Book Read Free

Searcher a-5

Page 23

by Saxon Andrew

  Everyone turned quickly and looked at them. “Who,” Matt asked?

  Tommy looked at Cassandra and said, “The ones who gave us our red screens. They fired a ball of energy at the Earth that was bigger than the planet.”

  Sprig twitched, “I remember that. We barely moved the planet in time before it struck.”

  Stem raised his branches and asked, “They’re gone now; how would you contact them in another universe?”

  Cassandra shook her head, “I don’t know if we can. We can try.”

  Matt looked at Melanie and said, “I would like to go with you when you make the attempt and Melanie should also be present.”

  “We might as well go now.”

  Matt shrugged and the four of them disappeared. “Al, tell fly Girl we’ll be back.”

  “I heard that, Matt. We’ll be waiting.”

  Chapter 16

  “F irst Fang, we have not found any evidence of the two ships. Our transports have scanned the planet thoroughly and none of our ships have uncovered anything that suggests they were ever in this system.”

  The Ship’s Male looked at his Sensor Male and felt his frustration rise. “Where could they be?”

  The Sensor Male saw the leader’s frustration “Is it possible their jump drives failed while they were coming here?”

  “Both of them at the same moment; I don’t think so.”

  “That leaves only two possibilities; they were destroyed by a natural event or they were killed by an outside force.”

  “Those crystal creatures could have done it but they have never left their planet during all of the previous harvestings.”

  “Should we go to their system and send some ships to the planet to see if they are now aggressive toward us?”

  The Ship’s Male thought about the suggestion and decided to ask what should be done. He turned on his communicator and moved to the bed, “Supreme Male, I have been given a suggestion by my Sensor Male and need to know if you think it worth of action.”

  The Supreme Male downloaded all that had happened since the last communication and pondered for a moment, “Perhaps, but I notice that small fragments were discovered.”

  “Yes, but they were at the site where two of our attack craft collided.”

  “Before you leave the system, have two of your attack craft hit each other and see if fragments are produced; then compare the size of the two to see if they are similar in size.”

  The Sensor Male contacted two attack craft and issued the order. The two craft turned and hit each other. A nearby transport moved in and scanned the area of impact.

  The Ship’s male read the results and was surprised, “Supreme Male, the fragments from the collision are slightly smaller than the ones originally scanned.”

  “Go back through the system and scan those fragments again. See if there are two that are similar in size.”

  “It will be done and I will contact you when we have the information.”

  The Ship’s Male’s display went dark and he looked at the Sensor Male, “Scan for those fragments and let me know what you discover.”

  After four days the Sensor Male turned to the Ship’s Male, “First Fang, we had six collisions in the system prior to our organization of the search. In one of the collision sites there were larger fragments mixed in with the smaller ones. We have found a seventh site where no collision occurred and the larger fragments were found.”

  “Look at the data from the first harvesting and tell me if any fragments were left when the crystal creatures destroyed our ships.”

  The Sensor Male looked at the data and said, “We were only able to scan the site of one ship’s destruction; it happened in the outer system of the crystal creatures. We dared to go no closer than that site. There were no fragments from that destruction.”

  “What kind of ship was destroyed at that site?”

  “One of our Family’s ships, First Fang.”

  “So one of our largest ships was destroyed and no fragments were left from that destruction.”

  “That is correct.”

  “What conclusions can you derive from this new information?”

  The Sensor Male turned and looked at the Ship’s Male, “Another advanced life form destroyed our two attack craft. There can be no other possibility. I have no idea what caused the destruction of the planet but I am now led to believe that the planet was hidden from our initial scan of this system. That makes me wonder how many planets are hidden from us. Perhaps the initial disappearance of the three children was caused by the same creatures.”

  “The technology to hide a planet is beyond any we have ever encountered in all of our harvestings. These suspected creatures would possess knowledge that would taste better than any we’ve had since the first harvest.”

  “I believe you are right, First Fang.”

  The Ship’s Male felt his excitement grow. He wanted to taste these creatures before the rest of the families arrived. He punched his communicator and moved to the bed.

  The Supreme Male downloaded the information and immediately shivered, “I am moving up the harvest. We will be arriving in forty kdgs.”

  “I believe that we should return to the site of the initial disappearance of my three children and investigate the surrounding systems closely, Supreme Male.”

  The Supreme Male did not want to miss the possible meal but he knew he would taste it from downloading the Ship’s Male. He thought a few moments and decided that it might reduce the time necessary to find this new life form, “Begin your search. Perhaps looking at the data from the last harvest and seeing if there are other planets that should be seen, but are not, would be a way to search from that initial system.”

  The Ship’s Male was impressed with the suggestion, “We will search using your suggestion.” The display went dark and the Ship’s Male said, “Recall all ships immediately.”

  “I’ve already issued the orders. We will begin moving out of this system.”

  The Ship’s Male sat back in his command structure and anticipated a wonderful meal never thinking about the possibility of any danger to him in the coming search.

  The Sensor Male was worried, “They can kill our ships; is it possible they can destroy this ship?” He said nothing and continued to issue the orders to move out of the system.

  The Kosiev was hanging is space looking down on a huge planet that was surrounded by a red structure. Cassandra said, “That is the former home planet of the Captors.”

  Melanie looked at the planet and asked, “What are those huge indentations on the structure’s surface?”

  “Each one of those was a berth for a Captor vessel.” Melanie’s eyes widened. “Most Captors were between fifteen hundred and twenty five hundred miles in diameter, Melanie and the two leaders were more than thirty five hundred miles in diameter. This place we’re sitting in space is where an energy nexus existed; I assisted the Captors in leaving out universe for the new one that came into existence when the particle in energy space ignited and exploded. I have tried over the years to see if I could get a glimpse of the new universe but I have not been successful. I’m hoping that here at this location the barriers between our universes are weaker.”

  Matt flinched and said, “My senses just told me that you’re right. I suspect that if what you say is true, then this is probably where the Eight Legs would enter that new universe.”

  Stem raised his branches, “That would suggest that there is only one location in each universe where they could enter. If that is true, then the location where the first mother ship arrived is where the real battle will happen.”

  Matt shrugged, “That is what I’m sensing, Stem.”

  Cassandra looked away from the view of the huge planet and said, “Let’s see if I can contact the two leaders.” She closed her eyes and thought, “I am trying to contact the First Male and First Mother; can you hear me?” After a minute she opened her eyes and said, “No response from them.”

  Tommy walked up
and hugged Cassandra, “We need to be touching, Dear, remember?”

  “Yes, I do; let’s try again.” She thought as hard as she could but after ten minutes she opened her eyes again and shook her head.

  Melanie said, “Let’s try something; Matt and I are going to touch and stand next to you. See if that changes anything.” Melanie took Matt’s hand and stood next to Tommy and Cassandra and then embraced Matt.

  Cassandra and Tommy both felt a sudden surge of energy and Cassandra said, “I can see the new universe.”

  Tommy flinched, “It’s still hot.”

  “Just like the Captors liked it,” she closed her eyes and thought again.

  “Who is calling me?”

  “First Male, we are the ones who helped you go to your new home.”

  “I thought you closed the door between our universes?”

  “I did, I can’t come through but I can send my thoughts.”

  “What do you want?”

  “First Male, the Eight Legs are beginning their invasion and we need your assistance. Will you give us the technology to build the giant energy balls you used?”

  “I am reluctant to do that; it was the only weapon we had that was successful against your ships.”

  “Oh hush, have you not developed enough?”

  “What First Mother is referring to is that we no longer feel the need to destroy anyone that knows about us. We have eliminated the control our ancient instincts had on us; however, I still worry about your ability to kill us.”

  “These are our friends, First Male. Have they not proven they can be trusted?”

  “Hello First Mother,” Cassandra thought. “She’s right First Male; it was us that found a way for us to coexist and we count you as a friend, especially after the gifts you left us.”

  The four humans could feel the reluctance of the First Male but after a minute they heard, “I have learned that if I do not help you in your time of need that I would be performing an evil act. I know you can be trusted; it’s just hard to change ones ways. Is our old home still in place around the planet?”

  “Yes, it is.”

  There is a berth on the northern section that is larger than those around it; do you see it in my thoughts?”

  “Yes, I see which one you’re thinking about.”

  On the bottom of that berth are two vertical doors. Make sure when you approach them that you are surrounded by one of our red screens; when you open those doors you will find billions of the devices that create the energy spheres.”

  The four humans were stunned. Cassandra thought, “How many did you say?”

  “Don’t be so shocked, little one; we’ve been building those devices for millions of cycles. On each device is a rotary switch on top. Each click represents the size of a warrior. Turn the switch to the desired size.”

  “How big is a warrior, First Male?”

  “About half my size.”

  “How many clicks total?”


  “How long will the blast last after it ignites?”

  “The length of time it takes light to travel nine hundred times my width.”

  Stem said, “Twenty seconds.”

  “How do we activate the device, First Male?”

  “The simplest method is to just let it ignite at impact, however, next to the rotary device is a dial that you can set as a timer. Each click represents the time light will travel 286 times my length.”

  Stem said, “About five seconds.”

  Thank you, First Male. My people do count you and your children as our friend.”

  “One more thing,” Melanie thought.”

  “Who is that?”

  “I am a friend of yours, First Male, and I am so glad to meet you.”

  Everyone could feel the smile the Captor had, “Yes, what is it?”

  “Is there any substance that could withstand the blast of those energy balls?”

  “Only one, the structure our old home is made of is immune to the blast.”

  Melanie thought a moment and asked, “May we use some of that structure to build a weapon against the Eight Legs?”

  “Use as much as you need; is there anything else you require?”

  Cassandra looked around the room and said, “No, thank you for your help. If we survive it will be due to your gifts.”

  “We wish you success.”

  Cassandra looked at Melanie and said, “Why did you want to know about a substance that survives the blast?”

  Melanie stepped away from Matt and said, “We are going to need a way to get the iron tree balls inside the invader’s ships. If they can go in with one projectile, then the job is easier. However, if the energy ball destroys them, it would take two strikes to get them inside.”

  Matt shook his head, “I am constantly amazed at your insights. You are remarkable.”

  “And don’t you forget it.”

  Matt could still feel Melanie’s embrace when he hugged her and wished she was still holding him. He wondered about the feeling and felt he was betraying Angel. He sighed and looked at Stem and said, “Do you see any way to use this against them?”

  “Let me contact my parents. I would recommend that you start the process of gathering the devices from the Captor’s home.”

  Matt turned on his com and said, “Fleet Command, I need every defender class vessel to teleport to the coordinates I’m sending you and bring enough shuttles to transport a billion devices quickly. Make sure they keep their screens on so the invaders can’t see them.”

  “Issuing orders now, Your Grace.”


  “Yes, Al.”

  “The mother ship has figured out that the two ships were destroyed. They did another scan of the system and found the site of the second ships destruction which was nowhere near one of their small craft collisions. They are currently boarding all of their ships into the mother ship.”

  “They’ll be going back to the planet where they lost the first three Eight Legs. I believe that they will then start looking for systems that might be hiding planets.”

  Melanie, Cassandra, and Tommy just stared at him, “Hey, it’s what I would do in their place.”

  “Matt, we are going to Cainth and then Glod to pick up some trees.”

  “Don’t you need the trees to be made into weapons?”

  “Actually, my ship tells me that it can do it. It wants some raw material so I’m going to listen to it and give it what it wants.”

  “Why don’t you ask it if it wants some of those Captor energy weapons?”

  Cassandra focused for a minute and then smiled, “You’re right; it will wait to get some transported to us; then we’ll go get the trees.”

  “Al, you and Fly Girl come get us. We need to talk with Sprig.”

  “On our way.”

  Tag sat in the library at Castle Gardner thinking about what was happening. Danielle walked in and looked at him, “What’s bothering you?”

  Tag looked at her and shook his head slowly, “The Eight Legs’ main fleet will arrive in less than sixty days.” Danielle covered her mouth with her hand and Tag continued, “I also sense that they will be looking for the Realm; I think they have deduced that hidden planets exist and they will probably ignore those they see and focus on finding systems with hidden planets.”

  Danielle sat beside him and put her arms around his neck, “Are we going to be able to survive this?”

  “I don’t know. It will be a war like no other in the scope and size of the forces arrayed against each other. I want you to stay close to me, Danielle.”

  “I will my love. I’ll always stay close to you.”

  Tag smiled at her but worried about what was coming.

  Matt and Melanie arrived at the Algean testing lab and requested a meeting with Sprig.

  “Come on down, I’m about to test a new device and I can use an extra set of limbs.”

  Matt and Melanie teleported into the lab that the size of ten old airports
. The structure was huge and Sprig was standing with Twig behind a device that was pointed at one of the small captured ships.

  “What are you doing, Sprig.”

  “I’m testing a new idea. We don’t have much time so I’m going to use some old technology with some new ideas.” Sprig pointed to a strange shaped missile that appeared to have a cross sticking out of the middle of its hull. “This is a smaller model of a penetrator that was originally used against my race by the Realm. It was, and probably still is, the fastest projectile ever made. It will accelerate to two thirds of light speed in less than fifty miles.”

  “How are you going to use it?”

  “First I want to see if it can be stopped by their green surface.”

  “I thought the idea was to get through their surface?”

  “It will be on the mother ships but the other ships will also need to be destroyed. Let’s see what happens.” Sprig sited at the small green ship more than seven hundred yards away and pushed a button. The missile left so fast that the sonic boom happened almost immediately and tag and Melanie felt it through the ear protection Twig had placed on them just before the launch. Sprig pushed a control and the display screen above the table came on, “This is at one ten thousandth speed.” They saw the missile rush across the field and hit the small ship in the middle and just stop. There was no explosion or transfer of energy; it just hit the ship at that high speed and stopped. Twig raised her branches and thought, “It didn’t suffer any damage; you’re a genius, Darling.”

  Matt and Melanie looked at the two Algeans and shook their head, “Why are you happy if there was no damage to the green ship?”

  Twig turned to them and said, “I wasn’t excited about no damage to the green ship. The missile suffered no damage.”

  “Tell me what you’re trying to accomplish here,” Matt asked?

  “This missile will have two parts; the first part will be a sharpened projectile made from the iron wood tree with a Coronado power cell fully charged in its tail. The projectile will be put in a sleeve just above the cross on the midsection. When the missile hits a ship, that sleeve will continue forward and penetrate the hull as the Coronado Power Cell explodes inside the ship burning everything not made of that green substance out of existence. That blast will be short and will move up the hole created by the projectile as it punctured the ship melting the heat seal on the rear part of the missile still on the surface. That will ignite a small motor on the rear of the missile to keep it against the hull as a fragile armor coated projectile fires through the hole into the ship that will blow apart once a meter detects the projectile has stopped releasing forty iron tree marbles inside the ship.”


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