Book Read Free


Page 15

by Kenya Wright

  When everyone entered, we drove off to the mansion. Hunter watched each face and took in every word, which was few.

  One of you could be the person terrorizing me.

  We headed to upstate New York where there was an embarrassing number of mansions. However, the place we were going was one I was excited to see.

  The moment we arrived, the place took my breath away.

  Usually, the mansion served as an active working writer’s colony hosting 80 Pulitzer Prize winners, 100 National Book Award winners, and two Nobel Prize winners. It had been built in 1881. There was more stone than wood. It was a three-story, tower-topped, 55-room estate encompassing 50,000 square feet. Gorgeous gardens surrounded the estate.

  Too bad tons of vehicles scattered all over the property. Where there wasn’t vans, trucks, and tents, there were people. Tons and tons of people running this way and that. Security guarded the place as well as local police. An ambulance and fire truck were parked on the side just in case of an emergency.

  Trigger loved to have fire in his video. There’d been some accidents on prior ones. I was sure his insurance company had forced his agent to do the precautions.

  Hunter stayed with me as I maneuvered through my day.

  I grabbed a bagel and coffee on set and then perused the makeup available.

  I can’t use any of this.

  Thank God, Takako hadn’t my shades of plum and I’d brought my emergency case, so I didn’t have a bunch of bright pink all over me.

  Takako and I tried a test look and showed the director. He disagreed with the first presentation. I washed my face and returned to Takako’s chair. Thankfully, the second presentation, he loved. Still, I cleaned that stuff off too and went to choreography.

  The mansion’s main living room was huge with high ceilings. A chandelier hung. Two massive staircases rose on each side and met in the center.

  Right on the ground level, Trigger stood on a small fake stage made from fluffy white clouds. He wore no shirt. Sweat trickled down his muscles. If I hadn’t known his personality, I would’ve enjoyed him swaying his hips perfectly to the beat.

  Over and over, Trigger practiced his song.

  I had two hours to learn a crazy routine that involved a lot of specifically-timed crotch thrusts and ass pops. Anything more and I would’ve been tripping over my feet. Still, the counts had to go just right so I could stay with the real dancers performing behind us.

  Lunch arrived and CiCi showed up too. A shocked expression covered her face.

  “Your driver came and said we were having lunch.” CiCi drank in the excitement of the set. “Girl, thanks for bringing me out here. I wanted to ask, but I’ve been feeling like a charity case lately, borrowing make up teams and being people’s plus-ones at top parties instead of getting my own vacation.”

  A little guilt hit me. “Hey, I’m glad you decided to come. Stay afterwards, if you want.”

  Her gaze fell on Trigger. “Uh…maybe I’ll stay for a little bit.”

  I guided her over to my small dressing section. The video had a high budget, but the money hadn’t extended to dressings rooms or anything like that for the female performers. We all were stuffed together while on the other side of the lot, Trigger and his boys had a nice sized trailer they smoked weed in most of the day.

  Hunter had brought us salads and fresh loaves from a high-end Italian restaurant nearby. He remained several feet away but watched us from a far.

  “How’s the new guard going?” CiCi asked.

  “Very well.”

  “He’s super hot.”


  “You don’t mind, if I flirt with him, right?”

  I widened my eyes. “Uh, yeah I would mind.”

  “Oh, of course. You have to keep it professional to find this guy.”

  “That and…this is Hunter.”

  “Wait.” CiCi gestured his way. “The guard is Hunter? The hot stepbrother you’re always talking about?”

  “Not stepbrother. More like adopted.”

  “Still.” She opened her mouth in shock. “Hunter is fine.”




  “How the hell have you not slept with your brother by now?”

  I hit her arm. “Really, CiCi?”

  “I’m just saying. He is fine as hell.”

  I laughed.

  CiCi grabbed the square blue cloth in front of her. “Damn girl, I need more napkins. I’m about to drool all over myself.”

  I grinned. “Stop it.”

  “So, I see Trigger is definitely out of the picture.”

  “For sure.”

  Trigger was no competition for Hunter. The contest would be over before it started.

  I studied Hunter’s face for a few minutes as he scanned the area. This afternoon, he appeared on guard, but relaxed. One would’ve never known that he’d been so hot and heavy while kissing me this morning.

  Damn. I want more. So much more.

  I lifted my glass of water and sipped, hoping to cool off.

  It was good to know I wasn't the only one caught off-balance by Hunter. CiCi’s response showed me that. Hunter oozed the type of pheromones that tangled women’s panties and had them rubbing themselves in the evening.

  Hunter turned my way. Heat showed on his face.

  My breath caught.

  CiCi looked at me, then him, and then back to me. “Wait a minute. You two have kissed or fucked or something?”

  Embarrassment flushed over my face. “We’re…cool.”

  “Hmmm. Something happened.” She giggled. “You look like you’re ready to tear his clothes off.”

  I am ready. We’ll have to fix that this evening.

  He thought we should wait. I had no plan to follow that at all. After that kiss, I couldn’t’ think of anything else but his mouth all over my body.

  “What’s going on with the creep that’s been bothering you?” CiCi’s question knocked me out of the lusty mood I was in and pushed me into fear.

  “Hunter’s helping me with that.”

  “Do you want me to stay with you or anything?” she asked.

  “No.” I hadn’t told her about the apartment or explained why we were at the suite when we did hair and makeup. Hunter suspected that my stalker was someone around me, and I would think that way too. I planned on hiding details and keeping things secret until the person was found.

  CiCi and I chatted about industry gossip over the salads.

  I did my best to ignore the potential danger that had arrived on my doorstep. There were so many unanswered questions. What was that gift about last night? Why the hell did the crazy person do that to my apartment? Thank God Hunter had been here to distract me from the terror of it all with his lips.

  Hopefully, he can do more to calm me.

  I was determined to ignore the haunting dread around me. The threat from this stalker lurked in the shadows like a thief prowling the night. It messed with my head. It had me on edge. It ruined my sleep. Disturbed my peace. It stole the soothing silence away.

  Lunch ended with the bitter taste of my anxiety mucking the good moment up.

  Hunter will find him. I know he will.


  The Red Paint Would Symbolize Blood


  I watched Zola as she took her time getting on set.

  I was so close to her, but so far. There were too many people around to truly paint her. We needed privacy, so I could cover her in red.

  This was all practice.

  Time was still ticking.

  This would just be a moment to prepare us for the final one.

  There would be so much blood.

  And as the red liquid streamed down her face, she would smile for the camera like she always did, knowing who really owned who.

  After that, even he would know.

  And salvation would come.

  And hearts would finally reunite.

nd the pain would end.


  Cock Tease


  I practiced the dance some more and went to my dressing area to be fitted.

  Before my team came in, Hunter blocked them and closed the partition to give us some privacy.

  “How are you doing?” he asked.


  “You don’t look like fine. You look upset. Did anybody say anything?”

  “No.” My bottom lip quivered. “I’m just nervous about the stalker.”

  “Don’t be. I’m here. Fuck that guy.”

  I let out a long breath. “Thanks for being here.”

  “Always, Zola. Anytime you need me, I’ll be right here.”

  An ache twisted in my chest. I’d forgotten that there would be a moment when he would have to leave. He lived all the way over on the West Coast and had only come to help me. Even if we did have sex, what more would happen?

  “What are you thinking about?” He touched my arm and slipped his fingers down the length of it.

  “I’m thinking about us.” I gazed up at him. “I want more than a kiss.”

  A fierce hunger blazed in his eyes. “You’ll get more than that. Trust me.”


  “After I’ve…ended this guy.”

  “No, I want it tonight.”

  He grunted. It was the subtle proof that he wouldn’t be able to contain himself with me. The very confirmation made me crazy.

  I smiled. “You’re going to fuck me tonight?”

  He didn’t confirm or deny it.

  “Because you want me just as bad as I want you,” I whispered.

  He licked his lips.

  “I’m just wondering one thing, Hunter.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Do you get as turned on as I do, when you’re watching me?”

  He didn’t respond with words. He did so with his mouth. He took my face into those big hands and consumed me. And I had my answer in the swirl of his tongue and the thick erection pushing against my stomach.

  “I’m always watching you, Zola. Always turned on by you. Right now, when you’re out on that stage, when you’re under that camera…” He sucked on my bottom lip. “I’ll be watching you the whole time, wanting you. Needing you. Standing there, trying to hide the fact that my cock is hard as fuck.”

  He nipped at my lips.

  A knock came at the door. Alexander’s voice came next.

  “Come on, Zola. Can you all finish the talk later? It’s time to get you ready.”

  “Sure.” Hunter backed away and headed to the door. “We’re done.”

  “We’re not done,” I called after him. “Tonight, I want to truly finish this conversation.”

  “Oh really?” He glanced over his shoulder as if barely taking me seriously.

  “Yes.” I fisted my hands and blurted out what was on my mind. “And we’ll be finishing the conversation with your cock.”

  He stumbled a little as he headed to the door. A chuckle came from him. But, in his eyes, there was a promise, and I knew he would oblige. He left me in my dressing area with wet panties and a strong desire for him to stick his finger inside me.

  Somehow, I changed into my outfit and put a robe on.

  Everyone returned.

  His cock was all I could think about as my team finished helping me get ready. I ignored the chatter between Takako and CiCi.

  Alexander paced behind me, staring into his phone and mumbling to himself. By now, he’d had Takako put some foundation on that eye. Not too many people had spotted the bruises. I wondered if he’d gotten the black eye from his boyfriend or if Takako had been right about the sexual allegation rumors.

  Hunter stood in the dressing area, arms crossed over his chest, still as a statue. My attention kept drifting back to him as two stylists worked on my hair and makeup.

  Takako snapped in front of my face. “Girl?”


  Takako winked and smiled at me for the first time that day. “No worries. I see why you’re looking that way. He’s not bad to look at. If I didn’t love girls so much, I would totally try him.”

  “Funny.” I shook my head. Even Hunter had gotten Takako’s panties in a bunch.

  My body tingled seeing him standing there, all hard muscles and dressed impeccably.

  “All right. We’re done.” Takako edged back so I could get up from the chair.

  My other stylists stepped back too.

  I took a quick look in the mirror and took off my robe.

  Diamonds covered my breasts and the space between my thighs. The rest of the bodysuit was see-through, showing every inch of my flesh.

  A loud curse sounded behind me.

  I turned that way.

  Hunter scowled. “Everyone get out. Give me a minute.”

  What happened?

  I eyed him as they left. “What’s wrong?”

  “You’re pretty much naked.”

  “That’s the theme of Trigger’s video. Nudity. Remember the women last night?”

  “Not you, though.”

  I let out an exasperated breath. “Hunter, I’ve been photographed with less than this on. I’m sorry but news flash, people have seen me naked before.”

  He didn’t see the humor in it. His expression remained stern. He didn’t move or say anything as his eyes wandered over my body, stopping on my breasts.

  His gaze heated. “I’m not a fan of this outfit.”

  I strolled over to him. “I know, but you have to promise to be good.”

  “I’m always good.”

  “Trigger thinks you broke his three fingers.”

  “Trigger should stop whining to you before I remove his tongue.”

  “Be nice.” I raised my hands and landed them on his muscular chest.

  His eyes darkened as he looked at where I touched him.

  “I want to do bad things to your body, Hunter.”

  A dark grown left his mouth. “Zola.”


  “I’m trying to take my time with you.”

  “I think you’ve taken enough time.”

  “Is that right?” In a flash, he cupped my sex. His hands slipped over the bodysuit’s material as he held a soft grip on my pussy. “This is mine and only mine.”

  My whole body tensed. I gasped, parting my lips, unable to deal with the reality of what was going on.

  “You want this cock? I’ll give it to you, all fucking night.” Over the super thin material, he rubbed his fingers up and down my puckered clit as it lay hungry under the diamonds. “However, I’m not the type of guy you want to play around with, Zuzu.”

  My words came out scattered. “I’m not Zuzu anymore.”


  “I’m a woman.”

  “I know. I see how much you are.”

  Alexander knocked hard and called from the other side. “Come on, Zola. We need to go.”

  There was an edge to his voice. Usually, I was never distracted and was ready right when he needed me. Since Hunter came around, Alexander had been hurrying me around more and more.

  “Zola?” Alexander called again from the other side of the door.

  “She’s coming,” Hunter roared back as he moved his hand, raised his fingers up to his nose, and smelled the tips. “Damn, Zola.”

  “You make me so wet.”


  “Fuck me tonight.”

  “Goddamn it.”

  Giving him a wicked smile, I turned to leave, swinging my hips because I knew he was watching.

  Suddenly, he grabbed me by the waist, pulling me back to him, and my body melted into his.

  “You want this cock? I’ll give it to you right now.”

  “I can’t right now.” I loved the way he pressed up against me. My body relished in the physical contact. All the loneliness I’d felt yesterday before he came, disappeared.

  “Do you know how long I’ve thought of tasting your pussy?
” He said the naughty word like he could see my sex spread in front of him.

  “No, but if you want it so bad, come and take it.”

  “We will, but we won’t rush it.”

  “First, you tell me you’ll fuck me right now in the dressing area. Now, you say to wait again? Are you trying to tease me?”

  His grip tightened on my waist. “No, Zuzu, I’m trying to focus.”

  I left his hold. “Then stop calling me Zuzu and give me that cock.”

  He cursed under his breath as I strolled away, putting a little extra energy in my steps. My ass jiggled in the see-through bodysuit.

  A growl sounded next. In seconds, he had my back to him and pressed against the nearest wall. He pushed his erection against the curve of my ass, leaned in, and whispered into my ear. “You think you can go outside like this, and I’ll maintain control?”

  “You’ll have to.” I shuddered in pleasure as he slipped his hands down to my hips. “This is my job.”

  “No one should see you like this.”

  I teased. “Why not?”

  “Ask my cock that question.” He rubbed that thickness against me and took my earlobe into his mouth, sucking it, then giving it a little bite.

  A moan escaped my lips.

  “Zola?” Alexander yelled on the other side of the partition.

  “Hunter, I have to go.”

  Groaning, he released me.

  I faced him.

  His gaze roamed down my body some more.

  I walked around him, nervous that he was going to grab me again. Part of me yearned that he would. I was already so wet. Any passion or lust on my face in the video would be all from Hunter.

  He licked his lips as I continued past him. “Be careful, Zola.”

  I stopped and glanced over my shoulder. “Be careful with what?”

  “With me.”

  I blinked. “I am.”

  He drank me in. “Trust me. You’re not. You’re teasing me.”

  “I’m not.”

  “I’m going to fuck you.”

  “I was hoping you would say that.” I left him right there.


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