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Too Mean to Die

Page 5

by Len Levinson

  And yet, with his feelings of sympathy for her, she was making him very excited. She was a skillful cocksucker and her eyes were bright, as if she were enjoying it. Her head bobbed around and her boobs jangled up and down. Her long brown hair, which nearly extended to her waist, went thrashing through the air. She was like a little doll; everything about her was exquisite, and he even thought that her small upturned nose was perfect for her face now, and that her chin had the most alluring shape.

  And she was completely in his power. He paid for her and could do anything with her he liked. If he told her to do it, she had to do it—within reason, of course. Now he wanted to feel her against him. He wanted to kiss her demure lips, even though she’d probably sucked a hundred cocks that day. He didn’t care. He hadn’t had a woman since the native girl, and he hadn’t had her for a couple of months.

  He placed both of his hands on her head and pushed her up off him.

  She blinked and was disconcerted. “Am I doing something wrong?”

  “Come on up here,” he said softly, pulling her toward him.

  She climbed up his body and he held her cheeks in his hands, looking at her face, and her lips were red due to the exertion and friction they’d been undergoing.

  “You know, you’re really okay,” he said.

  She smiled. “I was afraid I was doing something wrong.”

  “Naw, you couldn’t do anything wrong.”

  He pulled her face closer to him and they kissed gently. Her lips and tongue were hot and had a sweet taste. He removed his hands from her cheeks and ran them down her back, bringing them to rest on her buns.

  “You got a great little figure,” he said.

  “Thanks. You got a great body yourself.”

  He was going to say I bet you say that to all the soldiers, but he didn’t because he knew she didn’t. There was something honest about her. She wouldn’t tell lies unless she had to, and then she’d tell them poorly.

  “I wish I would’ve met you someplace else,” he said.

  She snickered. “If you woulda met me someplace else, you wouldn’t be fucking me.”

  “That’s okay.”



  She jabbed her fingers into his ribs. “You’re fulla shit—that’s what you are. You just trying to get under my skin—that’s what you’re trying to do.”

  “I’m telling you the truth, baby.”

  “Sure you are.”

  “Why don’t you believe me?”

  “Why should I believe you? I always get suspicious when people start telling me to believe them. I know they’re about to tell me a whopper.”

  “You think that if I met you outside of here I wouldn’t like you?”

  “Sure you would. You probably want to stick this thing here into every girl you see, from eight to eighty, blind, crippled, or crazy.” She took his cock in her hand and moved it toward her magic place.

  “Not every girl.”

  “Most every girl.” She tucked it inside her warmth. “How does that feel?”

  “Like I died and went to heaven.”

  She chuckled. “You sure talk a good game, soldier.”

  “It’s the truth.”

  She moved his cock until it was at the proper angle and then pushed her pelvis forward, enveloping him with her vagina. It was greasy and snug, and thrills went up and down his spine.

  “Aaaaahhhh,” he said.

  “Feels good, huh?”


  “How about this?”

  She rocked up and down on him and giggled when she saw the expression on his face. She pressed her forefinger against his nose.

  “You’re just a big baby, ain’tcha?”

  She kissed his forehead, his eyes, the tip of his nose, and his lips. Then she hunkered down, ran her tongue over his nipples, and worked him slowly. He looked down at the top of her head and cupped her ass in his hands. It was firm and strong, not soft and flabby, like some girls’. She wiggled from side to side and brought her legs close together, which caused her vagina to squeeze his cock.

  “Come for me, baby,” she whispered. “Go ahead and do it.”

  He didn’t want to come so soon, but he knew if she kept doing what she was doing, he would before long. She slurped all over his chest as she worked her hips around and about.

  “Want me to suck it again for you?” she asked.

  He didn’t answer, because he was getting sex-crazy. He wanted to squeeze her hard but was afraid he’d break her little bones. He wanted to take a bite right out of her shoulder.

  He clasped her tightly against him and moved to the side so he could get on top of her.

  “Wheeeeee!” she cried happily.

  He laid her on her back, wrapped his arms around her, and started long-stroking. She clasped her legs around him and wiggled from side to side.

  “Fuck me, Daddy,” she whispered into his ear. “Fuck me all night long.”

  He pumped her from all the angles, swiveling his hips, going out of his mind. She met him stroke for stroke, and in his delirium he was amazed at how strong she was for such a little girl. He held her head in his hands and thrust his tongue into her mouth, and she wrapped her tongue around it, sucking gently, coaxing him to a higher level of wild passion. He humped her passionately and she dug her fingernails into his shoulders, matching his rhythm and intensity.

  The bed creaked and squeaked, and both of them breathed heavily, gulping down air as if they were running a marathon and had only a few hundred more yards to go. He moved his hands down her body and grabbed her ass again, pulling her toward him, and she tangled her fingers in his hair and pulled his lips more tightly against hers.

  He felt himself coming and tried to prolong it. He closed his eyes and tried to think of the Texas prairies on a hot afternoon, the sun beating on his ten-gallon hat and the cattle munching grass. But it did no good. She pushed his face away and grit her teeth, moving her head from side to side on the pillow, saying “ooh” and “aahh,” and when he looked down at her, he could see that her eyes showed mostly white because they were rolled up into her head.

  His balls exploded, and he bucked like a wild bronco. The bed bounced up and down on the floor as he shot his first load into her, and she screamed into his ear so loudly it shocked him. But he couldn’t stop moving and continued to pump her, jolting and pushing, hanging on tightly as he shot fusillade after fusillade into her.

  In a sudden weird movement she reached up and bit his chin, but he barely felt it because he was drowning in ecstasy. He gasped for breath as she fell away from him, sweat coating both of their bodies, semen soaking the sheets underneath her ass. He blacked out for a few seconds and came back again, still humping that little girl underneath him. And she wouldn’t quit, either; she just kept wiggling and twisting, pushing back at him, and her little pussy squeezed his cock like a fist.

  Finally he simply couldn’t move anymore, and collapsed on top of her. She went limp, and he felt her chest rise and fall as she tried to breathe.

  “You son of a bitch,” she said. “You made me come.”

  “Don’t gimme that,” he said.

  “You did!”

  “I did?”

  She slapped his ass. “You damn sure did.”

  “Oh, baby,” he said, and kissed her cheek, her nose, and her throat. Huffing and puffing, he slithered down her body and kissed her healthy breasts, sucking the nipples, feasting on her. But his energy was dribbling out of him and he couldn’t go on. He lay his head between her breasts and stopped moving. Underneath his ear he could hear her heart beating like a tom-tom.

  He struggled to catch his breath, and so did she. He thought of how strange it was to be in bed with a girl. On Guadalcanal he thought about sex nearly all the time; it seemed like the most exotic and wonderful thing in the world, but now as he lay in bed with this little whore he realized how natural sex was, how he used to do this all the time when he was a civilian, and how i
mportant it was for a man’s mental health.

  It had been a great fuck too. One of the best in his life. She really was something, perfect in every way. The man who married her would be a lucky son of a bitch. He’d have a hot piece of ass for the rest of his life.

  “You’re really special,” he whispered into her boobs. “You’re so pretty and nice and sweet, and you’re really a terrific lay. You’re like a magic princess, and I don’t think I’ve ever met anybody like you.”

  She groaned. “Guys tell me that all the time.”

  He was astounded because he thought he was the only one. He’d figured that the other guys just got on her, fucked her, came, and walked out the door. He had been certain no one had ever said such nice things to her, but now he realized he was just another john.

  Just another john.


  He got up on his elbows and looked down bitterly at her.

  “What’s the matter with you?” she asked.

  “Never mind.”

  He crawled off the bed, took his pack of cigarettes out of his shirt, and popped one into his mouth. He plucked his Zippo out of his pants and lit the cigarette, then reached for his skivvies and put them on.

  “Hey,” she said, “you don’t have to leave yet.”

  He buttoned up his skivvies, then picked up his pants and put them on.

  “You mad or something?” she asked.


  “Yes you are.”

  “Well, maybe I am.”

  “How come.”

  “Never mind.”

  “We can do it again if you want to.”

  “Forget it.” He sat on the chair and reached for his khaki socks, feeling humiliated and cheap. I’m just a fucking john, he thought.

  She adjusted the pillow against the headboard and rested her head against it, bending her legs that her knees pointed into the air. “I know what’s eating you,” she said. “You’re mad because I told you that other guys say the same things to me that you say. Well, they do. I just said the truth and you can’t take it. Everybody tells me how pretty I am, but nobody wants to do anything about it.”

  “Like what?”

  “You know like what.”

  “No I don’t.”

  “Yes you do.”

  “You mean like marry you or something?”

  She didn’t say anything.

  “I just asked you a question, goddammit!”

  She looked at him angrily. “Don’t you holler at me, soldier boy. I’m not one of your damned recruits.”

  She rolled out of bed, tiptoed to her dress, and took her own pack of cigarettes out of its folds. She put one in her mouth, lit it with a match, and tiptoed to the sink, turning on the faucets.

  “I’ll wash you off if you’re finished,” she said, very businesslike.

  “I don’t need it.”

  “Suit yourself.”

  She straddled the sink and washed her vagina. Bannon tied his shoelaces and stood, picking his shirt off the chair.

  “I bet all the guys make you come too,” he said sarcastically.

  “No,” she replied. “That almost never happens.”

  “You little fucking liar!” he said.

  “Why would I lie to you about one thing and not the other?” she asked. “Use your head, soldier boy.”

  He wrinkled his forehead, because that made sense. If she was going to lie to him, she would have lied straight across the board. He looked at her; she was even smaller in her bare feet, patting her groin with the towel. Her makeup had come off in the lovemaking, and she looked like the country girl that she really was.

  “How long you been a whore?” he asked, putting on his shirt.

  “None of your business.”

  “You know what you’re gonna look like after another couple years, don’t you?”

  She shrugged. “Who cares.”

  “You’re gonna care.”

  “Don’t tell me what I’m gonna do, soldier boy. You don’t know nothing about me at all.”

  “Shit,” Bannon said, “I can just look at you and tell you where you’ve been, where you are now, and where you’re going.”

  “I don’t wanna hear it.”

  “You’re gonna wind up like all them old toothless whores standing on street corners, blowing guys for quarters.”

  “I said I don’t wanna hear it.”

  She walked across the room, a scowl on her face, put her feet into her high-heeled shoes, and lifted her blue silk dress off the chair. She put the dress on, zipped up the side, and suddenly she was dressed again.

  “Why don’t you get an honest job?” he asked, tucking in his shirt. “There’s a million defense jobs out there, and they pay good money.”

  “Not as good as this,” she said.

  “You can’t do this forever.”

  “After I get enough money saved I’m gonna go back home and start a business.”

  “That’s what all the whores say, and they all wind up on street corners, blowing guys for quarters.”

  She stood in front of the mirror and brushed out her long brown hair.

  “Why don’t you get married?” he said.

  “Who the hell would marry me?” she replied.

  “I’d marry you.”

  He looked at him sharply. “Liar.”

  “I’m not a liar.”

  “You’re so full of shit it’s coming out of your ears.” She turned to the mirror again and continued brushing her hair.

  “I bet a lot of guys would marry you.”

  “A lot of guys would say that so they could get some free pussy for a while, and then when the time came they wouldn’t.”

  “That ever happen to you?”

  “Button your lip, soldier boy. You don’t have the right to talk to me like this just because you paid twenty dollars.”

  “I’ll marry you right fucking today!” he said.

  “I said button your fat lip.”

  “C’mon, I’ll prove it.” He took a step toward her. “We’ll find a justice of the peace and get married.”

  She gave him a dirty look, put a hairpin in her mouth, and continued brushing her hair.

  Bannon tied on his necktie and stood behind her so he could see in the mirror that it was straight. Their eyes met in the mirror; hers were smoldering with anger. She put the pin into her hair, then bent forward and picked up her lipstick.

  Bannon looked at the outline of her ass against the silk dress. She was pretty and nice, even though she was being contrary. He wanted her to lead a normal life and be happy.

  He grabbed her arm. “C’mon, let’s get married right now.”

  She pulled her arm away. “Take your paws off me!”

  He grabbed her arm again. “If you don’t come with me, you’re just going to be a whore all your life.”

  She tried to pull away, but this time he held her too tightly.

  “I’ll marry you,” he said evenly, looking into her eyes. “You’ll get my Army allotment and you won’t even have to work at anything if you don’t want to.”

  She tore her eyes from his and looked down at his hand clenched around her arm. “Let me go!”

  “I won’t let you go. We’re getting married. If you’re not smart enough to lead a normal life, I’ll go goddamn make you.”

  “Like hell you will!” she said, tugging to get away.

  He held her more tightly. “Listen, you know you like me. We’d get along fine, and I won’t even be around that much. I’ll be away in the war. Be a person for a change, instead of the girl who has to suck everybody’s cock for ten dollars.”

  Her eyes welled up and darted around like the eyes of a frightened animal. “Let me go!” she screamed.

  ‘Trust me,” he said. “Just walk out this door with me and trust me.”

  “Why should I trust you?” she shrieked. “Who are you? You’re just another soldier boy with a smooth line of shit!”

  “I’m not!” he said, pulling her tow
ard the door. “I’m going to marry you right fucking now to prove it!”

  “Let me go!”



  “Ssshhh!” he said, placing his forefinger in front of his lips. “Calm down.”


  Becoming angry, he pushed her against the wall, a little harder than he’d intended. “You’re too fucking dumb to know what’s good for you!” he shouted.

  The door to the room opened suddenly and Mae burst in. Behind her were a few other women. They took a look at Nettie up against the wall and Bannon standing menacingly in front of her.

  “What the hell’s going on here?” Mae asked.

  “This son of a bitch is crazy!” Nellie shouted.

  Mae looked at Bannon. “Now, you just take it easy, soldier.”

  “I am taking it easy,” Bannon replied, trying to take it easy.

  “I think,” Mae said, “that you’d better just turn around and walk out of here, soldier.”

  “I ain’t going anywhere without her.” He looked at Nettie cringing against the wall and held out his hand. “Come on, girl. Take a chance.”

  “Get the hell away from me!” she screamed.

  “Soldier,” said Mae, “you can see that she doesn’t want to go. Why don’t you leave her alone?”

  “I ain’t leaving her here.”

  “Come on,” Mae said with a soothing tone in her voice. “Go back to Schofield Barracks and sleep it off.”

  Bannon looked at Nettie. “You don’t have to be a whore,” he said. “Come with me and I’ll marry you, I swear.”

  Nettie bit her lower lip and looked away from him. She didn’t say a word. There was a commotion in the hall and then the nice old lady who’d been at the desk downstairs entered the room, followed by the two big bouncers.

  “What’s the problem?” she asked, for she was the madam of the whorehouse.

  “This soldier is acting up,” Mae said.

  The little old lady placed her hands on her hips and walked toward Bannon, her eyes like the slits in the turret of a tank. “Mister, we don’t want any trouble here. I think you ought to go home right now.”

  “I ain’t leaving without her,” Bannon replied. “She wants to come with me, but she’s just a little scared, that’s all.”


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