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Alien Comfort Women: The Complete Bundle

Page 4

by S. L. Hadley

  But then, did she really have to settle for one or the other?

  “Alright, you fuckers,” she muttered. “Let’s get this party started.”


  “Nadia? Nadia! Are you okay? Can you hear me?”

  Though Dr. Card was hissing almost directly into her ear, to Nadia it sounded as though his voice was coming from a long way off. She thought about turning to look at him, but the effort involved was far more than she felt like mustering at the moment.

  Instead, she simply sat there, basking in the afterglow and cradling her swelling stomach. In the back of her mind, she was dimly aware of the Coleos seed dribbling down her thighs. Normally, its loss would have disturbed her. After all, she could have scooped it up and savored the precious substance for later. But her stomach was so full of the stuff that she couldn’t be bothered.

  Besides, it wouldn’t be long until they returned for her. Though she still had no way of communicating directly with her handlers, she strongly suspected she was becoming a favorite among the drones. As she should be.

  The notion was so satisfying that even Card’s continued presence didn’t annoy her as much as it normally would have.

  Lazily, Nadia turned to look at the man. Her eyes had trouble focusing, though that might have been largely thanks to the hair clinging to her face, still sticky with alien semen.

  “Card,” she mumbled, smiling faintly. “How long?”

  The doctor gently grasped her hand and Nadia found she lacked the strength to shake him off.

  “How long?” he echoed, looking worried. “I don’t… what do you mean?”

  “How long until my child is born?” she explained, sighing at the unnecessary conversation. And the man was supposed to be a physician?

  Card swallowed hard, eyeing her stomach.

  “A week?” he said, finally. “It’s tough to tell with Coleos. Maybe a week and a half?”

  Closing her eyes, Nadia nodded, sighing.

  “A week,” she whispered to herself. “That’s good. I was getting tired of waiting.”


  Alien Comfort Women

  Volume Three

  By S. L. Hadley

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  The harem chamber was silent and dim, lit only by the unwavering blue light of the bioluminescent stone walls. Seated against one, Nadia Martinez didn’t mind—the poor lighting, at least. The silence bothered her a little, though she kept it at bay with soft, improvised tune she hummed to herself.

  Well, not entirely to herself.

  Nadia allowed herself a beatific smile as she caressed her massive stomach. Every so often, her unborn offspring would kick or thrash, sending a delicious shiver of maternal satisfaction throughout her body.

  It would be a Hivelord. Somehow, she just knew. And not one of those pitiful, squid-like Coleos infants the other women birthed—a proper Hivelord. The thought sustained her and made it easier to deal with the other, less pleasant effects of an alien pregnancy.

  Chief among them: her breasts.

  Though convenient during her time in the Guard, Nadia had always been rather self-conscious about her flat chest. Now, thanks to the otherworldly being growing in her womb, she was forced to accept the opposite problem.

  Nadia’s chest, once reminiscent of small apples, now had more in common with, well, melons. They ached too, no doubt thanks to being forced to swell so much, so quickly. And, to make matters worse, even the near constant dribble of milk from her increasingly sensitive nipples did little to alleviate the discomfort. In fact, it only made it worse; the slightest touch near her broadening areolas left her whimpering in pain.

  It was ridiculous—hell, she looked ridiculous. And yet, staring at her swollen midsection, Nadia wouldn’t have traded the experience for anything in the world.

  “Soon,” she whispered. She almost imagined she could sense her little Hivelord’s impatience to join his brothers in the outside world. It was only the desire to keep him close—and the thought of his exoskeleton’s bony spines—that tempered her enthusiasm for the birth.

  A familiar rumble filled the air and Nadia struggled to her feet. She was already wobbling to the eventual destination of the daily feeding trough when the great door swung open and a chorus of awed whispers erupted from the other breeders.

  It was not a drone that entered, but a Hivelord. Or, rather, it tried to enter. The majestic Coleos was too large to fit through the door, so it simply wedged its armored head and shoulders through the opening.

  Most of the women shied away, ducking their heads as if afraid to make eye contact. Nadia, however, did nothing of the sort. She stepped toward the alien, unblinking and cradling her stomach.

  It was the same Hivelord that had disciplined her not even two weeks earlier. She didn’t know how she knew—all the Coleos appeared more or less identical—but she knew all the same. It was simply a feeling, deep in her gut.

  Drawing close, Nadia jumped in surprise as the infant in her womb kicked forcefully. She suppressed a grin and idly patted the spot where it had moved. Perhaps the baby sensed the presence of its cousin. She certainly could; already the giddiness of Coleos’ pheromones was beginning to make her head buzz and her extremities tingle.

  The Hivelord looked at her and Nadia’s breath caught in her chest. She stared into the row of perceptive, amber eyes, utterly transfixed. Then, in an instant, she doubled over as a terrible, cramping pain exploded behind her navel. It was so intense and unexpected that she almost missed the sudden rush of water that poured down her legs.

  Oh, God! Was that…?

  Nadia staggered as a powerful contraction began. Stumbling forward, she stretched out a hand and groped blindly for one of the Hivelord’s many facial tentacles. The pain was already worse than she’d expected but it was certainly nothing a powerful dose of pheromones couldn’t cure. The aphrodisiac effects had rendered her virtually numb to it before, after all.

  Growling, the Hivelord retreated. As it moved, one of the crustacean-like legs scraped the ground violently, missing her by inches.

  “Nadia!” Dr. Card shouted. He charged forward, abandoning his usual spot near the back of the chamber and flinging himself between her and the massive Coleos. Shielding her with his body, he guided her away to safety.

  “No!” Nadia rasped, wincing as her body throbbed in pain. “Stop! It hurts! I need it!”

  She fought to shove the man aside, but his grip was far stronger than she remembered. Either that or hers was far weaker. Rather than getting her way, she found herself lowered to the ground with the doctor gently grasping her arm.

  “Just relax,” he murmured, voice calm. “I’m a doctor, remember? You’ll be fine.”

  Nadia nodded slowly, then yelped as the Hivelord unleashed a bellow that shook the ground beneath her. One of the alien’s tentacles lashed out, curling around Card’s neck and yanking the man back. He fell, red-faced and clawing at the appendage choking him.

  “No!” Nadia shrieked. She began to crawl toward him but stopped as another contraction began. Doubling over with her forehead pressed against the ground, she hissed through her teeth and waited for it to pass. By the time it did, Card had stopped struggling and was back on his feet.

  “Are you—?” Nadia started to say, but the rest of her words died as she noticed the tentacle still coiled around his neck.

  The man looked at her and Nadia knew instantly that something wasn’t right. His eyes were blank and unfocused, their usual blue now gleaming a pale yellow. The same shade as the Hivelord’s.

  “Dr. Card?” she whispered.

  The man moved toward her with mechanical stiffness that somehow didn’t seem to slow him in the slightest. He knelt beside her, cocking his head and eyeing her body with a hungry expression. At the same time, the tentacle around his throat pulsed and shifted.

  “This male has long desired you,” he whispered suddenl
y, voice hoarse. “Even now it swells for you. Look.”

  Nadia looked on in terror, unable to tear her gaze away. The voice was Card’s—though barely—but the intonation and words were foreign. If she hadn’t been frozen in fear, it would have been enough to make her shy away. But as it was, she could do nothing more than look on as the man awkwardly disrobed. He—or it—didn’t seem to know how zippers worked and simply forced the doctor’s tattered khakis down to his knees.

  Swollen, indeed. Card’s member was rigid, quivering, and exactly the way Nadia remembered it. She hadn’t had much interaction with the doctor since her first exposure to the Coleos pheromones. Unsurprisingly, the man appeared quite pent up; pre-cum glistened across the tip of his shaft.

  “Why are you doing this?” Nadia asked, practically choking on her words. She winced, growling through her teeth as another contraction hit.

  Card laughed, his voice accompanied by a growl from the Hivelord behind him.

  “Because I can,” he said. “You should be grateful. I can take away the pain! Isn’t that what you want?”

  Nadia tried to be brave. The birth pains were clearing her mind with each passing second and she felt more like herself than she had in weeks. But… what was the point? She’d already confirmed there was no escaping the Coleos hive. Why bother suffering when the alien could take away all her pain and fear in a heartbeat?

  Letting out a shaky sigh, Nadia hung her head.

  “Do it,” she whispered. “Just do it.”

  Card laughed again and stretched out on the floor beside her. Though the tentacle still encircling his neck looked discomfortingly like a noose, it didn’t seem to bother him in the slightest.

  With all the speed of a cracked whip, two more of the Hivelord’s facial tentacles lashed out and attached themselves to Nadia’s nipples. She cried out at the sudden contact, voice dwindling to a groan as the pain subsided to a dull, burning ache. A sharp, repetitive pressure from each made her yelp.

  What the hell?

  The Coleos was milking her. She could feel the liquid leaking from her breasts, drawn up through the tendrils to God-only-knew-where.

  After a few moments, Nadia began to relax. It felt good, and not just because of the trickle of pheromones. God, just the feeling of the milk leaving her swollen chest felt so marvelous is made her want to squirm.

  She glanced at Dr. Card’s outstretched body. And, guiltily, at a particularly upturned part of his anatomy. If she hadn’t just gone into labor, there was no question at all how she’d be passing the time. At least the man’s eyes were closed….

  “Go ahead,” Card said. “The male will not object.”

  Muttering a curse, Nadia glanced at the Hivelord itself. The enormous alien still watched her with its bulbous, unblinking eyes.

  “I—I can’t,” she replied, stifling a groan as the tentacles tugged softly on her nipples. She cradled the undersides of her breasts gently, too fixated on the pleasure to worry about what some alien might think. “The, uh… baby?”

  Card laughed again.

  “You females have more than one means of pleasure,” he said, as casually as though he was discussing the weather.

  Nadia’s eyes went wide and she blushed deeply at the alien’s suggestion. Swallowing nervously, she fidgeted for a moment before speaking.

  “I think I’m a little tense for that right now.”

  At once, two more of the Hivelord’s tentacles snaked toward her. They approached far slower than the others, though with the same unquestioning boldness. One slithered up her thigh, making her shudder, then began to weave back and forth atop her mound, waiting. The other wasted no time teasing. It simply stroked the side of her face, filling her nostrils with a powerful, vaguely floral aroma.

  “And now?” Card asked.

  Nadia inhaled deeply, sighing with relief as pheromone-laden air filled her lungs. She could feel everything drain out of her, as all her worst emotions had simply ceased to exist. Within seconds, she was utterly calm and well on her way to giddy. Another contraction came upon her but she barely felt it, apart from a slight, involuntary pressure at her waist.

  “That,” she murmured, “Is a damn good start.”

  As soon as the words were out of her mouth, the waiting tentacles went to work. The one between her legs affixed itself directly to her clit, sending a rush of pleasure coursing through her. The feeling didn’t subside and it was immediately clear the Coleos did not intend it to. The tentacle squeezed and sucked at her sensitive button, milking the sensitive pearl with the same efficiency as those attached to her nipples.

  Nadia gasped, back arching. Every inch of her was alive and tingling. She realized in a flash that she could no longer feel her body’s efforts to birth her alien offspring. They were still there, of course, but something about her connection to the Hivelord seemed to be overriding her nervous system.

  This realization might have been disturbing, had it not been for the inconceivable volume of pheromones in the air.

  Well, that and the brief moment of panic she experienced when the last of the tentacles forced itself into her open mouth and into her throat.

  Nadia let out a muffled yelp, gagged, and immediately began to thrash. She couldn’t breathe! Desperately, she grasped at the portion of the tendril just outside her lips and tried to yank it free. It wouldn’t budge. The Hivelord’s strength was so overwhelming, she might as well have been trying to move a building.

  “Peace,” Card said. “You’ll not be harmed. Breathe.”

  Nadia’s chest heaved as she frantically sucked for air. For a split second, there was nothing. Then, a faint trickle of oxygen filled her lungs. She sagged in relief, unable to do more than simply lie there as the burning in her chest slowly abated.

  “You see?” Card said. “You live by my will. You breathe by my will. Understood?”

  Unable to speak, Nadia simply nodded. The tentacles milking her breasts and clit seemed to have gone still, as though granting her a chance to collect her thoughts.

  Still lying motionless on his back, the Hivelord-controlled Card smiled. His erection continued to throb, twitching in time to his heartbeat. The sight of it made Nadia’s mouth water, despite the fact that it was already full.

  “Your kind is so wasteful. So much oxygen. Always breathing. I will regulate. Understood?”

  Once more, fear made Nadia’s chest go cold. Even the combined, residual efforts of the pheromones and tentacles were unable to repress such a primal fear. Eyes wide, she shook her head.

  “Peace. I have said you’ll not be harmed. Less waste means more pleasure. I will ensure your mating is the most pleasurable of your life. Understood?”

  Nadia swallowed nervously—and with difficulty—but slowly nodded. Despite her reluctance, the alien’s words continued to echo through her mind. Could it really deliver on such a promise?

  “Good. Now. Take the male inside you. It will assist the birth.”

  Nadia struggled to her knees. As she rose, it was only an unexpected pressure throughout her stomach that reminded her she was still in labor. The realization made her pause.

  Dr. Card might not have been the largest man she’d ever seen, but he was still far from small. And taking him in her rear would have been nerve-wracking enough on her best day. But while giving birth? She’d seen women give birth before. Was the Coleos insane? There was no way!

  As Nadia hesitated, another of the Hivelord’s tentacles slowly encircled the doctor’s shaft. They writhed and curled about it, slathering every inch of his skin with slimy ichor.

  Struck by a sudden impulse, Nadia flopped back down. The Hivelord eyed her, growling softly, but she ignored the alien’s obvious displeasure as she began to gesture urgently. She even went so far as to mumble incoherently around the tentacle in her throat.

  Fortunately, the Coleos appeared to understand. Its tentacle abandoned Card’s cock and snaked toward her.

  “Preparation?” Card spoke aloud for her.
r />   Nadia nodded gratefully. Cheeks burning, she hiked her legs up on either side of her swollen belly and grasped the backs of her knees.

  God, if her parents could only see her now.

  Pushing the thought aside, Nadia forced herself to breathe evenly. She trembled in anticipation, waiting. But, even knowing it was coming didn’t prepare her for the first brush of the alien’s warm, slippery tentacle across her backside. She jumped once, and then whimpered softly as she waited for the Coleos to penetrate her.

  “Females,” Card said, laughing softly. “All the same.”

  Nadia closed her eyes, wishing she could grit her teeth as she felt the narrow, rounded tip of the Hivelord’s tentacle caress her puckered entrance. It bore down slowly, pushing and then retreating as it lubricated her a bit at a time. The rhythm was hypnotic and relaxing, and continued for so long that it almost took her by surprise when, finally, the alien eased inward and did not retreat.

  Groaning softly, Nadia pulled hard against her legs as the Coleos gradually pushed its way into her ass. There was no pain, thankfully, merely pressure that built and built until it was virtually indistinguishable from that emanating from her swollen womb mere inches higher. Then, all at once, her body yielded.

  Nadia gasped, shuddering, as the tentacle slipped fully inside. She could feel, faintly, her body’s futile efforts to clench down and expel the intruder. But far more acutely, she was aware of a sudden irresistible pleasure that the unorthodox act provided. Which, paired with a sudden lungful of pheromones, left her practically giggling with delight.

  Why had she ever thought of escape? This, this was what she’d been made for! It went so far beyond the simple joys of sex; what greater pleasure could exist? She was submitting, completely and utterly, to a majestic otherworldly master! Even if the Hivelord decided he’d had enough and cut off her air supply entirely, she could die a happy woman so long as she felt like this.


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