Book Read Free

Deadly Secrets

Page 31

by Sarah Barrie

  ‘It must have been terrible from your end — being scared, being alone. I can’t imagine what it was like to have every person you love turn away from you when you needed them most.’

  ‘They didn’t turn away. I turned them away.’ At Kelly’s raised eyebrows, Jordan shrugged. ‘Oh, they didn’t believe me, and that was hard to take. But they wanted to help; to do what they thought was right.’

  ‘That’s a generous statement.’

  Jordan shrugged again. ‘It’s the truth.’

  ‘Yes, but not always easy to see. In these sorts of circumstances, no matter how many people are on your side, you can feel alone. This kind of game is about as isolating as it gets. It’s not an uncommon one in stalking cases.’

  Jordan rubbed her hands over her eyes. ‘Mostly I’ve just been feeling tired and frustrated waiting for him to bring it on. It’s the waiting that’s hard.’

  ‘Because you want to face him?’

  ‘I really do.’

  ‘Then what?’

  ‘Then I want to know why.’

  Kelly sighed and shook her head. ‘Don’t expect a satisfying answer to that. This guy’s motivations aren’t likely to make sense to you.’

  ‘Okay,’ she replied, catching sight of Rita. ‘How’d I do?’


  ‘Do I need to start quoting your work at you again? Besides, Rita’s waiting for the all-clear.’

  Kelly laughed. ‘Okay, but that was a pretty convoluted psych eval. I don’t think it would have stood up to the literature.’ She got to her feet and winked above Jordan’s head. Surprised, Jordan turned in her seat, saw Brett standing in the doorway and got to her feet.

  ‘Hi Kel…Jordan,’ he greeted, aiming a wicked grin at Jordan.

  He’d been undercover when she’d met him, that’s what Reid had said, and she accepted that. So technically, he wasn’t really the slimeball that had come on to her at the club. But now she thought about it…he was undercover doing what, exactly? And why did any of that involve coming on to her? He’d offered her pills…wait — they’d tried to set her up? What other explanation was there?

  ‘Yes, you two have met, haven’t you?’ Kelly enquired.

  Jordan remained silent, contemplative. From across the room, Reid saw the standoff and excused himself.

  Kelly frowned. ‘Is something wrong?’

  ‘Reid did explain, didn’t he?’ Brett asked Jordan.

  Jordan shrugged. ‘How’s the arm?’

  Brett’s grin widened. ‘Hurt like a bitch for a couple of hours, thanks.’

  ‘Don’t laugh at her when she’s got that look on her face,’ Reid said as he joined them. ‘Unless you want to start dodging bullets. What’s wrong, Jordan?’

  She tilted her head, kept her attention on Brett and asked, ‘Just what would have happened if I’d taken you up on your sleazy little offer but refused the drugs?’

  ‘I…ah….hadn’t really thought that one through,’ Brett admitted. ‘We just assumed that wouldn’t be a path you’d head down.’

  ‘So…you set me up to see if I’d prostitute myself for pills?’

  Reid caught on. ‘Jordan —’

  ‘Yep,’ Brett cut in over Reid, ‘because your boyfriend here couldn’t wait to cross you off his suspect list. Couldn’t keep the grin off his face for days after you refused the drugs and slapped me down.’

  ‘I see,’ she replied, accepting the explanation and almost grinning at Brett’s enthusiastic response. ‘Brett…I realise you were undercover, but it might take a while to get that image of you out of my head.’

  ‘I’ll take that as a compliment to my craft. You bruised my ego that night.’

  She didn’t believe it for a second. ‘I think it was the “I can show you a good time” while digging around in your pants that let you down.’

  Kelly cracked up laughing. ‘You what?’

  ‘I told you I got to hit on her,’ Brett told his wife. ‘Line of duty all the way, of course,’ he added.

  ‘Yeah, the hardship,’ Kelly replied with a bland look.

  ‘Right-oh boys, move it,’ Rita interrupted. ‘In case anyone’s forgotten, we’re tracking a killer. I need some time with Jordan.’

  ‘We haven’t forgotten, and we have to go get ready,’ Reid replied, the last part for Brett.

  Brett nodded. ‘Let’s do it.’

  ‘Ready for what?’ Jordan asked, confused.

  ‘The dogs are heading up in ten. We’re going, but you’ll be fine. Just stay here.’

  ‘Why? I can show you the trails; the most likely places he could be hiding. I —’

  ‘No Jordan. No way.’

  ‘But —’

  ‘Jordan, every person has a job to do. They can’t babysit you at the same time.’

  Jordan gasped in indignation. ‘I’m sorry, did you just say babysit?’

  ‘You’re not going.’

  ‘What are you going to do, break my nose?’

  Reid glared at Kelly. ‘You told her?’

  ‘Hell yes. Couldn’t wait.’

  Jordan and Kelly exchanged grins before Jordan continued her protest. ‘I know the mountain better than anyone. Besides, you can’t keep me locked up in here.’

  ‘Want to bet?’

  Her eyes narrowed in challenge. ‘Anything you like.’

  ‘I’m guessing this is the temper you told me so much about.’

  An unknown voice broke through the tension and Jordan spun around to see a big, solid man with thick, greying hair and an amused glint in his large, crinkly eyes. His face was weathered, his stance strong and tall.

  ‘Tony.’ Reid shook the man’s hand and slapped him on the shoulder. ‘About time you got here. Ah…meet Jordan.’

  ‘A pleasure, Miss Windcroft.’ The man shook her hand. ‘I’m Tony Dalton — Reid’s boss.’

  Jordan liked him instantly. ‘Hi, call me Jordan.’

  ‘You get smiles…I get glares,’ Reid grumbled.

  ‘That’s because I’m better looking than you.’ He winked at Jordan. ‘Rita has questions for you, Jordan. We need everything you can give us on Dunmore. It’s important, okay?’

  ‘All right,’ she replied in resignation. ‘But I know when I’m being manipulated into doing what I’m told, regardless of how charmingly it’s done.’

  Tony laughed. ‘I don’t doubt it. Come on, let’s get started.’

  Jordan’s eyes followed Reid’s movements as he checked his gear and slipped on his vest. She thought about his scars, about the fact that Brian was a murderer, and her heart skipped a couple of terrified beats.

  ‘He knows what he’s doing,’ Rita said from behind her.

  Catching Rita’s words, Reid turned and smiled reassuringly. ‘I’ll see you soon.’

  Jordan swallowed, nodded, but the tight ball of worry in her chest stopped her from speaking. Expression softening, he walked over.

  ‘You know, this is going to be hell on my reputation, but I just have to…’ He took her head in his hands and kissed her gently, ignoring Brett’s whistle and Rita’s gasp. ‘Don’t worry.’

  ‘Please be careful. I love you.’

  ‘Me too.’ His smile turned to a teasing grin. ‘Stay out of trouble.’

  Jordan found a return smile. ‘I’ll do what I can.’

  Kelly kissed her husband goodbye, turned her attention to Jordan and threw an arm across her shoulders, drawing her towards the table.

  ‘Not hooked, not hooked at all,’ she teased. ‘Take a look at everyone’s faces.’

  Jordan swung her gaze around the room. Rita, at the very least, looked taken aback, a couple of others were grinning and talking quietly. A few were staring at her with a new curiosity.

  ‘I wish he’d let me go with him.’

  ‘Questions, remember?’ Rita had found her voice and sank into a chair. ‘Get comfortable, this could take a while. Sitting in, Kel?’


  Tony hadn’t been kidding when he’d said Rit
a had questions. Jordan hadn’t thought there could be so much to say, and she was glad of the interruption when the front door was thrown open and a heavily armed man approached Tony holding a canvas bag. Tony stood and they spoke for a moment, then he waved her over.

  ‘Jordan…do you recognise these things?’

  Jordan didn’t need to study them. They were her clothes, her hairbrush, all sorts of small items she’d had at one stage or another.

  ‘Yes. They’re mine,’ she acknowledged, then gasped when she saw one of her t-shirts ripped to pieces.

  ‘They were buried up on the mountain — except the t-shirt. What’s left of it was hanging from a tree.’

  ‘Another message.’

  She’d known he was watching her; had read his threats. In her mind, she’d known. But to see her things…to find the proof — it was a whole other reality. A shaft of pure anger shot through her and she clamped her jaw down against it. Oh, she’d like to be up there, she’d just love to confront him…to…to…She didn’t see Tony wave Kelly across but she felt the hand on her arm and saw her gesture for her to sit on the lounge across from Tony.

  ‘You’re upset at seeing that, even though you already knew,’ she observed.

  Jordan sighed and shook her head. ‘Aren’t you supposed to be in Brian’s head?’

  Kelly grimaced. ‘No more than necessary, thanks.’

  Jordan smiled at that and ran her hands through her hair, looking for the words to describe the sense of violation.

  ‘I’ve known this man since I was a kid. We worked together on the farm. He brought me treats, had dinner with my family…he was Uncle Brian! It doesn’t seem real,’ she explained. ‘Seeing my things, knowing he’s been taking my stuff…that’s just too weird, that’s just too sick. I just want to find him and demand to know what the hell he was thinking! But what could he possibly be thinking that could make me understand this? Why would he do that to my shirt? It’s crazy. I need to know.’

  ‘Jordan,’ Tony expelled a breath and looked at her in a way that made her understand he didn’t speak lightly. ‘I realise we don’t know each other very well, but I know Reid. I’ve known him for ten years. He’s never put himself or his reputation on the line like he did during this last investigation. He’s never spoken of anyone the way he speaks of you. Between what I know officially and what he tells me off the record I figure you’re a pretty tough lady with a big heart and a smart head. I didn’t want to scare you more than necessary, but I think you need to hear Kelly’s profile on this guy before you go charging up there and getting yourself into serious trouble.’

  ‘All right.’ She looked at the woman now sitting beside her and saw her exchange glances with Tony, then with a nod, turned her attention to Jordan.

  ‘Jordan, from my observations you still seem to see Brian Dun-more as an old family friend that’s done some horrible things. It annoys you that he’s managed to frighten you. It confuses you that he’d want to. But Jordan, what he is, is a long-term drug dealer and cold-blooded killer, with a habit of his own and a very serious psychosis.

  ‘Whatever he was in the past is irrelevant. He’s violent, unstable, doesn’t have a conscience, and if he has the opportunity to take someone out up there today, in all likelihood he will — because he sees them as obstructions in getting to you.’

  ‘Oh, God.’ The thought made Jordan feel sick.

  ‘You’re his target, Jordan — his one reason for being. I can’t stress enough that getting his hands on you is more important to him than breathing and he’s not going to stop. He doesn’t see you as a person, but as a possession. He’s not worried about your wants, your needs, your feelings, although he may tell you — and himself — that he is. All he is capable of thinking about is himself. All he cares about is what he wants. What he tells you in those notes — the idea he wants to rescue you, take care of you — it’s not real. There’s no higher purpose here than his own self-gratification.’ She paused and took Jordan’s hands.

  ‘What he would do to you, Jordan, if he gets his hands on you, is not something anyone wants to contemplate…because too many people here today have seen it before, and they know — as you should — he’ll act out every little fantasy he’s ever had about you, put you through hell…and then he’ll kill you and enjoy every minute of it.’

  Jordan frowned in confusion. ‘It doesn’t make sense. He’s had plenty of opportunity. He’s been in my house, taken my things… been in my room while I slept. Are you sure?’

  Kelly nodded. ‘He’s working on a timeframe. The letters indicate some sort of a countdown. He’s just amusing himself until the time is right.’

  She thought about it. ‘You mean like…a significant day? Like Christmas or something?’

  ‘Yeah, but more personal. Something triggered all this. When was the first time you can remember getting gifts, or noticing things starting to go missing?’

  ‘Like I told Rita, I’m not exactly sure about things going missing, but the flowers came after the accident.’

  ‘The anniversary of Sean’s death is only a few days away and the obvious conclusion,’ Kelly nodded. ‘So we can assume that that’s our trigger, and that he’s planning on following through with his threats in the next five days. But this isn’t going to go away with a date. He won’t stop unless someone stops him. We need to keep you safe until he’s in custody.’

  ‘Any particular reason for attempting to scare the hell out of me?’ She attempted a laugh, but didn’t quite pull it off.

  ‘A big one: to keep you safe. To make you do what you’re told and so that you’re not too rough on Reid. He’s worried about you.’

  ‘I know,’ she admitted. ‘And I’m not underestimating any of this or trying to appear ungrateful. I just want the chance to face Brian myself.’

  ‘He’s put you in a situation where you feel you have a relationship of sorts with him, even know him a little bit. You don’t.’

  How could she make him understand? ‘It’s not just that. I have to see him; know with my own eyes that it’s Brian. Right now he’s a ghost. A big, terrifying something hiding in the forest. I need to see that he’s just a flesh and blood person…I don’t think I’ll ever be the same otherwise.’

  ‘I get it,’ Tony said, ‘but Jordan…we may not find him today. Chances are we won’t. If we do…I’ll see what I can do. If we don’t, you’re going to have to be prepared to live a little differently for a while.’

  It was a long, tedious wait. Hour after hour passed. Madi turned up, hung around for a while, Joel took over when Madi left and stayed until he had to get back and feed. Slowly dusk seeped across the sky. Eventually, Rita got on the mic.

  ‘Reid, it’s getting dark. We have to get everyone down.’

  ‘I’m on it. We’ll keep men posted on the exits; start up again at first light.’

  Tony released a long breath and smiled almost apologetically at Jordan. ‘Reid’s not going to give up. We’ll just have to —’

  Two gun shots rang clearly through the valley and for a split second the house fell completely, deathly silent. Then there was chaos as a message on the radio told them an officer had been shot and relayed coordinates. Tony was at the mic in a heartbeat, demanding ambulance assistance and details. Jordan was frozen, unable to move or speak until she heard Reid’s voice calmly and clearly come through over that of the other officer. ‘GSW to the chest — vest caught it. Another to the right thigh. We need assistance. Where’s that ambo?’

  ‘Should be there in seconds. Who is it?’

  ‘It’s Brett. Almost every man we have’s just walked by here and nothing, then this. I’m betting Dunmore’s targeted him on purpose. Payback.’

  ‘Brett?’ Kelly pushed past the others to get to the mic, her face ashen. ‘Tell me the truth, Reid: how bad is it?’

  There was a slight pause as Reid spoke to someone in the background. ‘He was losing some blood but Mason’s got a tourniquet on it. He’ll be fine, Kel.’

  ‘You mean it?’

  ‘Hold on, sweetheart.’

  Brett’s voice came over the mic. ‘Bastard fucking prick. If I —’

  ‘Shut up, Brett. Your wife’s listening.’

  ‘Kel? Give me that thing. Kel, I’m fine. Just another war wound, babe, I promise. Hang on…tighten that thing again and I’ll hang you with it! Damn it, Mason!’

  ‘See?’ Reid commented. ‘He’s his normal, chipper self. I’m going after Dunmore. Kel, have a man bring you up. You can wait at the end of the trail for the ambo, then go with Brett to the hospital.’

  ‘Okay. Watch your back, Reid.’

  ‘I’ll second that,’ Tony warned. ‘He’s got a bigger score to settle with you.’

  As Kelly passed on her way out the door, Jordan caught her arm. ‘Kelly, I’m so sorry.’

  ‘Don’t do that!’ Kelly warned. ‘If you’re going to believe this is your fault I’m going to have to stay here and talk some sense into you, and I really want to go with Brett. Can I go with Brett, Jordan?’

  Jordan nodded jerkily. ‘Of course.’

  She felt the tremor from strained nerves, felt her legs turn to jelly, and dropped back into her seat, trembling with reaction.

  ‘Hey, are you alright?’ An unfamiliar voice asked. She looked up to see the woman who’d been conversing with the teams addressing her, and saw Tony appear behind her.

  ‘Constable, get Miss Windcroft some water please.’

  ‘Yes sir.’

  Jordan looked at Tony. ‘I know you told me it could happen…but I didn’t really believe it.’

  ‘Brett knows the risks. So does Kel. Pull yourself together. I don’t need an hysterical female on my hands. Here’s your water. Drink it.’

  He copped the raised eyebrows from the young constable with a shrug and he watched Jordan’s eyes harden, her body straighten. He saw her take some deep breaths and do exactly as he said.

  ‘I’m sorry,’ she replied stiffly. ‘It’s difficult to sit here while people are up there getting shot. They are coming back now, aren’t they?’

  ‘For the night, yeah. But Dunmore’s just upped the stakes. He’s shot a cop. No force on earth could pull these men off the search now. As soon as the light allows it, they’ll be back on that mountain. And I’m calling in more men.’


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