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Every Action (The Gifted Realm Book 3)

Page 9

by Jillian Neal

  While letting out his customary wolf whistle when Emily entered the arena, Rainer grimaced. Her nerves were evident from his position in the stands. The refs called ‘Summon’ and set the field. Every muscle in Rainer’s body clenched tightly as he watched Chloe and Sasha calculate where they would need to position each player to make the web work.

  There were six energy drains on each side. If the stream hit one, it would be over. Rainer shook his head. This was much harder than any Academy course. It was going to be nearly impossible. The Bombers captain and strategist returned to their team and explained their plan. The players moved out.

  Sasha and Chloe finished a minute later and began positioning the Angels.

  “No.” Rainer hushed. His jaw clenched. It wasn’t going to work. Dana wasn’t going to be able to get the electromagnetic energy past the drain nearest her. She was too close and too far from Fionna for her to receive the energy for the transfer. Sasha wasn’t close enough to Shield it. Rainer could see it from his vantage point above the field, but the Angels couldn’t. His heart sank as he watched Emily summon and make the conversion before she passed the energy to Katie who reached to pass the electromagnetic charge to Sarah.

  After glancing at the other side of the field, Rainer cursed. The Bombers had it. They were positioned perfectly. He turned back to the Angels. His head dropped as Dana realized the mistake. She couldn’t pass it to Fionna, and like watching a movie he’d already seen the ending of, Rainer dropped dejectedly into his seat as the Bombers Receiver released their Iode, and the Angels lost terribly. There was nothing he could do.

  The crowds went wild since the majority of the fans in Bomber Bowl were, in fact, Bomber fans. Emily was devastated as she went to congratulate the Bombers.

  Rainer tried to get on the field, but being Rainer Lawson didn’t buy him quite as much in Boston as it normally did in D.C. He waited outside with the other family members of the Angels until they’d changed and left the locker rooms.

  “Hey there.” He soothed as he wrapped Emily up in an embrace as she exited.

  “Hey,” she huffed. “I hate Coulomb. I hated him even when I had to study him in school, and I don’t understand his stupid law.” She galled. Rainer chuckled slightly and decided against explaining Coulomb’s law yet again. He’d tutored her through that particular test in Energy of Physics, Emily’s worse subject. Even with all of he, Connor’s, and Patrick’s help, she’d barely pulled a C.

  Gala Ball

  “Wanna go get something to eat before we get ready for the party?” He hoped she’d take him up on a little break, before the evening’s events. The challenge had been completed quickly, so they had some extra time. “I’ll even bet that I could locate you a vanilla shake with extra cherries.” Rainer baited. Finally getting a smile, Emily hesitantly agreed. He used his phone to locate a nearby ice cream shop that was close enough for them to walk. He held her hand as they walked and steadfastly ignored the cameras following them.

  “Rainer the ring!” Emily hushed. Rainer patted the real Lawson ring on the chain around his neck.

  “We’ll have to do it at the hotel.” He lamented in a barely audible whisper. “There are too many cameras.” Not having the ring on Emily made Rainer extremely uneasy so he rushed through ordering their milkshakes and hailed a cab quickly.

  A few hours later, Rainer was pulling on his tux and awaiting Emily. They’d been given the honeymoon suite to use for changing and party planning, as the Orange Grove was trying desperately to make up for the fact that one of their employees bugged Emily and Rainer’s room. They were thoroughly disappointed when Rainer informed them that they wouldn’t be staying there Saturday evening either.

  Rainer’s phone rang as he was putting on a pair of his father’s cufflinks. He smiled when he saw Logan’s name.

  “Hey man.” He began pulling a brush through his hair. “How’s Adeline feeling?”

  “Better, much better.” Logan sounded good. “Of course, I haven’t let her see the papers either.”

  “Yeah, probably best. So you’re not still wasted right?” Rainer teased.

  Logan laughed.

  “I cannot believe that idiot called the papers. I mean I don’t know what Peterson’s paying these morons, but it must be good money.”

  “Vindico’s going to tell the papers that all Iodex officers are tested regularly, and that you’ve never used.” Rainer hoped to ease Logan’s burdens.

  “I know. I talked to him a little while ago. Adeline’s taking a bath. I was just calling to see what you and Em were up to. I heard they lost.”

  “Yeah, she uh, took it kind of hard.” Rainer leaned back to make certain that Emily wasn’t emerging from one of the two bathrooms in the suite.

  “I figured,” Logan offered.

  “It was a Coulomb’s web.” Rainer explained. After letting a low whistle slide through his teeth, Logan tsk’d.

  “She was doomed from the get-go.”

  “I don’t know about that, but she certainly seemed to think so.” Rainer lamented. At that moment, Emily emerged from the large, en suite bath dressed in a deep purple, sleeveless, ruched gown that hugged all of her curves deliciously. It came to her mid-thigh in wrapped fabric that showed off her backside. Rainer’s mouth fell open.

  “Logan, man, I gotta go.” He explained in a thoroughly dazed tone.

  “Ok, well, good luck tonight.” Logan called, but Rainer barely heard him as he hung up the phone.

  “Uh, wow! You look stunning.” He panted as Emily spun for him. Her hair was curled and brushed and pinned up in a loose French twist with a few, sexy, loose tendrils hanging over the sides of her beautiful face. The fabric stretched across her left shoulder and joined at the back of the dress well below her shoulder blades. Rainer’s mouth watered as he watched her spin.

  “It’s Lhullier.” Emily gushed excitedly. Rainer had no idea what that meant, but since he was speechless anyway, he just nodded.

  “You look sexy as hell. I cannot wait to take it off of you.” He growled as soon as he was able to formulate words.

  “Thank you,” Emily tittered excitedly. She was thoroughly delighted with Rainer’s reaction. As she pulled on the pearl and diamond drop earrings that Tad had lent her, from his store, she added: “A ball gown I can find. It’s my wedding gown I can’t seem to figure out.”

  Though she hadn’t had much time to look, with all that had been going on, she’d been through several catalogs and even looked at patterns to have a gown made but hadn’t come across anything that was what she wanted. She’d lamented numerous times to Rainer. He brushed a kiss across the bare skin where her right shoulder met her neck.

  “Well you better find something.” He drawled. “Because I want to make you Mrs. Lawson as soon as I possibly can.” Rainer tried to hide his delighted smirk. He hoped she didn’t find a dress. He had plans for that, and he couldn’t wait to surprise her with them. Emily looked overjoyed at the thought of being his bride and of changing her name to his.

  “You ready Miss Haydenshire?” He grabbed a handful of her backside as he pulled her close.

  “Do you have your speech?” She giggled as she shook it for him. Rainer gave her the shuddered moan she was after.

  “Right here.” He patted the inner pocket of his jacket.

  “Then I think we’re ready.” She stated nervously.

  “You look amazing Em, and the ballroom is gorgeous. You’ve completely outdone yourself.”

  “You think?”

  “Definitely.” Rainer pulled her towards the door and gave her his arm as they headed towards the elevators.

  By eight o’clock, the ballroom was full to bursting with guests wishing to either donate to Governor Haydenshire’s campaign or show their support. Everyone gushed over the decorations and the delicious food. Emily had thrown an amazing party.

  Rainer moved to the dance floor in the center of the room and magnified his voice. He welcomed everyone and thanked them for coming. He re
cognized Governors Vindico, Willow and Carrington, who were in attendance, along with Jack Stariff and several other key members of the Senate.

  He gave what he hoped was a decent speech on Governor Haydenshire’s good deeds and ample wisdom to cheers from the crowd. He then informed the crowd that they had a surprise for them. As the drumroll echoed, he welcomed Governor and Miss Haydenshire each carrying one of the twins dressed in tiny tuxedos into the ballroom. Applause broke out and Governor Haydenshire expressed his heartfelt thanks to everyone for attending.

  By ten, the dance floor was crowded. The big band music that Emily had selected proved to be the perfect choice for the evening, and everyone appeared to be having an outstanding time. Finally breaking away from the admiring crowd, Rainer pulled Emily in for a dance.

  She melted into him deliciously and let him spin her around the floor as he whispered how much he loved her, how drop dead gorgeous she was, and what he wanted to do to her when he got her back to their room. He kissed her tenderly well aware they were being photographed, but he was desperate to taste her lips. He didn’t want to wait anymore. He broke away as she began to pant. As they were the hosts for the evening, they certainly couldn’t leave early.

  “So, Fionna’s pretty much in heaven right now.” Emily whispered in Rainer’s ear. Rainer scanned the ballroom and located Fionna dressed in a cream colored backless halter dress that formed in a v just over her backside that showed off her deep olive complexion quite nicely. She was dancing dreamily in Vindico’s arms.

  “Wow,” he stunned. “Wonder who arranged that?”

  “I don’t know, but he’s been staring at her all night. I wish he’d ask her out. She’s been in love with him since they went to the Academy together.” Emily stated wistfully.

  Rainer was beyond certain that Vindico was not the only guy in the room that had been staring at Fionna Styler all evening, so he wasn’t sure that was a qualifying factor for asking her out.

  “Yeah, he has a pretty hard and fast rule about Gifted girls though.” He thought that Fionna would be a much better match for Vindico than Bridgette.

  “Fionna deserves somebody great, you know?” Emily urged. Rainer smiled at her.

  “I do, but I don’t know, Em. I mean after everything Vindico’s been through, Garrett might be right. He may not really be the guy for Fionna.” After considering for a long moment and discreetly glancing Vindico and Fionna’s way, a few times, Emily nodded her agreement. Although when Rainer allowed himself another glance he saw something in Vindico’s eyes he’d never seen before. He saw peace.

  By midnight, most of the partygoers had bid everyone farewell. Henry was fast asleep on Rainer’s shoulder. He’d removed the jacket to his tux to make the little guy more comfortable. Keaton was tucked up on his father’s shoulder, and Mrs. Haydenshire looked thoroughly exhausted.

  The Haydenshires stayed to make certain the cleaning crew didn’t need any help as they entered the ballroom. Governor Haydenshire thanked Rainer and Emily repeatedly for all their hard work.

  “I know it’s late, but I don’t feel like I’ve seen any of my kids in weeks. Could I talk all of my sons,” Governor Haydenshire put his arm on Rainer’s shoulder letting him know that he was included in the reference, “…into maybe just grabbing a beer in the bar here before we all turn in. I want to hear about Logan and Adeline and about what happened to your room last night.” Governor Haydenshire pled. Rainer hesitated. He wasn’t certain where Emily could go that she would be safe, while he was having a beer with her father. Mrs. Haydenshire noticed his concern.

  “They’ve given us one of the suites tonight and there will, of course, be officers outside the door.” She seemed to be growing very weary of her vast security detail.

  “Come with me, Emily. We’ll put the boys to bed and talk. I’ve missed you so much.” Mrs. Haydenshire urged. Emily looked thrilled, and Rainer smiled. He knew how much Emily missed her mother.

  “Ok,” Emily agreed instantly. Rainer and Governor Haydenshire walked Mrs. Haydenshire and Emily to the suite where the Haydenshires were staying. Each of them was carrying one of the twins. They laid the boys in the cribs provided by the hotel, and Rainer kissed Emily and told her he’d be back in a little while.

  Tell the Tales, Listen Close

  The Governor planted kisses on both of the ladies in the room and informed the security team where they would be should they be needed.

  Vindico was seated in a quiet, back corner of the bar clearly trying not to be seen. He was very obviously drowning his sorrows in liquor. Governor Haydenshire wasn’t having that. He pulled Vindico to the tables that Garrett and Patrick were fitting together, and everyone sat down as the bartender supplied numerous pitchers of beer and platters of nachos for the tables.

  Several of the Non-Gifted security guards, for the Orange Grove, blocked the press at the doors to the hotel. This allowed the Governor and his sons an evening to relax and chat without interference.

  “So, let’s hear it, you two. How’d you figure out they’d bugged your room, and how did you catch them?” Governor Haydenshire looked extremely impressed with both Vindico and Rainer.

  After Rainer explained how he knew something was up with the room, Vindico nodded his head and drew another small sip of what Rainer assumed was an extremely expensive Scotch judging by the way Vindico was savoring it.

  “They hadn’t assigned the key cards to the rooms until you arrived. They only had the short time that it took you and Emily to get up to the suites to plant the bugs. That’s why the mic wasn’t better hidden.” He explained.

  “Peterson’s asking that you and my baby girl drop the charges against Samantha.” Governor Haydenshire commented. He studied Rainer clearly not certain his preference on the matter.

  “I’ll talk to Em, but honestly she’s better off in the holding cells than she is with Malacai.” Rainer huffed. Vindico nodded his ardent agreement. Governor Haydenshire considered this for a moment before moving on.

  “All right, well since it’s been this way since you two were born, I assume you were at the hospital with Logan so tell me what happened there.” Governor Haydenshire urged. Vindico chuckled as Rainer began the tale.

  “I should’ve been there.” Governor Haydenshire lamented as Rainer told everyone about them not knowing where Adeline was or what was going on for hours. After the long drawn tale, Governor Haydenshire looked morose. He was shaking his head clearly mentally reminding himself why he needed to continue his vie for Crown, despite the problems it was causing his children. He moved on to Garrett.

  “So, do I want to know why Chloe Sawyer refused to talk to you all evening but was hanging all over several other men at the party, or why you and Fionna Styler danced almost every dance together?”

  Garrett shook his head.

  “Fi and I have been friends forever, Dad. You know that, and as for the other probably not.” He chuckled along with everyone else.

  “You know, son, your mother and I wouldn’t mind your settling down, getting married, maybe having us a few grandkids.” Governor Haydenshire insisted. Garrett looked horrified by the very idea, but a moment later Rainer noted regret playing in his eyes.

  “Yeah, well, you have ten plus children, so I’d say you’re looking to have plenty of grandkids. None of them will, however, be mine.” His statement rang with challenge. With that, he and Vindico clinked their glasses in a fervent toast to bachelorhood.

  “Oh yeah,” Governor Haydenshire turned to Patrick with a goading grin. “So, son, how’s married life?” Patrick let a sly grin spread rapidly across his face as he waggled his eyebrows.

  “Awesome,” he commented. Everyone chuckled, much to Garrett’s annoyance.

  “Yeah, that whole ‘one woman for the rest of your life’ thing sounds pretty much like hell to me, so….” All of the men that were committed to only one woman shook their heads as Vindico and Garrett laughed.

  By two o’clock, Rainer was exhausted. Governor Haydensh
ire slapped him on the back.

  “Go get my baby girl, and take her to The Fifteen.” He winked at Rainer.

  Rainer’s brow furrowed as he wondered how the Governor knew where they were staying. He was certain that Vindico hadn’t told anyone.

  Governor Haydenshire laughed at him outright.

  “That was your dad’s favorite place in Boston. I know he brought you here the last trip you took with him. I figured it stuck out in your memory.”

  Vindico chuckled and shook his head.

  “Yeah, I’d be careful Lawson. He clearly has your number.” Rainer nodded his agreement, which thoroughly delighted the Governor.

  It was a testament to the number of beers that Governor Haydenshire had consumed that he added wryly: “Yeah, well there was another reason I kept you out so late.” The entire table lit with laughter as Rainer debated a comeback.

  He decided against goading Emily’s father with, ‘Trust me. I’m never too tired for that.’ He just shook his head instead.

  “Good night.” Rainer stood and threw down enough money to cover the beer he’d consumed plus a generous tip.

  “Here I’ll head up with you.” Vindico stood beside him. He looked relieved to be bowing out of the festivities.

  The party broke up quickly after that, and everyone followed Rainer and Vindico to the elevators.

  What You Share

  Emily’s speech at the press conference covered the papers the next day. When they returned to Arlington, Rainer informed Peterson that he and Emily would agree to drop the charges against Samantha, if the press reported what really happened with Adeline’s surgery, and that Logan had never and would never use drugs of any kind.


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