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Every Action (The Gifted Realm Book 3)

Page 22

by Jillian Neal

  “Officer Lawson, Officer Haydenshire I presume?” He spoke in English with a heavy French accent. “Captain Fitzroy say you vill be coming today, and I save you zee very best table with zee beautiful views and zee romantic fountain. Zis vill be lovely. You see follow me.”

  Adeline and Emily giggled as they followed Henri to the back of the salon, behind an enormous stone fountain that displayed cherubs. The rushing water made the room feel soothing, and Rainer immediately understood why the booths in the back would be romantic, as the fountain made them unable to be seen from everyone else in the salon. Octagonal windows on every side showed off the courtyard gardens that surrounded them which, even in October, were still quite extravagant. The tables were dressed in the finest white linen tablecloths and were set with extremely fancy china and crystal. Huge plants and strategically hung curtains made each table feel very intimate. He gestured them into the opulent booth, complete with throw pillows. Henri smiled.

  “Now, I bring you zee very best tea you have ever had and no tell me English tea is zee best until you ave had my tea. And I bring you all zee delights I have created for your tea today.” With a bow, Henri made a grand exit as Logan and Rainer shared a chuckle. The mischievous look on Logan’s face had Rainer breathing a sigh of relief.

  “This is amazing,” Adeline gushed, and Emily was very nearly bouncing in her seat. They all took a moment to study the priceless antiques placed around the cove where they were seated.

  A cozy fire was blazing under a marble mantle opposite the fountain which made the area extremely romantic and soothing. Rainer wrapped his arm around Emily’s back as she grinned up at him adoringly.

  “Hey do y’all want to go swimming tonight? Brooke said the pool here is supposed to be amazing.” Emily gave Logan a pleading gaze. “It’s heated,” she added. Adeline looked nervous as she glanced at Logan.

  Rainer, Emily, and Logan had spent most of their summers in the Haydenshire’s backyard pool and could all swim well. Adeline hadn’t had the privileged childhood they’d had, however, and it had taken Logan weeks to even get her in the pool and then even longer to attempt to teach her to swim.

  Mrs. Haydenshire had to take Adeline swimsuit shopping as her mother had refused, but Logan hadn’t given up on her. By the end of the first summer they’d dated, she was much less afraid and even swimming a little. Logan and Rainer had a silent conversation with their eyes. Rainer shook his head minutely.

  “Em, baby, I don’t think we can go to the pool, ok? I just can’t have you somewhere that’s so easily accessed until Fitzroy figures out if Ferratus knows where we’re staying.”

  “Oh,” Emily tried to hide her fear, but it played on the rims of her emerald eyes. “That’s ok.” She immediately lied to keep from upsetting him. Rainer sighed and fought the regret that occasionally pulsed so close to the surface it was palpable to those around him. Regret that he couldn’t just go out and do things with Emily without either attracting a mob of press or a hoard of people that would like them dead.

  Henri returned to their table with a cart that contained a highly polished, ornate, silver tea service and several plate stands. Each contained three platters of finger sandwiches, pastries, and scones.

  “Eet, eet,” he implored. “Zen you vill say to me: Henri zis is zee best food I have ever eaten. Henri zis is zee best tea I have ever had. Better than anything in zee States.” He scoffed with a shudder. They all nodded, laughed, and waited until he'd left before they began pulling things off the trays. Emily poured them all tea from the silver carafe.

  After having several of the minute sandwiches, Logan and Rainer shared a disappointed glance.

  “Ok Em,” Logan smirked and seemed much more himself. “These are great, but we're having a real dinner right? I mean we can order room service.” He held up one of the diminutive sandwiches. “I'm not a girl.”

  Adeline and Emily laughed as Adeline shook her head at him. He finally broke out in laughter as well.

  “Ok, Logan we'll get you something from room service. Don’t be sad.” Adeline giggled as she gazed up at him.

  “Thank you,” he huffed and plunged the entire sandwich in his mouth in one bite. He shared a conspiratorial smile with Rainer that eased the swirling mass of nerves in his stomach.

  As she took in the atmosphere around them, Emily laid her head on Rainer’s shoulder. She seemed happy and content, after the insanity of their day. He put his arm around her. The images of her in the racy lingerie still intruded on his brain occasionally.

  “I don't think this is as good as mom’s.” Emily whispered with a mischievous grin. She held up the teacup.

  “Me either,” Adeline agreed as Logan and Rainer laughed. “This is so beautiful though.” She gestured to the view as the lights of Paris began their magical display as the sun gave off its last vestiges of light.

  Adeline gave a slight shudder but then smiled.

  “So, before our day went completely insane, did you have fun at the Louvre?” Rainer felt his blush return and tried to will it away as he nodded.

  “Yeah, we should go back. You two should see the displays. It's really incredible.” After shoveling another sandwich in his mouth, Logan agreed.

  “Yeah, it was really cool except that we thought we were being followed by a mad man after the two of you, which for me took away from the overall experience just a little.”

  As they laughed heartily, they all shook their heads at all that had happened. Rainer settled in and lost himself and his worries, momentarily, in the beautiful scene outside the windows. The salon darkened as the sun had gone down. He let the heat from the fire, the sounds of the steadily rushing water, along with the tea they'd consumed rest and restore him. He cuddled Emily close and tried desperately to reconnect. He pushed away the wounds the day had inflicted and got lost in the healing embrace of a few sweet, simple kisses.

  Henri returned after several long restorative minutes and cleared his throat. He chuckled as he’d interrupted their kissing. Rainer noted that he was smiling at them and didn’t seem to mind their affection.

  “Zis, zis is why people come to Paris. Did you enjoy you tea zen?” He was still beaming at them. They all assured him that they had and thanked him profusely for the table and all of the delicious foods.

  Henri glanced at Emily and Adeline’s hands. His smile broadened even more.

  “You are engaged. No?”

  “Yes,” Logan and Rainer smiled.

  “You must come here to zee Ritz for your honeymoon. Our honeymoon suite is ooh la la. I will arrange it all....” Rainer smiled and shook his head.

  “We'd love to Henri, but I've already made arrangements for another destination for our honeymoon. Thank you very much for everything you've done.”

  Henri seemed genuinely disappointed, but he thanked them for coming and told them to stop back in if they should need anything else.

  After taking Logan’s offered hand as he helped her out of the booth, Adeline giggled.

  “So let me go back and feed Logan….” She smirked at him sweetly.

  “I'm hungry. I'm sorry.” He challenged.

  “And then are we going to hang out in the rooms or...”

  Rainer and Emily held hands as they exited the salon and entered the elevators. Emily’s eyes held the love and concern that seemed to overwhelm her as she gazed at Rainer. He felt her intoxicating cast work through his hand. She was trying to sooth him from their day, from everything they now knew, from everything that the world threatened to rob them of.

  The ride began its ascent and no one wanted to talk about what Fitzroy had told them or about the warnings they’d received. Rainer decided to text Fitzroy in a little while to see if he could get a little backup for escorting the girls back to the bridal salon the next day. It had to be done, and he was no longer pompous enough to not take every precaution available to him when it came to Emily’s safety.

  Logan eased Adeline into his arms as the elevator began its ascen
t. No one casted it. There was no need for it to fly. The four of them wanted to exist inside a cocoon for this one evening. They’d had enough of the world for one day.

  Rainer and Logan shared an unspoken concurrence as the girls tucked into their chests. They didn't have the evidence yet. Wretchkinside’s men didn’t seem to know where they were staying. Perhaps they could take this one night to exist in blissful ignorance, to pretend that there weren't dangerous people out there gunning for them, that for this one night the world could contain only the four of them. They needed that moment of peace and restoration desperately. They nodded to one another as they entered their separate rooms and agreed to meet the next morning.

  “You wanna talk about it?” Emily murmured as she wrapped her arms around Rainer’s waist and tucked her head on his chest after they’d entered their room. She tried to supply him with calming energies but his shield was frantic and pushed her away.

  “Maybe tomorrow,” Rainer pulled her closer. He melded their bodies. He didn’t want to talk. He didn’t want to think. There was just too much at stake. He couldn’t bear the thought of dragging her through an airport and into a plane carrying the evidence, when Wretchkinside’s men knew they were there. How had they known? The infuriating thought pulsed constantly through Rainer’s mind.

  Dozens of Senate representatives flew from D.C. to Paris on a daily basis with work for the Realm. Only Vindico and the Haydenshires knew where they were going. Rainer had phoned Chloe Sawyer and explained that he’d be taking Emily on a trip to Paris for her birthday, and that she would miss Friday’s practice. The Angels had already been given the next week off. The vacation fell in line perfectly with their trip.

  He felt stupid and reckless for putting her in the situation that there didn’t seem to be any other way out of. Hopeful thoughts reared in his head. Fitzroy and the sting, maybe the French Iodex would catch them. Maybe not, he thought morosely.

  “Rainer,” Emily hushed. He raised his eyebrows and studied her without giving her a verbal response. “We’ll be fine, all right. Just please let’s not think about it tonight. We’re in Paris, and you brought me here. I found the dress that I’m going to wear when I marry you. Even with all of the crazy stuff that happened today, I can’t tell you how thankful I am to be here with you.”

  He smiled at her adoringly and tried with all of his might to let it all go. He wanted to do as she’d asked, to just be there with her. With a firm clench of his jaw, he forced himself to shut off the ceaseless worry of his mind and listen to her reassurances to do nothing but feel with his heart. An idea formed from the sporadic jumble of his confusing thoughts. She’d wanted to swim. He couldn’t take her to the large pool, but with a wry grin he thought to himself: I sure as hell could get her wet.

  “Hey Em,” he husked. Her timid, tender smile warmed his heart. “Let me give you a bath, baby. I want to get you nice and hot, and nice and wet.” He watched her eyes flash heatedly as a low fervent moan echoed from her. She was no longer timid. Hunger swayed in her rhythms as she considered a night all alone in their Parisian suite.

  The Shield…

  With resolution and determination armored in his drive, Rainer rushed to the bathroom. He turned on the multiple faucets on the grand bath and heated them instantly. He returned to her, and his eyes goggled. A low, shuddered moan thundered from his lungs. She was standing before him wearing nothing at all. She could buy all the lingerie she wanted, he thought savagely, but there was nothing as gorgeous as that. He let his eyes rake over her beautiful curves on full display for him.

  “Come here to me, baby.” He reached and guided her into his chest. “You are so damn gorgeous. You make me ache.” He gazed into her eyes and then promptly devoured her lips. He lifted her into his arms and cradled her to him.

  As he lowered her into the water, she relaxed as she was instantly warmed.

  “Get in with me.” Her raspy tone was pleading. He nodded and stripped in record time. He climbed in behind her. She laid back against his chest, seated between his outstretched legs. Her lush backside surrounded his length. It drove him wild.

  “Need a bath?” He whispered and kissed just beside her ear. She moaned and nodded as he grabbed one of the sponges provided by the hotel. He poured lavender soap on it and began at her neck. He made small circles all over her and listened to her moans became fervent.

  He released the sponge in the water. He wanted to touch her. He wanted his fingers on her soft, silky skin. He poured soap in his hands and started over. He caressed her breasts and washed down her stomach. He moved instantly to her mound. The tender rise of hungry nerve endings was already raw with need. He massaged her thighs and began to let his desires form on his ravenous lips. He kissed and licked her ear lobe as he explained what he wanted to do to her. He felt the flowing energy between them become frantic and intense.

  “I want to take you to bed, baby.” Her breaths quickened against his own ribs. “I want to lay you out and touch you until your dripping wet for me. Then I want to drink you.” He made her body quiver in greedy anticipation as she began to beg for him to fulfill his promises. “Then I’m gonna fill you up, baby. I want to drown in you. I want to hear you scream and make you take it until I explode deep inside of you.”

  She groaned out a desperate, “Please.” Her heart raced. Her breaths were quick and raspy. With a wanton look in her eye, she spun suddenly and positioned herself on her knees. Emily locked her eyes with his.

  She grabbed the sponge and poured the soap on it once more. She dipped her hand under the water and dragged it gently over his cock. She began moving it up and down the straining, throbbing length of him.

  Rainer gripped the sides of the tub. A shuddered growl erupted from his chest as his body tensed from the sensation. He stood abruptly simply unable to stop himself. He was desperate for her, desperate for release, desperate to feel her wrapped tightly around him.

  “Come on,” he ordered. He held out his hand for her and watched her eyes flash with desire. He grabbed and heated a huge towel. He began drying her off as he kissed each patch of perfect skin that he dried. Once he'd run the towel all over her, he wrapped her in it and grabbed another one off of the shelf. He dried off quickly before dropping it and pulling her to the bed.

  He laid her down and forced himself to slow. He wanted to take his time as he reveled in her lying in their bed, her body thrumming, and her eyes needy from wanting him.

  A gasped breath caught in his throat as she reached and grabbed his steal-hardened length. She ran her fingertips over him so softly the feeling was exquisite. She sat up and pulled him in her mouth. She caressed and spun her tongue over his head. His knees began to give way as his body tensed and trembled from the heavenly sensation.

  He brushed her face through a stuttered groan and guided her back down. He climbed over and covered all of her with his body. He was her shield. He would let nothing harm her. She was his.

  He let his hands slide over her fevered flesh. While shifting to her side slightly, he let his fingertips trace over the tender red curls between her legs. The silken paradise made only for him. He would occupy her fully. He would stand between her and the world. She’s mine, all mine pulsed constantly in his mind.

  Emily’s body gave a desperate buck. She spread her legs for him and showed him what she wanted. He let his index finger circle between her swollen lips. They were throbbing in hungry desire.

  “You wet for me, baby?” He urged as she gasped and writhed. With that, he slipped two fingers inside of her and opened her for him. With a groan of supreme satisfaction he moved deeper. “Oh, yeah. So wet, baby.” Her muscles clenched tightly around his hand as he amped up the friction of his touch. Her orgasm was moments away. Her breaths seemed elusive as her head shook back and forth on the pillow. He moved his fingers over the spot where she was most sensitive.

  “Yes…” hissed from her. Hot, wet, sex dripped around his fingers.

  He forced himself to concentrate a
s he felt her energy climb high. She let him continue to build her. He moved quickly and dragged his tongue over her clit. She spiraled wildly and screamed out his name as her climax consumed her.

  He replaced his fingers with his tongue and drank everything he’d elicited from her. He felt her energy flow into this mouth and fill his soul.

  She convulsed as the powerful orgasm shattered through her. He watched her pulse. Her body’s pressure built. It was intoxicating. He needed to feel it with her. He couldn’t wait.

  Rainer kissed her heatedly as he spread her legs. He dropped low and urged her open. Then, with a shuddered groan, he plunged her depths as she cried out for him. His mind whirled from the exquisite sensation. She was perfect. She felt like heaven. She met his every thrust and called out for him. Her eyes closed in pleasure as she gasped for breath. She trembled around him as he pushed deeper. She was his. He watched her. Her moans seared like a siren’s song imprinting his soul with her heat. He felt her give way. She swelled, and he picked up speed.

  “That feels so good.” She gasped and bucked again.

  Rainer kept his thrusts deep and unrelenting. He reveled in their energy joining as one. His body trembled as his eyes rolled back. It was astounding. He buried himself deeper. Nothing else made sense but to take more of her. She writhed. Her temperature spiked. Her body flushed for him. She wrapped her hands around his back and he felt her nails dig into him.

  “Oh… I’m gonna….” She couldn’t tell him. She couldn’t catch her breath, but he needed no warning. He could feel her release licking and trembling around his throbbing strain. He could feel her energy rising in frantic arcs. The floodgates were unable to hold back her climax. He pushed harder.

  “That’s it, baby. Give it to me. You feel so damn good. I’m gonna explode when you let it go. It’s all mine. Just give it to me.” Her eyes flew open. His words drove her over. Her body seized and contorted as the waves flooded through her, and with one final, ragged push he spread her legs wide and lost it all.


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