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Ronnie and Nancy

Page 84

by Bob Colacello

weddings of, 107–8, 258, 260–61, 265

  presidential campaigns of, 2–3, 9,

  as wine connoisseur, 111, 238–39, 242,

  377–89, 421, 429, 434, 436–44,

  250–51, 269, 465, 468, 502

  446–64, 470–505

  Reagan, William, 18, 20

  public image of, 9, 215, 283, 340, 371,

  Reagan’s America (Wills), 29


  Rear Gunner, 153–54

  on racial issues, 27, 165–66

  Reasoner, Harry, 361, 364–65, 381–82

  radio career of, 58–65, 67–70, 72,

  Red Plot Against America, The (Stripling), 210

  431–32, 437, 439, 465, 505

  Reed, Clarke, 437, 452, 456

  as rancher, 163–64, 223, 242, 253–54,

  Reed, Thomas C., 356–57, 366–67, 373,

  266, 268, 283, 299, 309, 331, 376–77,

  380–81, 384, 413, 443, 447

  432–34, 462, 464, 466, 474, 477, 484

  Reid, Jim, 209

  reading tastes of, 110, 270, 341

  Reston, James, 426, 449

  religious beliefs of, 19, 22, 25, 27, 61, 66, Reuther, Walter, 197

  70, 96, 99, 105–6, 309, 353, 381, 402,

  Revell, Dennis, 504


  Revere, Anne, 172, 175, 196, 209–10

  romances of, 27–28, 30, 32, 60, 64, 66,

  Revolution (Anderson), 481

  100, 103–7, 239, 243

  Reynolds, Nancy, 351, 365–66, 368–70,

  security for, 6, 376, 433, 448, 505

  372, 399–400, 406, 408, 414, 431,

  sense of humor of, 110, 178, 208,

  480, 493, 495, 497

  242–43, 262, 270, 353, 401–2, 411,

  Reynolds, Quentin, 217

  418, 435, 477

  Rhodes, Cecil, 440

  singing voice of, 66, 270

  Rhodes, James, 387, 457

  social life of, 1–5, 10–11, 66–68, 97–98,

  Righter, Carroll, 255–57, 259, 263, 269,

  100, 104–6, 238–40, 243–44, 258–59,

  276, 353, 395


  5 9 5

  Right Moment, The (Dallek), 314

  Rugged Path, The (Sherwood), 182, 227

  Rise of Ronald Reagan, The (Boyarsky), 364

  Rumsfeld, Donald, 439, 446, 487

  Robbins, Anne Ayres “Nannee,” 35, 37–38,

  Russell, Rosalind, 109, 228, 231, 278, 374

  41–42, 54, 88–89, 258–59

  Rutherford, Ann, 114–15, 230, 250, 282,

  Robbins, John, 35, 38


  Robbins, Kenneth Seymour, 34–35, 37–38,

  Ryman, Lucille, 228, 235

  41–42, 48, 54, 86, 88–89, 100–101,


  Safer, Morley, 444

  Robbins, Patricia Cross “Patsie,” 48, 54, 88

  Safire, William, 3, 426

  Roberts, Bill, 337–38, 340–41, 343–45,

  Salmon, Montague, 39

  349, 360, 413

  Salvatori, Grace Ford, 325–26, 328–30,

  Robeson, Paul, 143, 214

  333, 336, 350, 375, 395–96, 412,

  Robinson, Edward G., 96, 160, 165, 178

  442–43, 504

  Robinson, Jill Schary, 110, 241, 293

  Salvatori, Henry, 10, 325–26, 328–30,

  Robinson, Marian, 88

  332–37, 339–40, 345–46, 348–50,

  Rockefeller, David, 12, 385, 499

  352, 355–59, 368, 375, 378–80, 382,

  Rockefeller, Margaretta Murphy “Happy,”

  387, 395, 412–13, 421, 437, 441–43,

  323, 385–86, 420

  475, 488, 504

  Rockefeller, Nelson, 323–24, 327, 331, 337,

  Salvatori, Laurie Ann, 328–30, 333–34

  342, 357, 382–88, 393, 427, 430–31,

  Santa Fe Trail, 168

  438–42, 446–47, 456

  Schary, Dore, 110, 168–69, 220–21, 225,

  Roedling, Herbert, 291

  227–30, 234–35, 237, 241, 245–48,

  Rogers, Ginger, 158, 198, 200, 209, 230, 255

  258, 286–87, 293

  Romero, Cesar, 256–57, 375

  Schary, Miriam, 234, 241, 245

  Romney, George, 378, 382

  Schenck, Joseph, 117, 219

  Ronald Reagan and His Ranch (Hannaford), Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 169, 197


  Schlesinger, James, 446–47

  Ronald Reagan in Hollywood (Vaughn), 119, Schmitz, John, 361

  149, 153

  Schreiber, Rita, 283, 374, 376

  Ronald Reagan Speaks Out Against Socialized Schreiber, Taft, 271–72, 282–83, 320, 346,

  Medicine, 317

  356–57, 359, 374, 376–78, 380, 421,

  Ronnie and Jesse (Cannon), 364


  Rooney, Mickey, 1, 201, 230

  Schwarz, Fred, 315, 329

  Roosevelt, Eleanor, 3, 11, 41, 170, 197

  Schweiker, Richard, 453–55

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., Jr., 112, 164

  Scott, Adrian, 217, 219

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., Sr., 11, 32–34, 41,

  Scott, Randolph, 278, 338, 413

  46, 57, 60–61, 66–67, 78–79, 93, 96,

  Scranton, William, 325, 327–28

  98–99, 104, 111–15, 118–19, 125–26,

  Sears, John P., III, 437–39, 441, 447–48,

  128, 132–33, 143, 145, 152, 157–60,

  453–55, 457, 463, 474–86, 498, 500

  165, 189, 198, 213, 289, 332, 334, 344

  Secret Language of Relationships, The (Gold-Roosevelt, James, 46, 165–66, 168–69, 172,

  schneider and Elffers), 259


  Selznick, David O., 168, 173, 244–45, 276,

  Roosevelt, Theodore, 56, 261, 327, 386, 436


  Root, Ezekiel, 35

  Selznick, Irene Mayer, 199–200, 276

  Root, John, 35

  Sergeant Murphy, 97

  Ross, Diana, 5

  “Set Your Clocks at U-235” (Corwin), 166

  Roth, William, 472

  Shadow in the Sky, 257

  Rousselot, John, 315, 321, 337–38

  Shadow on the Wall, 232, 247

  Rowland, Richard, 38

  Shaw, Artie, 166, 168

  Rubel, A. C. “Cy,” 334–39, 352, 355–56,

  Shaw, George Bernard, 37, 133


  Sheppard, Eugenia, 2, 493

  Rubin, J. Robert, 226

  Sheridan, Ann, 112, 150–51, 155

  Ruge, Daniel, 131, 145, 317

  Sherwood, Robert, 182, 227

  5 9 6


  Shields, Jimmie, 291, 350, 375, 399

  Stein, Doris, 234, 278, 281–82, 291, 295,

  Shifting, 36

  299, 374–75, 377, 395–97, 402, 424,

  Shore, Dinah, 249, 292


  Short, Howard, 30

  Stein, Jules, 109, 153, 170, 234, 267, 272,

  Shriver, Sargent, 116, 411, 445

  278, 281–83, 291, 295, 320, 330, 346,

  Shubert, Lee, 36, 302

  374–75, 377, 396, 402, 421, 429

  Shultz, George, 434, 483, 488

  Stepmother, The, 85–86, 126, 139

  Sills, David, 352, 405

  Stevenson, Adlai, 264, 381

  Silver Glory (Gish), 126

  Stewart, Donald Ogden, 213

  Simon, Sylvan, 286, 289

  Stewart, Gloria, 276, 278, 292, 304, 375,

  Simon, William E., 471–72, 475, 482–83,

  414, 504


  Stewart, Jimmy, 76, 89–91, 122, 152, 163,

  Sinatra, Frank, 152, 169, 212, 230, 237,

  212, 230, 272, 276, 278, 280–81,

  314, 349, 413–14, 416, 420, 422, 427,

/>   292–93, 304, 375, 414, 451, 479,

  453, 489

  488, 504

  Sinatra, Tina, 413

  Storm Warning, 241, 243

  Singing Marine, The, 201

  Straus, Ann, 231, 261

  Skelton, Red, 59, 411

  Strickling, Howard, 230–31

  Smashing the Money Ring, 119

  Stripling, Robert E., 210, 213, 215, 217

  Smith, Alexis, 155, 163, 177

  Stumbo, Bella, 495–96

  Smith, Alfred E., 28–29, 112

  Sturges, John, 247

  Smith, Gordon, 357–58, 364

  Submarine D-1, 113

  Smith, Jean, 10, 337, 352, 374–76, 379,

  Sugar Babies, 1

  430, 504

  Sullivan, Ed, 193, 270–71

  Smith, Sophia, 122

  Surgeon’s Odyssey, A (Davis), 42, 44, 46–47, Smith, William French, 336–37, 352,

  49, 138–39, 143

  356–57, 359, 367, 374–79, 384, 387,

  Susan and God, 133

  402, 430, 455, 458, 475, 482, 486,

  Swing Your Lady, 97

  496, 503–4

  Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr, 450, 456

  Taft, Robert, 327, 394

  Sondergaard, Gale, 237, 252

  Taft, William Howard, 261, 327, 329, 436

  Song of Russia, 157, 198, 213–14

  Take One (LeRoy), 236

  Sorrell, Herbert, 158, 172–78, 196, 214

  Take Two (Dunne), 212

  Sothern, Ann, 232, 238–39, 256

  Talk About a Stranger, 257

  Spencer, Stuart, 337–45, 347–49, 353,

  “Tax Cuts and Increased Revenue” (Reagan),

  357–58, 360, 368, 370, 380, 413, 443,


  446, 449–50, 452, 458, 498–99,

  Taylor, Elizabeth, 210, 228, 230–31, 493,



  Sprague, Erlenne, 9–10, 12, 311–12, 374,

  Taylor, Laurette, 180, 229

  396, 469, 504

  Taylor, Orville, 89, 190

  Stack, Robert, 111, 176–77, 205, 244, 248,

  Taylor, Robert, 68–69, 151–52, 158, 172,

  488, 504

  177, 198, 210–11, 214, 234, 276–78,

  Stage Struck, 103

  284–85, 304–5, 323, 338, 344, 348,

  Stalin, Joseph, 116, 143, 157

  350, 404–5, 435

  Stallion Road, 163, 167

  Taylor, Theresa, 277, 284

  Stanwyck, Barbara, 151, 155, 158, 200,

  Taylor, Ursula, 276–78, 284–85, 304, 323,

  236, 277

  350, 404, 435

  Starck, Brent, 137–38

  Teaberry Sports Review, The, 65

  Stark, Fran, 286, 291, 304, 311, 374, 435,

  Temple, Shirley, 206, 299


  Tennessee’s Partner, 283

  Stark, Ray, 7, 286, 291, 304, 374, 435,

  Tenney, John, 237, 287


  terHorst, Jerald, 454–55

  Staudinger, Orme, 54

  Thatcher, Margaret, 12, 409, 440, 473


  5 9 7

  That Hagen Girl, 206–7

  Valentine, Mrs. Patrick A., 92, 138

  Thau, Benjamin, 226–29, 235–36,

  van der Kemp, Florence, 409


  Van Druten, John, 180, 195

  Theiss, Michael, 404

  Vaughn, Stephen, 12, 119, 149, 153, 264

  Thieu, Nguyen Van, 419, 423–24

  Venuta, Benay, 234, 286

  This Is the Army, 155–57, 171–72

  Vidal, Gore, 192, 324

  Thomas, J. Parnell, 198–99, 211, 213–14,

  Viewpoint, 431–32

  216–18, 220, 237

  Virginian, The, 79

  Thompson, Nathalie, 301

  Voice of the Turtle, The, 195, 242

  Thorne, Narcissa Ward, 83, 190, 262

  von Damm, Helene, 368–70, 372–73, 392,

  Thornton, Flora, 375, 426, 504

  431, 457, 478

  Thornton, Tex, 375–76, 426, 504

  von Furstenberg, Diane, 446

  Thurmond, Strom, 384, 388–89

  von Stroheim, Erich, 148

  “Time for Choosing, A” (Reagan), 332

  Vorhaus, Bernard, 157

  Toberman, Homer, 296, 311

  Vreeland, Diana, 282, 397, 445, 469

  Toberman, Lucy, 296, 311

  Tracy, John, 39, 78, 186–87

  Wagner, Dave, 116–17

  Tracy, Louise, 39, 48, 78, 145, 186, 188–90, Wagner, Lorraine, 310

  225–26, 266

  Wahlgren, Lanetta, 305–7

  Tracy, Spencer, 39–40, 48, 73, 77–79, 113,

  Wald, Connie, 240, 296, 329, 429, 469

  145, 182, 186, 188–90, 192, 199–200,

  Wald, Jerry, 96, 208, 222, 240–41, 244,

  212, 225–31, 247


  Tracy and Hepburn (Kanin), 182

  Walesa, Lech, 12, 498

  Travis, June, 97–98, 287

  Walgreen, Charles, Sr., 29, 114, 203

  Treasure of the Sierra Madre, The, 188, 242

  Walgreen, Myrtle, 29, 114

  Tropic Zone, 263

  Walgreen, Ruth, 203

  Truman, Bess, 3, 455

  Walker, Robert (actor), 163, 244–45,

  Truman, Harry, 3, 132, 160, 170, 189,

  248–49, 253

  196–97, 218, 251, 264, 381, 436,

  Walker, Robert (political adviser), 351, 384, 463

  388–89, 429, 437–38

  Trumbo, Dalton, 167–69, 173, 197–99,

  Wallace, George, 382, 391, 445

  213, 217, 219, 236, 313

  Wallace, Henry, 132, 159–60, 170, 197,

  Turner, Lana, 105, 153, 160, 230–31,

  199–200, 238, 264


  Wallace, Inez, 231, 233

  Tuttle, Holmes, 10, 204–5, 279, 313, 321,

  Wallace, Mike (journalist), 121, 129, 446,

  323, 325–29, 331–40, 344–50, 352,


  355–60, 362, 367–68, 375, 378–80,

  Wallace, Mike (political staffer), 482

  382, 384, 387, 389, 392, 412–13, 421,

  Wallis, Hal, 96, 112, 150

  425–27, 437, 439, 442, 447–48,

  Walton, Rus, 381, 387

  454–55, 457–59, 462, 464, 468, 471,

  Wanger, Walter, 197, 220–21, 251

  475, 478–79, 482–83, 488, 496,

  Ward, George, 68–69


  Warhol, Andy, 3–7, 397, 444, 497

  Tuttle, Robert, 313, 326–27, 333, 339,

  Warner, Ann, 98, 118, 276, 300

  345–46, 358, 367, 379

  Warner, Harry, 96, 109, 117–18, 159, 219,

  Tuttle, Virginia, 10, 204–5, 323, 325–27,


  333–34, 336–37, 345–46, 350, 375,

  Warner, Jack (film executive), 69, 95–96,

  392, 396, 426, 464, 468, 478–79,

  98, 105, 109, 117–18, 127, 150–52,

  488, 504

  154–55, 157, 162, 174, 178, 199, 211,

  213–14, 219, 240, 276, 300

  “U.S. Communist Party, The” (Schlesinger),

  Warner, John (politician), 493, 499


  Warren, Earl, 173–74, 362–63

  Unruh, Jesse, 359, 402, 412–13, 428, 500

  Washburn, Anne, 180, 184

  Up from Liberalism (Buckley), 314

  Washington, George, 107, 201, 276

  5 9 8


  Wasserman, Edie, 110, 161, 268, 281, 283,

  378, 393, 396, 399, 406, 426, 430,

  292, 322

  442, 460, 464, 478, 489, 493, 495,

  Wasserman, Lew, 108–10, 150, 161, 240,

; 504

  267–69, 272, 281–83, 320, 322, 346

  Wilson, William A., 10, 12, 285, 293–95,

  Way I See It, The (Davis), 265, 307–8

  298–99, 302, 304, 326–28, 336, 338,

  Wayne, John, 152, 158, 200, 240, 251,

  346, 350, 352, 360, 369, 375–78, 406,

  314–15, 323, 344, 349, 386, 413, 424,

  426, 430, 432, 455, 457, 460, 464,

  454, 462

  482, 489–90, 504

  Weed, Lewis, 53

  Wilson, Woodrow, 11, 128

  Weinberger, Caspar, 357–58, 381, 417, 475

  Winchell, Walter, 187, 193

  Weinrott, Betty, 129, 138

  Winning Team, The, 257, 264

  Weinrott, Lester, 48, 57, 84–85, 128–29, 138

  Winship, Frederick, 391

  Weld, John, 124, 257

  Wirthlin, Richard, 485–86, 490, 492, 497,

  Weld, Katy, 124


  Wellman, William, 245–47

  Wirtz, Alice Pirie, 316

  Wetzel, Nicholas, 46–47, 129–30

  Witcover, Jules, 437

  Weymouth, Lally, 484–85, 501

  Wizard of Oz, The, 234, 304

  Whalen, Richard, 391

  Wood, Robert E., 115–16, 126

  Wharton, James, 280, 343, 394–96

  Wood, Sam, 112, 158–59, 200, 210–11, 214

  Where’s the Rest of Me? (Reagan and Hubler), Wrather, Bonita Granville “Bunny,” 205,

  15–16, 59, 62, 66, 112, 161, 265,

  335–36, 350, 352, 385, 504


  Wrather, Jack, 204–5, 335–36, 338, 350,

  White, F. Clifton, 380–81, 384, 387, 389

  352, 385, 439, 455, 482, 503–4

  White, James Platt, Jr., 135, 146–47, 189

  Wright, Loyd, 315, 321

  White, Theodore H., 380, 485, 491–92

  Wyatt, Elsie, 107–8

  Whiting, John, 395

  Wyler, William, 78, 211–12, 220

  Whitmore, James, 245–47, 257

  Wyman, Ernest Eugene, 100, 102

  Whitney, Betsy Cushing, 46, 324

  Wyman, Jane, 68–69, 93, 100–111, 114,

  Whitney, John Hay “Jock,” 46, 324

  150–52, 154–55, 160–64, 166, 172,

  Who Killed Society? (Amory), 317

  177, 179, 195–96, 200–202, 204–9,

  Wick, Charles, Jr. “C. Z.,” 306, 433–34

  212, 221–24, 238–40, 242–44,

  Wick, Charles, Sr., 306, 342, 433, 448, 467, 254–56, 258, 260, 263, 266, 268,

  475–78, 482, 488, 499, 504

  277–78, 282, 295, 308–9, 343, 352,

  Wick, Cindy, 306, 478

  377, 434

  Wick, Mary Jane, 305–6, 342, 375, 433,

  448, 467, 469, 475–78, 488, 499, 504

  Yearling, The, 162–64, 195

  Wicker, Tom, 460

  York, Pat, 26, 297

  Wilder, Billy, 155, 220, 312

  Young, Kathleen, 37, 88

  Wilkerson, Billy, 167, 171, 236

  Young, Loretta, 82, 308

  Wilkin, Abra Rockefeller, 81–82, 87

  Your Loving Son, 301–2

  Will, George, 11


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