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Feral Craving

Page 18

by D. C. Stone

  A rush of cool, fresh air filled the room, and Bari’s eyes fluttered closed at the smell. This was his home. When he opened his eyes again, Tony looked back at him and nodded his head outside. Bari nodded, got the knife ready and without a moment’s pause, went after him into the night.

  He was beyond mad, his anger held in a quiet calm that belied how he felt toward the enemies surrounding them. His team moved as one through the camp and more than once they encountered resistance trying to get out. Their stealth worked in their favor though, as Bari suspected many more demons lurked nearby. As he rounded another corner, working their way through the camp with a scattering of small cabins throughout, he dropped into a crouch, springing from it with the knife in hand. He executed each strike with precision, the blade slicing through flesh and cartilage as he fought for escape. He was coated in their blood as he wiped the blade on his pants and moved out into the safety of the tree line, then headed toward the river’s bend. At the safety of the cliffs down along the bank of the river, water flowed smoothly, swollen with rain water as it shifted and turned toward the ocean. He took in a deep breath and swept the horizon, knowing he had miles to go and a short time to cover them. He was glad Mackenzie never had to bear witness to the monumental amount of destruction he could wreak.

  They arrived back at the house after a few hours, the remainder of his trip long and strenuous physically due to the terrain, but otherwise uneventful. Pressing inside, the acrid tang of smoke filled his lungs, a smoky haze curling from the fireplace. The door swung open with a loud creak of the hinges, his footfalls sounding off the wooden floor as he made his way inside. He sat heavily on the blue couch as his mind went to work processing everything that just happened.

  Shoving both hands through his hair, Bari placed his elbows on his knees and rested his head in his palms. Bari fought his body’s reaction to go find Mackenzie. Hell, he didn’t even try to reach out to her. She had been through so much and still, he didn’t know how she was going to react now that they were back in Nantucket. The whole incident, combined with the reunion with his father, almost overwhelmed him. He had to go after her. Everything in him screamed for him to find her. His stood and walked around the room, avoiding his team’s gaze as they sat silently around the room. The casual walk through the front room was deceiving to the utter chaos going on beneath his skin, in his mind and heart.

  A creak sounded just outside the door, and Bari stilled, his body becoming statuesque, each hard line of it unmoving as a scent assaulted him, one so memorized and familiar that his heart hammered in his chest with dread. Power licked along his skin, and he braced himself for what came next.

  Soft, hushed voices, muted in a series of whispered exchanges had his ears straining. Normally, he could have picked up even the lowest voice, but for some reason his heart thundered in his head, and he almost wanted to shout through the door, just to kill the tension riding the air in waves.

  Bari’s jaw clenched shut tightly as the door opened and Byron and Mackenzie filled the view. She appeared so battered and weak, and he lunged, raw fury unleashing from his throat in a primal growl as he crossed the room.


  Mackenzie saw the look of intent in his eyes at the same time her heart clenched and her soul screamed out with joy. When he had been taken, she didn’t know if she would ever see him again and now, she thought him to be the most beautiful sight she had ever seen. His dark hair swung back in the wind, the length brushing over his ears when he was standing still. His normally blue eyes contrasted with white-hot rage, which screamed through them. He took two more long steps before crushing her to his chest. Her body cried out in pain just as someone let off a shout of warning, but she wrapped her own arms around Bari, ignoring his stiffening posture, and breathed him in. She wouldn’t have been able to tell anyone how long she stayed there like that, her face pressed into his chest, her mind centered on nothing but the feel of Bari whole and free standing before her, holding her with gentle hands. It had taken her name being called a few times before she realized those hands roamed over her body, looking for any injuries, all of which were hidden under layers of clothing.

  Suddenly she felt so tired, she really didn’t want to move, and instead as her energy drained, her adrenaline leveled off, and pain crept up in her veins. Bari gathered her in his arms and lifted, turning to stroll into the house.

  “You both are staying here for a while; at least until we know what’s happening. Byron, I need you to help me out with a few things while I get your Mom to sleep, alright?”

  “Sure thing, Dad.”

  She felt Bari’s steps falter, and he froze, almost in the process of heading up the stairs. His body shifted, and she looked up to watch the wonder cross his face. After a few moments, the most subtle of smiles curved his lips, and Mackenzie couldn’t help but to let out a sigh of relief.

  He nodded behind her head and then bound up the steps and entered his room, kicking the door shut behind him and then setting her on the bed. She fell back immediately and rolled to the side, curling a hand around her stomach. Bari kneeled before her, leaned into her face, voice full of concern. “Mac, tell me what’s wrong.”

  She shook her head and pushed herself up from the bed, her body protesting the movement before her legs slid over the side. “No, I’m fine. I just need to shower and then sleep.” She stood on wobbly legs and avoided looking at Bari as she walked toward the bathroom, her legs so shaky and weak that she weaved through the path. Distantly she heard Bari curse under his breath, the sound harsh and ugly, but she paid no mind as the only thing she could focus on was getting to the bathroom without falling on her face.

  Stepping inside, she turned, her entire body supported by the hold she had on the handle, and closed the door. It shut softly before she laid her back to it and just concentrated on breathing. As the pain pushed down, her eyes glanced around at the small, clean and tidy space. A toilet sat against the opposite wall and a sink to her left with a ton of counter space.

  Her head turned to the right, where a large curved shower occupied the space, sending out waves of comfort her body screamed for. She pushed off the wall and bent to turn on the spigot, wanting the water as hot as possible. Next, she rose and began to remove her clothing. It was a long process as with each movement brought a new wave of pain to her body. Her boots came off and were set beneath the counter, and then her pants followed before she shucked the sweatshirt covering the worst of her body’s blows. Turning toward the mirror, her eyes studied the markings on her body, lacerations and big ugly purple bruises. She realized if she turned around and looked at her back, it would show many of the same marks, worse if she included the visual of her old scars. Her head tilted down, and she closed her eyes as she heard the door opening. Her eyes snapped up to meet Bari’s gaze reflected in the mirror. Rage and raw fury crossed his face as his eyes took in each marking covering her body as if he was planning on just how he was going to pay back those responsible as well as trying to figure out how each had occurred.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  The doorknob broke off in Bari’s hands from the force he exerted on it as he took in each and every mar to Mackenzie’s skin. She wasn’t like him, wasn’t of his race and didn’t have the strength he did to keep up with battles and beatings. He knew the rumblings that filled the room were from him, and yet he couldn’t stop the strangled sounds pushing out of his throat. He tossed the doorknob to the floor and crossed the room as he pointed to the tub. “In. Now.” He was unable to form a full sentence and was glad Mackenzie did not pick this time to stand her ground but acquiesced and entered the water slowly.

  It was like watching her move in slow motion as she settled herself. He let her catch her breath as the heated water lapped over her skin before he dipped the wash rag into the water and soaped it up. He dabbed the cloth around her face, removing traces of dirt but revealing bruises hidden beneath. Working down the arm closest to him, he held her slender wrist in his palm as he
washed the length as carefully as he could. Her flinches and low moans when he swept over too tender an area made him blood thirsty, more than ever before. He had every intention of spilling the blood of each and every individual involved, his eyes memorizing every scrape and each bruise present. Finishing her other arm, he helped her to a kneeling position, her eyes resigned to his help as she stared down into the water and allowed him to begin cleansing her torso. Finished with her body, he began on her hair, unbraiding the tangled mass and lathering it up with shampoo. He worked his fingers through the soaped strands, mindful of the tender spots on her scalp before he rinsed it clean. “Lie back for a bit, Angel.” He rose, her eyelids lowering as he left to ready the towel and bed.

  He took his time, but he didn’t want her water to cool, so he quickly grabbed the towel and went back into the bathroom. She barely stirred until he pulled the plug on the tub, the water noisily getting sucked down the drain. Her eyes cracked open, weariness clearly reflected on her features, and balefully stared at him. Carefully helping her upright, he dried her as lightly as he could before escorting her to the bedroom and putting her into the bed. He left the towel around her and climbed in beside her, trying not to jostle her but needing the contact.

  She turned her body toward him, and a soft sigh escaped from her mouth as he pulled her closer, tucking her head into his neck. He breathed in the scent of Mackenzie, felt the comfort only she could provide, and felt her body relax, heard her breathing grow steady as sleep claimed her.

  Hours later, she shifted and immediately went rigid. Still awake, taking comfort with her safe in his arms, he waited for her to fall back asleep. She needed rest and as much as he wanted to retrace her body again, ensure she was healing, he refused to deny her sleep. She stretched her legs and moved gingerly against him. He shifted, and she turned her head up, glancing to watch as he rolled to his back.

  Her eyes grew soft, and he tenderly brushed a tendril of hair back, letting his fingers linger on her cheek. She moved in slow motion and came up on one arm then leaned down to press her lips to his. She lingered there, brushing her softness against his mouth, and he let her lead, availed himself to her ministrations. Her mouth was soft, silky and warm.

  Lifting a hand, she drew the towel to her chest, holding it in place as she shifted and pulled her face up to look down at him. As her eyes lifted to his, he watched her, concern still worrying him. She moved her hand up and rubbed between his brows, soothing away the skin and tension. “Hey you…”

  He searched green eyes cast down on his, looking for the searing pain he saw before. She wasn’t one hundred percent, but there was a noticeable difference, and he was thankful for that. He reveled in her touch, in having her next to him, and reached up to still her hand as she petted his face, traced his jaw, and pressed a kiss to her palm before reaching up to cup her neck and pull her down to meet his lips.

  Blood pounded in his ears as his firm lips brushed against her softer, pillowy ones. He wasn’t rushed, but content in re-familiarizing himself to each inch of her. Stroking his tongue against the seam of her lips, she parted her mouth, allowing him access, giving him the chance to taste her fully. Between her scent filling his lungs, and the taste of her, he thought he might explode but refused to rush. The kiss was long and deep, a tangling of tongues that was a perfect image for the twining of two souls, and he recognized the completeness in his soul only Mackenzie could offer.

  Bari’s hand traced down her collarbone then back up to frame her face as he continued to plunder and explore her mouth with his own. He felt her shift, her legs rubbing against one another, the action making him crave putting his hand there, to put his head between them and taste her. He hooked a finger into the front of the towel and tugged, hoping she would loosen her arms and allow the barrier to slip away.

  Her mouth parted in the middle of their kiss as his hand lay on her skin. He felt it too, that spark of electricity running through them both whenever they touched. She lifted an arm, and he pulled the towel from her body, then tossed it aside. His mouth broke off from hers as she leaned over and watched him. He pulled his gaze from hers, and then tilted his head to take in her exposed body. A slight groan along with a small growl broke from his lips at the sight of her, bruises and healing cuts still displayed across her skin. She reached over to where he tossed the towel, and he grabbed her shoulder, pushed slightly and rolled their bodies until he lay on top.

  Bari slid his hand down her arm to hold her wrist immobile. She glanced up, meeting his gaze with a question in hers.

  “No, Angel. No.”

  Before she could ask, he dipped and captured her lips again. This kiss wasn’t tentative, wasn’t soft or touching at all, but a blaze of pure need. She gasped, causing her mouth to part and that small action had Bari taking advantage and plunging his tongue inside. He didn’t just kiss her. He conquered her fully with his tongue. His body was at an angle above her, and as he shifted his hips toward her, he tried to remember to keep it gentle. She maneuvered her free arm from under his body, her other still captured by his hand, and grabbed the back of his head, meeting and matching his kiss. It grew frantic as she began to wither beneath him and as he shifted, his hips moving between her opening thighs, she grabbed both of her hands and lifted them above her head, held her there. Lifting his head, he looked down upon her and saw lust-filled, gorgeous green eyes.

  Heat pounded through his veins at the sight of Mackenzie so exposed beneath him, and the fact she trusted him to hold her arms above her head, especially given her recent trauma, was astounding. She was a miracle to him, all of her own, his personal one. His head lowered to suck in sharply on one rosy tip, drawing it into his mouth with a deep pull, her exhaled breath and moan guiding him. As he left off the luscious tip, he worked his lips over every bruise, each mar to her normally perfect skin as he trailed lower and paid each injury gentle attention. Her hand tightened in his hair as he rimmed her navel and still continued south along her body. He pulled his body back, his vision trained on the sweet mound centered between her legs as he drug a single finger through her folds, exulting in the power that one touch seemed to hold as Mackenzie bucked and thrashed beneath him. His mouth followed the same path as his finger, his tongue sweeping between her moist folds to probe at the entrance of her sex. He steadied himself, heady at just the thought of the sample. His tongue swept out to circle the entrance, tasting the musky but sweet honey that wept from the opening. He groaned deep in his throat as his mouth set on her savagely, sucking and lapping at her as if she were his last meal.

  Her first orgasm ripped through her, and his hands fell to her hips to hold her in place. Mackenzie’s moans and pleas didn’t stop until he coaxed another from her. Her body fell limp and supreme satisfaction about what he provided surged as he inched back up her body. He gave her a few moments, allowed her to find herself once more as the edge of her climax receded before he crushed his mouth to hers, the kiss igniting her arousal once more. His thrust was not easy as he slammed into her small body. He stilled, shocked at the way he invaded her, his body tensing. Her arms came around his waist, and nails bit into the flesh of his ass, urging him forward again. A low animalistic growl escaped him as he thrust into her again, his head buried at her neck. He could hear the pulse of her blood surging and flowing with in her veins, the scent of it calling out to him as it never had before. His body pumped into her, the slick sound of flesh smacking against each other the only noise in the room besides their rough breaths. A low burn began in his groin, and the tightening of his sac grew with each move into her warm, wet heat. He was on the verge of tumbling off a cliff of pure pleasure when a sharp bite to his throat startled him. His hips pumped harder, each thrust pounding into her petite body as skin broke under her blunt teeth, his blood pulled from by the suckling she did at his neck. He plummeted off the cliff, soared into a free fall of pure ecstasy as his climax crashed into him, her name roaring from his mouth.


  She had no
idea what came over her, only knew she was enthralled and captivated, possessed and taken over by this male taking his claim of her body in all the ways it craved. With him pumping in long, deep strokes, filling her in ways she never knew existed, her body responded in such a primitive way that she was taken over with the need to follow through. His pulse shouted to her, drew her gaze and the craving built until she couldn’t deny it anymore. In a split moment decision, she turned her head and bit down, her teeth somehow breaking the skin, and it somehow felt right. Urges screamed for his blood, and at the first taste of Bari’s crimson fluid, her body let out a shout of triumph, his power and essence singing through her veins, going to each injury and wrapping it with a comfort she long ago recognized.

  She heard his orgasm echo throughout the room, and as a splash of heat coated her inside, her own body responded with such a powerful orgasm that she tensed, freezing her entire being up before the wave of ecstasy began to flow through her. The orgasm was so intense that she tasted it on her tongue, felt it from the tip of her toes spreading up the length of her body to her head, her core fluttering with each pulse. A growl sounded in her throat as it took her over, and with her mouth latched firmly on his neck, she closed her eyes as the pleasure brought tears to her eyes. It wasn’t pain or sadness but pure unadulterated joy at this male and the connection that seemed to run so deep through them.

  As her body came back to settled ground, she pulled her mouth from his neck and licked her lips, tasting both herself and the musky, deep scent of Bari. She should have been horrified, but instead the droplets trailing his neck only urged her forward, and she gave in to the craving. He rumbled his approving growl at the touch of her tongue, and leaning back, she met his eyes briefly before taking the hand on the back of his neck and pressing it down to hers. “Take me, Bari. Please, take me into you. I need you to. Please…” She didn’t know why she felt the intense need for him nor did she understand why her body hummed with such power.


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