Hear the Crickets
Page 11
“Dig. I thought you meant metaphorically.”
“Maybe you should stick to the earth once in a while instead of flying around in those clouds of yours.”
“Literal?” I asked.
“No. Metaphoric.”
I threw some dirt at our young guest and continued to dig alongside Dorian, Lillith, and Sean. Poor Sean was already wiped out and we’d only been digging for a few hours. His t-shirt was soaked with sweat, but he was too proud to admit that he needed a break. I had to force him to stop periodically and rehydrate himself.
“I’m telling you. The professor and his students were digging further over that way. I think we’re digging in the wrong place,” Sam said, pointing south.
Dorian stopped digging for a few seconds and glanced over at Sam with suspicion in his eyes.
“If we don’t find anything here, we’ll start digging over there,” I said, wiping the sweat from my brow.
My reply didn’t seem to appease our young friend.
As we stood digging for possible angels, my mind continued to drift back to the night before. There were so many thoughts flying through my head that I was sure even Dorian couldn’t make heads or tails of it. I sure couldn’t, and they were my thoughts.
“How do we know if there’s anything here?” Sean asked, pulling me out of my daydream. “I mean, why are we even digging? Who says we’ll find something? Seems to me that if there was something here, Azazel’s people would have grabbed it when they killed the professor and his students.”
“If there was nothing here, Azazel’s cronies wouldn’t have killed them and discarded their bodies,” said Dorian. “There’s something here. But it isn’t something they can grab and run with. It’s something they were protecting, I think, until the right time.”
“Wait. You think the Fallen are buried here.” Sam suddenly appeared panicked. He stopped digging and waited for an answer.
“I don’t have all the answers. But yeah, that would be my best guess. Why? What did you think we were looking for?” Dorian asked.
“I thought you were just looking for clues to the professor’s death. I didn’t think you’d be looking for the Fallen! Are you crazy?” shouted Sam. “I thought you wanted to keep them from being raised, and now you’re trying to dig them up? What are we trying to do here?”
“Holster it, kid,” said Lillith. “We’re just trying to figure out why this spot was so important that it got people killed. If they are buried here, we’ll cover them back up and make sure no one comes around to resurrect them. Got it?”
“But aren’t you taking a huge risk by digging? What if you accidentally do something to raise them?”
“Sam. It’s okay. Really. They need the Protector and the Spear of Azazel in order to finish the deed. I’m the Protector, but there is no spear. It’s been lost, and no one knows where it is. So they won’t be able to follow-through unless they manage to locate it. And if I don’t know where it is, they don’t either. Got it?” I asked.
Sam gave me a blank stare and then nodded. Our answers seemed to temporarily appease the teenager, and he got back to digging.
The five of us dug all day. The plot was large, but we made sufficient progress and decided to head back to camp for the night. Lillith led the way. She was like a robot. Nothing seemed to slow her down. Sam somehow managed to keep up with her, probably due to his young age, and eventually we lost sight of them, which was just as well—I didn’t want to hear her complain again about the river crossing.
But Sean could barely keep up. The poor guy was exhausted. There was an enormous difference between standing behind a counter at a comic book store all day and being out in the real world. I was proud of him, though. He didn’t complain, choosing to suffer in silence. For once in his life, instead of reading about someone else’s adventure in a graphic novel, he was having his own.
Dorian and I hung back to make sure Sean made it back to camp all right. He trailed behind, slowly trudging along, but doing his best to keep up. We stopped periodically and looked back, keeping an eye on Sean’s progress. I couldn’t see Lillith or Sam anymore and figured they were probably already at the campsite, making fun of how slow we were.
The silence between Dorian and I was awkward after what had happened the previous night. I couldn’t stop thinking about that kiss. I wanted him to do it again, but I wasn’t sure how things worked. I’d been so secluded my entire life, the only romance I’d ever truly experienced was in the books I read.
Nothing in those pages had prepared me for how I’d feel when the moment came.
We had reached the halfway point when Dorian took my arm and halted my progress. Sean eventually caught up and stood behind us, his face bright red from exhaustion.
“Hey. You okay?” Dorian asked.
Sean was drenched in sweat and panting heavily. I suddenly wished I had the ability to carry someone with me when I flew, because I would have carried him back to camp. But it didn’t work like that. My wings were only strong enough for me, something I had discovered when I was a few hundred years younger.
Sean held up a thumb, telling us he was fine, and then guzzled some water from his bottle.
I didn’t believe him for one second.
“Are you okay to keep going?” Dorian asked.
Again, Sean gave us a thumbs up, albeit a rather unconvincing one.
“Why don’t you stay ahead of us? That way we can keep an eye on you. Make sure we don’t lose you.” Dorian pulled me to the side to let Sean pass. We stayed back for a few minutes to give him a head start.
Sean looked back at us, shooting Dorian a suspicious look before tripping over a rock and landing face down.
I tried not to laugh as I witnessed Sean pick himself up clumsily. He trudged ahead, stomping his feet the whole way.
The distance between us and Sean grew until we nearly lost him over the horizon. Dorian and I took our time. Neither of us said a word. My thoughts raced with the memory of his kiss, and I was more confused than ever.
“I’m sorry about last night,” said Dorian, breaking the silence.
“Sorry? About what?” I asked.
“I never should have kissed you.”
My heart sank.
“Oh. Oh, that? Don’t worry about it. It was no bi—”
“No. That’s not what I meant,” he said, interrupting me before I could finish. “When I woke up this morning, I thought about what happened between us. It wasn’t fair to you. My time here is drawing to a close and soon. And you? Well, you’re going to continue to keep on living long after I’m gone. I was just being selfish. From the moment I started seeing visions of you, I began to feel something. I became obsessed with meeting you. But it wasn’t totally about me. I knew you were going to be the key to saving mankind, but it started to become more than that. And then when I finally met you in person, you were everything I thought you’d be. Strong. Independent. Badass. To you, it seems like everything has happened quickly. For me, I’ve known you for months. I’ve tried to keep my personal feelings out of the equation, but...it’s just that I really wanted to kiss you. I’m sorry.”
I couldn’t look at him. It would have been too difficult to face him. How had I forgotten that his a hundred and twenty years was nearly up? Just when I’d begun to start feeling like a normal girl, life smacked me in the head again.
So, I just nodded, my feet continuing their march back to camp. Tears formed in my eyes, but I was far too stubborn to allow them to fall. He fell back a bit, giving me space; he seemed to sense that I hadn’t taken his news very well.
We finally reached the site where everyone was eating around the fire. No one had much to say.
Reality was sinking in.
It seemed the others were exhausted from the day in the sun, everyone except me. I watched them all turn in for the night one by one, each disappearing into their tents.
And I was left to sit by the campfire—alone.
A few hours passed, and I looked
down at my attire and inspected how dirty I’d gotten over the past few days. I decided it was time to change my shirt. I grabbed my canvas bag, which contained my spare tank top, and headed toward the edge of our camp, away from the light of the campfire and into the shadows.
I stood with my back toward camp and stripped down to my waist, tossing my filthy top to the side. I stood for a moment and allowed my wings to spread out. I hadn’t had an opportunity to stretch them properly since I’d arrived. It felt good to feel the wind on my feathers again.
My tops weren’t always easy to get on and off since my wings typically got in the way. But I had gotten pretty good at it over the years. I grabbed my black tank top and began to pull it over my head when my senses told me something wasn’t right. The hair on my arms stood on end, and my wings ruffled in anticipation.
I heard a noise behind me.
“Who’s there?” I asked.
But no one answered.
I quickly pulled my shirt on with some effort and spun around to face my visitor.
I didn’t expect what stood before me.
A dark-skinned man stood in front of the campfire. His face was somber, showing no expression. His eyes glowed red, almost as if fire were coming from his eyes. I reached for my sword, but I remembered I’d left it near Lillith’s tent.
I crept closer, keeping a watchful eye on the stranger standing in front of me. At first, he looked like he was on fire, but I soon realized it was, in fact, his wings that were shooting flames from his back.
They were either on fire or made of fire. I couldn’t tell.
I stopped approximately twenty feet from where he stood. I didn’t dare get any closer until I understood who he was and why he was there.
We stood still, neither of us making a move, quietly staring at one another.
Finally, he spoke.
“Hello, Skyy. It’s lovely to finally meet you.” His accent was thick, his words almost slurring. He spoke so quickly that it was difficult to fully understand what he said.
“I’m sorry. You have me at a disadvantage. You know my name. Who are you?” I asked caustically.
“Direct and to the point. I like that,” he said. He bared his teeth in a lame attempt at a smile, but instead it came across as creepy and disturbing. “I am Raja. I’ve been sent to find you. It has come to my attention that you have something we want.”
“Well, then. I’m afraid you came for no reason. I don’t have anything.” I stretched my arms out to show I didn’t have the spear or anything else. “See? Now it’s my turn. Who sent you?”
“My employer is none of your concern.”
“If you’re here to try and hurt me or my friends, it is my concern.”
“Then simply hand over the spear, and I’ll be on my way.” Raja put out his hand, palm up. His fingers wiggled in an effort to tell me to give him what he wanted.
“If you were even remotely intelligent, you’d realize that no one has seen that spear since my mother died. And even if I did have it, I wouldn’t be giving it to a psychopath like you. So, you’re barking up the wrong tree there, flame boy.”
Raja began to laugh, throwing his head back as if he’d never heard anything so funny in his life.
“Flame boy. You’re a funny girl.” He chuckled, pointing at me. “I can tell you don’t like me. That’s too bad. I was hoping we could be friends. That you’d give me the spear, and you’d come and fight alongside me.”
“Why would I do something as asinine as join you?”
“Because I’m on the right side.”
I snorted with derision and forcefully rolled my eyes.
“What? You think that what you’re trying to do is honorable? You have a duty to your kind. The Fallen are your ancestors. Without them, you and your little friends over there wouldn’t exist. You owe it to the Watchers of old to release them from their prison and bring about the end of the human race. You could be responsible for a whole new era where angels, Nephilim, and Gibborim rule this world side-by-side.”
I placed my hands on my hips and shifted my weight, glanced over at Lillith’s tent and eyed my sword. It was too far away, and I knew I wouldn’t be able to get to it fast enough if need be.
“I’m sorry. Are you under some kind of impression that I give a rat’s ass about your cause?” I barked. “Because if I came across that way, I sincerely apologize. How about I be very, very clear. Go away, you piece of shit. You’re not welcome here.”
Raja again attempted a smile, which came across more terrifying than reassuring.
“Fine. I’ll leave. But I’ll be back with a few of my friends. You have seventy-two hours to hand over the spear, or your complete decimation begins. And your friends’ blood will be on your hands.”
Dorian unexpectedly stepped out of his tent and stared at Raja’s presence. Dorian looked as if he was about to rush to my side, but I put my hand out to tell him to wait. He stood quietly, waiting for my signal.
“I see your boyfriend there is very protective of you. Well, isn’t that sweet?” Raja rubbed his hands together. “How upset will you be when you see his head at the end of a sword, being held in battle? How will you ever live with yourself?”
I took a brave step forward. From the corner of my eye, I saw Dorian slowly creep closer and closer to where my sword sat leaning up against Lillith’s tent.
“I’m sorry. Are you trying to intimidate me? Because I don’t intimidate easily.”
“No, no, no. You misunderstand. I am in no way trying to intimidate you.” Raja took a step closer to me. “I’m threatening you.”
Dorian had reached my sword and held it firmly in his grasp.
Please don’t hurt her.
I heard Dorian’s voice inside my head. My eyes shot over in his direction for just a second, but he was still standing motionless waiting for my signal.
If he hurts her, I’ll kill him.
His thoughts were about me and my safety. He was worried.
And that gave me strength. I gave him the signal and put out my hand. Dorian tossed my sword high into the air. My wings expanded and beat once, causing a huge gust to be directed in Raja’s direction. His wings of fire sparked back from the sudden gust, catching him off guard. I leapt into the air and caught my sword, landing mere feet from where my enemy stood. The point of my sword grazed his throat, and I stood there unmoved with hatred in my eyes.
“You have until the count of three to get out of here. One. Next time I won’t be quite as hospitable,” I said with a sarcastic grin.
Raja didn’t move. His red eyes glanced at the sword pressing against his skin. An evil grin spread across his face as he stared me down.
“Two. If you or any of your minions hurt one hair on any of my friends’ heads, I will personally hunt you down and relieve your head of your body.”
Raja chuckled.
“I’m going. But remember. You have seventy-two hours. Give us the spear, or you’ll all be dead. And, maybe you should think about which side you need to be on. Because you can’t win.”
Raja laughed maniacally as he jumped straight up and flew away. I watched him soar over the horizon until I could no longer see the flames of his wings. When I finally turned back around to check on Dorian, he was already at my side. I dropped my sword and threw my arms around him.
He reciprocated, and we stood there for what seemed like an hour, just holding each other.
Chapter 11
I knew Azazel hadn’t believed me when I’d told him I had no idea where the spear was located. He’d given me an ultimatum, one I knew damn well I couldn’t deliver on.
Raja the Red had shaken Dorian. For the rest of the night, he refused to leave my side. He grabbed a blanket and spread it out near the fire. We lay down together, and I curled up into his arms. I draped my left wing over him to keep him warm as the night air grew cooler. He finally managed to doze off, and I stayed awake and kept watch from the protection of his embrace.
The rest of the evening was quiet. Nothing but Dorian’s breathing and the crickets in the distance broke the silence. I stared up at the stars and wondered if this had been God’s plan for me all along. To allow my existence in order to fight the Fallen, the Watchers who betrayed him many millennia ago.
The sun eventually rose over the horizon. I retracted my wing and started to wake up Dorian when I heard a noise coming from across the campsite.
“Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me!” Lillith was awake. “Are you two really cuddled up together like a couple of love birds? God, I think I’m going to be sick.”
Dorian opened his eyes and stretched his neck back to glare at his sister.
“Oh, stop being so dramatic, would ya?” he grumbled with a yawn.
“Dramatic? What are you doing, Dorian? You can’t afford to get involved. Start using that head of yours. She’s immortal. You’re not. I can’t believe you just—”
“Cool it already. It’s not what it looks like. We had a guest last night. Raja was here.”
I sat up to allow Dorian to get up from the blanket. He shot me a wink and then turned to face his sister.
“Raja? He was here?” she asked, quickly rushing over to his side.
“In all his glory. I had a vision that woke me. When I sat up, I knew something was going on. I rushed out of the tent, and there he was, squaring off with Skyy, exactly as it showed in my vision. Luckily, she was able to scare him off. But he said he’d be back in seventy-two hours for the spear.”
“But she doesn’t have the spear.”
“You know, I told him the same thing. But strangely enough, he didn’t believe me,” I said, sarcasm dripping from my voice.
“What’s going on?” Sean yawned as he and Sam exited their tent. “You guys are awfully loud this morning. Louder than normal even.”
“Dorian and Skyy slept together,” said Lillith, pointing at the two of us.
“What?” Sean yelled.
“Oh, Jesus.” I closed my eyes and tossed my head back in exasperation.