thought to Tag, “Your Majesty, may Stem and I participate in this discussion?”

  “Of course you may provided you also abide by the rules of first names only in private conversations. I recognize that in public forums titles are necessary but not among friends.”

  “Then Tag and Danielle it is.”

  “I see my husband has taught you how to use one of your talents.”

  “Yes he has and I’m very appreciative.”

  “Then let me walk you through how I would go about trying to understand this situation.”

  “We’re all ears,” Al said.

  “Danielle chuckled, “Oh, so you’re the computer I’ve heard so much about.”

  “You’re making me blush.”

  “Danielle laughed, “Well, we’ll talk later; I do want to get to know you. But first, you have determined that if we attack the Eight Legs as they leave this system they will follow up this first ship with the full invasion within two months. Is that correct?”


  “Has either one of you looked to see if that follow up comes after any attack or just this one.”

  “Go ahead, Matt,” Tag said.

  Matt closed his eyes and after a moment opened them, “No, it’s only this attack that causes the invasion to come earlier.”

  “Alright, so now we have to ask two questions; what would cause them to delay their invasion and what would cause them to invade earlier. Which question feels like the right one to answer,” Danielle asked?

  Matt and Tag both said in unison, “The second.”

  Danielle laughed again and said, “Then it must be the second if you two are in agreement. Now ask yourself this, what would make us invade ahead of a planed timetable if we were planning an attack?”

  Stem thought, “If there was a danger to our forces or something was discovered that we wanted very much.”

  “Does everyone else agree?”

  No one said anything. “Silence means agreement,” Danielle said, “because you can’t think of another reason at this moment. So let’s follow the path these conclusions lead us. Why is this system so critical as to cause them to move their invasion plans up? What do we know about this system?”

  Matt said, “I was surprised they invaded this system.”

  “Why is that, Matt,” Danielle asked?

  “Because according to our maps of this galaxy, there are other civilizations much larger and more advanced than the one they attacked; this one doesn’t even have space travel. That civilization, however, seems to be fighting among themselves constantly.”

  “So we can say that this particular planet will not possess anything that would represent a threat to the invaders.”

  “That’s how I see it, Danielle.”

  “Then we have to see why they chose this particular planet to invade. If we understand that then we can find what we’re missing. What do you think the invaders might be looking for that they want very much?”

  Stem thought, “Probably a highly advanced civilization to consume.”

  “So how does invading this backward civilization give them what they seek?”

  “I have one more piece of information that relates to this discussion.”

  “What is that, Al”

  “I have been looking at the map of that galaxy and the planet they are invading is the closest inhabited planet to the last one they consumed.”

  Matt said, “You already knew, didn’t you Danielle?”

  “Yes, but I wanted you to go through the process yourself to learn
how to do it in the future. You haven’t had as much practice as I have.”

  “What’s the reason,” Tag asked?

  “They are baiting us to attack them.”

  Stem thought, “How do you arrive at that conclusion?”

  “Three of their warriors just disappeared while they were attacking the first planet. They must assume that if their disappearance was caused by an advanced life form then that life form must be located close to the site of the attack. If they attack another planet close by and they are attacked by a civilization that has jump capability, then they will connect the two events together. That will cause an immediate response from the main fleet. If they are not attacked then they are left with the possibility that the disappearances are not connected with an advanced life form but something else. They may decide to attack another planet close by just to make sure but if nothing happens then they will not perceive any danger to their invasion.”

  “That’s how I see it, Matt.”

  “I have sensed something else since we began this little discussion, Danielle.”

  “What is that?”

  “I believe that it was my killing the three Eight Leg warriors that caused the main fleet to invade just two months after the first ship arrived. Now I sense if we do not attack them in this galaxy then I can no longer determine when the main fleet will arrive. That must mean they will be delayed which will give us more time to just face one of their mother ships instead of millions.”

  Danielle thought, “I hope they don’t remain in this particular galaxy until they remove all life.”

  “They won’t, Danielle. The duties of a scout are to look at as much of the area to be invaded as possible. They won’t spend much time in any one galaxy unless they uncover a very, highly advanced civilization.”

  “I hope you’re right, Stem. Is there anything else?”

  “No, thank you, Danielle and Tag, for helping me.”


  “Hey, Stem.”

  “Yes, Al.”

  “Did you notice that she wants to get to know me better; it’s too bad you weren’t noticed.”

  “I’ve been talking with Danielle for more than three hundred years, you big baby.”

  “You’re just jealous. I’m more fascinating than you.”

  “Matt, are they always like this?”

  Matt sighed, “Yes, Danielle, I’m afraid they are.”

  “OOPs,” Al said, “I thought she was gone.”

  “They must like each other very much to work so hard to have the last word.”

  “Don’t tell him,” both Stem and Al thought together.

  Danielle laughed, “Oh, I don’t think I have to now; bye all.”

  Tag looked at Danielle, “What do you think?”

  “I think that they have found family on that ship. Three that are so different but so much alike; Matt needs them to heal.”

  “Do you think he will ever know love again?”

  “Some never know love like he’s experienced. Only fate can determine if he is to love again. I just don’t know.”

  “He deserves it.”

  “If any one does, he does but that doesn’t mean he will.”

  “I know.”

  The Ship’s Male watched the harvest of the planet and kept his attention focused on the sensors. He deliberately had numerous small ships scattered around the planet in an effort to see if one of them would also disappear. Nothing happened. At the conclusion of the harvest the Sensor Male said, “Your orders?”

  “Move outside the sun’s influence to the star drive band.”

  “Should I recall the ships?”

  “No, have them follow us.”

  The huge fleet of ships arrived at the jump limit and stopped and waited. After a measure, the Ship’s Male keyed his transmitter. “Why have you contacted me?”

  “Supreme Male, I have a situation that I need to discuss with you.”

  “Download your data.”

  The Ship’s Male felt the pointed probe that entered his abdomen. Once it was in his information center he transmitted all that had happened since his arrival in this universe. The Supreme Leader digested what he had received and said, “No others have disappeared?”


  “What are your plans?”

  “I’m almost convinced that whatever caused their disappearance must have been some kind of natural phenomena. I have not seen any life source that indicates above average development. I will continue to harvest this area to see if I can generate an attack but it would put me behind schedule.”

  The family’s Supreme Male thought about the disappearances and almost called for the main invasion. He turned his attention to his family and saw that they were still digesting. He decided, “Continue with your schedule. If anymore disappearances happen I must be notified immediately.”

  “I will do as you order.”

  The probe was removed from the Ship’s Male and he turned to the Sensor Male, “Recall all ships. Is there anything else in this galaxy that we should investigate?”

  The Sensor Male thought about his three missing brothers but did not see any civilization that warranted attention. “I do not see anything different from the two we just ate.”

  “Find another galaxy and our next meal.”

  “We will move in half a measure, First Fang.”

  The members of Aladdin watched as the mother ship stopped at the jump limit with all of its ships still outside. “They’re waiting for an attack,” Al said.

  They continued to watch and after an hour the ships began entering the huge green ship. “Now we see if they will invade soon.”

  “How do you see that?”

  “Stem, If they attack another close planet then they are convinced that the three missing warriors were killed. If they leave to a more distant planet then they just don’t have a clue and don’t know what to attribute it.”

  The ships were finally all on board and the green ship disappeared. “This just in, they jumped to another galaxy,” Al reported.

  “Thanks, Al, it looks like we have been given a reprieve. Please inform General Durk to begin executing his attacks.”

  “You don’t think doing it this quickly would make them think about what happened here?”

  “No Stem, it would actually make them more convinced that it was not caused by a life form. Distance is the great divider. The fact that something different happened in this new galaxy they enter will convince them the there is no cause for alarm.”

  The four ships waited until the green ship moved from the planet it had just destroyed and cleared the jump limit then jumped in and fired their weapons. They then jumped away as thousands of ships erupted from the mother ship.

  “Have them followed.”

  “Issuing instructions,” the Sensor Male watched the four ships as they jumped away. He followed one through three jumps but lost it when it jumped to a distance galaxy that had several galaxies between them that blocked his vision.

  “We have lost them.”


  “They jumped at least six times to distant galaxies faster than our ship’s systems could follow so we lost the jump track. They jumped to galaxies that had other galaxies between them and our ship which blocked our vision.”

  The Ship’s Male wasn’t surprised that they were attacked. It usually happened much earlier. “What did you see in their weapons?”

  “The beam weapons were quite strong compared to most of those we’ve encountered; however, nothing significantly different.”

  “Well, if we are attacked in the future we will ignore the attackers unless they use some kind of weapon that is different.”

  “You do not want us to send ships to give chase?”

  “To what end? Those ships are nothing superior to what we’ve seen. If we chase them every time they attack we will have to do what we’re doing right now; wait for our ships to return before we can travel. That will put us behind schedule.”<
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  The Sensor Male raised two legs indicating a shrug. The Ship’s Male was probably right; any measures lost chasing four ships would be better spent consuming the billions on a planet. Besides, we’ve seen it all before; they fire their weapons and run. They would eventually be found and consumed when the family arrived. We better use this time to feed before everything was gone. The last harvest was a disaster. The Ship’s Male was wise to ignore the attacks. The Sensor Male hoped he was as wise when he was given a ship. There was so much left to learn before that happened.

  Matt watched the feed and saw eight Searchers jump in and fire on the green ship as it moved to the jump limit after destroying another civilization. The Stars Realm ships had learned that if they timed their jumps right that they could jump in and fire just before the Invader reached the jump limit and jump away before the green ships could give chase. “That was smart of General Durk to hit them before they reached the jump limit. They can’t chase us.”

  “Al, tell me you don’t really believe that.”

  “Just checking to see if you saw it.”

  “They are ignoring us. We could hit them anywhere and they would go about their plans giving us no notice just like the Reg when the Eight Legs invade them. We are insignificant to them.”

  “Matt, it’s frustrating. Nothing affects them. We’ve fired everything we can think of and nothing gets through their armor. If there is something that will kill them, it is certainly well hidden.”

  “Stem, I am also beginning to sense that the main invasion will happen within the next year. I just know it exists. It’s like a mental block; once we break through it we will wonder why we didn’t see it all along.”

  “You’re probably right. I just wish we would find it. Seeing all these planets die is getting to me.”

  “You and me both.”

  “Matt, General Durk has just requested permission to visit.”

  “Send him the ok.”


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