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Every Action (The Gifted Realm Book 3)

Page 2

by Jillian Neal

  “Best thing you ever gave her, Rain man, was what’s right inside there.” He tapped his finger over Rainer’s rib cage in the approximate location of his heart. “Don never forget that, boy. Dat’s all she wants. Well that and yo attention. Flowers never hurt.”

  “I know Sam, and she knows she has all of me. Trust me. I couldn’t make it without her.” He smiled as he realized how easily that had rolled off of his tongue to Sam, when he would never have said that to most anyone else.

  “You got that darn right, boy. Mrs. Rain man gotta always know that too, though.” Sam grew thoughtful for a moment. Rainer wondered what he was thinking as he studied him. “Makes me wonder if your boss man there,” he gestured to the bike, “…might need his-self his own sweet thang. Seems to me the right woman make jus about everything in the whole, entire world better.”

  Rainer whole-heartedly agreed, but he had no idea who could be that for Vindico.


  ~Logan Haydenshire~

  “Aww, come on Em, I’m not so bad am I?” Logan walked Emily out to the Accord and waved to the Iodex officers that were heading home, after watching Emily practice all day.

  “No,” Emily shook her head. She looked hurt that Logan thought she didn’t want to hang out with him; though, he knew she would have vastly preferred Rainer to pick her up.

  “This whole ‘being watched constantly’ thing is just getting to me.” She admitted in a fitful huff. Logan nodded his understanding.

  “Let’s go to Lesco’s. I’ll take you out, even though you make like six times what I do in a year.” He commented with a chuckle. “We haven’t hung out in forever.”

  “Ok…” Emily agreed with a sweet grin. “But I still miss Rainer.” She seemed to decide to tease. After giving her an eye roll, Logan chuckled.

  “But I’ll do for an evening?”

  “I suppose.” She feigned disappointment.

  “Well, if it’s not the Haydenshire half of the Fantastic Four.” Les called as Emily and Logan fell into their usual booth in the back.

  “How’s it goin’ Les?” Logan smiled his greeting.

  “And where are your better halves this fine evening?” Les pulled the notepad from his waist apron.

  “Adeline has to work late.” Logan lamented.

  “And I don’t know where Rainer is because he wouldn’t tell me.” Emily sassed. Logan shook his head at his little sister.

  “But it’s for her birthday, and she’s being a brat.” Les chuckled.

  “You two still sound like your six and seven.” He stated with a wistful look in his eye. The Haydenshires had been coming to Les’s Pub since long before Logan and Emily had even been born.

  Their parents and Les were very good friends. Since Les wasn’t Gifted, they were worried that he might be pulled under by the Non-Gifted economy so they’d made a deal with Les many years before. The Haydenshires had purchased the building that housed the pub, and they had refurbished it for Les. They charged him no rent in exchange for feeding a few members of their expansive family for free a few times each week.

  “Hey, I saw your dad’s running for Governor or something?” Les quizzed Logan. Logan’s eyes goggled as he shared an uncomfortable expression with Emily.

  “Uh yeah. It’s just a local thing. Just to get the issues out there. You know?” Logan scoffed. The Gifted people most often hid themselves right out in the open. The campaign for the most powerful position in the entire world was being run with very little notice from the Non-Gifted.

  “He has several signs out on the highway, but you know I don’t ever know nothing about who’s running for what. If I remember to vote this time, I’ll check his box though.” Les offered kindly. Logan studied the menu he’d had memorized since he was ten.

  “Sure he’d appreciate it.” He commented nonchalantly. Emily and Logan quickly placed their order in an effort to get Les to forget the signs he’d noticed on the interstate leading out of McLean, VA.

  As Les went to fix Logan and Emily’s burger and onion rings, Logan sighed.

  “Guess it’s good the Non-Gifted don’t pay too much attention to who’s running for their offices.” Emily nodded, studied Logan for a moment, and then started in.

  “Just tell me please.” She begged.

  “No, Em. Trust me, Rainer’s working really hard to do this for you, and you’re gonna flip, so lay off. I’m not telling you.” He thanked Les for the beer he placed in front of him, but Emily still looked worried.

  “Ok, but it sounds like he’s probably spending a ton of money and going way out of his way, and I just… you know, don’t feel like I did all that much for his birthday. I don’t want him to go to a lot of trouble with everything going on.” She blushed violently. Logan choked on the onion ring he’d just put in his mouth, before Les even had the plate on the table.

  “Uh…” he drew a long sip of beer to wash down the flaming hot onion ring stuck in his throat. “I do not, under any circumstances, want to think about what you gave Rainer for his birthday, but take it from me, as a guy, that was a huge, massive, birthday gift. Like the best ever.” Logan vowed adamantly. Emily giggled and bit her lip. Her face turned the color of her long auburn hair. They ate in silence for a few minutes before she started again.

  “Ok, but where is he tonight?”

  “Nope,” was Logan’s reply as she huffed and rolled her eyes.

  “I just know he’s spending a fortune on me, and I wish he wouldn’t do that.” She sighed dejectedly.

  “Well, it’s you, and I’ve never known Rainer to not spoil you rotten, so I don’t know why that would shock you.”

  “So, you’re in a terrible mood, and you’re really nervous and worried. Wanna tell your little sister? She might be able to help.” Emily was a very powerful Receiver. She could feel the emotions of Gifted people all around her. She couldn’t help it, and it was obvious that she was extremely worried about Logan. She took another bite of her burger and gazed at him kindly. Logan drew a steadying breath.

  “Yeah, I’m just nervous about Adeline and tomorrow. You know….” This time he was actually very appreciative of his little sister’s Gifted abilities. There were a few things he’d been working up to asking her, but he wasn’t certain where to begin.

  Emily’s demeanor turned instantly to deep concern just as Logan had known it would.

  “What time’s her appointment?”

  “Two.” Logan drew another sip of his beer.

  “Garrett’s gonna come stay with you and Rainer and the twins while I’m gone.” He explained; though, he was fairly certain Rainer had already told her all of this.

  “Is Adeline ok?” Emily asked in a pained whisper. Logan tried hard not to blush but failed miserably.

  “Well, I mean, you know, she’s kind of in some pain, and it sort of seems like she has…uh…her cycle, period, thing, way more often than you’re supposed to; I guess. I don’t know.” Logan choked but then forced himself to continue. “Have you ever had anything like that?” He stared at the table and refused to meet his sister’s gaze.

  “Logan,” Emily hushed. She reached across the table, and he felt her soothing Receiver’s cast work through his knuckles and into his heart. “It’s ok. You can ask me about it. I know how much you love her. I can feel it, remember? Adeline told me everything, and, like you said, you’re not just my brother you’re one of my best friends.” Logan felt relief flood through him. There were things he’d wanted to ask, but he’d been afraid he might upset Adeline.

  “So that’s not normal?”

  Emily looked crestfallen as she shook her head.

  “I don’t think so, but mom says she might have a cyst. They’re usually kind of easy to remove.” She immediately offered.

  “Yeah, that’s what the Medio said she thought it was too.” Logan commented. He felt his face burn and his heartbeat race as he forced out the question he’d needed answered for the past month.

  “But that’s not something that I
caused?” Logan choked.

  “No!” Emily vowed adamantly. “No, definitely not, and they’re not that unusual.” Logan did feel some better but not much.

  “The Medio wanted to know if her mother ever had one, or if Ad could get her mother’s medical records, but of course Candy told her no.” Logan gave an infuriated eye roll.

  “Well that’s not surprising.” Emily huffed indignantly.

  “So, if it is that, then what happens?” Logan returned the rest of his burger to his plate. He was too anxious and worried to eat.

  “Uh, well, I’m not entirely certain, but I think they’ll probably do surgery to remove it. Then, depending on the size of it, she might be in the hospital for a day or two. Then she’ll have to rest and everything.” She bit her lip momentarily before continuing, “Uh, you might have to take a little time off.”

  “From work? Of course!” Logan was unable to believe that Emily, of all people, would think he would leave Adeline alone to recover from surgery. Heat pooled in Emily’s cheeks.

  “Not from work, Lo.” She offered Logan a pained expression.

  “Oh,” Logan nodded his understanding. Though that was the least of his worries, he did appreciate Emily being thorough. “Yeah… uh… I just want her to be… you know healthy. That’s fine.” He stumbled over his words in his discomfort.

  “Right, I know. I was just trying to tell you everything that I know. Fionna had one removed a few months ago. She’s had a few. She couldn’t play for a week, but she’s totally fine now.” Emily’s voice turned reassuring.

  Fionna Styler was the Senior Receiver on the Arlington Angels. She and Emily had quickly become very close friends. They were also gaining quite a reputation of being a Receiving duo to be feared in the world of Summation. Fionna Styler was also a total knockout. She and Garrett had been in school together and had hung out together often. Logan still got embarrassed whenever he saw her now as he recalled his many fantasies about Fionna in his early adolescence, long before he’d met and fallen in love with Adeline.

  “So, uh, if they do surgery and they get rid of it, then she’ll stop hurting, and bleeding all the time, and feeling so weak?” Logan loosed all of the terror that had plagued his soul for weeks. He felt some relief just in hearing that other people had suffered the same thing and had been returned to full health.

  “Yeah, I mean as long as that’s the problem. Once they remove it, she’ll be fine.” Emily studied Logan closely. “Logan,” she soothed as he met her concerned gaze. “If it’s all right with Adeline, I could go with you tomorrow. I don’t have practice, and then you wouldn’t have to sit there all alone.”

  Logan was overwhelmed and felt for a moment like he might cry in his relief. He nodded and lambasted himself for all of the hell that he’d given Emily her whole life. She might just be the greatest kid sister ever, in spite of his being a jerk to her when they were kids. He decided.

  “Thank you! I don’t think Adeline will mind. Maybe Rainer could come, if Garrett keeps the twins.”

  “If you want him there, you know that’s where he’ll be.” Emily vowed.

  “Yeah,” Logan nodded. He did know that, and he also knew that everyone deserved a best friend like Rainer Lawson, but that very few people were actually lucky enough to have one.

  Emily rode with Logan to pick up Adeline from work. They talked about the election, Adeline, and about the new baby.

  Georgetown Hospital was bustling, and Adeline was pale and weak as she hung up her white coat and let Logan guide her out of the hospital.

  Emily climbed in the backseat so that Adeline could sit beside Logan.

  “You don’t have to move,” Adeline offered kindly. Logan shook his head.

  “Yes, she does, and she’s pouting. Just ignore her. She used to do this all the time growing up, but it only works on Dad and Rainer.” Logan teased.

  “Shut up, Logan,” Emily huffed and made Adeline giggle. “Do you know where he is?” Emily quizzed Adeline hopefully. Logan was thrilled that Adeline was still laughing as she nodded.

  “Yes, but I’m not telling you either.” Logan laughed heartily.

  “I love you.” He watched his vow make Adeline beam. “Hey babe, Em wanted to know if you’d mind her coming tomorrow? You know, for your appointment?” Logan was still studying Adeline closely.

  Emily grimaced in the rear-view mirror and had Logan thinking he should’ve waited to ask Adeline when Emily wasn’t around.

  “But, if you just want me to go, that’s fine too.” He offered instantly. Adeline seemed thoughtful for a moment.

  “No, it’s fine. I uh, talked to Medio Dawson today, because I was… you know.” The air deflated from his lungs instantly. Logan gazed at her as his heart shattered.

  “… In a tremendous amount of pain again.” He supplied for her. She nodded hesitantly.

  “So, there’s a small chance they might do surgery tomorrow, if it is a cyst. I would feel better if someone was there with you.” She sounded thoroughly relieved. Logan was dumbfounded. It was so like her to be concerned about him when she was the one that had been in pain and bleeding for weeks, sometimes so badly she could hardly walk, and she was the one facing surgery.

  “I’m not worried about me, Ad.” Logan stunned.

  “I know,” she soothed, “but I am.”

  Take Care of Her

  As they neared the farm, Adeline smiled at Logan which made his heart beat disjointedly.

  “Can we go see your mom for a minute? I kind of wanted to talk to her.” Certain there was nothing in the world he would deny Adeline, Logan nodded and turned down the main cut-through towards his parent’s home. He flashed his badge at all of the checkpoints.

  “You sure you feel up to this? Maybe we should go home, and you should get into bed?” Logan wanted to make certain she was really feeling up to being at the farmhouse.

  “I’m ok.” Her voice caught in her lie. She was hurting. She was weak, and she was scared. Logan knew it all instantly as soon as he reached and held her hand.

  After resigning himself to the fact that his mother always made Adeline feel better, Logan pulled the Accord in beside Rainer’s Mustang.

  “Well look who’s here.” He teased Emily, who was already out of the car before he’d even turned it off. He and Adeline followed Emily into the house and chuckled over her exuberance.

  “You see him everyday.” Logan huffed.

  “I know, but I love him, and maybe I can get him to tell me what my present is.” Emily sounded like a wide-eyed child instead of a grown woman.

  “Doubt it,” Logan goaded.

  Emily’s face fell instantly as soon as they entered the kitchen. Vindico and Garrett were seated at the table while Mrs. Haydenshire supplied them with dessert, but Rainer was nowhere to be seen.

  “Dan let him take the Agusta.” Garrett informed her as he tousled her hair.

  “Great, now he’ll never come back.” Emily teased and everyone laughed. Adeline disappeared to the bathroom. She looked pale and drawn, which made Logan’s heart break yet again. Emily and Mrs. Haydenshire shared a concerned glance.

  “Hey Garrett,” Logan hushed. “Could you watch the twins tomorrow afternoon? Em and Rainer are going to come with us for Adeline’s exam thing.” Logan edged uncomfortably. Mrs. Haydenshire patted Emily’s shoulder.

  “Maybe I should stay home tomorrow sweetie. I could meet your father the next day.” Mrs. Haydenshire offered Logan.

  “Why? Do you think it’s that serious?” Logan demanded. His voice was terror filled.

  “No,” Mrs. Haydenshire soothed. “But I think that it might be something you aren’t quite prepared to deal with.”

  “I’ll keep the twins. It’s no problem.” Garrett glanced at Vindico who nodded his approval.

  “I can handle it, mom. I’m going to marry her, so that means I’m going to take care of her. Whatever’s wrong then I’ll get her through it.” Logan felt his resolve strengthen as he made his plea.
  “Daniel, would you and Garrett mind checking the twins for me?” Mrs. Haydenshire urged, and everyone was aware they were very politely being asked to leave.

  “Sure mom,” Garrett stood as Vindico followed him into the living room.

  “I have no doubt that you’ll take care of her Logan, but I want you to understand that she doesn’t have anyone else but you two.” Mrs. Haydenshire moved her glance from Logan to Emily. “This is not something even Rainer will be able to help you deal with. If she has a cyst, which I’m positive that she does, then she could be in a great deal of pain after the surgery. Not to mention the fact that the recovery could be a bit gruesome.” Logan shook his head and tried not to be offended. He knew his mother was only trying to help.

  “I can deal with blood mom. I’m not a kid anymore. Believe me; I’ve seen a fair amount lately.” Logan choked as the images of waking up with Adeline’s abdomen in a pool of her own blood and fluids made him shudder.

  “Sweetheart,” Mrs. Haydenshire blinked back tears. “I have no doubt that you’ll take the best care of her. I just feel like I’m abandoning you all to go out and tell people I’ve never even met that they should vote for your father. I mean I shouldn’t have to tell them. His work should stand for itself. My children need me here. It’s just infuriating sometimes.”

  “Mom, we’ll be ok. I’ll help Logan take care of Adeline. We can do it. Daddy needs you, and the Realm needs him.” Emily vowed. With a weary sigh, Mrs. Haydenshire stood and planted kisses on Logan and Emily’s heads.

  “I’m so proud of both of you. In a few weeks, hopefully things will get back to normal. Only I’ll be married to the Crown Governor and expecting his eleventh child. I suppose we’ll have to see how that will all work.” Mrs. Haydenshire stated.

  Logan furrowed his brow. He couldn’t recall another time in his life that his mother sounded unsure of anything. Adeline returned. She was looking paler by the moment as she took the seat beside Logan. He instantly reached for her hand. He wanted to feel her energy. It had been growing weaker by the day, and she looked like she could hardly stand. She drew from him, and he closed his eyes to supply her with his strength and love. The sensation of her pulling his energy into her body was heavenly. Her draws from him were the most intimate thing they’d shared lately.


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