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Risen Lovers: Immortal Brotherhood (Edge Book 4)

Page 23

by Jamie Magee

  “Boss, you’re going to be there. You can either watch or join in. I don’t give a fuck,” Judge threatened.

  Right then Buttercup waltzed up to Judge. The only thing she had added to her near nude attire was a bra that barely covered her nipples and a short silk robe that she left open, her long blonde hair covering her chest.

  When she reached Judge her hands landed right at his gut and slid up slowly. “My night has just been made,” she purred.

  Judge’s expressionless face fell on her as he breathed in and did his part, looked into her mind. Almost immediately his gaze dropped to her chest pressing into his.

  “I see you have missed me, too.”

  Judge lifted his gaze to meet her eyes searching her thoughts, looking for this brunette Echo and Thames had sent them after.

  “Thought we could have some fun,” Judge finally said. He nodded to Talon. “My buddy has been a little stressed.”

  A pout came to Buttercup’s lips. “You don’t want to have fun with me? Have you not been stressed?” she asked as her hand slid down his chest, with one destination in mind.

  Judge gripped her arms. “Did I give you permission to do that?”

  “No, sir,” Buttercup said, bowing her head.

  “How ‘bout you get your friend Autumn and the four of us find a quiet place.”

  Buttercup went to protest but thought better of it. Of all the people she knew Judge was not one to question. “And if she doesn’t want to play do you care who I bring?”

  “You’re going to make sure she does,” he said in a tone that clearly stated it was best not to be questioned.

  Buttercup stepped back. “Never seen her go into the private rooms, might be shy.”

  “You tell her our wallet’s not,” Talon said as soon as he downed the last of his longneck.

  “Second to last door on the left,” Buttercup said as she stepped back and went on the hunt for this illusive brunette.

  “No, sir,” Talon quipped. “You hanging out with Steele or some shit?”

  Judge’s lips twitched, wanting to grin but not finding the strength to do so. He was no Dom, but he sure as fuck didn’t let easy women have their way with him, never had. He wanted in and out nice and quick.

  “Let’s get this fucked shit over with,” Judge said as he started to make his way through the sea of people.

  Just before he went down the hall he spotted Echo on the second level with two girls hanging all over him. His one nod told Judge they were on the right track which amped up Judge; he was ready for some action. He’d had all that he could handle of this wait and see game.

  Right before they reached the second to last door Judge saw Thames at the other end of the hall walking toward the deck, surely to make his way around to where they were going to be.

  Buttercup walked in the room right before Judge and Talon did. It wasn’t much of a room, more like an overgrown closet with plush couches along both walls, barely leaving standing room between the two. The back of the room had a door that lead to the deck, the window was blacked out and the lock was latched.

  “Where’s your friend?” Judge asked as Talon sat down on the side couch stretching his long legs out like he was ready to watch a good show.

  “On her way,” Buttercup said as she all but eye fucked Judge where he stood. “You told me you didn’t dig brunettes. What’s with the change of heart?”

  “Experimenting,” Judge said, stepping closer to her, watching as she held her breath, hearing her heart pick up its pace. “Tonight’s all about my boy. I want him to have a good time.”

  Buttercup glanced over her shoulder, licked her bottom lip then shyly smiled at Talon.

  “If he’s anything like you I guess I should be happy that Autumn is on her way. I don’t think I can handle the both of you.”

  Judge reached to push her long blonde hair over her shoulder, then turned her back to his front facing Talon.

  “You’re not going to know unless you try, are you?” His words breathed down her neck birthing chills across her skin. “You’ve been into some freaky shit.”

  “Me?” she said, pushing her ass against his crotch, pouting when she realized that her presence had done nothing to arouse him.

  Judge’s fingertips slid her robe off her shoulders, then the thin line of her bra strap down leaving her wide open to Talon.

  Nice and slow Judge lifted his thumb to his mouth and licked it before he slid it down Buttercup’s chest. He moved his wet thumb all around her nipple. Buttercup’s eyes fluttered closed as she leaned her head back against his chest, forgetting what she was trying to hide.

  “Now, you’re going to be a good girl, and tell me what the fuck this is ‘bout,” Judge said, pushing her forward, causing her to land across Talon.

  Talon laid her back and looked more closely at where Judge had rubbed away the concealer Buttercup had in place around her nipples.

  There, on her flesh, were teeth marks surrounded by bruises. Slowly, almost tenderly, Talon moved his hand across her other nipple finding the same. She winced as she moved in his lap. “So hot.”

  Talon was sure his touch was as scorching as a flame. Skank or not, he could sense this girl’s outright arousal begging to be engaged. His hands moved down her frail waist, across her hipbones then further down following the scent of blood. There were fresh teeth marks on her hips, between her thighs.

  “What the fuck is that about?” Judge asked again.

  Buttercup was all but in a trance as she writhed under Talon’s touch that wasn’t even trying to turn her on.

  “Everybody has their own fetish, this is the new trend,” Buttercup said, as she reached to move Talon’s hand back to her thighs.

  “That’s not just a bite,” Judge all but growled.

  “No,” she said, with grin. “They get carried away,” Buttercup said, moving her ass against Talon.

  “You let some sick fuck drink blood from you?” Judge accused.

  Buttercup reached for a huge ring on her finger and opened it. Inside there were two tiny black pills. “This shit will fuck you up but I promise you will come like you never have before, beg for more.”

  Talon met Judge’s gaze, each with matching fury. Even though the Sons had shut down the Devil’s Den from making this drug, or at least Evanthe had stopped the effect of the spells, the boys had seen shit like this in every club they had come across over the last week.

  Which either meant the Devil’s Den had a massive reserve or that they had found a way around making the drug that arguably had the ability to turn mortals immortal, or at the very least give them the same tendencies.

  Buttercup moved her hand between her legs as her hooded eyes met Judge’s. “You don’t bite, but you like to taste. Come to me.”

  After a brief moment of hesitation, a moment he used to take in his surroundings, what he saw in Buttercup’s mind, and how fucked his life felt right then—Judge grinned darkly, then moved forward.

  Chapter Two

  It was clear to Judge that Buttercup had come a long way in the act of seducing a man. When he knew her before it was her innocence that was alluring, how the want in her eyes never matched her timid touches, which is why playing the role of a dominant partner was so simplistic when it came to the likes of her.

  Now, though, none of her touches were timid. Slowly she moved her ass against Talon’s lap as she touched herself and her gaze lured Judge closer.

  Judge crouched down at her side, played his part, letting his stare travel down her far too thin body. He watched her ride her own hand before his gaze lifted to meet hers.

  “You tripping on black?” he asked in a near silent whisper.

  A lust filled smile was the only response he received.

  “How much?”

  She reached her free hand for him and traced his jawline. “I’m not saying a word until I feel you inside, until I scream your name.”

  Judge gripped her wrist with a force that wasn’t needed. The fac
t that she didn’t even bother to flinch all but answered his question.

  He only asked because it was hard for him to gauge the amount she was taking from what he saw in her mind. He could only see her perception and when she was stoned off her ass it wasn’t easy to take her viewpoint in.

  This drug was twisting his mind, how effective it was. Going through the transition from mortal to immortal was not an easy one. It was a wicked hell of nightmares where you basically sat in judgment of the life you had just left. Reveca had always said it was set up that way so that you’d be humble to the new life you were given, and know that every breath you take impacts the world at large.

  What was so dangerous about Black was it didn’t offer its users the same fear, the same humbleness. Instead, it gave them the rush immortals felt when they’re first awakened. When every sensation is enhanced—the sensation that makes the simplest touch erotic.

  It made sense for the Sons to find Black in a sin pit like this. No matter how experienced a girl is, how twisted her life is, each of them have some degree of hesitation when they’re sober, some little voice in their head that tells them they’re better than the life they fell into.

  Judge reached for Buttercup’s jaw. His fingers ran across her lips so that she would open her mouth. He had to see this for himself, what he had seen in her mind. He had to make sure it wasn’t just an illusion.

  Buttercup leaned her head back and smiled, baring her teeth. Judge’s fingertips moved her lips revealing the sharp edges of her incisors.

  “Fuck,” Talon said when he saw them.

  Judge met his stare and went to speak but Talon’s hard glare shut him up.

  Talon nodded down to Buttercup, telling Judge to play his part.

  Judge inwardly cussed hating this shit, but knowing he had no choice. This entire trap would go up in flames if he didn’t walk this line before him. Right then the Autumn chick they were waiting on was outside the door, listening, surely trying to figure out if this was a legit hookup before coming in.

  “Let me see you move, baby,” Judge said to Buttercup.

  Buttercup furrowed her brow. “I am, lover,” she said, grinding her ass into Talon once more.

  A stifled groan left Talon as he adjusted the way he was sitting.

  Judge glanced up at him, wondering how much control the man had at this point.

  “I don’t think you’re ready. I think you forgot what it was like to have me,” Judge said, glancing to the door just behind him. “Let me hear you,” Judge said again just before he stood from his crouched position.

  As he did, Talon gripped Buttercup’s hips and laid her across the couch. Buttercup screamed out a moan. “You’re so fucking hot,” she said on a heated breath as she slammed her eyes closed.

  Talon moved his hand across her chest then down her stomach as he stood, causing her to moan out a scream once more announcing her self-inflicted orgasm.

  Before her moan met its end, the door to the room opened. Stealthily Judge pulled the brunette inside and closed the door as Talon reached to cup Buttercup’s mouth.

  The brunette was only a few inches shorter than Judge at best, a strong, toned body, covered by only barely there shorts and a halter-top.

  “Been waiting on you, sweetheart,” Judge snarled against her neck as he pulled his gun and dug it into her side.

  Buttercup’s scream could barely be heard under Talon’s hand. She struggled against him, even clawing at his hand as the brunette all but smirked.

  Talon grew sick of keeping Buttercup quiet and forcefully pinched that tender place between her neck and shoulder causing her to fall instantly into a deep sleep.

  “Can’t handle more than one at a time, boys,” the brunette said in a raspy, snarky tone.

  “You’re the boss, aren’t you? You running these girls, dealing Black?” Judge asked, griping her arm as he pressed the gun harder into her.

  “If you want a hit all you have to do is ask,” the girl said.

  Judge flung her to the other couch, positioned himself over her with the gun still aimed on her, a hand full of her hair in his other hand.

  The girl laughed. “I didn’t say you could hit this,” she said, daring to rock her hips up into the barrel of the gun that was now aimed at her crotch.

  Right then Echo and Thames came in from the back door, breaking the latch as if it were never there, each taking their position blocking both exits.

  “You know what,” Judge bit out when he saw justifiable fear come to the girl. “We have this theory ‘round the Boneyard. You know what it is?” he asked, lifting his brow.

  She didn’t say anything. Instead, fury filled her eyes.

  “See Echo and Thames—they’re fucking men. They can shift into anything but the very idea of their dick vanishing terrifies the fuck out of them.”

  The girl lifted her chin in defiance.

  “But we’ve all wondered if they did shift into a female if their dick would still feel the pain if it found itself on the wrong side of a weapon.” Judge smirked. “I love my boys too much to test that theory out on their family jewels—but I don’t give a fuck about you.”

  Judge lifted his knee and slammed it in between the girl’s legs. She screamed but nothing else.

  “I don’t know,” Echo said, with a narrowed stare. “We may have the wrong whore—I’m sure I would have felt that, at least had a tremor.”

  “What the fuck do you want?” the girl asked on a panted breath.

  “I want to see your face,” Judge snarled.

  “Open you fucking eyes then.”

  Judge reached down and repositioned his gun. “I don’t care if your dick is there or not—I’m gonna fire and either way you’re going to feel that pain. So either you shift and we take care of business or we’re going to experiment on the anatomy of shifters all fucking night long.”

  The girl went to push Judge back, but his rage held her in place. “Where the fuck do you think you’re going to go? You think you’re getting out of this room even if you did get past me?” Judge asked with a near manic laugh.

  “I’m no good to you dead.”

  “Shift, fucker,” Echo said.

  “Fuck off.”

  Talon had calmly sat down next to Buttercup’s unconscious body and for the first time engaged. “How close is Miah right now?”

  “I don’t fucking know.”

  “Why does he want you dead, Akan?” Talon asked.

  Akan, still in the form of the brunette whore, smirked.

  Just to make himself feel better Judge lifted his gun and struck it across her face. The pain of the impact caused Akan to shift back into his own form.

  Judge punched him for good measure then stood up, not caring to hold him in place anymore.

  Akan had always had a lean build but was fast as hell when he decided to run, so the Sons were not taking any chances in this small room. Every one of them aimed their firearm at him as he reached for his eye which was dripping blood even though it had already begun to heal.

  “You look fucking ridiculous,” Thames said, shaking his head.

  Akan did. In most cases he was a fairly good-looking man who could charm anyone with his hazel stare and persuasive smile. Right then he looked like a drag queen coward with his now masculine face covered in makeup, in the same halter-top and short shorts that were proudly framing his junk.

  “I saw you eye fucking me earlier,” Akan bit out.

  Thames stepped forward, lifting his pierced brow. “I was hunting you—found you, fucker.”

  Akan shook his head. “I should have shifted days ago.”

  “You think? Dumbass,” Echo spouted.

  The longer a shifter stays in a form that is not their natural one, the more fucked their head gets—in some way they start thinking they are who they’re posing as. Rouges had even confessed to the Sons that they outright lost their insight to the paranormal world; stopped noticing shit—like another immortal right in front of them.

  “Answer my question,” Talon said. “Why does Miah want you dead?”

  Akan shook his head in dismay. “That’s what you want to know? Not who raised him or why?”

  Talon narrowed his dark, lethal stare on Akan. “You think you know something I don’t?”

  There was no way in hell any of them were going to let Akan think he held the bargaining chip of knowledge.

  “Clearly. You just asked me why he wanted me dead.”

  Every gun in the room squared its aim on Akan, which only made him laugh. “You didn’t fucking trap me. I may be a bit fucked from shifting too long but I’m not an idiot. When four Sons board the Polyamorous they sure as fuck are not looking to get a piece of ass, not with the high quality bitches you have flocking to the Boneyard—I knew you were either here to shut down the dealing of Black or hunting me,” he glared up at Judge, “and I still walked into your trap. I fucking need you and you need me, so let’s cut the fucking bullshit.”

  Talon leaned forward bracing his elbows on his knees and appraised Akan for a long moment. “I don’t need shit from you. What the fuck do you want from me?”


  All the Sons stifled a laugh.

  Akan rolled his eyes. “We can go back to hating and hunting each other when the dead are back in their place.”

  “You’re dealing Black,” Judge said, with a nod to Buttercup. “You’re dealing whores—both your business ventures landed in your lap at the hands of the Devil’s Den. You dug your own grave, fucker.”

  “Just making money, boys. I don’t give a fuck who signs the check.”

  Lack of loyalty to anyone or anything had always been the Rouges’ downfall; Akan was a walking testimony.

  “A man named Black signing your check?” Talon asked.

  A slow grin came to Akan. “No, a man named Chalice is.” Akan made a point to look right at Judge as he said that and clearly enjoyed seeing how tense Judge became, how his knuckles had turned white as he gripped his gun. “That’s right. Chalice is all about finding an honest living. When he heard Mr. Black was making a drug that could end all sickness he was all over it—surely thought it would help his angel rep if he dished it out.”


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