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The Mission of No Return

Page 12

by Frank Cereo

  “I wouldn’t do that because if you make a mistake and miss the exact date all the work we put into this would be lost.” Josef exclaims.

  “How hard can it be to operate?” Captain Laird asks.

  “It’s not the difficulty of the operation but hitting the target date. Let me put it in simpler terms. It would be like shooting a dime on a tree that is two hundred yards away without a scope.” Josef reiterates.

  “That’s impossible to do,” Captain Laird answers.

  “My point exactly,” Josef adds.

  “So how are we going to test drive this vehicle?” Captain Laird asks.

  “We will improvise when we schedule our departure.” Amanda jumps in to say.

  “That’s just crazy. We won’t have the slightest idea where we will end up.” Captain Laird says.

  “Anywhere will be better than here in three or four days.” Huey says.

  “We will be safe in the cave. Won’t we?” Captain Laird asks.

  “This meteorite is a planet buster. It will obliterate all life on the planet. Nothing will survive including you, me, and everything else. We need to figure when we are going to leave. My suggestion would be tomorrow or the next day at the latest. Time is of the essence and when that meteorite hits, the cave will be gone and so will the time machine.” Huey exclaims.

  What Huey said silenced everyone. They couldn’t believe what they just heard.

  “Okay let’s plan for the day after tomorrow for departure. We need to gather some food and water because everything inside the time machine has been exhausted. God only knows how long Captain Bridges was down there and living off the food in the time machine. I bet he got here before we even landed.” Captain Laird says.

  “We have two days to stock the time machine. We don’t know how long it takes to travel through time. My recommendations are to fill that water reservoir on the ship and gather as much food as we can.” Stephanie says as she jots down a few notes.

  “We can use bamboo shoots to make a waterline from the fresh water spring into the water tank on the ship.” Josef says.

  “How long will that take?” Jennifer asks.

  “It shouldn’t take long with another person helping me. I have plenty of cut bamboo just outside the cave. Just start bringing the bamboo in and lay it end to end all the way to the time machine and I will tap into the spring.” Josef says.

  Captain Laird, Amanda, Stephanie, Huey and Jennifer all went outside the cave to retrieve the bamboo. The bamboo shoots were located below the cave entrance on the left side. The bamboo was lifted into the cave and dropped into the cavern. Then the bamboo pieces were set edge to edge all the way to the ship. Without any tape each end was carved down and fitted into the one next to it. Josef was very fast with the blade as each piece of bamboo took about thirty seconds until it was fit into the next one. The whole process took about four hours until fresh water was pouring into the empty reservoir tank. While the water was pumping into the empty tank Josef made sure that the rest of the crew was gathering food from outside. Safety was always the number one concern while on this mission and that was why the Captain Laird stood watch with the rail gun in hand.

  As evening began to fall the water reservoir was almost full and a large variety of food stuff were gathered. This included berries, nuts, vegetable, fruits, eggs and the remaining smoked jerky. All the items were firmly put away in the large refrigerated storage unit on board the time machine.

  “Do you think we have enough food?” Amanda asks.

  “Well, we have one more day until departure we can gather some more food tomorrow morning. After that we need to prepare for departure and we all need to be aboard the time machine. I want to do a dry run with everyone at their stations.” Captain Laird explains.

  With everyone exhausted falling asleep wasn’t a problem. They all laid on their cots with the dreams of returning home to their loved ones. Inside the protection of their cave only one person remained on guard. Again the source of the large anaconda was never found and with the barrier wall down a stray carnivore could happen to wander in. Each person would stand guard for two hours until sunrise. They pulled straws and Huey had first watch followed by Jennifer, Josef, Captain Laird, and then Amanda. Stephanie got lucky and didn’t have to stand watch that night.

  Chapter 21 – The Day Before

  The next morning a little more food was gathered including fresh laid Triceratops eggs. Everything was put into the time machine with the exception of the blankets on the cots and the two guns. The water reservoir was full and the bamboo waterline was dismantled and thrown back out into the wilderness to decompose. The remaining food gathered was placed into the large refrigerated storage unit onboard the time machine. The excitement of returning home was evident as adrenaline levels made everyone’s attitude positive and energetic as the preparation continued. The dry run was the only thing remaining on the schedule for the day. After that the captain told everyone to enjoy the rest of the day. When they return home they could actually say that they were the only humans ever to witness the dinosaurs living in their own habitat.

  “I’m just a little excited to go home to see my kids and hubby. I have missed them so much.” Jennifer says with a big smile.

  “Can’t wait to get home and get a little.” Huey says to Jennifer.

  “You got that right.” Jennifer replies.

  As that conversation ended, Stephanie hit the programmed music station on board the time machine and the song Mrs. Jones comes on. The music plays in Dolby stereo throughout the ship. You feel the electricity growing through the ship as everyone showed their excitement.

  “Okay everyone, we need to do this dry run. So everyone please get into your assigned position.” Captain Laird says with a stern voice.

  The dry run went as planned with a few glitches thrown in by Captain Laird. They ran through the plan three times to make sure everyone knew exactly what they needed to do. With that completed the crew went back to the cave for one more final night but they were given liberty for what remained of the day. The girls headed for the small wading pool for some relaxation and relief from the heat. They stripped into their underwear and jumped into the three foot pool. The captain sat on the edge of the cave with the rail gun in hand for protection. Josef grabbed a few berries and enjoyed the sight of the girls splashing in the pool.

  “Hey captain would you mind if I join the girls in the pool. They look like they are having a ball.” Josef says.

  “You can go swimming when the girls get out.” Captain Laird says.

  “Come on captain it’s our last day here.” Josef says with a mouth full of berries.

  “When we get back to our own time you can do whatever you want. Not here and not now.” Captain Laird says to Josef.

  “You’re a bore.” Josef responds.

  “Yes I am.” Captain Laird adds.

  “Come on Joey join us.” Amanda yells from the pool below.

  “See they want me.” Josef says.

  “He is busy reading a book.” Captain Laird yells back to the girls.

  “Too bad he is going to miss these.” Stephanie says as she unclasps her bra and show off her breasts.

  All three men are drooling never expecting Stephanie to just let loose like that. Even the breasts didn’t amuse Huey for long and he was back trying to calculate the impact of the meteorite. Now the meteorite looked like a silver dollar in the sky. Huey knew time was short and the end of the dinosaurs was nearing. He knew he got to play out his dreams cavorting among real dinosaurs and not the bones he use to dig up.

  Then the roar of a carnivore could be heard as it was approaching. You could feel the ground vibrating as it approached.

  “You three get out of there and get up here immediately.” Captain Laird yells down to the girls.

  Stephanie grabbed her black lacey bra and hooked it just before she climbed the ladder. Amanda and Jennifer both jumped out and climbed the ladder right behind Stephanie. Then it showed u
p, a large male T-rex, standing just outside their camp leering in as the girls climbed the ladder. This would be an easy meal but climbing over the broken rocks might be a problem. The T-rex with his small front forearms might get its leg caught in-between the rocks and that would cause a real problem for him. So the T-rex shook its body and moved along in search for other food.

  “Can we go back into the water?” Stephanie asks.

  “I don’t know. It’s getting close to sunset and most of the large predators come out as the temperatures cool in the evening.” Huey says.

  “Come on captain, it’s your call. You said the rest of the day was ours.” Amanda reiterates.

  “Hey I will even go with them for protection.” Josef says.

  “Okay you can go until sunset which is about thirty minutes away. You can go but keep your pants on.”Captain Laird says looking at Josef.

  The four climb down the rope and into the small man made swimming hole. They are splashing around making a lot of noise as they are yelling with excitement. The girls are good not to reveal anything as they cool in the shaded water. On the other hand Josef keeps trying to get a little feel or catch a glimpse of the girl’s breasts.

  “You know that’s a bad idea. They are making a lot of noise in there and many predators hunt by sound.” Huey says as he figures his calculations out on paper.

  “Huey, it’s our last day let them enjoy it.” Captain Laird says.

  “If they keep making that much noise it may be their last day for good.” Huey says.

  “Don’t you ever wind down or is work all you know?” Captain Laird asks.

  “I believe there is a time for enjoyment and this is not it. These animals fight to live and die in one of the most feared times in Earth’s history. ” Huey says in a commanding voice.

  While this conversation is going on Captain Laird is too busy arguing with Huey to realize that a Fearasaurus had just entered the area stealthily. The enormous creature leered into the camp site and saw the figures in the water. Huey looked up just as the large predator started to makes its move over the large crumpled rocks.

  “Get your asses up here now.” Huey yells as he runs towards the ladder.

  Captain Laird turned to see the Fearasaurus walking over the large boulders without a problem. The large muscular legs had no problem with its footing as the five toed claw grasped the rocks as it moved towards its prey. Stephanie hit the ladder first followed by Amanda, Jennifer and lastly Josef. Stephanie moved as quickly as possible up the ladder with Amanda’s face right on her heels. The Fearasaurus was moving closer as it reached the last rock before the clearing. Stephanie reached the top where Huey grabbed her arm and pulled her over the top. Huey pulled with such force Stephanie landed face first on the hard rock floor. As the Fearasaurus hit the clearing it moved like a jaguar towards the three trying to climb to safety.

  “Where should I shoot it?” Captain Laird yells with fright in his eyes.

  “Shoot it in a vulnerable spot like the eye or inside the mouth. The skin is too thick for the rail gun slug to penetrate.” Huey yells as he reaches for Amanda’s arm.

  The Fearasaurus is now within twenty feet of the three climbing the rope ladder. With fear setting in, Josef jumps off the ladder and runs away from the oncoming predator as he swings to the north since the Fearasaurus is coming from the south. Huey pulls with all his might as Amanda pushes with her legs. She flips over the top of him landing on her back. The Fearasaurus is now within ten feet of Jennifer who is still climbing the ladder while Josef circles around and exits over the large boulders. Josef figures to get into the wooded area on the other side of the caved-in peak for safety. Captain Laird then takes a shot with the rail gun at the large predator’s eye but misses.

  “Come on Jennifer move!” Huey yells to her at the top of the ladder.

  Jennifer tries to climb when her foot gets caught in the rope ladder. Just as the Fearasaurus arrives, Jennifer is only half way up the ladder. Huey moves back as the large creature lunges at him. Huey rolls away towards safety as Jennifer tries to free her foot from the rope. Captain Laird fires another shot at the Fearasaurus’ mouth. It hits its tongue as blood spatters everywhere. The large creature lets out a horrific yell from the pain as blood begins to pour from its mouth.

  “Help me please.” Jennifer yells from the rope ladder.

  The Fearasaurus forgets about the minor injury in its mouth as it eyes its meal on the rope. With saliva and blood dripping from its mouth, the Fearasaurus lunges at Jennifer as she lets go of the rope and falls. She doesn’t reach the ground because of her tangled foot, but her head hits the rock wall and her body swings inward from the momentum of the fall. The hit on the rock wall knocks her out cold as a little blood forms a small stream from the crease in her forehead. As Jennifer swings side to side the Fearasaurus eyes the free meal as Captain Laird aims the rail gun. As the captain puts his finger on the trigger of the rail gun he aims at the large dinosaur as the creature bends over and grabs Jennifer off the rope. The severe pain awakens Jennifer as the double serrated teeth rip into her chest and abdomen. She screams in horror from the top of her lungs as blood backs up inside her body and spills out of her mouth. She swings her arms and legs profusely like a rag doll being tossed until the Fearasaurus bites down cutting Jennifer in half. The hips and legs fall to the ground in a pool of blood as the large predator engulfs the upper half with one quick gulp. Stephanie and Amanda look on in horror as they see their friend butchered right in front of them. Captain Laird takes another shot at the large predator from the edge of the cave. The metal projectile hits the dinosaur just to the side the right eye doing little or no damage. The Fearasaurus bends down and picks up the remains of Jennifer and crushes the hips and legs before swallowing them. At that point, Captain Laird losses control. In a fit of rage he fires the rail gun at close range right into the Fearasaurus’s right eye. The shot takes out the eye out completely leaving the large predator blind on the right side but even that did nothing to stop the onslaught. The large predator let a ferocious roar that includes bits and pieces of Jennifer body. This only aggravates the Fearasaurus as it uses its large front forearms to grab the Captain off the edge of the cave. The Captain struggles as the large dinosaur uses the large razor thumb and stuffs it into the Captain’s chest. There were no noises as the captain’s face went blank and his head slumped foreword. The Fearasaurus then lifted the Captain’s body up and into its mouth. The whole body fit inside the mouth and the dinosaur crushed it with one or two bites before swallowing him.

  Meanwhile Huey had his arms spread out as he pushed the girls to the rear of the cave. They stood there in shock at what just transpired in front of them. The girls sat on the cots in shock while they tried to redress. Then there was another scream that came from the outside the camp. The screams were horrifying and gut wrenching.

  “My god that has to be Josef,” Stephanie says under her breathe.

  Huey walks over to the entrance to the cave. He looked out through the caved-in peak. Low and behold he witnesses Josef’s body being consumed by the Fearasaurus. As darkness arrives the three remaining crew members were scared and nervous at what would happen next. The night is long as the three hover around a larger than normal campfire that lights the entire cave. They barely eat anything as no one can stomach anything.

  “What are we going to do tomorrow?” Stephanie asks as she begins to cry.

  “We are going in the time machine as planned. We all have the gist of how the machine works. We just need to improvise and make sound decisions.” Huey says

  “Huey’s right Steph, we have all the supplies onboard. We’re ready to go.” Amanda reassures Stephanie.

  With the reassurance from each person, they built the confidence that the three of them could do it. The night moved slowly as no one slept sound at all. The fire was kept well feed for comfort from the dinosaurs. They figured at first light they would start their descent into the cavern and move to board the time ma
chine. That would be a few hours away as the night slipped away.

  Chapter 22 – And Then There Were Three

  As the sun rose on the final day, they could see that it would be another hot and humid day. As Stephanie looked over Amanda was also just waking while Huey was standing on the edge of the cave looking at the incoming meteorite.

  “How much time before it hits?” Stephanie asks as she looks up at the meteorite.

  “It looks like it will hit sometime today. Maybe tonight, definitely tomorrow at the latest,” Huey replies.

  Stephanie looks up at the large projectile. The size of it now looks like another moon in the sky. Meanwhile Huey was trying to figure out the timing as he worked out his calculations. Then the meteorite started to form a tail and a glow around the entire formation.

  “Isn’t that beautiful,” Stephanie says as Amanda joins the two of them at the edge of the cave.

  “Is it supposed to look like that?” Amanda says with an admiring look in her eyes.

  As Huey looks back up he sees exactly what the girls are seeing. Instantaneously Huey already knows what is happening as he looks at his watch and sets the timer.

  “We need to go now.” Huey says to the girls just as a Fearasaurus comes through the opening in the peak.

  “Oh shit, here comes that son of bitch again.” Stephanie says with a vengeance.

  Huey grabs the two guns that are sitting on his blanket next to the smoldering fire. The girls set out in front of Huey as they are running to the opening in the rear of the cave. The rope is sitting on the ground next to the hole rolled up like a lasso.

  “Throw the rope down inside the cavern.” Huey yells up to Amanda.

  As Amanda throws the rope down inside the dark hole it unspools all the way to the floor of the cavern.

  “We need a torch to lead the way and to light the minerals that glow in the dark.” Stephanie says.


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